Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor for the BoardTile class
 /// This constructor is used for the generation of temporary states
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tile">The tile to copy</param>
 public BoardTile(BoardTile tile)
     position   = new Vector2(tile.position.X, tile.position.Y);
     status     = tile.status;
     isOccupied = tile.isOccupied;
     tileArea   = tile.tileArea;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor for the checkers board.
 /// This constructor is used for creating temporary states used in the AI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="board">A board to copy</param>
 public CheckersBoard(CheckersBoard board)
     tiles = new BoardTile[6, 6];
     for (int x = 0; x < MAX_HORIZONTAL_TILES; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < MAX_VERTICAL_TILES; y++)
             BoardTile copyTile = board.tiles[x, y];
             tiles[x, y] = new BoardTile(copyTile);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor for the checkers board
        /// </summary>
        public CheckersBoard()
            position = Vector2.Zero;
            tiles    = new BoardTile[6, 6];

            for (int x = 0; x < MAX_HORIZONTAL_TILES; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < MAX_VERTICAL_TILES; y++)
                    Vector2 tilePosition = new Vector2(x, y);
                    tiles[x, y] = new BoardTile(tilePosition);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is for handling any tile actions.
        /// Function takes a tile as a parameter. If the tile is marked as a possible move,
        /// then the function will apply the logic necessary for the move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tile">A tile to do an action on</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the tile was valid for move</returns>
        public bool doTileAction(BoardTile tile)
            bool            actionDone     = false;
            List <GameMove> availableMoves = new List <GameMove>();

            //Apply logic only if the tile is marked for a possible action (i.e. MOVE, JUMP)
            if (tile.getStatus() != TileStatus.NONE)
                //Get the moves for the active piece
                availableMoves = activeGamePiece.getPossibleMoves();
                //The below loop finds the move that the tile correlates to
                foreach (GameMove move in availableMoves)
                    //Below is the logic for when the move is found
                    if (tile.position == move.destinationPosition)
                        //If the tile is marked for jump, also capture the pieces
                        //  specified in the move and remove them
                        if (tile.getStatus() == TileStatus.JUMP)
                            //Capture the pieces specified in the move
                            foreach (CheckersPiece capturedPiece in move.capturedPieces)
                                var piece = getPiece(capturedPiece.getColor(), capturedPiece.position);
                                activeGamePiece.Capture(piece, gameBoard.getTileAt(capturedPiece.position));
                            //Remove captured pieces from the game

                        //Move the active piece to the destination tile
                        //Unoccupy the tile the active piece came from
                        gameBoard.getTileAt((int)(activeGamePiece.position.X), (int)(activeGamePiece.position.Y)).unOccupy();
                        //Remove all marking of tiles
                        actionDone = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that will find all regular moves for this piece
        /// A regular move is a non-jump move
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tilePosition">The position of the tile to check jumps from</param>
        /// <param name="gameBoard">The gameboard</param>
        /// <param name="gameState">The current gamestate</param>
        /// <returns>A list of possible regular moves</returns>
        public List <GameMove> getRegularMoves(Vector2 tilePosition, CheckersBoard gameBoard, CheckersGameState gameState)
            List <GameMove> regularMoves = new List <GameMove>();

            //Below is the logic for if the checkers piece is black
            if (color == PieceColor.Black)
                //Get the two possible tiles a black piece could move to
                BoardTile topLeftTile  = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 1, (int)tilePosition.Y - 1);
                BoardTile topRightTile = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 1, (int)tilePosition.Y - 1);

                //If the tile exists on the board, add that tile as a possible move
                if (topLeftTile != null && topLeftTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None)
                    regularMoves.Add(new GameMove(this, topLeftTile.position));
                if (topRightTile != null && topRightTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None)
                    regularMoves.Add(new GameMove(this, topRightTile.position));

            //Below is the logic for if the checkers piece is white
            if (color == PieceColor.White)
                //Get the two possible tiles a black piece could move to
                BoardTile bottomLeftTile  = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 1, (int)tilePosition.Y + 1);
                BoardTile bottomRightTile = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 1, (int)tilePosition.Y + 1);

