Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc cref="IHeap{TKey,TValue}.Remove"/>
        public override TValue Remove(PairingHeapNode <TKey, TValue> node)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            // Remove the node from its list of siblings. Merge all its children to form
            // a new tree and merge that tree with the root.

            var item = node.Value;

            if (node == this.Root)
                // Simplified case when we remove the root
                this.Root = this.MergePairwisely(node.Child);
                // The node is somewhere in the middle of the tree, so before we handle
                // the child of the node, we also need to fix the list of siblings.


                // The only part left is the child of the node. As stated previously,
                // we will simply merge it with the entire heap.

                this.Root = this.Merge(this.Root, this.MergePairwisely(node.Child));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc cref="IHeap{TKey,TValue}.Update"/>
        public override void Update(PairingHeapNode <TKey, TValue> node, TKey key)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            var relation = this.Comparer.Compare(key, node.Key);

            node.Key = key;

            // If the new value is considered equal to the previous value, there is no need
            // to fix the heap property, because it is already preserved.

            if (relation == 0)

            if (relation < 0)
                // In case the root gets a value that should be extracted from the heap even
                // earlier, there is also no need to fix anything.

                if (node == this.Root)

                this.Root = this.Merge(this.Root, node);

            // In case the node was updated with a greater value, it is in the right spot.
            // However, the heap property might be violated for all its children. For that
            // reason we will merge them pairwisely to form a single tree and merge this
            // tree with our heap.

            var child = node.Child;

            if (child == null)

            node.Child     = null;
            child.Previous = null; // TODO: this line might be not needed

            var tree = this.MergePairwisely(child);

            this.Root = this.Merge(this.Root, tree);