Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, ClsDeepstackDetection AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this._cururl         = curURL;

            //this._imageObject = AiDetectionObject;
            this.Camera      = cam.Name;
            this.ImageHeight = curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth  = curImg.Width;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.label))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            //force first letter to always be capitalized
            this.Label      = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.label);
            this.XMax       = AiDetectionObject.x_max;
            this.YMax       = AiDetectionObject.y_max;
            this.XMin       = AiDetectionObject.x_min;
            this.YMin       = AiDetectionObject.y_min;
            this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.confidence * 100;  //store as whole number percent
            this.Filename   = curImg.image_path;
            this.RectHeight = this.XMax - this.YMin;
            this.RectWidth  = this.XMax - this.XMin;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, ClsDoodsDetection AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this._cururl         = curURL;

            //this._imageObject = AiDetectionObject;
            this.Camera      = cam.Name;
            this.ImageHeight = curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth  = curImg.Width;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.Label))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            //force first letter to always be capitalized
            this.Label = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Label);

            //         "top":0.09833781,
            //         "left":0.62415826,
            //         "bottom":0.14295554,
            //         "right":0.7029755,
            //         "label":"car",
            //         "confidence":63.28125
            //      }

            // convert percentage values from doods to pixels

            //System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
            //System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x,    y,    width,       height);

            //x,    y    = - coordinate of the UPPER LEFT corner of the rectangle
            //xmin, ymin

            double right = curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.Right;
            double left  = curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.Left;

            double top    = curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.Top;
            double bottom = curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.Bottom;

            this.XMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(left));
            this.YMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(top));

            this.XMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(right));
            this.YMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(bottom));

            this.RectHeight = this.XMax - this.YMin;
            this.RectWidth  = this.XMax - this.XMin;

            this.Confidence = Convert.ToSingle(AiDetectionObject.Confidence);
            this.Filename   = curImg.image_path;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, ClsDeepstackDetection AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this._cururl         = curURL;
            this.Server          = curURL.CurSrv;
            this.Time            = DateTime.Now;

            //this._imageObject = AiDetectionObject;
            this.Camera      = cam.Name;
            this.BICamName   = cam.BICamName;
            this.ImageHeight = curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth  = curImg.Width;
            this.Filename    = curImg.image_path;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.label) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.UserID)))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            //if running face detection:
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.UserID))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.label))
                    AiDetectionObject.label = "Face";

                this.Label  = AiDetectionObject.label.Trim();
                this.Detail = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.UserID);
                //force first letter to always be capitalized
                this.Label = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.label);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AiDetectionObject.Detail))
                this.Detail = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Detail);

            this.XMax       = AiDetectionObject.x_max;
            this.YMax       = AiDetectionObject.y_max;
            this.XMin       = AiDetectionObject.x_min;
            this.YMin       = AiDetectionObject.y_min;
            this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.confidence * 100;  //store as whole number percent
            this.Filename   = curImg.image_path;
            this.RectHeight = this.XMax - this.YMin;
            this.RectWidth  = this.XMax - this.XMin;

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ImageResItem(ClsImageQueueItem CurImg)
     this.Count        = 1;
     this.Height       = CurImg.Height;
     this.Width        = CurImg.Width;
     this.LastFileName = CurImg.image_path;
     this.LastSeenDate = CurImg.TimeCreated;
     this.LastFileSize = CurImg.FileSize;
     this.LastFileDPI  = CurImg.DPI;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Label AiDetectionObject, int InstanceIdx, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._cururl         = curURL;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this.Camera          = cam.Name;
            this.ImageHeight     = curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth      = curImg.Width;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.Name))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;
            //"Name": "Car",
            //            "Confidence": 98.87621307373047,
            //            "Instances": [
            //                {
            //                    "BoundingBox": {
            //                        "Width": 0.10527367144823074,
            //                        "Height": 0.18472492694854736,
            //                        "Left": 0.0042892382480204105,
            //                        "Top": 0.5051581859588623
            //                    },
            //                    "Confidence": 98.87621307373047
            //                },

            //Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
            //          x,    y     Width,       Height

            this.RectHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Height));
            this.RectWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Width));

            double right = (curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Left) + this.RectWidth;
            double left  = curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Left;

            double top    = curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Top;
            double bottom = (curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].BoundingBox.Top) + this.RectHeight;

            this.XMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(left));
            this.YMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(top));

            this.XMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(right));
            this.YMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(bottom));

            //force first letter to always be capitalized
            this.Label = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Name);

            this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.Instances[InstanceIdx].Confidence;
            this.Filename   = curImg.image_path;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool TryAddFaceFile(ClsImageQueueItem CurImg, string face = "")
            if (!CurImg.IsValid())

            if (face.IsEmpty())
                face = "Unknown";

            if (face.EqualsIgnoreCase("face"))
                face = "Unknown";

            if (face.EqualsIgnoreCase("unknown"))
                if (!this.SaveUnknownFaces)
                if (!this.SaveKnownFaces)

            ClsFace FoundFace = this.TryAddFace(face);

            bool added = FoundFace.TryAddFaceFile(CurImg, out string Outfilename, this.MaxFilesPerFace, this.MaxFileAgeDays);

            //delete from unknown folder if it was originally from there and it moved
            if (added)

                if (CurImg.image_path.Has("\\unknown\\") && !Outfilename.Has("\\unknown\\") &&
                    CurImg.image_path.Has("\\face\\") && !Outfilename.Has("\\face\\"))
                    Global.SafeFileDelete(CurImg.image_path, "TryAddFaceFile");

