Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// =======================================================================================================
        static Checker GetChecker(AutoReport auto_report, Map map, string command_check)
            string        check           = null;
            string        checktype       = null;
            string        checkfunction   = null;
            List <string> checkparameters = null;

            if (command_check.Split('=').Length > 1)
                check = command_check.Split('=')[command_check.Split('=').Length - 1];
                if (command_check.Split('.').Length != 2 || !Regex.IsMatch(command_check.Split('.')[1], FUNC_FORMAT + PARAM_FORMAT))
                    if (auto_report != null)
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Check '" + command_check + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);
                    throw new Exception("Check '" + command_check + "' is invalid");
                    checktype = check.Split('.')[0];
                    if (PropertyNames <Return>().Contains(checktype))
                        if (auto_report != null)
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Check type '" + checktype + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);
                    checkfunction = ExtractCheckFunction(check);
                    if (!new[] { "Contain", "Contains", "Equal", "Equals", "Number", "Numbers" }.Contains(checktype))
                        if (auto_report != null)
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Check function '" + checkfunction + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);
                        throw new Exception("Check function '" + checkfunction + "' is invalid");
                    checkparameters = ExtractParameters(checkfunction);
                    if (checkparameters == null)
                        if (auto_report != null)
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Check parameter(s) '" + checkfunction + "' is/are invalid", Status.FAIL);
                        throw new Exception("Check parameter(s) '" + checkfunction + "' is invalid");
                    return(new Checker(checktype, checkfunction, checkparameters));
            return(null); // no checker specified
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void InteractiveShowReport(Func <Return> returndatafunction, double y_scale)
            CAT.FormAccess(CAT.FormDelegates.FormClose, null, "Report");
            AutoReport autoreport = new AutoReport(CAT.InteractiveControlsFormName);
            Map        map        = new Map(CAT.InteractiveControlsFormName, 0, 0);

                DateTime start    = DateTime.Now;
                bool     complete = false;
                InteractiveAddNamedOverlay("InteractiveProgress", "Started", Status.BUSY);
                new Thread(() =>
                    while (!complete)
                        InteractiveUpdateNamedOverlay("InteractiveProgress", "Processing " + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds + "ms", Status.BUSY);
                    InteractiveUpdateNamedOverlay("InteractiveProgress", "Complete " + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds + "ms", Status.PASS);
                autoreport.AddBatch(new BatchReport(0, "Batch"));
                autoreport.AddCommand(new CommandReport(map, "Command"));
                Return returndata = returndatafunction();
                if (returndata.Charts != null)
                    autoreport.AddChartList(map, returndata.Charts);
                if (returndata.Messages != null)
                    foreach (CATMessage msg in returndata.Messages)
                        autoreport.AddOverlayedMessage(map, msg.Text, msg.Status);
                autoreport.CommandComplete(map, CAT.Status.PASS);
                CAT.ShowReport(autoreport, y_scale);
                complete = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                InteractiveUpdateNamedOverlay("InteractiveProgress", "Failed control", Status.PASS);
                autoreport.AddOverlayedMessage(map, CAT.ErrorMsg(ex), CAT.Status.FAIL);
                try { CAT.ShowReport(autoreport, y_scale); } catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// =======================================================================================================
        // String based command line executer. Return all the standard output text. Ignore error text, as this isn't considered important (this is not a debug application).
        public static Status RunCmd(AutoReport auto_report,
                                    Map map,
                                    string fileName       = "cmd.exe",
                                    string path           = @"C:\",
                                    string command        = "",
                                    int timeout           = 120,
                                    string commandPrefix  = "/C",
                                    bool use_shell        = false,
                                    bool redirect_std_out = true,
                                    bool redirect_std_in  = false,
                                    bool redirect_std_err = false,
                                    bool nowindow         = true)
            DateTime starttime = DateTime.Now;

            if (!CAT.AbortAll)
                try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) && Directory.Exists(command))
                          command = @"%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe " + command; auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Applied assumption: " + command, Status.WARN);
                } catch { }
                path = DISK.AutoAddBaseDirectory(path);
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    if (auto_report != null)
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Path '" + path + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);
                Process process = new Process();
                    ProcessStartInfo processinfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
                        CreateNoWindow         = nowindow,
                        UseShellExecute        = use_shell,
                        RedirectStandardOutput = redirect_std_out,
                        RedirectStandardError  = redirect_std_err,
                        RedirectStandardInput  = redirect_std_in,
                        WorkingDirectory       = path,
                        WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
                        FileName  = fileName,
                        Arguments = commandPrefix + command
                    string alias = path + ">" + command;
                    process.StartInfo = processinfo;
                    string standardoutputtext = "";
                    string overlayname        = "standardOutput" + map.A + map.B + map.C;
                    if (auto_report != null)
                        auto_report.AddOverlay(overlayname, "", Status.INFO);
                    while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                        string line = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                        standardoutputtext += line + "\r\n";
                        if (auto_report != null)
                            auto_report.UpdateOverlay(overlayname, standardoutputtext, Status.INFO); auto_report.UpdateCommandProgress(map);
                        if (CAT.AbortAll || CAT.AbortCurrent)
                            CAT.AbortCurrent = false;
                            if (auto_report != null)
                                auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "User aborted after " + (DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalSeconds + "s", Status.ABORT);
                        if ((DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalMilliseconds > (timeout * 1000))
                            if (auto_report != null)
                                auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Timeout occured (timeout = " + timeout + "s)", Status.TIMEOUT);
                    if (auto_report != null)
                        auto_report.AddMessage(map, standardoutputtext, Status.INFO);
                catch (Exception e)
                    try { process.Close(); } catch { }
                    if (auto_report != null)
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // String based DLL function executer. Path-format:"name.dll" Command-format:"namespace.class functionname(parameter1,parameter2,parameter3,parameteretc)" Do not deviate from the format! Do not use special characters!
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static Status RunDll(Map map,
                                    string path,
                                    string command,
                                    int timeout,
                                    out List <Control> interactive_controls,
                                    AutoReport auto_report = null)
            string c = command;

