Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (TextBox1.Text != null)
            int AdID = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);

            using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
                var r = (from c in context2.TempAds
                         where c.ID == AdID
                         select c).FirstOrDefault();
                //Success notification
                //Think about successful payment and denied payment table
                //If successful than call approve method

                context2.ApproveNewAd(AdID, r.SiteID, r.SectionID, r.PositionID, r.NavigateUrl, r.FormatID, r.ImageUrl,
                                      r.AlternateText, r.Keyword, r.Impressions, r.Width, r.Height, r.StartDate,
                                      r.EndDate, true, r.UserID,
                                      r.LanguageID, r.GenderID, r.AgeRangeID, r.CountryID, r.CountryName, r.RegionID,
                                      r.RegionName, r.CityID,
                                      r.CityName, r.Zipcode, r.IndustryID, r.Profession, r.DateCreated, AdID, r.AdName,
                                      r.AdTypeID, r.CountryCode,
                                      r.FlagPath, r.ProfessionID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void ExtendAdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Save it and Redirect to ReviewAd?ID in saved folder
        //Set Complete to false and active to false
            int y = GetAdID();
            using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
                var adgeneral = (from ad in context2.AdGenerals
                              where ad.ID == y
                              select ad).ToList();
                adgeneral[0].StartDate = GetStartDate();
                adgeneral[0].EndDate = GetEndDate();
                adgeneral[0].IsActive = false;
                adgeneral[0].Completed = false;
                Response.Redirect((string.Format("../Saved/ReviewAd.aspx?ID={0}", GetAdID())), false);
        catch (Exception)

            Response.Redirect((string.Format("Inventory.aspx")), false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected double GetPaymentDue()
     var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
     int paymentdue = GetPaymentID();
     var payment = (from payments in context.AdvertiserPaymentDues
                    where payments.PaymentDueID == paymentdue
                    select payments).FirstOrDefault();
     return payment.PaymentDue;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected void ApproveAd(int AdID)
     var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
     var approvedAd = (from ad in context.AdGenerals
                       where ad.AdID == AdID
                       select ad).FirstOrDefault();
     approvedAd.IsActive = true;
    protected void GetAdProperties()
        int y = GetAdID();
        using (var context1= new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

            var adgeneral = (from ad in context1.AdGenerals
                             where ad.ID == y
                             select ad).ToList();

            int x = adgeneral[0].AdID;

            var adaudience = (from ad in context1.AdAudiences
                              where ad.AdID == x
                              select ad).ToList();

            NewCampaingTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(adgeneral[0].AdName);
            SiteDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adgeneral[0].SiteID);
            SectionDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adgeneral[0].SectionID);
            LanguageDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].LanguageID);
            GenderDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].GenderID);
            AgeDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].AgeRangeID);
            CountryDropDownList.SelectedValue = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].CountryID).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            RegionsDropDownList.SelectedValue = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].RegionID).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var id = adaudience[0].CityID;
            if (id != null)
                CitiesDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].CityID);

                CitiesDropDownList.SelectedIndex = -1;
            ZipcodeTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(adaudience[0].Zipcode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            IndustryDropDownList.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(adaudience[0].IndustryID);
            ProfessionTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(adaudience[0].Profession.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            ProfessionTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
            StartDateTextBox.Text = adgeneral[0].StartDate.ToShortDateString();
            EndDateTextBox.Text = adgeneral[0].EndDate.ToShortDateString();

            NewCampaingTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
            SiteDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            SectionDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            LanguageDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            GenderDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            AgeDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            CountryDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            RegionsDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            CitiesDropDownList.Enabled = false;
            ZipcodeTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
            IndustryDropDownList.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
     //var archivedpaymentid = (from archivedpayment in context.ArchivedAdvertiserPayments
     //                         where archivedpayment.PaymentDueID ==1
     //                         select archivedpayment).FirstOrDefault();
     Guid AdvertiserID = Guid.Parse("9b5dc3f5-54d2-413b-9803-1fbabe6770ac");
     var adgeneral = (from ad in context.AdGenerals
                      where ad.AdID == 80 && ad.UserID == AdvertiserID
                      select ad).FirstOrDefault();
     string itemName = adgeneral.AdName;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (TextBox1.Text != null)
            int AdID = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);

            using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected void AdGridViewSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (AdGridView.SelectedDataKey != null)
            using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