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool UpdateImageResolutions(ClsImageQueueItem CurImg)
            bool ret = false;

            if (!CurImg.IsValid())

            lock (CamLock)
                ImageResItem newri = new ImageResItem(CurImg);

                int  idx     = this.ImageResolutions.IndexOf(newri);
                bool updated = false;

                if (idx > -1)
                    if (CurImg.TimeCreated > this.ImageResolutions[idx].LastSeenDate)
                        updated = true;
                        this.ImageResolutions[idx].LastFileName = CurImg.image_path;
                        this.ImageResolutions[idx].LastSeenDate = CurImg.TimeCreated;
                        this.ImageResolutions[idx].LastFileSize = CurImg.FileSize;
                        this.ImageResolutions[idx].LastFileDPI  = CurImg.DPI;
                    ret = true;

                //sort so most recent is at top of list

                if (ret || updated)
                    this.ImageResolutions = this.ImageResolutions.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastSeenDate).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void Frm_ObjectDetail_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


                Global_GUI.ConfigureFOLV(this.folv_ObjectDetail, typeof(ClsPrediction), null, null);

                Global_GUI.UpdateFOLV(this.folv_ObjectDetail, this.PredictionObjectDetails);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ImageFileName) && this.ImageFileName.Contains("\\") && File.Exists(this.ImageFileName))
                    OriginalBMP            = new ClsImageQueueItem(this.ImageFileName, 0);
                    this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(OriginalBMP.ToStream()); //load actual image as background, so that an overlay can be added as the image
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ScanImages(int MaxFiles = 3000, int MaxTimeScanningMS = 60000, int MaxDaysOld = -4)
            using var Trace = new Trace();  //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done.

            List <FileInfo> files = new List <FileInfo>();

            Stopwatch fscansw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.input_path) && Directory.Exists(this.input_path))
                List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(this.input_path, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", this.input_path_includesubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles);
                AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {this.input_path}");

            if (files.Count < MaxFiles && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.Settings.input_path) && AppSettings.Settings.input_path != this.input_path && Directory.Exists(AppSettings.Settings.input_path))
                List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(AppSettings.Settings.input_path, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", AppSettings.Settings.input_path_includesubfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles);
                AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {AppSettings.Settings.input_path}");

            if (files.Count < MaxFiles && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Action_network_folder) && Directory.Exists(this.Action_network_folder))
                List <FileInfo> newfiles = Global.GetFiles(this.Action_network_folder, $"{this.Prefix}*.jpg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, DateTime.Now.AddDays(MaxDaysOld), DateTime.Now, MaxFiles);
                AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {newfiles.Count} {this.Prefix}*.jpg files in {this.Action_network_folder}");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.last_image_file) && File.Exists(this.last_image_file))
                if (!files.Any(x => string.Equals(x.FullName, this.last_image_file, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    files.Add(new FileInfo(this.last_image_file));

            files = files.OrderByDescending(t => t.CreationTime).ToList();


            int cnt     = 0;
            int updated = 0;
            int invalid = 0;

            AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Found {files.Count} images in {fscansw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms. Scanning images...");

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
                    ClsImageQueueItem img = new ClsImageQueueItem(fi.FullName, 0, true);
                    if (img.IsValid())
                        if (this.UpdateImageResolutions(img))

                catch (Exception ex)
                    AITOOL.Log($"Debug: {fi.Name}: {ex.Message}");

                if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= MaxTimeScanningMS)
                    AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Max search time exceeded: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms >= {MaxTimeScanningMS} ms");


            string reseseses = "";

            foreach (ImageResItem res in this.ImageResolutions)
                reseseses += $"{res.ToString()};";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.last_image_file) && files.Count > 0)
                this.last_image_file = files[0].FullName;

            AITOOL.Log($"Debug: {cnt} of {files.Count} image files processed, {updated} new resolutions found ({invalid} invalid) in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms (Max={MaxTimeScanningMS} ms), {this.ImageResolutions.Count} different image resolutions found: {reseseses}");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, SightHoundPersonObject AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL, SightHoundImage SHImg)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._cururl         = curURL;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this.Camera          = cam.Name;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.Type))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            this.ImageHeight = SHImg.Height;   //curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth  = SHImg.Width;    //curImg.Width;

            if (curImg.Height != SHImg.Height)
                Log($"Debug: Original image Height does not match returned height: Original={curImg.Height}, Returned={SHImg.Height}");
            if (curImg.Width != SHImg.Width)
                Log($"Debug: Original image Width does not match returned Width: Original={curImg.Width}, Returned={SHImg.Width}");

            //    "image": {
            //        "width": 1280,
            //        "height": 960,
            //        "orientation": 1
            //    },

            //    "objects": [

            //        {
            //            "type": "person",
            //            "boundingBox": {
            //                "x": 363,
            //                "y": 182,
            //                "height": 778,
            //                "width": 723
            //            }
            //        },

