public static List <ManpowerRequisition> GetAll_ManpowerRequisitionFromSharePoint(string siteUrl, string listName, string DaysDifference)
            List <ManpowerRequisition> _retList = new List <ManpowerRequisition>();

                using (MSC.ClientContext context = CustomSharePointUtility.GetContext(siteUrl))
                    if (context != null)
                        MSC.List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);
                        MSC.ListItemCollectionPosition itemPosition = null;
                        while (true)
                            var           dataDateValue = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Convert.ToInt32(DaysDifference));
                            MSC.CamlQuery camlQuery     = new MSC.CamlQuery();
                            camlQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = itemPosition;
                            camlQuery.ViewXml = @"<View>
                                                                <FieldRef Name='Status'  LookupId='True'/>
                                                                <Value Type='Lookup'>2</Value>
                                                                <FieldRef Name='Status'  LookupId='True'/>
                                                                <Value Type='Lookup'>4</Value>
                                                                <FieldRef Name='Status' LookupId='True'/>
                                                                <Value Type='Lookup'>6</Value>
                                                                <FieldRef Name='Status'  LookupId='True'/>
                                                                <Value Type='Lookup'>8</Value>
                                                    <FieldRef Name='Status'  LookupId='True'/>
                                                    <Value Type='Lookup'>9</Value>
                                                <FieldRef Name='IsRejected'/>
                                                <Value Type='Boolean'>No</Value>
                                            <Leq><FieldRef Name='Modified'/><Value Type='DateTime'>" + dataDateValue.ToString("o") + "</Value></Leq>";

                            camlQuery.ViewXml += @"</And></And></Where></Query>
                                <FieldRef Name='ID'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='RequisitionNumber'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Department'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='CreatorLocation'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='RequisitionDate'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Designation'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Division'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Author'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='FunctionalHead'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='HRHead'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='HRHeadOnly'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='MDorJMD'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Recruiter'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Status'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='IsRejected'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='CreatedTime'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='ReplacementEmployeeName'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='AdditionalBudgets'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='Modified'/>
                                <FieldRef Name='CurrentApprover'/>
                            MSC.ListItemCollection Items = list.GetItems(camlQuery);

                            itemPosition = Items.ListItemCollectionPosition;
                            foreach (MSC.ListItem item in Items)
                                _retList.Add(new ManpowerRequisition
                                    Id = Convert.ToInt32(item["ID"]),
                                    RequisitionNumber = Convert.ToString(item["RequisitionNumber"]).Trim(),
                                    Department        = Convert.ToString(item["Department"]).Trim(),
                                    CreatorLocation   = Convert.ToString(item["CreatorLocation"]).Trim(),
                                    RequisitionDate   = Convert.ToString(item["RequisitionDate"]).Trim(),
                                    Designation       = Convert.ToString(item["Designation"]).Trim(),
                                    Division          = Convert.ToString(item["Division"]).Trim(),

                                    //Author = Convert.ToString((item["Author"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupId),
                                    // AuthorName = Convert.ToString((item["Author"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupValue),
                                    FunctionalHeadName  = item["FunctionalHead"] == null?"" : Convert.ToString((item["FunctionalHead"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupValue),
                                    HRHeadName          = item["HRHead"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["HRHead"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupValue),
                                    HRHeadOnlyName      = item["HRHeadOnly"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["HRHeadOnly"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupValue),
                                    MDorJMDName         = item["MDorJMD"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["MDorJMD"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupValue),
                                    RecruiterName       = item["Recruiter"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["Recruiter"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupValue),
                                    CurrentApproverName = item["CurrentApprover"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["CurrentApprover"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupValue),

                                    FunctionalHead  = item["FunctionalHead"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["FunctionalHead"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupId),
                                    HRHead          = item["HRHead"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["HRHead"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupId),
                                    HRHeadOnly      = item["HRHeadOnly"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["HRHeadOnly"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupId),
                                    MDorJMD         = item["MDorJMD"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["MDorJMD"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupId),
                                    Recruiter       = item["Recruiter"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["Recruiter"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[])[0].LookupId),
                                    CurrentApprover = item["CurrentApprover"] == null ? "" : Convert.ToString((item["CurrentApprover"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue).LookupId),