        //    //Response.Write((string.Format("Well, this is the ad id {0}", AdGridView.SelectedDataKey.Value)));
        //    //Response.Redirect(string.Format("ChangeAdDetail.aspx?ID={0}&P=C", AdGridView.SelectedDataKey.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //USE THIS WITH APPLICATION ID = "4de2c56c-fbff-4fa1-b02c-4d4a3f300e1f"
        //to match the other application : advertiser
        //Continue to find the extraction method of the profile

        //URL TO FOLLOW:

        using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
           //var result = (from c in context.aspnet_Users
           //              where c.ApplicationId == Guid.Parse("4de2c56c-fbff-4fa1-b02c-4d4a3f300e1f")
           //                                      select c).ToList();

           var result = (from c in context.aspnet_Users
                         select c).ToList();

            foreach ( aspnet_Users i in (IEnumerable) result)
                var y = (from c in context.aspnet_Profile
                         where c.UserId == i.UserId
                         select c).ToList();

        //SAMPLE DATA

        GridView1.DataSource = Membership.GetAllUsers();

        //Afghanistan1Admin228230~/Advertiser/Profile/Photo/add-male-user.pngsmith10Concierge,[email protected]~/Advertiser/Profile/Photo/add-male-user.png1~/Advertiser/Profile/Photo/add-male-user.pngBadakhshan~/Advertiser/Profile/Photo/add-male-user.pngFavorite PetSinglehttp://www.haithem-araissia.comnonehaithemEnglish18


        ////Another Approach that had failed;
        //Using different membership
        var test = Membership.Provider.ApplicationName.ToString();

        var membershipProvider1 = Membership.Providers["AdvertiseManagementSideJobSqlMembershipProvider"];

        var test2 = membershipProvider1.GetUser("Tim", false);
        var profile = Profile.GetProfile("Tim");

        var membershipProvider2 = Membership.Providers["AdvertiseSideJobSqlMembershipProvider"];

        var test3 = membershipProvider2.GetUser("Tim", false);
        var profile2 = Profile.GetProfile("Tim");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected bool CheckPreviousPayment()
     int payment = GetPaymentID();
         var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
         var archivedpaymentid = (from archivedpayment in context.ArchivedAdvertiserPayments
                                  where archivedpayment.PaymentDueID == payment
                                  select archivedpayment.PaymentDueID).FirstOrDefault();
         if (archivedpaymentid == 0)
             return true;
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public static int GetAudienceAdID()
        int adID;
        var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
        var max = context.AdAudiences.OrderByDescending(s => s.AdID).FirstOrDefault();

        if (max == null)
            adID = 0;
            adID = max.AdID + 1;
        return adID;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var userKey = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
            if (userKey != null)
                Guid UserID =  (Guid)userKey;

                using (var context =
                      new AdDatabaseEntities())
                    context.CreateAd("httooe", 50, 50, "dgfd", "test", "erfer", 40,
                                     , 1, 1, "test",

                //ADId is the  maximum + 1 in Entity from Audience Table
                // and createad2
Ejemplo n.º 13
    protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Pending Exsiting Ad so update from the user

        if (TextBox1.Text != null)
            int AdID = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);

            using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

                int n = (Admanagment.Helpers.Utility.GetNumberofProfessionFromCurrent(AdID));

            var adgeneral = (from ad in context2.AdGenerals
                             where ad.AdID == AdID
                             select ad).ToList();

            var adaudience = (from ad in context2.AdAudiences
                              where ad.AdID == AdID
                              select ad).ToList();

            context2.PendExistingAd(AdID, adgeneral[0].SiteID, adgeneral[0].SectionID,
                                        adgeneral[0].PositionID, adgeneral[0].NavigateUrl,
                                        adgeneral[0].FormatID, adgeneral[0].ImageUrl, adgeneral[0].AlternateText,
                                        adgeneral[0].Keyword, adgeneral[0].Impressions, adgeneral[0].Width,
                                        adgeneral[0].Height, adgeneral[0].StartDate, adgeneral[0].EndDate,
                                        adgeneral[0].AdTypeID, adgeneral[0].UserID, adgeneral[0].AdName,
                                        adaudience[0].GenderID, adaudience[0].AgeRangeID, adaudience[0].Zipcode,
                                        adaudience[0].IndustryID, n, adaudience[0].Profession, adaudience[0].DateCreated,
                                        adaudience[0].CountryID, adaudience[0].CountryName, adaudience[0].RegionID,
                                        adaudience[0].RegionName, adaudience[0].CityID, adaudience[0].CityName,
                                        adaudience[0].CountryCode, adaudience[0].FlagPath, adaudience[0].ProfessionID);