            //        {
            //            "type": "face",
            //            "boundingBox": {
            //                "x": 508,
            //                "y": 305,
            //                "height": 406,
            //                "width": 406
            //            },
            //            "attributes": {
            //                "gender": "male",
            //                "genderConfidence": 0.9883,
            //                "age":25,
            //                "ageConfidence": 0.2599,
            //                "emotion": "happiness",
            //                "emotionConfidence": 0.9943,
            //                "emotionsAll": {
            //                    "neutral": 0.0018,
            //                    "sadness": 0.0009,
            //                    "disgust": 0.0002,
            //                    "anger": 0.0003,
            //                    "surprise": 0,
            //                    "fear": 0.0022,
            //                    "happiness": 0.9943
            //                },
            //                "pose":{
            //                    "pitch":-18.4849,
            //                    "roll":0.854,
            //                    "yaw":-4.2123
            //                },
            //                "frontal": true
            //            },
            //            "landmarks": {
            //                "faceContour": [[515,447],[517,491]...[872,436]],
            //                "noseBridge": [[710,419],[711,441]...[712,487]],
            //                "noseBall": [[680,519],[696,522]...[742,518]],
            //                "eyebrowRight": [[736,387],[768,376]...[854,394]],
            //                "eyebrowLeft": [[555,413],[578,391]...[679,391]],
            //                "eyeRight": [[753,428],[774,414]...[777,432]],
            //                "eyeRightCenter": [[786,423]],
            //                "eyeLeft": [[597,435],[617,423]...[619,442]],
            //                "eyeLeftCenter": [[630,432]],
            //                "mouthOuter": [[650,590],[674,572]...[675,600]],
            //                "mouthInner": [[661,587],[697,580]...[697,584]]
            //            }
            //        }
            //    ]

            //Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
            //          x,    y     Width,       Height

            //boundingBox (object): An object containing x, y, width, and height values
            //defining the location of the object in the image. The top left pixel of
            //the image represents coordinate (0,0).

            this.RectHeight = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Height;
            this.RectWidth  = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Width;

            double right = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.X + this.RectWidth;
            double left  = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.X;

            double top    = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Y;
            double bottom = AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Y + this.RectHeight;

            this.XMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(left));
            this.YMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(top));

            this.XMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(right));
            this.YMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(bottom));

            //force first letter to always be capitalized
            this.Label = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Type);

            if (AiDetectionObject.Attributes != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Gender))
                this.Label += $" [{Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Gender)}, {AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Age}, {Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Emotion)}]";

                //this isnt exactly right, but sighthound doesnt give confidence for person/face, only gender, age
                this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.Attributes.GenderConfidence * 100;
                this.Confidence = 100;

            this.Filename = curImg.image_path;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, SightHoundVehicleObject AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL, SightHoundImage SHImg)

            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._cururl         = curURL;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this.Camera          = cam.Name;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AiDetectionObject.ObjectType))
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            this.ImageHeight = SHImg.Height; //curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth  = SHImg.Width;  //curImg.Width;

            if (curImg.Height != SHImg.Height)
                Log($"Debug: Original image Height does not match returned height: Original={curImg.Height}, Returned={SHImg.Height}");
            if (curImg.Width != SHImg.Width)
                Log($"Debug: Original image Width does not match returned Width: Original={curImg.Width}, Returned={SHImg.Width}");

            //    "image": {
            //    "width":2016,
            //    "orientation":1,
            //    "height":1512
            //    {
            //        "vehicleAnnotation":{
            //            "bounding":{
            //                "vertices":[
            //                    {  "x":430, "y":286 },
            //                    {  "x":835, "y":286 },
            //                    {  "x":835, "y":559 },
            //                    {  "x":430, "y":559 }
            //                ]
            //            },
            //            "attributes":{
            //            "system":{
            //                "color":{
            //                    "confidence":0.9968,
            //                    "name":"silver/grey"
            //                },
            //                "make":{
            //                    "confidence":0.8508,
            //                    "name":"BMW"
            //                },
            //                "model":{
            //                    "confidence":0.8508,
            //                    "name":"3 Series"
            //                },
            //                "vehicleType":"car"
            //            }
            //            },
            //            "recognitionConfidence":0.8508
            //            "licenseplate":{
            //                "bounding":{
            //                    "vertices":[
            //                        { "x":617, "y":452 },
            //                        { "x":743, "y":452 },
            //                        { "x":743, "y":482 },
            //                        { "x":617, "y":482 }
            //                    ]
            //                },
            //                "attributes":{
            //                    "system":{
            //                        "region":{
            //                            "name":"Florida",
            //                            "confidence":0.9994
            //                        },
            //                        "string":{
            //                            "name":"RTB2",
            //                            "confidence":0.999
            //                        },
            //                        "characters":[
            //                            {
            //                                "bounding":{
            //                                    "vertices":[
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":637 },
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":649 },
            //                                        { "y":473, "x":649 },
            //                                        { "y":473, "x":637 }
            //                                    ]
            //                                },
            //                                "index":0,
            //                                "confidence":0.9999,
            //                                "character":"R"
            //                            },
            //                            {
            //                                "bounding":{
            //                                    "vertices":[
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":648 },
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":661 },
            //                                        { "y":473, "x":661 },
            //                                        { "y":473, "x":648 }
            //                                    ]
            //                                },
            //                                "index":1,
            //                                "confidence":0.9999,
            //                                "character":"T"
            //                            },
            //                            {
            //                                "bounding":{
            //                                    "vertices":[
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":671 },
            //                                        { "y":455, "x":684 },
            //                                        { "y":474, "x":684 },
            //                                        { "y":474, "x":671 }
            //                                    ]
            //                                },
            //                                "index":2,
            //                                "confidence":0.9996,
            //                                "character":"B"
            //                            },
            //                            {
            //                                "bounding":{
            //                                    "vertices":[
            //                                        { "y":456, "x":683 },
            //                                        { "y":456, "x":696 },
            //                                        { "y":474, "x":696 },
            //                                        { "y":474, "x":683 }
            //                                    ]
            //                                },
            //                                "index":3,
            //                                "confidence":0.9995,
            //                                "character":"2"
            //                            }
            //                        ]
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            },
            //        },
            //        "objectId":"_vehicle_f3c3d26b-c568-4d98-b6db-b96659fd7766",
            //        "objectType":"vehicle"
            //    }