                                    Status                  = Convert.ToString((item["Status"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue).LookupValue),
                                    IsRejected              = Convert.ToString(item["IsRejected"]).Trim(),
                                    CreatedTime             = Convert.ToString(item["CreatedTime"]).Trim(),
                                    ReplacementEmployeeName = Convert.ToString(item["ReplacementEmployeeName"]).Trim(),
                                    AdditionalBudgets       = Convert.ToString(item["AdditionalBudgets"]).Trim(),
                                    Modified                = Convert.ToString(item["Modified"]),
                            if (itemPosition == null)
                                break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit While
            catch (Exception ex)
                CustomSharePointUtility.WriteLog("Error in  GetAll_ManpowerRequisitionFromSharePoint()" + " Error:" + ex.Message);
        //public static void sample()
        //    List<TravelVoucher> data = new List<TravelVoucher>();
        //  List<Mailing> mail=EmailData(data, "", "");

        public static bool EmailData(List <ManpowerRequisition> updationList, string siteUrl, string listName)
            bool retValue = false;

                using (MSC.ClientContext context = CustomSharePointUtility.GetContext(siteUrl))
                    //List<Mailing> varx = new List<Mailing>();

                    MSC.List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);
                    for (var i = 0; i < updationList.Count; i++)
                        var updateList = updationList.Skip(i).Take(1).ToList();
                        if (updateList != null && updateList.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var updateItem in updateList)
                                MSC.ListItem listItem = null;

                                MSC.ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new MSC.ListItemCreationInformation();
                                listItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);

                                var obj = new Object();
                                //Mailing data = new Mailing();

                                //var _From = "";
                                var _To = "";
                                //var _Cc = "";
                                var _Body    = "";
                                var _Subject = "";
                                if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Functional Head")
                                    // _To = updateItem.FunctionalHead;
                                    _To = updateItem.CurrentApprover;
                                    if (_To == "")
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With HR Head")
                                    _To = updateItem.HRHead;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Confirmed By MD And Back to HR Head")
                                    _To = updateItem.HRHeadOnly;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With MD")
                                    _To = updateItem.MDorJMD;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Recruiter")
                                    _To = updateItem.Recruiter;
                                _Subject = "Gentle Reminder"; // + updateItem.ExpVoucherNo + " Travel Voucher Approval is Pending
                                _Body   += "Dear User, <br><br>This is to inform you that below request is pending for your Approval.";
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Workflow Name :</b> Manpower Requisition ";
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Voucher No :</b>  " + updateItem.RequisitionNumber;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Date of Creation :</b>  " + updateItem.CreatedTime;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Employee : </b> " + updateItem.Author;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Designation :</b> " + updateItem.Designation;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Department :</b> " + updateItem.Department;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Budgeted / Replacement Additional:</b> " + updateItem.AdditionalBudgets;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Location :</b> " + updateItem.CreatorLocation;
                                _Body   += "<br><b>Replacement of :</b> " + updateItem.ReplacementEmployeeName;

                                if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Functional Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><b>Pending With  :</b> " + updateItem.CurrentApproverName;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With HR Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><b>Pending With  :</b> " + updateItem.HRHeadName;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Confirmed By MD And Back to HR Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><b>Pending With  :</b> " + updateItem.HRHeadOnlyName;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With MD")
                                    _Body += "<br><b>Pending With  :</b> " + updateItem.MDorJMDName;
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Recruiter")
                                    _Body += "<br><b>Pending With  :</b> " + updateItem.RecruiterName;

                                _Body += "<br><h3>Kindly provide your approval</h3>";
                                _Body += "<br><h3>For Approval Please Click in the below link</h3>";
                                if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Functional Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><a href=\"\">View Link</a>";
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With HR Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><a href=\"\">View Link</a>";
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Confirmed By MD And Back to HR Head")
                                    _Body += "<br><a href=\"\">View Link</a>";
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With MD")
                                    _Body += "<br><a href=\"\">View Link</a>";
                                else if (updateItem.Status == "Pending With Recruiter")
                                    _Body += "<br><a href=\"\">View Link</a>";

                                listItem["ToUser"]      = _To;
                                listItem["SubjectDesc"] = _Subject;
                                listItem["BodyDesc"]    = _Body;
                                retValue = true;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                CustomSharePointUtility.WriteLog(string.Format("Error in  InsertUpdate_EmployeeMaster ( context.ExecuteQuery();): Error ({0}) ", ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                CustomSharePointUtility.WriteLog(string.Format("Error in  InsertUpdate_EmployeeMaster: Error ({0}) ", ex.Message));