Ejemplo n.º 14
    public static string GetNumberofProfession(int id)
        using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

            var result = from c in context.PendingAds
                         where c.ID == id
                         select c.NumberofProfession;
            var resultcode = result.FirstOrDefault();

            return resultcode.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static void InsertAdvertiserId(Guid userId)
     using (var context = new AdDatabaseEntities())
         var newAdvertiserId = new AdvertiserInfo
             AdvertiserID = GetNextAdvertiserID(),
             AdvertiserGUI = userId
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static string GetPosition( int selectedindex)
     using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
         return (from c in context.Positions
                 where c.PositionID == selectedindex
                 select c.Position1).ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static int GetNextAdvertiserID()
            int id;
            var context = new AdDatabaseEntities();
            var max = context.AdvertiserInfoes.OrderByDescending(s => s.AdvertiserID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (max == null)
                id = 0;
                id = max.AdvertiserID + 1;
            return id;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    protected void PayPalImageButtonClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        AdGeneral adgeneral;
        const string serverURL = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
        const string returnURL = "http://haithem-araissia.com/WIP2/RightCleanSideJOB2008FromInetpub/WorkingCopy/Web/Advertise/Advertiser/Compaign/Payment/Paypal/PDT/PDTSuccess.aspx";
        const string cancelreturnURL = "http://haithem-araissia.com/WIP2/RightCleanSideJOB2008FromInetpub/WorkingCopy/Web/Advertise/Advertiser/Compaign/Payment/Paypal/PDT/CancelPayment.aspx";
        const string notifyURL = "http://haithem-araissia.com/AdvertisePaypal/IPN/IPNHandler.aspx";
        const string cmd = "_xclick";
        const string business = "*****@*****.**";
        int paymentID = GetPaymentID();
        var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
        var payment = (from payments in context.AdvertiserPaymentDues
                       where payments.PaymentDueID == paymentID
                       select payments).FirstOrDefault();
        Guid advertiserID = Guid.Parse(payment.AdvertiserID.ToString());
        int AdID = int.Parse(payment.AdID.ToString());

        //if (SavedAd())
        //     adgeneral = (from ad in context.AdGenerals
        //                 where ad.ID == AdID && ad.UserID == advertiserID
        //                 select ad).FirstOrDefault();
        //    adgeneral = (from ad in context.AdGenerals
        //                     where ad.AdID == AdID && ad.UserID == advertiserID
        //                     select ad).FirstOrDefault();

        adgeneral = (from ad in context.AdGenerals
                     where ad.AdID == AdID && ad.UserID == advertiserID
                     select ad).FirstOrDefault();
        string itemName = adgeneral.AdName;
        string adID = payment.AdID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        string custom = adID + "," + adgeneral.UserID + "," + paymentID;
        string redirect = "";
        redirect += serverURL;
        redirect += "?cmd=" + cmd;
        redirect += "&business=" + business;
        redirect += "&item_name=" + itemName;
        redirect += "&item_number=" + payment.PaymentDueID;
        redirect += "&amount=" + Amount.Text.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        redirect += "&currency_code=" + "USD";
        redirect += "&payer_id=" + adgeneral.UserID;
        redirect += "&receiver_email=" + Profile.Email;
        redirect += "&custom=" + custom;
        redirect += "&notify_url" + notifyURL;
        redirect += "&return=" + returnURL;
        redirect += "&cancel_return" + cancelreturnURL;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    protected void Payment()
        int y = int.Parse(GetAdID().ToString());
        int AdGeneralID = GetAdGeneralAdID();
        Guid userid = Guid.Parse(GetUserID().ToString());
        var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
        AdDatabaseModel.AdvertiserPaymentDue updatepayment =
            (from ad in context.AdvertiserPaymentDues where ad.AdID == AdGeneralID && ad.AdvertiserID == userid select ad).FirstOrDefault();