            //Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
            //          x,    y     Width,       Height

            //    vertices (array): A list of objects that define coordinates of the vertices that surround the Object
            //        x (integer): Horizontal pixel position of the vertex
            //        y (integer): Vertical pixel position of the vertex

            // get the bounding box from vertices
            List <System.Drawing.Point> pts = new List <System.Drawing.Point>();

            foreach (var pt in AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Bounding.Vertices)
                pts.Add(new System.Drawing.Point(pt.X, pt.Y));

            Rectangle rect = Global.RectFromVertices(pts);

            this.RectHeight = rect.Height;
            this.RectWidth  = rect.Width;

            double right = rect.X + this.RectWidth;
            double left  = rect.X;

            double top    = rect.Y;
            double bottom = rect.Y + this.RectHeight;

            this.XMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(left));
            this.YMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(top));

            this.XMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(right));
            this.YMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(bottom));

            if (AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Attributes.System.VehicleType))
                string type  = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Attributes.System.VehicleType);
                string color = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Attributes.System.Color.Name);
                string make  = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Attributes.System.Make.Name);
                string model = Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Attributes.System.Model.Name);

                string plate = "Unknown";
                if (AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Licenseplate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Licenseplate.Attributes.System.String.Name))
                    plate = $"{AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Licenseplate.Attributes.System.Region.Name} {AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.Licenseplate.Attributes.System.String.Name}";

                this.Label += $"{type} [{color}, {make}, {model}, Plate={plate}]";

                //this isnt exactly right, but sighthound doesnt give confidence for person/face, only gender, age
                this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.VehicleAnnotation.RecognitionConfidence * 100;
                this.Confidence = 100;

            this.Filename = curImg.image_path;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public ClsPrediction(ObjectType defaultObjType, Camera cam, Amazon.Rekognition.Model.FaceDetail AiDetectionObject, ClsImageQueueItem curImg, ClsURLItem curURL)
            this._defaultObjType = defaultObjType;
            this._cam            = cam;
            this._cururl         = curURL;
            this._curimg         = curImg;
            this.Camera          = cam.Name;
            this.BICamName       = cam.BICamName;
            this.ImageHeight     = curImg.Height;
            this.ImageWidth      = curImg.Width;
            this.Server          = curURL.CurSrv;
            this.Time            = DateTime.Now;
            this.Filename        = curImg.image_path;

            if (AiDetectionObject == null || cam == null)
                Log("Error: Prediction or Camera was null?", "", this._cam.Name);
                this.Result = ResultType.Error;

            this.RectHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Height));
            this.RectWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Width));

            double right = (curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Left) + this.RectWidth;
            double left  = curImg.Width * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Left;

            double top    = curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Top;
            double bottom = (curImg.Height * AiDetectionObject.BoundingBox.Top) + this.RectHeight;

            this.XMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(left));
            this.YMin = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(top));

            this.XMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(right));
            this.YMax = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(bottom));

            //[{Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Gender)}, {AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Age}, {Global.UpperFirst(AiDetectionObject.Attributes.Emotion)}]
            string         emotions     = "";
            List <Emotion> emotionslist = new List <Emotion>();

            if (AiDetectionObject.Emotions != null && AiDetectionObject.Emotions.Count > 0)
                foreach (Emotion em in AiDetectionObject.Emotions)
                    if (em.Confidence >= 25)
                if (emotionslist.Count > 0)
                    //sort so highest conf is first
                    emotionslist = emotionslist.OrderByDescending(a => a.Confidence).ToList();
                    emotions     = ", ";
                    int cnt = 0;
                    foreach (Emotion em in emotionslist)
                        emotions += $"{Global.UpperFirst(em.Type.ToString().ToLower())};";
                        if (cnt > 3)
                    emotions = emotions.Trim(" ;".ToCharArray());

            string gender = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Gender != null)
                gender = $", {AiDetectionObject.Gender.Value}";

            string age = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.AgeRange != null)
                age = $", {AiDetectionObject.AgeRange.Low}-{AiDetectionObject.AgeRange.High}";

            string smile = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Smile.Value)
                smile = ", Smile";

            string eyeglasses = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Eyeglasses.Value)
                eyeglasses = ", Eyeglasses";

            string sunglasses = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Sunglasses.Value)
                sunglasses = ", Sunglasses";

            string beard = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Beard.Value)
                beard = ", Beard";

            string mustache = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.Mustache.Value)
                mustache = ", Mustache";

            string mouthopen = "";

            if (AiDetectionObject.MouthOpen.Value)
                mouthopen = ", MouthOpen";

            this.Label = "Face";

            this.Detail = $"{gender}{age}{emotions}{smile}{eyeglasses}{sunglasses}{beard}{mustache}{mouthopen}".Trim(", ".ToCharArray());

            this.Confidence = AiDetectionObject.Confidence;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool TryAddFaceFile(ClsImageQueueItem CurImg, out string Newfilename, int MaxFilesPerFace, int MaxFileAgeDays)
            Newfilename = "";

            if (!CurImg.IsValid())

            string fname = Path.GetFileName(CurImg.image_path).ToLower();

