Ejemplo n.º 1
        private int GetAIGuessFromPatternHits(List <PatternNumberResult> phList)
            int bestGuess = 0;

            PatternNumberResult bestPhit = null;
            string bestGuessStr          = "0,";
            double maxWeightageSofar     = 0;

            foreach (PatternNumberResult phit in phList)
                if (maxWeightageSofar < phit.calcWeightage)
                    maxWeightageSofar = phit.calcWeightage;
                    bestGuessStr      = phit.nextVal;

                    bestPhit = phit;

            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("-- selected winner --");

            bestGuessStr = bestGuessStr.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' });

            bestGuess = Convert.ToInt32(bestGuessStr);

            // Determine max weightage
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void StartProcessOfGuessingTheNextQuote()
                // Generate the next random number
                // Guess the next number
                aiGuessNum = AIGuessTheNextStockQuote();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error processing random quote." + ex.Message);


            string resultStr;

            int nextRandSeqNum = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.randStockQuote.seqNum) + 1;

            StockQuote nextStockQuote = (StockQuote)Globals.stockQuotesHashTable[nextRandSeqNum.ToString()];

            int    nextRandNumPrice = Convert.ToInt32(nextStockQuote.stockPrice);
            string nextRandDateStr  = nextStockQuote.date.ToString();

            if (aiGuessNum == nextRandNumPrice)
                resultStr = "SUCCESS !!!";
                resultStr = "Guess Again";

            labelRandDate.Text    = nextRandDateStr;
            labelRandValue.Text   = nextRandNumPrice.ToString();
            labelGuessResult.Text = resultStr;

            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile(" ");
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff"));
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("------- Result --------");
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("AI Stock Price Guess: " + aiGuessNum.ToString());
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("Actual Next day Stock Price: " + nextRandNumPrice.ToString());
            //PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("Random Number: " + randNum.ToString());
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("Result: " + resultStr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string GetAIGuessesFromPatternHits()
            string bestGuesses = "";

            PatternNumberResult bestPhit = null;
            string bestGuessStr          = "0,";
            double maxWeightageSofar     = 0;

            List <PatternNumberResult> phBestHitsList = new List <PatternNumberResult>();

            foreach (PatternNumberResult phit in patternHitsList)
                if (maxWeightageSofar < phit.calcWeightage)
                    maxWeightageSofar = phit.calcWeightage;
                    bestGuessStr      = phit.nextVal;

                    bestPhit = phit;

            // Get all best pattern hits with max weightage
            foreach (PatternNumberResult phit in patternHitsList)
                if (phit.calcWeightage == bestPhit.calcWeightage)
                    bestGuesses += phit.nextVal;
            PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("-- winners --");
            foreach (PatternNumberResult phit in phBestHitsList)

            //bestGuessStr = bestGuessStr.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' });

            //bestGuess = Convert.ToInt32(bestGuessStr);

            // Determine max weightage
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void PrintPatternHitsToLogFile()
            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePatternHits, true))

            if (Globals.notLogVerbose == false)
                for (int i = 0; i < patternHitsList.Count; i++)
                    PatternNumberResult phit = patternHitsList[i];

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void IdentifyStringPatterns(List <string> listnum)

            int randStockRow = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.randStockQuote.seqNum);
            int listLen      = randStockRow;
            //int numofDigitsToMatch = randStockRow;

            // we can no longer use all the data in the stock quote file
            // but instead we can only go upto the selected random row

            List <string> listNumUptilRandomNum = new List <string>();

            listNumUptilRandomNum = listnum.GetRange(0, randStockRow);
            string strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim = string.Join("", listNumUptilRandomNum.ToArray());

            if (Globals.notLogVerbose == false)
                PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("Randomly Chosen Stock Quote: " + Globals.randStockQuote.date.ToString() + " - " + Globals.randStockQuote.seqNum + " - " + Globals.randStockQuote.stockPrice);

            string searchPattern = "";

            for (int currDigitsToMatch = 1; currDigitsToMatch <= Globals.maxDigitsToMatch; currDigitsToMatch++)
                int seqNum = 0;

                if (listLen < currDigitsToMatch)
                    throw (new Exception("Digits to match greater than the length of data."));

                // get the last digit in the list, then append to the right its predecessor and so on
                int    newPos     = listLen - currDigitsToMatch;
                string newPattern = listNumUptilRandomNum[newPos].ToString();
                searchPattern = newPattern + searchPattern;

                // Loop through all instances of the searchPattern
                string occurString = "";
                int    pos         = 0;
                //int countOccur = 0;

                int numOfPatternOccurrances = 0;

                // pos is zero based, and starts from left to right
                while ((pos = strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.IndexOf(searchPattern, pos)) != -1)

                    // zero based -  pattern includes the leading comma such as 76,72,
                    int posAfter = pos + (searchPattern.Length); //skip over the length of search pattern to get the next token 2,3,

                    // adding 1 to posAfter as it is zero based while length is not
                    if (posAfter + 1 > strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.Length)

                    //string valAfter = listNumUptilRandomNum[pos+1].ToString();
                    //if (posAfter >= strNumUptilRandStringDelim.Length)
                    //    break;

                    // get the value immediately after the pattern
                    // zero based position of the next delimiter string
                    int nextValEndpos = strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.IndexOf(',', posAfter);
                    // zero based
                    // plus one to get the comma
                    int valAfterLen = (nextValEndpos - posAfter) + 1;

                    // get the next value after the pattern with the comma
                    string valAfter = strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.Substring(posAfter, valAfterLen);

                    string currOccurString = searchPattern + valAfter + "|";
                    int    countOccur      = Globals.CountOccurancesofStringWithinString(currOccurString, occurString);
                    occurString += currOccurString;


                    //int weightage = (currDigitsToMatch * weightFactor);
                    double weightage = Math.Pow(Globals.weightFactor, currDigitsToMatch);

                    double calcWeightage = weightage;


                    //if (countOccur > 0)
                    calcWeightage = weightage + (countOccur * currDigitsToMatch);

                    PatternNumberResult phits = new PatternNumberResult(++seqNum, searchPattern, valAfter, weightage, pos, currDigitsToMatch, countOccur, calcWeightage);


                    // Increment the index.

