Ejemplo n.º 1
        //saving neo list to database
        private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //building connection string
                string connString = buildConnectionString();

                //connecting to mysqp
                conn = new MySqlConnection(connString);

                //replacing neos if they dont already exist
                for (int i = 0; i < neoList.Count; i++)
                    NEO neo = neoList[i];
                    //sql statement
                    //database only updates if neo does not exist.
                    string upSql = $"INSERT ignore neos (name, speed, size, threat, url) " +
                                   $"SELECT '{neo.Name}',{neo.Mph},{neo.Diameter},{neo.Threat},'{neo.Url}' " +
                                   $"FROM neos " +
                                   $" WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT *" +
                                   $" FROM neos WHERE name = '{neo.Name}'" +
                                   $" AND speed = {neo.Mph}" +
                                   $" AND size = {neo.Diameter}" +
                                   $" And threat = {neo.Threat}" +
                                   $" And url = '{neo.Url}') limit 1;";

                    //Create the DataAdapter
                    MySqlCommand    upcmd = new MySqlCommand(upSql, conn);
                    MySqlDataReader reader1;

                    reader1 = upcmd.ExecuteReader();
                MessageBox.Show("neos saved");
            catch (MySqlException ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ReadJsonData(string api, string date)
            //try to check internet connection
                string numberOfNeos;

                //connecting to internet
                var apiData = apiConnection.DownloadString(api);

                //creating json object
                JObject o = JObject.Parse(apiData);
                int     numOfNeos;
                //getting number of neos for that day for loop
                numberOfNeos = o["element_count"].ToString();
                int.TryParse(numberOfNeos, out numOfNeos);

                //loop through data

                for (int i = 0; i < numOfNeos; i++)
                    string  neoName;
                    string  diameter;
                    decimal diam;
                    string  url;
                    string  threat;
                    bool    thrt;
                    string  speed;
                    decimal mph;

                    NEO newNeo = new NEO();
                    //json data
                    neoName  = o["near_earth_objects"][date][i]["name"].ToString();
                    diameter = o["near_earth_objects"][date][i]["estimated_diameter"]["meters"]["estimated_diameter_max"].ToString();
                    url      = o["near_earth_objects"][date][i]["nasa_jpl_url"].ToString();
                    threat   = o["near_earth_objects"][date][i]["is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid"].ToString();
                    speed    = o["near_earth_objects"][date][i]["close_approach_data"][0]["relative_velocity"]["miles_per_hour"].ToString();

                    newNeo.Name = neoName;
                    decimal.TryParse(diameter, out diam);

                    newNeo.Diameter = decimal.Round(diam, 2);
                    newNeo.Url      = url;
                    bool.TryParse(threat, out thrt);
                    newNeo.Threat = thrt;
                    decimal.TryParse(speed, out mph);

                    newNeo.Mph = decimal.Round(mph, 2);
                    //adding to list

                    apiData = null;
                //loop to add neos to list
                foreach (NEO neo in neoList)
            catch (Exception e)