            Newfilename = Path.Combine(this.FaceStoragePath, fname);

            if (!this.FilesDic.ContainsKey(fname))
                if (this.FilesDic.Count > 1)
                    //Get the oldest one
                    ClsFaceFile oldest = this.FilesDic.Values.OrderBy(f => f.DateFileModified).First();

                    if (this.FilesDic.Count > MaxFilesPerFace)
                        string firstname = Path.GetFileName(oldest.FilePath).ToLower();
                        bool   removed   = this.FilesDic.TryRemove(firstname, out ClsFaceFile value);
                        if (removed && oldest.Exists)

                    if ((DateTime.Now - oldest.DateFileModified).TotalDays > MaxFileAgeDays)
                        //remove the first one
                        string firstname = Path.GetFileName(oldest.FilePath).ToLower();
                        bool   removed   = this.FilesDic.TryRemove(firstname, out ClsFaceFile value);
                        if (removed && oldest.Exists)

                //if in different location, copy it in
                if (!CurImg.image_path.EqualsIgnoreCase(Newfilename))
                    if (!CurImg.CopyFileTo(Newfilename))

                ClsFaceFile ff = new ClsFaceFile(Newfilename, this);

                ff.OriginalPath = CurImg.image_path;

                ff.OriginalCamera = GetCamera(ff.OriginalPath, true).Name;

                this.FilesDic.TryAdd(fname, ff);


Ejemplo n.º 14
        private async void btTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string pth = Global.GetSetting("TestImage", Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestImage.jpg"));

            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog
                InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(pth),
                FileName         = Path.GetFileName(pth),
                Title            = "Select test image",

                CheckFileExists = true,
                CheckPathExists = true,

                DefaultExt       = "jpg",
                Filter           = "jpg files (*.jpg)|*.jpg",
                FilterIndex      = 2,
                RestoreDirectory = true,
                ShowReadOnly     = true

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                pth = ofd.FileName;
                Global.SaveSetting("TestImage", pth);

                if (File.Exists(pth))
                    //must create a temp unique file every time because database key is the filename
                    string tpth = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"TEST_CAM.{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-fff}");
                    File.Copy(pth, tpth, true);

                    btTest.Enabled  = false;
                    bt_Save.Enabled = false;
                    btTest.Text     = "Working...";
                    ClsImageQueueItem CurImg = new ClsImageQueueItem(tpth, 0);
                    Camera            cam    = new Camera("TEST_CAM");
                    bool ret = await AITOOL.DetectObjects(CurImg, this.CurURL, cam);

                    btTest.Enabled  = true;
                    bt_Save.Enabled = true;
                    btTest.Text     = "Test";
                    if (ret)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Success! {this.CurURL.LastResultMessage}", "Success");
                        MessageBox.Show($"Error! {this.CurURL.LastResultMessage}", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show($"Test file does not exist:\r\n{pth}");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private async void btTest_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.btTest.Enabled    = false;
            this.btnSave.Enabled   = false;
            this.btnCancel.Enabled = false;

                AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport = this.tb_ServerPort.Text.Trim();
                AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_password      = this.tb_Password.Text.Trim();
                AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username      = this.tb_Username.Text.Trim();
                AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_UseTLS        = this.cb_UseTLS.Checked;

                using (Global_GUI.CursorWait cw = new Global_GUI.CursorWait())
                    Log("------ TESTING MQTT --------");

                    string topic   = AITOOL.ReplaceParams(this.cam, null, null, this.tb_Topic.Text.Trim());
                    string payload = AITOOL.ReplaceParams(this.cam, null, null, this.tb_Payload.Text.Trim());

                    List <string> topics   = Global.Split(topic, ";|");
                    List <string> payloads = Global.Split(payload, ";|");

                    MQTTClient mq = new MQTTClient();
                    MqttClientPublishResult pr     = null;
                    ClsImageQueueItem       CurImg = null;

                    for (int i = 0; i < topics.Count; i++)
                        if (this.cam.Action_mqtt_send_image)
                            if (topics[i].IndexOf("/image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.cam.last_image_file_with_detections) && File.Exists(this.cam.last_image_file_with_detections))
                                    CurImg = new ClsImageQueueItem(this.cam.last_image_file_with_detections, 0);
                                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.cam.last_image_file) && File.Exists(this.cam.last_image_file))
                                    CurImg = new ClsImageQueueItem(this.cam.last_image_file, 0);
                                    CurImg = null;
                                CurImg = null;

                        pr = await mq.PublishAsync(topics[i], payloads[i], this.cam.Action_mqtt_retain_message, CurImg);

                    Log("------ DONE TESTING MQTT --------");

                    if (pr != null && (pr.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success))
                        MessageBox.Show("Success! See Log for details.");
                    else if (pr != null)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Failed. See log for details. Reason={pr.ReasonCode}", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        MessageBox.Show($"Failed. See log for details.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                this.btTest.Enabled    = true;
                this.btnSave.Enabled   = true;
                this.btnCancel.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public async Task <MqttClientPublishResult> PublishAsync(string topic, string payload, bool retain, ClsImageQueueItem CurImg)
            using var Trace = new Trace();  //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done.

