Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Removes the given vertex from the given graph. If the vertex to be removed has one or more
         * predecessors, the predecessors will be connected directly to the successors of the vertex to
         * be removed.
         * @param graph graph to be mutated
         * @param vertex vertex to be removed from this graph, if present
         * @param <V> the graph vertex type
         * @param <E> the graph edge type
         * @return true if the graph contained the specified vertex; false otherwise.
        public static bool removeVertexAndPreserveConnectivity <V, E>(Graph <V, E> graph, V vertex)
            if (!graph.containsVertex(vertex))

            if (vertexHasPredecessors(graph, vertex))
                List <V> predecessors = Graphs.predecessorListOf(graph, vertex);
                List <V> successors   = Graphs.successorListOf(graph, vertex);

                foreach (V predecessor in predecessors)
                    addOutgoingEdges(graph, predecessor, successors);
