Ejemplo n.º 1
        /** Runs the thread for file identification analysis */
        public void run()
            //Let AnalysisController know that anlaysis has started

            //DateTime startTime = new DateTime();

            for (int fileNum = 0; fileNum < myFileCollection.getNumFiles() && !myAnalysisController.isAnalysisCancelled(); fileNum++)
                IdentificationFile idFile     = myFileCollection.getFile(fileNum);
                String             idFileName = idFile.getFilePath();

                DateTime    startRead = new DateTime();
                IByteReader testFile  = null;
                    testFile = AbstractByteReader.newByteReader(idFile);
                catch (System.OutOfMemoryException e)                 //OutOfMemoryError e)
                    testFile = AbstractByteReader.newByteReader(idFile, false);
                    testFile.SetIdentificationWarning("The application ran out of memory while loading this file (" + e.ToString() + ")");
                DateTime endRead = new DateTime();
                readTime += (endRead.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds - startRead.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds);                 // was getTime()

                if (!testFile.IsClassified())
                    //int id = theFile.getInternalSignature(0).getByteSequence(0).getSubSequence(1).getShift(16);
                    DateTime startAlgo = new DateTime();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        testFile.SetIdentificationWarning("Error during identification attempt: " + e.ToString());
                    DateTime endAlgo = new DateTime();
                    algoTime += (endAlgo.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds - startAlgo.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds);                     // was getTime()

                /************** print out results ***************/
                //display the hits
                debugDisplayHits(testFile, idFileName);

                //Record the fact that another file has completed
            //DateTime endTime = new DateTime();

            //Let AnalysisController know that anlaysis is complete
Ejemplo n.º 2
         *  Adds an element/elements to the collection
         *  If filepath is a path to file then add that file
         *  If filepath is a folder path then add contents of the folder
         *  @param  theFile     Filepath of file or folder
         *  @param  isRecursive if true add all subfolders and subsubfolders , etc
        public void addFile(string theFile, bool isRecursive)
            if (UrlByteReader.isURL(theFile))
                if (!this.isDuplicate(theFile))
                    //File object is a URL: add if it isn't a duplicate
                    myFiles.Add(new IdentificationFile(theFile));

            if (InputStreamByteReader.isInputStream(theFile))
                if (!this.isDuplicate(theFile))
                    // File is a the input stram: add if it isn't a duplicate
                    myFiles.Add(new IdentificationFile(theFile));

                //java.io.File f = new java.io.File(theFile);
                System.IO.FileInfo f = new System.IO.FileInfo(theFile);

                //Is file object a directory or file?
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(theFile))                 //f.isDirectory())
                    //File object is a directory/folder
                    //Iterate through directory ,create IdentificationFile objects
                    //and add them to the collection

                    //java.io.File[] folderFiles = f.listFiles();
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo d           = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(theFile);
                    System.IO.FileInfo[]    folderFiles = d.GetFiles();

                    int numFiles = 0;
                        numFiles = folderFiles.Length;
                    catch (Exception)
                        MessageDisplay.GeneralWarning("Unable to read directory " + theFile + "\nThis may be because you do not have the correct permissions.");
                    for (int m = 0; m < numFiles; m++)
                        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderFiles[m].FullName))                         //folderFiles[m].isFile())
                            //If file exists and not duplicate then add
                            if (!this.isDuplicate(folderFiles[m].FullName))
                                IdentificationFile idFile = new IdentificationFile(folderFiles[m].FullName);
                        else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderFiles[m].FullName) && isRecursive)
                            //If subdirectory found and recursive is on add contents of that folder
                            addFile(folderFiles[m].FullName, isRecursive);
                else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(f.FullName))                 //f.isFile())
                    if (!this.isDuplicate(f.FullName))
                        //File object is a File then add file if it isn't a duplicate
                        IdentificationFile idFile = new IdentificationFile(f.FullName);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageDisplay.GeneralWarning("The following error occured while adding " + theFile + ":\n" + e.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
		 *  Adds an element/elements to the collection
		 *  If filepath is a path to file then add that file
		 *  If filepath is a folder path then add contents of the folder
		 *  @param  theFile     Filepath of file or folder
		 *  @param  isRecursive if true add all subfolders and subsubfolders , etc
		public void addFile(string theFile, bool isRecursive)

			if (UrlByteReader.isURL(theFile))
				if (!this.isDuplicate(theFile))
					//File object is a URL: add if it isn't a duplicate
					myFiles.Add(new IdentificationFile(theFile));

			if (InputStreamByteReader.isInputStream(theFile))
				if (!this.isDuplicate(theFile))
					// File is a the input stram: add if it isn't a duplicate
					myFiles.Add(new IdentificationFile(theFile));

				//java.io.File f = new java.io.File(theFile);
				System.IO.FileInfo f = new System.IO.FileInfo(theFile);

				//Is file object a directory or file?
				if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(theFile)) //f.isDirectory())

					//File object is a directory/folder
					//Iterate through directory ,create IdentificationFile objects
					//and add them to the collection
					//java.io.File[] folderFiles = f.listFiles();
					System.IO.DirectoryInfo d = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(theFile);
					System.IO.FileInfo[] folderFiles = d.GetFiles();
					int numFiles = 0;
						numFiles = folderFiles.Length;
					catch (Exception)
						MessageDisplay.GeneralWarning("Unable to read directory " + theFile + "\nThis may be because you do not have the correct permissions.");
					for (int m = 0; m < numFiles; m++)
						if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderFiles[m].FullName)) //folderFiles[m].isFile())
							//If file exists and not duplicate then add
							if (!this.isDuplicate(folderFiles[m].FullName))
								IdentificationFile idFile = new IdentificationFile(folderFiles[m].FullName);

						else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(folderFiles[m].FullName) && isRecursive)
							//If subdirectory found and recursive is on add contents of that folder
							addFile(folderFiles[m].FullName, isRecursive);

				else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(f.FullName)) //f.isFile())
					if (!this.isDuplicate(f.FullName))
						//File object is a File then add file if it isn't a duplicate
						IdentificationFile idFile = new IdentificationFile(f.FullName);

			catch (Exception e)
				MessageDisplay.GeneralWarning("The following error occured while adding " + theFile + ":\n" + e.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 4
  *  Add a new identification file to list (used when reading in an XML file collection file)
  *  @param theFile A new IdentificationFile object which will be populated from file
 public void addIdentificationFile(IdentificationFile theFile)
Ejemplo n.º 5
		 *  Add a new identification file to list (used when reading in an XML file collection file)
		 *  @param theFile A new IdentificationFile object which will be populated from file
		public void addIdentificationFile(IdentificationFile theFile)