            MqttClientPublishResult res = null;
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            this.LastRetain  = retain;
            this.LastPayload = payload;
            this.LastTopic   = topic;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic))
                this.LastTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            if (!this.IsConnected)
                await this.Connect();

            if (!this.IsConnected)

            await Task.Run(async() =>
                    Log($"Debug: MQTT: Sending topic '{this.LastTopic}' with payload '{this.LastPayload}' to server '{this.server}:{this.portint}'...");

                    if (cres != null && mqttClient.IsConnected && cres.ResultCode == MqttClientConnectResultCode.Success)
                        IsConnected = true;

                        MqttApplicationMessage ma;

                        if (CurImg != null)
                            //using FileStream image_data =  System.IO.File.OpenRead(CurImg.image_path);

                            ma = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder()

                            res = await mqttClient.PublishAsync(ma, CancellationToken.None);

                            if (res.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: ...Sent image in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms, Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                                Log($"Error: MQTT: sending image: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                            ma = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder()

                            res = await mqttClient.PublishAsync(ma, CancellationToken.None);

                            //Success = 0,
                            //        NoMatchingSubscribers = 0x10,
                            //        UnspecifiedError = 0x80,
                            //        ImplementationSpecificError = 0x83,
                            //        NotAuthorized = 0x87,
                            //        TopicNameInvalid = 0x90,
                            //        PacketIdentifierInUse = 0x91,
                            //        QuotaExceeded = 0x97,
                            //        PayloadFormatInvalid = 0x99

                            if (res.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: ...Sent in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms, Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                                Log($"Error: MQTT: sending: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                    else if (cres != null)
                        IsConnected = false;
                        Log($"Error: MQTT: connecting: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Result: '{cres.ResultCode}' - '{cres.ReasonString}'");
                        IsConnected = false;
                        Log($"Error: MQTT: Error connecting: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) cres=null");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log($"Error: MQTT: Unexpected Problem: Topic '{this.LastTopic}' Payload '{this.LastPayload}': " + ex.Msg());

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private async void btTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            string pth = Global.GetRegSetting("TestImage", Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestImage.jpg"));

            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog
                InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(pth),
                FileName         = Path.GetFileName(pth),
                Title            = "Select test image",

                CheckFileExists = true,
                CheckPathExists = true,

                DefaultExt       = "jpg",
                Filter           = "jpg files (*.jpg)|*.jpg",
                FilterIndex      = 2,
                RestoreDirectory = true,
                ShowReadOnly     = true

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                pth = ofd.FileName;
                Global.SaveRegSetting("TestImage", pth);

                if (File.Exists(pth))
                    //must create a temp unique file every time because database key is the filename
                    Camera cam = AITOOL.GetCamera("default", true);
                    if (cam == null)
                        cam = new Camera("TEST_CAM");

                    string ext  = Path.GetExtension(pth);
                    string tpth = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{cam.Name}.URLTEST.{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-fff}{ext}");
                    File.Copy(pth, tpth, true);

                    btTest.Enabled  = false;
                    bt_Save.Enabled = false;
                    btTest.Text     = "Working...";
                    ClsImageQueueItem CurImg = new ClsImageQueueItem(tpth, 0);

                    List <ClsURLItem> linked = new List <ClsURLItem> {

                    if (this.CurURL.LinkServerResults && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CurURL.LinkedResultsServerList))
                        linked.AddRange(await AITOOL.WaitForNextURL(cam, false, null, this.CurURL.LinkedResultsServerList));
                    if (linked.Count > 1)
                        AITOOL.Log($"Debug: ---- Found '{linked.Count}' linked AI URL's.");

                    AITOOL.DetectObjectsResult result = await AITOOL.DetectObjects(CurImg, linked, cam);

                    //make sure not stuck in use for the test:
                    foreach (var url in result.OutURLs)

                    btTest.Enabled  = true;
                    bt_Save.Enabled = true;
                    btTest.Text     = "Test";
                    if (result.Success)
                        Frm_ObjectDetail frm = new Frm_ObjectDetail();
                        frm.PredictionObjectDetails = result.OutPredictions;
                        frm.ImageFileName           = tpth;

                        MessageBox.Show($"Success! {this.CurURL.LastResultMessage}", "Success");
                        MessageBox.Show($"Error! {this.CurURL.LastResultMessage}", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    MessageBox.Show($"Test file does not exist:\r\n{pth}");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public string GetMaskFile(bool MustExist, ClsImageQueueItem CurImg = null, ImageResItem ir = null)
            string ret = "";

            lock (CamLock)
                    String resstr = "";

                    if (CurImg != null)
                        resstr = $"_{CurImg.Width}x{CurImg.Height}";
                    else if (ir == null && this.ImageResolutions.Count > 0)
                        ir     = this.ImageResolutions[0]; //the first one should be the most recent image processed because of the sort.
                        resstr = $"_{ir.Width}x{ir.Height}";
                    else if (ir != null)
                        resstr = $"_{ir.Width}x{ir.Height}";

                    string CamMaskFile = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MaskFileName))
                        if (this.MaskFileName.Contains("\\") && this.MaskFileName.Contains("."))
                            CamMaskFile = this.MaskFileName;
                        else if (this.MaskFileName.Contains("."))
                            CamMaskFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AppSettings.Settings.SettingsFileName), $"{this.MaskFileName}");
                            CamMaskFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AppSettings.Settings.SettingsFileName), $"{this.MaskFileName}.bmp");

                        //Add WidthxHeight to filename
                        string ResFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(CamMaskFile), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CamMaskFile)}{resstr}.bmp");

                        bool resempty     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(resstr);
                        bool cammaskexist = File.Exists(CamMaskFile);
                        bool resexist     = File.Exists(ResFile);
                        if (!resempty && cammaskexist && !Path.GetFileName(CamMaskFile).Contains("_") && !resexist)
                            //lets rename it to appropriate ResFile name
                            string tmpresstr = "";
                            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(CamMaskFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                using Image img = Image.FromStream(fileStream, false, false);
                                tmpresstr       = $"_{img.Width}x{img.Height}";
                            if (tmpresstr == resstr)
                                AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Renaming mask file from '{CamMaskFile}' to '{ResFile}'...");
                                File.Move(CamMaskFile, ResFile);
                                AITOOL.Log($"Debug: Cannot rename mask file because it does not match the current image resolution of '{resstr}' (!={tmpresstr}):  MaskFile='{CamMaskFile}'...");
                            //AITOOL.Log($"Debug: ResEmpty={resempty}, CamMaskExist={cammaskexist}, ResMaskFileExist={resexist}, CurRes={resstr}, MaskRes={resstr}, CamMaskFile='{CamMaskFile}', ResMaskFile={ResFile}...");

                        if (MustExist)
                            if (File.Exists(ResFile))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AITOOL.Log("Error: " + ex.Msg());

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public async Task <MqttClientPublishResult> PublishAsync(string topic, string payload, bool retain, ClsImageQueueItem CurImg)
            using var Trace = new Trace();  //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done.

