Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void CreateProject( ProjectInfo projectInfo )
            //--- Prompt for a test set name ---//
            //--- Check if the name exisists ---//
            //--- If name exists then notify the user, ask if they want to open that test set ---//
            //--- Otherwise create the test set and open it ---//
            if (projectInfo != null)
                TestProgramSet currentTestProgramSet = TestProgramSet.CreateTestSet( projectInfo.ProjectName );
                if (currentTestProgramSet != null)
                    SaveProjectInfo( projectInfo, currentTestProgramSet );
                    OpenProject( projectInfo.ProjectName );
                    Document uutDescriptionDocument = DocumentManager.GetDocument( projectInfo.UutId );
                    if (uutDescriptionDocument != null)
                        SaveATMLDocument( UutManager.BuildAtmlFileName( projectInfo.UutName ),
                                          uutDescriptionDocument.DocumentContent );

                    //--- Create a Test Description ---//
                    if (uutDescriptionDocument != null)
                        var uutDoc = new DocumentReference();
                        uutDoc.ID = "UUT1";
                        uutDoc.uuid = uutDescriptionDocument.uuid;
                        var uutRef = new ItemDescriptionReference();
                        uutRef.Item = uutDoc;
                        var testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration15();
                        testConfiguration.uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        testConfiguration.TestedUUTs.Add( uutRef );
                        SaveATMLDocument( projectInfo.ProjectName + ATMLContext.ATML_CONFIG_FILENAME_SUFFIX,
                                          Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( testConfiguration.Serialize() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected virtual void OnTranslatedInputDocument(TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration)
     TranslatedInputDocumentDelegate handler = InputDocumentTranslated;
     if (handler != null) handler(testConfiguration);
 private void LoadOutputText( TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration )
     //No need to do this now that we have a file watcher
     //ATMLOutputText = testConfiguration.Serialize();
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an TestConfiguration15 object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output TestConfiguration15 object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out TestConfiguration15 obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(TestConfiguration15);
         obj = Deserialize(input);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TranslateInputDocument()
            if (_content != null && IsParsible())
                    //--- Setup XML reader settings ---//
                    ValidationEventHandler validationHandler = (s, ee) => LogManager.SourceError(SOURCE, ee.Exception);
                    var settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                    settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
                    settings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.None;
                    settings.ValidationEventHandler += validationHandler;

                    string content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_content);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                    using (var sr = new StringReader(content))
                        using (XmlReader xrXml = new XmlTextReader(sr))

                            var doc = new XPathDocument(xrXml);

                            string xsdName = SchemaManager.GetSchemaName(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_content));
                            string xslName = xsdName.Replace(".xsd", ".xsl");

                            StringReader xslReader = GetXSLReader(xslName);
                            var xr = new XmlTextReader(xslReader);
                            var xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();

                            //--- Create an XsltArgumentList for custom transformation functionality ---//
                            var xslArg = new XsltArgumentList();
                            var fileName = ProjectManager.ProjectName + ATMLContext.ATML_CONFIG_FILENAME_SUFFIX;
                            xslArg.AddParam("documentName", "", fileName );

                            // Add an object to calculate the new book price.
                            var obj = new ReaderTools();
                            //TODO: Figure out all the functionality required for translation
                            xslArg.AddExtensionObject("urn:utrs.atml-reader-tools", obj);

                            //--- Transform the file. ---//
                            using (var w = new StringWriter())
                                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                var xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
                                xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
                                xws.Indent = true;
                                xws.NewLineOnAttributes = false;
                                xws.NamespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.OmitDuplicates;
                                using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringBuilder, xws))
                                    xslt.Transform(doc, xslArg, xmlWriter);
                                    LogManager.SourceTrace(SOURCE, "ATML translation Completed");
                                        _testConfiguration = TestConfiguration15.Deserialize(stringBuilder.ToString());
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                            "An error has occurred attempting to marshall the translated document into an ATML Test Configuration object.",
                catch (Exception ee)
                    LogManager.SourceError(SOURCE, ee, "An error has occurred attempting to process the input document.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an TestConfiguration15 object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output TestConfiguration15 object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out TestConfiguration15 obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(TestConfiguration15);
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out TestConfiguration15 obj)
     System.Exception exception;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
 private void _configurationForm_TestConfigurationSaved( TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration )
     OnTestConfigurationSaved( testConfiguration );
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out TestConfiguration15 obj)
     System.Exception exception;
     return Deserialize(input, out obj, out exception);
 public void LoadTestConfiguration(TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration)
     testConfigurationControl1.TestConfiguration = testConfiguration;
 protected virtual void OnTestConfigurationSaved( TestConfiguration15 testconfiguration )
     TestConfigurationSaveHandler handler = TestConfigurationSaved;
     if (handler != null) handler( testconfiguration );
 private void testConfigurationControl1_TestConfigurationSaved(TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration)
     OnAtmlObjectAction(testConfiguration, AtmlActionType.Edit, EventArgs.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private void ReaderInputDocumentTranslated(TestConfiguration15 testConfiguration)
        private void ControlsToData()
            if (_testConfiguration == null)
                _testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration15();
            if (_testConfiguration.ConfigurationManager == null)
                _testConfiguration.ConfigurationManager = new ManufacturerData();
            _testConfiguration.uuid = edtUUID.GetValue<string>();
            _testConfiguration.ConfigurationManager = manufacturerControl1.ManufacturerData;
            _testConfiguration.classified = securityClassificationControl.Classified;
            _testConfiguration.securityClassification = securityClassificationControl.SecurityClassification;
            _testConfiguration.TestProgramElements = new List<object>();
            //TPS Tab

                //--- Add Resource References ---//
                if (tpsResourceReferenceListControl.ConfigurationResourceReferences != null)

                //--- Add Software References ---//
                if (tpsSoftwareReferenceListControl.ConfigurationSoftwareReferences != null)

                //--- Add Document References ---//
                if (testProgramDocumentationListControl.TestConfigurationDocumentation != null)

            //--- Add Additional Resources ---//
            _testConfiguration.AdditionalResources =
            //--- Add Addtional Software ---//
            _testConfiguration.AdditionalSoftware =

            //--- Add UUT References ---//
            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in uutListControl.Items)
                _testConfiguration.TestedUUTs.Add(lvi.Tag as ItemDescriptionReference );

            //--- Add Test Station References ---//
            _testConfiguration.TestEquipment = testStationReferenceControl.TestEquipment;
            _testConfiguration.AtmlName = ProjectManager.ProjectName;
            UndoBuffer = _testConfiguration.Serialize();
 private void ClearControls()
     _testConfiguration = null;
     //if (_refeshTimer != null)
     //    _refeshTimer.Stop();
 private void btnUndo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (DialogResult.Yes ==
         MessageBox.Show( @"Undo your changes?",
                          @"V E R I F I C A T I O N",
                          MessageBoxIcon.Question ))
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( UndoBuffer ))
             _testConfiguration = TestConfiguration15.Deserialize( UndoBuffer );