            interactive_controls = new List <Control>();
            Status status = Status.PASS;

            foreach (string namespace_class_function in c.Split(';'))
                // Get cheker
                Checker checker = null;
                try { checker = GetChecker(auto_report, map, command); }
                catch (Exception e) { auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, e.Message, Status.ABORT); }

                // Check for abort
                if (CAT.AbortAll)

                // Command started

                // Check for valid function and class
                string functionwithparameters = namespace_class_function.Substring(Regex.Match(namespace_class_function, @"\s").Index + 1, namespace_class_function.Length - Regex.Match(namespace_class_function, @"\s").Index - 1);
                string namespaceclass         = namespace_class_function.Substring(0, Regex.Match(namespace_class_function, @"\s").Index);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namespaceclass))
                    functionwithparameters = namespace_class_function;

                // Check function
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(functionwithparameters, FUNC_FORMAT + PARAM_FORMAT))
                    functionwithparameters += "()";
                }                           // Auto add brackets (no parameters)

                // Retry function check
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(functionwithparameters, FUNC_FORMAT + PARAM_FORMAT))
                    auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Function '" + functionwithparameters + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);

                // Function Name and Parameters
                string        functionname  = ExtractFunctionName(functionwithparameters);
                List <string> parameterList = ExtractParameters(functionwithparameters);

                // Default DLL
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namespaceclass))
                    Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
                    foreach (Type t in types)
                        if (t.GetMethod(functionname) != null)
                            namespaceclass = "API." + t.Name;
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Applied assumption (Namespace.Class): " + namespaceclass, Status.WARN);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namespaceclass))
                        namespaceclass = DISK.RemoveExtension(path) + "." + DISK.RemoveExtension(path);
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Applied assumption (Namespace.Class): " + namespaceclass, Status.WARN);

                // Class
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namespaceclass))
                    auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Class '" + namespaceclass + "' is invalid", Status.FAIL);

                // DLL Thread
                object returnvalue = null;
                path = DISK.AutoAddBaseDirectory(DISK.AutoAddExt(path, "dll"));
                DateTime starttime = DateTime.Now;
                Assembly assembly  = null;
                try { assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(path); if (assembly == null)
                          throw new Exception("Assembly still null");
                catch (Exception e) { auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Error loading assembly " + path + ":\r\n" + ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL); return(Status.FAIL); }

                Type type = null;
                try { type = assembly.GetType(namespaceclass); if (type == null)
                          throw new Exception("Type still null");
                catch (Exception e) { auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Error loading type " + namespaceclass + ":\r\n" + ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL); return(Status.FAIL); }

                object instance = null;
                try { instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); if (instance == null)
                          throw new Exception("Instance still null");
                catch (Exception e) { auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Error loading instance for " + type + ":\r\n" + ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL); return(Status.FAIL); }

                MethodInfo newmethod = null;
                try { newmethod = type.GetMethod(functionname); if (newmethod == null)
                          throw new Exception("Method still null");
                catch (Exception e) { auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Error loading method " + functionname + " for " + type + ":\r\n" + ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL); return(Status.FAIL); }
                string name = newmethod.Name;

                var ts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                CancellationToken ct = ts.Token;
                bool iscomplete      = false;
                bool exception       = false;
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        if (newmethod.ReturnType == typeof(void))
                            newmethod.Invoke(instance, parameterList.Cast <object>().ToArray());
                            if (parameterList != null)
                                returnvalue = newmethod.Invoke(null, parameterList.Cast <object>().ToArray());
                                returnvalue = newmethod.Invoke(null, null);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, ErrorMsg(e), Status.FAIL);
                        exception = true;
                    iscomplete = true;
                }, ct);
                while (!iscomplete)
                    // Timeout
                    if ((DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalSeconds > timeout)
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "Timeout occured (timeout = " + timeout + "s)", Status.TIMEOUT);

                    // Abort
                    if (CAT.AbortAll || CAT.AbortCurrent)
                        CAT.AbortCurrent = false; // Reset to jump to next command
                        Thread.Sleep(500);        // Allow threads to cleanup using abort flags
                        auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "User aborted after " + (int)((DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalMilliseconds) + "ms", Status.ABORT);