            MqttClientPublishResult res = null;
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            await Task.Run(async() =>
                MqttFactory factory = new MqttFactory();

                IMqttClient mqttClient = null;
                bool subscribed        = false;
                bool IsConnected       = false;

                using (mqttClient = factory.CreateMqttClient())
                        string server = Global.GetWordBetween(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport, "", ":");
                        string port   = Global.GetWordBetween(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport, ":", "/");
                        int portint   = 0;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port))
                            portint = Convert.ToInt32(port);
                        if (portint == 0 && AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_UseTLS)
                            portint = 8883;
                        else if (portint == 0)
                            portint = 1883;

                        bool IsWebSocket = (AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport.IndexOf("ws://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                            AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport.IndexOf("/mqtt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                            AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport.IndexOf("wss://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);

                        bool UseTLS = (AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_UseTLS || portint == 8883 || AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport.ToLower().Contains("wss://"));

                        bool UseCreds = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username));

                        IMqttClientOptions options;

                        //Seems like there should be a better way here with this Options builder...
                        //I dont see an obvious way to directly modify options without the builder
                        //and I cant seem to put IF statements around each part of the option builder

                        if (UseTLS)
                            if (UseCreds)
                                if (IsWebSocket)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithCredentials(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username, AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_password)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithTcpServer(server, portint)
                                              .WithCredentials(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username, AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_password)
                                if (IsWebSocket)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithTcpServer(server, portint)
                            if (UseCreds)
                                if (IsWebSocket)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithCredentials(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username, AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_password)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithTcpServer(server, portint)
                                              .WithCredentials(AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_username, AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_password)
                                if (IsWebSocket)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                                              .WithTcpServer(server, portint)
                                    options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic))
                            topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                        mqttClient.UseDisconnectedHandler(async e =>
                            IsConnected = false;
                            string excp = "";
                            if (e.Exception != null)
                                excp = e.Exception.Message;
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: ### DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER ### - Reason: {e.ReasonCode}, ClientWasDisconnected: {e.ClientWasConnected}, {excp}");

                            //reconnect here if needed?

                        mqttClient.UseApplicationMessageReceivedHandler(async e =>
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: ### RECEIVED APPLICATION MESSAGE ###");
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: + Topic = {e.ApplicationMessage.Topic}");
                            if (e.ApplicationMessage.Payload.Length < 64)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: + Payload = {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.ApplicationMessage.Payload)}");
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: + QoS = {e.ApplicationMessage.QualityOfServiceLevel}");
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: + Retain = {e.ApplicationMessage.Retain}");

                        mqttClient.UseConnectedHandler(async e =>
                            IsConnected = true;
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: ### CONNECTED WITH SERVER '{AppSettings.Settings.mqtt_serverandport}' ### - Result: {e.AuthenticateResult.ResultCode}, '{e.AuthenticateResult.ReasonString}'");

                            // Subscribe to the topic
                            await mqttClient.SubscribeAsync(topic, MQTTnet.Protocol.MqttQualityOfServiceLevel.AtLeastOnce);

                            subscribed = true;

                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: ### SUBSCRIBED to topic '{topic}'");

                        Log($"Debug: MQTT: Sending topic '{topic}' with payload '{payload}' to server '{server}:{portint}'...");

                        MqttClientAuthenticateResult cres = await mqttClient.ConnectAsync(options, CancellationToken.None);

                        if (cres != null && mqttClient.IsConnected && cres.ResultCode == MqttClientConnectResultCode.Success)
                            IsConnected = true;

                            MqttApplicationMessage ma;

                            if (CurImg != null)
                                using FileStream image_data = System.IO.File.OpenRead(CurImg.image_path);

                                ma = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder()

                                res = await mqttClient.PublishAsync(ma, CancellationToken.None);

                                if (res.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success)
                                    Log($"Debug: MQTT: ...Sent image in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms, Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                                    Log($"Error: MQTT: sending image: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                                ma = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder()

                                res = await mqttClient.PublishAsync(ma, CancellationToken.None);

                                //Success = 0,
                                //        NoMatchingSubscribers = 0x10,
                                //        UnspecifiedError = 0x80,
                                //        ImplementationSpecificError = 0x83,
                                //        NotAuthorized = 0x87,
                                //        TopicNameInvalid = 0x90,
                                //        PacketIdentifierInUse = 0x91,
                                //        QuotaExceeded = 0x97,
                                //        PayloadFormatInvalid = 0x99

                                if (res.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success)
                                    Log($"Debug: MQTT: ...Sent in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms, Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                                    Log($"Error: MQTT: sending: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Reason: '{res.ReasonCode}' ({Convert.ToInt32(res.ReasonCode)} - '{res.ReasonString}')");
                        else if (cres != null)
                            IsConnected = false;
                            Log($"Error: MQTT: connecting: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) Result: '{cres.ResultCode}' - '{cres.ReasonString}'");
                            IsConnected = false;
                            Log($"Error: MQTT: Error connecting: ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms) cres=null");

