public static void PurgeDay(string date, AerospikeClient client)
            Console.WriteLine ("Purgin data for {0}", date);
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch ();
            stopwatch.Start ();
            Statement statement = new Statement ();
            statement.Namespace = ns;
            statement.SetName = seqSet;

            //statement.SetFilters (Filter.Equal (dayBinName, date));

            ExecuteTask task = client.Execute (null, statement, "utility", "purge",

            while (!task.IsDone())
                Thread.Sleep (100);
            stopwatch.Stop ();
            Console.WriteLine ("Purge completed {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RunQueryExecute(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args, string indexName, string binName1, string binName2)
            int begin = 3;
            int end = 9;

            console.Info("For ns={0} set={1} index={2} bin={3} >= {4} <= {5}", args.ns, args.set, indexName, binName1, begin, end);
            console.Info("Even integers: add 100 to existing " + binName1);
            console.Info("Multiple of 5: delete " + binName2 + " bin");
            console.Info("Multiple of 9: delete record");

            Statement stmt = new Statement();
            stmt.SetFilters(Filter.Range(binName1, begin, end));

            ExecuteTask task = client.Execute(args.writePolicy, stmt, "record_example", "processRecord", Value.Get(binName1), Value.Get(binName2), Value.Get(100));
        private void WriteWithValidation(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey4");
            string binName = "udfbin4";

            // Lua function writeWithValidation accepts number between 1 and 10.
            // Write record with valid value.
            console.Info("Write with valid value.");
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeWithValidation", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(4));

            // Write record with invalid value.
            console.Info("Write with invalid value.");

                client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeWithValidation", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(11));
                console.Error("UDF should not have succeeded!");
            catch (Exception)
                console.Info("Success. UDF resulted in exception as expected.");
        private void ServerSideExists(AerospikeClient client, WritePolicy policy, Key key, Bin bin, int search, bool expected)
            long lexists = (long)client.Execute(policy, key, "record_example", "valueExists", Value.Get(, Value.Get(search));
            bool exists = (lexists != 0);

            if (expected && exists)
                console.Info("Value found as expected.");

            if (!expected && !exists)
                console.Info("Value not found as expected.");

            console.Error("Data mismatch. Expected " + expected + " Received " + exists);
        private void WriteUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey1");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin1"), "string value");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(, bin.value);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(;

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        private void WriteListMapUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey5");

            List<object> inner = new List<object>();

            Dictionary<object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            innerMap["a"] = 1L;
            innerMap[2L] = "b";
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            string binName = args.GetBinName("udfbin5");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(list));

            object received = client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "readBin", Value.Get(binName));
            string receivedString = Util.ListToString((List<object>)received);
            string expectedString = Util.ListToString(list);

            if (receivedString.Equals(expectedString))
                console.Info("UDF data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("UDF data mismatch");
                console.Error("Expected " + list);
                console.Error("Received " + received);
        private void WriteIfNotExists(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey3");
            string binName = "udfbin3";

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Write record only if not already exists. This should succeed.
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeUnique", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get("first"));

            // Verify record written.
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, binName);
            string expected = "first";
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(binName);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Record written: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);

            // Write record second time. This should fail.
            console.Info("Attempt second write.");
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeUnique", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get("second"));

            // Verify record not written.
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, binName);
            received = (string)record.GetValue(binName);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Success. Record remained unchanged: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        private void WriteIfGenerationNotChanged(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey2");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin2"), "string value");

            // Seed record.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Get record generation.
            long gen = (long)client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "getGeneration");

            // Write record if generation has not changed.
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeIfGenerationNotChanged", Value.Get(, bin.value, Value.Get(gen));
            console.Info("Record written.");
        private void WriteBlobUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey6");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("udfbin6");
            byte[] blob;

            // Create packed blob using standard C# tools.
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                Formatter.Default.Serialize(ms, 9845);
                Formatter.Default.Serialize(ms, "Hello world.");
                blob = ms.ToArray();

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(blob));
            byte[] received = (byte[])client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "readBin", Value.Get(binName));
            string receivedString = Util.BytesToString(received);
            string expectedString = Util.BytesToString(blob);

            if (receivedString.Equals(expectedString))
                console.Info("Blob data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, receivedString);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: expected={0} received={1}", expectedString, receivedString));