Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Creates EventManager3D and subscribes the 3d objects to events
        private void SubscribeEvents()
            // Create EventManager3D with MainViewport as constructor parameter
            var eventManager = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Create EventSource3D for the Landscape
            // Each 3D object that needs to participate in the events needs to be registered by EventSource3D
            // The Landscape object will not be subscribed to any event, but instead it is only registered as DragSurface
            // This means that other objects can be drag over this 3D model.
            var eventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.ModelEventSource3D();

            eventSource.TargetModel3D = _landscapeModel;
            eventSource.IsDragSurface = true;

            // Register the Landscape's EventSource3D

            // Now for each wind generator create its own EventSource3D object
            for (int i = 0; i < _windGenerators.Count; i++)
                // Create new EventSource3D
                eventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.ModelEventSource3D();

                // Set the target object to the 3D model
                eventSource.TargetModel3D = _windGenerators[i].Model;

                // We can assign any custom data (object) to the EventSource3D
                // This is very useful because in event handler we can access this custom data
                eventSource.CustomData = _windGenerators[i];

                // Each wind generator is subscribed to the following events:
                eventSource.MouseEnter += OnWindGeneratorMouseEnter;
                eventSource.MouseLeave += OnWindGeneratorMouseLeave;

                eventSource.BeginMouseDrag += OnWindGeneratorBeginMouseDrag;
                eventSource.MouseDrag      += OnWindGeneratorMouseDrag;
                eventSource.EndMouseDrag   += OnWindGeneratorEndMouseDrag;

                // Not used events:
                //eventSource.MouseClick += new eventSource_MouseClick;
                //eventSource.MouseDown += new eventSource_MouseDown;
                //eventSource.MouseUp += eventSource_MouseUp;

                // Register the EventSource3D to the EventManager3D
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SubscribeEvents()
            // Create an instance of EventManager3D for out Viewport3D

            // Important:
            // It is highly recommended not to have more than one EventManager3D object per Viewport3D.
            // Having multiple EventManager3D object can greatly reduce the performance because each time the Viewport3D camera is changed,
            // each EventManager3D must perform a full 3D hit testing from the current mouse position.
            // This operation is very CPU intensive and can affect performance when there are many 3D objects in the scene.
            // When multiple EventManager3D object are defined, then the 3D hit testing is performed multiple times.
            // Therefore it is recommended to have only one EventManager3D object per Viewport3D.
            // It is also recommended to remove registered event sources after they are not used any more.
            // This can be done with RemoveEventSource3D method.

            _eventManager = new Ab3d.Utilities.EventManager3D(MainViewport);

            // Create a NamedObjects dictionary and set it to eventManager.
            // This way we can use names on EventSource objects to identify Model3D or Visual3D.
            // This is very usefull if we read the 3d objects with Reader3ds or ReaderObj and already have the NamedObjects dictionry.
            // When names are used in EventSource objects, we get the HitModelName or HitVisualName property set so we can know which object was hit.
            var namedObjects = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            namedObjects.Add("Landscape", _landscapeModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Base", _windGenarator.BaseModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Blades", _windGenarator.BladesModel);
            namedObjects.Add("Turbine", _windGenarator.TurbineModel);

            _eventManager.NamedObjects = namedObjects;

            // subscribe the Landscape as the drag surface
            var modelEventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.ModelEventSource3D();

            // Instead of using TargetModelName and NamedObjects, we could also specify the model with TargetModel3D
            //modelEventSource.TargetModel3D = _landscapeModel;

            modelEventSource.TargetModelName = "Landscape";
            modelEventSource.IsDragSurface   = true;


            // subscribe other objects
            var multiModelEventSource = new Ab3d.Utilities.MultiModelEventSource3D();

            // Instead of using TargetModelNames and NamedObjects, we could specify the models with model instances
            //multiModelEventSource.TargetModels3D = new Model3D[] { _windGenarator.BaseModel,
            //                                                       _windGenarator.BladesModel,
            //                                                       _windGenarator.TurbineModel };

            // Because we have set the NamedObjects dictionary to _eventManager we can simply specify the models by their names:
            multiModelEventSource.TargetModelNames = "Base, Blades, Turbine";
            multiModelEventSource.IsDragSurface    = false;

            // Subscribe to all events
            multiModelEventSource.MouseEnter       += eventSource_MouseEnter;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseLeave       += eventSource_MouseLeave;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseMove        += eventSource_MouseMove;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseUp          += eventSource_MouseUp;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDown        += eventSource_MouseDown;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseClick       += eventSource_MouseClick;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseWheel       += multiModelEventSource_MouseWheel;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDoubleClick += eventSource_MouseDoubleClick;
            multiModelEventSource.BeginMouseDrag   += eventSource_BeginMouseDrag;
            multiModelEventSource.MouseDrag        += eventSource_MouseDrag;
            multiModelEventSource.EndMouseDrag     += eventSource_EndMouseDrag;

            multiModelEventSource.TouchEnter += eventSource_TouchEnter;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchDown  += eventSource_TouchDown;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchMove  += eventSource_TouchMove;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchUp    += eventSource_TouchUp;
            multiModelEventSource.TouchLeave += eventSource_TouchLeave;

            // NOTE:
            // It is also possible to subscribe to touch manipulations events (pinch scale and rotate)
            // But this requires to set IsManipulationEnabled to true and that disables some other events
            // See the TouchManipulationsSample for more information