                        if (mqttClient != null && mqttClient.IsConnected && IsConnected)
                            if (subscribed)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: Unsubscribing from topic '{topic}'");
                                await mqttClient.UnsubscribeAsync(topic);

                            if (mqttClient.IsConnected && IsConnected)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: Disconnecting from server.");
                                    await mqttClient.DisconnectAsync();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    //dont throw ERROR in the log if fail to disconnect
                                    Log($"Debug: MQTT: Could not disconnect from server, got: {Global.ExMsg(ex)}");
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: Already disconnected from server, no need to disconnect.");

                            IsConnected = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log($"Error: MQTT: Unexpected Problem: Topic '{topic}' Payload '{payload}': " + Global.ExMsg(ex));
                        if (mqttClient != null && mqttClient.IsConnected)
                            if (subscribed)
                                Log($"Debug: MQTT: Un-Subscribing from topic '{topic}'");
                                await mqttClient.UnsubscribeAsync(topic);
                            Log($"Debug: MQTT: Disconnecting from server.");
                            await mqttClient.DisconnectAsync();
                            mqttClient.Dispose();                  //using should dispose anyway

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async void MergeImageAnnotations(string OutputImageFile, ClsImageQueueItem CurImg = null)
            int    countr       = 0;
            string detections   = "";
            string lasttext     = "";
            string lastposition = "";

                string InputImageFile = "";

                if (CurImg == null)
                    InputImageFile = this.last_image_file_with_detections;
                    InputImageFile = CurImg.image_path;

                if (File.Exists(InputImageFile))
                    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    using (Bitmap img = new Bitmap(InputImageFile))
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                            g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                            g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                            g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit;

                            System.Drawing.Color color = new System.Drawing.Color();
                            detections = this.last_detections_summary;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detections))
                                detections = "";

                            if (detections.Contains("irrelevant") || detections.Contains("masked") || detections.Contains("confidence"))
                                color      = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(AppSettings.Settings.RectIrrelevantColorAlpha, AppSettings.Settings.RectIrrelevantColor);
                                detections = detections.Split(':')[1]; //removes the "1x masked, 3x irrelevant:" before the actual detection, otherwise this would be displayed in the detection tags
                                color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(AppSettings.Settings.RectRelevantColorAlpha, AppSettings.Settings.RectRelevantColor);

                            //List<string> detectlist = Global.Split(detections, "|;");
                            countr = this.last_detections.Count();

                            //display a rectangle around each relevant object

                            for (int i = 0; i < countr; i++)
                                //({ Math.Round((user.confidence * 100), 2).ToString() }%)
                                lasttext     = $"{this.last_detections[i]} {String.Format(AppSettings.Settings.DisplayPercentageFormat, this.last_confidences[i] * 100)}";
                                lastposition = this.last_positions[i];  //load 'xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax' from third column into a string

                                //store xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in separate variables
                                Int32.TryParse(lastposition.Split(',')[0], out int xmin);
                                Int32.TryParse(lastposition.Split(',')[1], out int ymin);
                                Int32.TryParse(lastposition.Split(',')[2], out int xmax);
                                Int32.TryParse(lastposition.Split(',')[3], out int ymax);

                                xmin = xmin + this.XOffset;
                                ymin = ymin + this.YOffset;

                                System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);

                                using (Pen pen = new Pen(color, 2))
                                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect); //draw rectangle

                                //object name text below rectangle
                                rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xmin - 1, ymax, img.Width, img.Height); //sets bounding box for drawn text

                                Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);                                                                                                                     //sets background rectangle color

                                System.Drawing.SizeF size = g.MeasureString(lasttext, new Font(AppSettings.Settings.RectDetectionTextFont, AppSettings.Settings.RectDetectionTextSize)); //finds size of text to draw the background rectangle
                                g.FillRectangle(brush, xmin - 1, ymax, size.Width, size.Height);                                                                                         //draw grey background rectangle for detection text
                                g.DrawString(lasttext, new Font(AppSettings.Settings.RectDetectionTextFont, AppSettings.Settings.RectDetectionTextSize), Brushes.Black, rect);           //draw detection text


                                //Global.Log($"...{i}, LastText='{lasttext}' - LastPosition='{lastposition}'");

                            if (countr > 0)
                                GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

                                ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                                // Create an Encoder object based on the GUID
                                // for the Quality parameter category.
                                System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality;

                                // Create an EncoderParameters object.
                                // An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter
                                // objects. In this case, there is only one
                                // EncoderParameter object in the array.
                                EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);

                                EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, this.Action_image_merge_jpegquality);  //100=least compression, largest file size, best quality
                                myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;

                                bool Success = true;

                                if (File.Exists(OutputImageFile))
                                    Success = await Global.WaitForFileAccessAsync(OutputImageFile, FileSystemRights.FullControl, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                                if (Success)
                                    img.Save(OutputImageFile, jpgEncoder, myEncoderParameters);
                                    Global.Log($"Merged {countr} detections in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms into image {OutputImageFile}");
                                    Global.Log($"Error: Could not gain access to write merged file {OutputImageFile}");
                                Global.Log($"No detections to merge.  Time={sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms, {OutputImageFile}");
                    Global.Log("Error: could not find last image with detections: " + this.last_image_file_with_detections);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Global.Log($"Error: Detections='{detections}', LastText='{lasttext}', LastPostions='{lastposition}' - " + Global.ExMsg(ex));