                    // CPU handling

                    // Progress Feedback

                // RETURN VALUE
                if (exception)
                    status = Status.FAIL;
                else if (returnvalue == null)
                else if (returnvalue is Control)
                    interactive_controls.Add(returnvalue as Control);
                else if (returnvalue is List <Control> )
                    foreach (Control ctrl in (returnvalue as List <Control>))
                else if (!(returnvalue is Return))
                    auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, "This framework only supports 'Return' return type (or void)!\r\n" + returnvalue.GetType() + " is invalid", Status.FAIL);
                    status = Status.FAIL;
                    if (((Return)returnvalue).Messages != null)
                        foreach (CATMessage message in ((Return)returnvalue).Messages)
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, message.Text, message.Status);
                            if (message.Status == Status.FAIL)
                                status = Status.FAIL;

                        // Add extra message checker messages
                        if (checker != null && checker.CheckType == "Messages")
                            List <Result> messageresults = Results.Check(((Return)returnvalue).Messages, checker.CheckFunction, checker.CheckParameters);
                            foreach (Result message in messageresults)
                                auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(map, message.Message, message.Passed ? Status.PASS : Status.FAIL);

                    // Charts
                    if (((Return)returnvalue).Charts != null)
                        List <ChartData> newdata = new List <ChartData>();
                        foreach (ChartData chart in ((Return)returnvalue).Charts)
                        auto_report.AddChartList(map, newdata);

                        // Add extra chart checker messages
                        if (checker != null && checker.CheckType == "Charts")
                            List <Result> chartresults = Results.Check(((Return)returnvalue).Charts, checker.CheckFunction, checker.CheckParameters);
                            foreach (Result chartmessage in chartresults)
                                auto_report.AddMessage(map, chartmessage.Message, chartmessage.Passed ? Status.PASS : Status.FAIL);

                    // Charts List
                    if (((Return)returnvalue).ChartsList != null)
                        foreach (List <ChartData> chartlist in ((Return)returnvalue).ChartsList)
                            auto_report.AddChartList(map, chartlist);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// =======================================================================================================
        private static void RunCommand(AutoReport auto_report, Map map, DataGridView batch_data,
                                       out List <Control> interactive_controls,
                                       List <Var> vars = null)
            List <Control> interactivecontrols = null;
            int            rep = 1;

            if (Regex.IsMatch(Data.GetCell(batch_data, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Mode, map.C), COMMAND_MODE_REPEAT))
                rep = Convert.ToInt16(Regex.Match(Data.GetCell(batch_data, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Mode, map.C), COMMAND_MODE_REPEAT).Value.Substring(1));
            if (Regex.IsMatch(Data.GetCell(batch_data, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Mode, map.C), COMMAND_MODE_THREAD_CATCH))
            Action runcommand = new Action(() =>
                for (int i = 1; i <= rep; i++)
                    DataGridViewRow cmd = batch_data.Rows[map.C];
                    string workdir      = Data.GetCell(cmd, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Path);
                    string command      = Data.GetCell(cmd, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Command);
                    Map newmap          = new Map(map.A, map.B, map.C, rep > 1 ? i : 0);
                    auto_report.AddCommand(new CommandReport(newmap, workdir + ">" + command));
                    Status status = Status.START;
                    if (Data.IsCommandEnabled(cmd))
                        if (vars != null)
                            string initialcommand = command;
                            string initialworkdir = workdir;
                            foreach (Var vartoinsert in vars)
                                command = command.Replace("{" + vartoinsert.Name + "}", vartoinsert.Value);
                                workdir = workdir.Replace("{" + vartoinsert.Name + "}", vartoinsert.Value);
                            command = BasicArithmetic(command);
                            if (initialcommand != command || initialworkdir != workdir)
                                auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(newmap, "Variable updates (Workdir>Command): " + workdir + ">" + command, Status.WARN);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Data.GetCell(cmd, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Command)))
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(newmap, "Command is null", Status.FAIL);
                            status = Status.FAIL;
                        else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Data.GetCell(cmd, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Timeout)))
                            auto_report.AddOverlayedMessage(newmap, "Timeout is null", Status.FAIL);
                            status = Status.FAIL;
                            CAT.FormAccess(CAT.FormDelegates.SetCommandStatus, new object[] { Status.BUSY, newmap.C }, newmap.A);
                            if (Regex.IsMatch(Data.GetCell(cmd, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Path), @".*\.dll"))
                                status = RunDll(newmap, workdir, command, Data.GetCmdTimeout(cmd), out interactivecontrols, auto_report);
                                status = RunCmd(auto_report, newmap, "cmd.exe", workdir, command, Data.GetCmdTimeout(cmd), "/C");
                        status = Status.SKIP;
                    auto_report.CommandComplete(newmap, status);
                    CAT.FormAccess(CAT.FormDelegates.SetCommandStatus, new object[] { status, newmap.C }, newmap.A);

            if (Regex.IsMatch(Data.GetCell(batch_data, (int)CAT.BatchFields.Mode, map.C), "-t"))
                Task t = new Task(() => { runcommand(); });
            interactive_controls = interactivecontrols;