                // we will always have occurance of one pattern in the end of the array string, but if
                // no other pattern was found in the string, it is time to return
                if (numOfPatternOccurrances <= 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // In this method we use regex in order to use wild cards in the string for example, if we have a pattern 100, 111, 122
        // 100 100 100  *
        // 111 111  *  111
        // 122  *  122 122
        // asterisk indicates wild card, therefore, search for a string such as 122, * - any, 100

        private void IdentifyStringPatternsUsingWildcards(List <string> listNumUptilRandomNum)

            bool wildCardOn = false;
            int  listLen    = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.randStockQuote.seqNum);

            //int numofDigitsToMatch = randStockRow;

            string strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim = string.Join("", listNumUptilRandomNum.ToArray());

            if (Globals.notLogVerbose == false)
                PatternNumberResult.PrintToPatternHitsFile("Randomly Chosen Stock Quote: " + Globals.randStockQuote.date.ToString() + " - " + Globals.randStockQuote.seqNum + " - " + Globals.randStockQuote.stockPrice);

            string searchPattern = "";
            //int numOfWildCards = 1; // for now, we will limit to one
            var wildCardPosList = new List <int>();

            for (int currDigitsToMatch = 1; currDigitsToMatch <= Globals.maxDigitsToMatch; currDigitsToMatch++)
                // Loop through all instances of the searchPattern
                //string occurString = "";

                int seqNum = 0;

                if (listLen < currDigitsToMatch)
                    throw (new Exception("Digits to match greater than the length of data."));

                // get the last digit in the list, then append to the right its predecessor and so on
                int    newPos     = listLen - currDigitsToMatch;
                string newPattern = listNumUptilRandomNum[newPos].ToString();
                searchPattern = newPattern + searchPattern;

                // If just one item to match, then no use of wild card
                //if (currDigitsToMatch == 1)
                //    continue;

                string patternRegexStr = "";

                // when pos is -1, then no wild card
                for (int wildCardPos = -1; wildCardPos < currDigitsToMatch; wildCardPos++)
                    wildCardOn = false;

                    // If just one item to match, then no use of wild card
                    if (currDigitsToMatch > 1)
                        if (wildCardPos == -1)
                            // no wild card, first work with the pattern string as is
                            patternRegexStr = searchPattern;

                            // We do not want the wild card to be in the last position such as in example 5,6,7
                            // we want wild card in the positions 5,\d,\d or 5,6,\d
                            // but not in \d,6,7 or \d,\d,7
                            if (wildCardPos == (currDigitsToMatch - 1))
                            wildCardOn = true;
                            patternRegexStr = CreatePatternRegexStr(searchPattern, wildCardPosList);
                        patternRegexStr = searchPattern;

                    int pos = 0;
                    //int countOccur = 0;

                    int numOfPatternOccurrances = 0;

                    // Get second wild card.
                    Match match = Regex.Match(strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim, patternRegexStr);
                    // get total num of matches
                    int matchCount = Regex.Matches(strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim, patternRegexStr).Count;

                    int currMatchCount = 0;
                    // pos is zero based, and starts from left to right
                    while (currMatchCount < matchCount)

                        pos = match.Index;

                        // zero based -  pattern includes the leading comma such as 76,72,
                        int posAfter = match.Index + match.Value.Length;
                        //int posAfter = pos + (searchPattern.Length); //skip over the length of search pattern to get the next token 2,3,

                        // adding 1 to posAfter as it is zero based while length is not
                        if (posAfter + 1 > strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.Length)

                        //string valAfter = listNumUptilRandomNum[pos+1].ToString();
                        //if (posAfter >= strNumUptilRandStringDelim.Length)
                        //    break;

                        // get the value immediately after the pattern
                        // zero based position of the next delimiter string
                        int nextValEndpos = strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.IndexOf(',', posAfter);
                        // zero based
                        // plus one to get the comma
                        int valAfterLen = (nextValEndpos - posAfter) + 1;

                        // get the next value after the pattern with the comma
                        string valAfter = strArrayNumUptilRandStringDelim.Substring(posAfter, valAfterLen);

                        //string currOccurString = searchPattern + valAfter + "|";
                        //int countOccur = Globals.CountOccurancesofStringWithinString(currOccurString, occurString);
                        //occurString += currOccurString;

                        int countOccur = NumOfOccurOfNextVal(valAfter);


                        //int weightage = (currDigitsToMatch * weightFactor);
                        //double weightage = Math.Pow(Globals.weightFactor, currDigitsToMatch);

                        //double calcWeightage = weightage;


                        //if (countOccur > 0)
                        //calcWeightage = weightage + (countOccur * currDigitsToMatch);

                        int    weightage     = 0;
                        double calcWeightage = 0;

                        if (wildCardOn == true)
                            weightage = Globals.weightFactorWithWildCard;
                            weightage = Globals.weightFactor;

                        calcWeightage = weightage + countOccur;

                        PatternNumberResult phits = new PatternNumberResult(++seqNum, patternRegexStr, valAfter, weightage, pos, currDigitsToMatch, countOccur, calcWeightage);


                        // Increment the index.


                        match = match.NextMatch();

                    // we will always have occurance of one pattern in the end of the array string, but if
                    // no other pattern was found in the string, it is time to return
                    if (numOfPatternOccurrances <= 1)