        if (updatepayment == null)
            var advertiserPaymentDue = new AdDatabaseModel.AdvertiserPaymentDue
                AdvertiserID = GetUserID(),
                PaymentDueID = Admanagment.Helpers.Utility.GetPaymentID(),
                AdID = AdGeneralID,
                AdAmount = PaymentDue(),
                Date = DateTime.Now.Date,
                CurrencyCode = "USA",
                PaymentDue = PaymentDue(),
                Status = Resources.Resource.Pending.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                PaymentProcess = false
             updatepayment.Date = DateTime.Now.Date;
            updatepayment.AdAmount = PaymentDue();
            updatepayment.PaymentDue = PaymentDue();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static string GetSectionNameByID( int id)
     using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
         return (from c in context.Sections
                 where c.SectionsID == id
                 select c.SectionName).ToString();
 public static void UpdateImpression(int adId, DateTime entryData, int type, string iPAddress, string countryCode, string region, string postalcode,
                                     int areaCode, int metroCode, double latitude, double longitude, string refURL, string browserType, string browserName, string browserPlatform, string userHostAddress,
                                     string userHostName,
                                     string userLanguage, string mobileDeviceManufacturer,
                                     string mobileDeviceModel, string deviceType, int userId, string userRole, string firstName,
                                     string lastName, string address, int countryID, string countryName, int regionID,
                                     string regionName, int cityID, string cityName, string phone, int age, int gender,
                                     string emailAddress, string photoPath, int industryID, int professionID, int lcid)
     using (var context =
         new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
         context.UpdateAdStatistic(adId, entryData, type, iPAddress, countryCode, region, postalcode,
                                   areaCode, metroCode, latitude, longitude, refURL, browserType, browserName,
                                   browserPlatform, userHostAddress,
                                   userLanguage, mobileDeviceManufacturer,
                                   mobileDeviceModel, deviceType, userId, userRole, firstName,
                                   lastName, address, countryID, countryName, regionID,
                                   regionName, cityID, cityName, phone, age, gender,
                                   emailAddress, photoPath, industryID, professionID, lcid);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public static int GetNumberofProfessionFromCurrent(int id)
        using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

            var result = from c in context.PendingAds
                         where c.ID == id
                         select c.Profession;
            var resultQuery = result.FirstOrDefault();
            if (resultQuery != null)
                var resultcode = resultQuery.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                return resultcode.Count(f => f == ',');
                return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static void DeleteAd(int AdID)
     var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static string GetPositionSelectedIndex(int Position)
     using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
         return (from c in context.Positions
                 where c.Position1 == Position
                 select c.PositionID).ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 25
    protected int GetAdGeneralAdID()
        int y = GetAdID();
           using (var context1 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())

           var adgeneral = (from ad in context1.AdGenerals
                            where ad.ID == y
                            select ad).ToList();

        return int.Parse((adgeneral[0].AdID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
Ejemplo n.º 26
    private void BannerKeywords()
        var keyword = "";
        using (var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
            //var t = KeywordFiltering();
            var t = KeywordFilteringTest("1","1");
            var queryKeywordFilter = (from k in context.AdGenerals
                                      where k.Keyword == t
                                      select k).ToList();

            if (queryKeywordFilter.Count == 0)
                keyword = DefaultKeyword;
               // keyword = KeywordFiltering();
                keyword = KeywordFilteringTest("1", "1");


        BannerRotator1.KeywordFilter = keyword;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected int GetSavedPaymentID()
     int y = int.Parse(GetAdGeneralAdID().ToString());
     Guid userid = Guid.Parse(GetUserID().ToString());
     var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
     AdDatabaseModel.AdvertiserPaymentDue updatepayment =
         (from ad in context.AdvertiserPaymentDues where ad.AdID == y && ad.AdvertiserID == userid select ad).FirstOrDefault();
     return updatepayment.PaymentDueID;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static int GetAdvertiserId(Guid userId)
            using (var context = new AdDatabaseEntities())

                var result = from c in context.AdvertiserInfoes
                             where c.AdvertiserGUI == userId
                             select c.AdvertiserID;
                return result.FirstOrDefault();

Ejemplo n.º 29
    protected double PaymentDue()
        //Formual Prospective
        //Sections * Industry * Profession * Date

        //Current Forumla
        //Profession * date
        double professionPrice = 50;
        int y = GetAdID();
        using (var context2 = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities())
            var adgeneral = (from ad in context2.AdGenerals
                          where ad.ID == y
                          select ad).FirstOrDefault();

            var number = ProfessionTextBox.Text;
            int numberofprofession = number.Count(f => f == ',');
            int numberofdays = (int)(adgeneral.EndDate - adgeneral.StartDate).TotalDays;

               double amount = numberofprofession * numberofdays * professionPrice;
                if (amount.Equals(0))
                    if ( numberofprofession == 0)
                        numberofprofession = 1;
                    else if (numberofdays == 0)
                        numberofdays = 1;
                amount = numberofprofession * numberofdays * professionPrice;
                if (amount.Equals(0))
                    amount = professionPrice;
                return amount;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    public static int GetPaymentID()
        int paymentID;
        var context = new AdDatabaseModel.AdDatabaseEntities();
        var max = context.AdvertiserPaymentDues.OrderByDescending(s => s.PaymentDueID).FirstOrDefault();

        if (max == null)
            paymentID = 0;
            paymentID = max.PaymentDueID + 1;
        return paymentID;