Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Embed ConstructEmbed(Event evt, out string memberString)
            SocketGuildUser user = Utility.GetServer().GetUser(evt.hostID);

            memberString = "Calling";
            foreach (ulong id in evt.eventMemberIDs)
                memberString += " <@" + id + ">";
            memberString += "!";

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                                   .WithTitle("Event announcement for " + evt.name + "!")
                                   .WithThumbnailUrl(Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(evt.iconUrl, UriKind.Absolute) ? evt.iconUrl : "")
                                   .AddField("Duration", evt.duration.ToString())
                                   .WithAuthor(author => {
            Embed embed = builder.Build();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Embed GetHelpEmbed(SocketMessage e, bool advanced)
            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            if (!commandEnabled)
                builder.WithTitle("Not enabled on this server.");

            builder.WithAuthor(Utility.GetUserName(Utility.GetServer().GetUser(Program.discordClient.CurrentUser.Id)) + " Command Help")     // lolwhat.
            .WithTitle($"Command \"{helpPrefix}{command}\"")

            // This is quite similar to GetArgs and GetHelp together, and the other functions are obsolete due to this.
            MethodInfo [] methods = GetType().GetMethods().Where(x => x.Name == "Execute").ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                if (overloads.Count <= i)
                    builder.AddField("Undefined overload", "Blame that lazy bastard of a dev.");
                    MethodInfo info = methods [i];
                    Overload   ol   = overloads [i];

                    var    parameters = GetDescriptiveOverloadParameters(i);
                    string olText     = advanced ? $"{parameters.returnType} => " : helpPrefix + command;

                    olText += " (";
                    for (int j = 1; j < parameters.types.Length; j++)   // Remember to ignore first parameter, it being the SocketUserMessage.
                        Type   type = parameters.types[j];
                        string name = parameters.names [j];

                        olText += advanced ? type.Name + " " + name : name;

                        if (j != parameters.types.Length - 1)
                            olText += "; ";
                    olText += ")";

                    builder.AddField(olText, ol.description);

            string footer = string.Empty;

            if (isAdminOnly)
                footer += " - ADMIN ONLY";
            if (allowInMain)
                footer += " - ALLOWED IN MAIN";
            if (availableInDM && !availableOnServer)
                footer += " - ONLY IN DM";
            if (availableInDM && availableOnServer)
                footer += " - AVAILABLE IN DM";
            if (requiredPermission != Permissions.Type.Null)
                footer += " - REQUIRIES PERMISSION: " + requiredPermission.ToString().ToUpper();