                //If the tile exists on the board, add that tile as a possible move
                if (bottomLeftTile != null && bottomLeftTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None)
                    regularMoves.Add(new GameMove(this, bottomLeftTile.position));
                if (bottomRightTile != null && bottomRightTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None)
                    regularMoves.Add(new GameMove(this, bottomRightTile.position));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will move this (CheckersPiece) to the tile that as passed in
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tile">The tile to move the piece to</param>
 public void moveTo(BoardTile tile)
     destination = tile.position;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that will recursively find all the jump sequences possible by this piece
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tilePosition">The position of the tile to check jumps from</param>
        /// <param name="gameBoard">The gameboard</param>
        /// <param name="gameState">The current gamestate</param>
        /// <returns>A list of possible jumps</returns>
        public List <GameMove> getJumps(Vector2 tilePosition, CheckersBoard gameBoard, CheckersGameState gameState)
            List <GameMove> jumps = new List <GameMove>();
            //Get all the possible tiles that could result with a jump
            BoardTile topLeftTile         = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 1, (int)tilePosition.Y - 1);
            BoardTile topRightTile        = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 1, (int)tilePosition.Y - 1);
            BoardTile bottomLeftTile      = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 1, (int)tilePosition.Y + 1);
            BoardTile bottomRightTile     = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 1, (int)tilePosition.Y + 1);
            BoardTile topLeftJumpTile     = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 2, (int)tilePosition.Y - 2);
            BoardTile topRightJumpTile    = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 2, (int)tilePosition.Y - 2);
            BoardTile bottomLeftJumpTile  = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X - 2, (int)tilePosition.Y + 2);
            BoardTile bottomRightJumpTile = gameBoard.getTileAt((int)tilePosition.X + 2, (int)tilePosition.Y + 2);

            //Set the enemy color
            PieceColor enemyColor;

            if (this.color == PieceColor.Black)
                enemyColor = PieceColor.White;
                enemyColor = PieceColor.Black;

            //The below four if-elses will basically determine if there was a piece of the enemy color was jumped over
            //by moving to a tile 2 diagonal tiles away. If there was a jump, it will mark the piece that it just jumped over
            //and then recursively look for any other following jumps from that tile.
            if (topLeftTile != null && topLeftTile.getOccupiedStatus() == enemyColor)
                //Get the piece that was jumped over
                CheckersPiece adjacentPiece = gameState.getPiece(enemyColor, topLeftTile.position);
                if (topLeftJumpTile != null && topLeftJumpTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None && adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver == false)
                    //mark the piece as jumped over
                    adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver = true;
                    //Find any jumps from the new tile position
                    List <GameMove> sequenceJumps = getJumps(topLeftJumpTile.position, gameBoard, gameState);

                    //If there was no following jump then add the jump to the list of jump
                    if (sequenceJumps.Count == 0)
                        GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, topLeftJumpTile.position));
                    //Else for each following jump, add the piece the first jump captured to the list of captured pieces
                        foreach (GameMove jump in sequenceJumps)
                            //GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, jump.destinationPosition));
                            //jump.capturedPieces = jump.capturedPieces;
            if (topRightTile != null && topRightTile.getOccupiedStatus() == enemyColor)
                CheckersPiece adjacentPiece = gameState.getPiece(enemyColor, topRightTile.position);
                if (topRightJumpTile != null && topRightJumpTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None && adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver == false)
                    //get any jumps from that tile
                    adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver = true;
                    List <GameMove> sequenceJumps = getJumps(topRightJumpTile.position, gameBoard, gameState);

                    if (sequenceJumps.Count == 0)
                        GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, topRightJumpTile.position));
                        foreach (GameMove jump in sequenceJumps)
                            GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, jump.destinationPosition));
                            newJump.capturedPieces = jump.capturedPieces;
            if (bottomLeftTile != null && bottomLeftTile.getOccupiedStatus() == enemyColor)
                CheckersPiece adjacentPiece = gameState.getPiece(enemyColor, bottomLeftTile.position);
                if (bottomLeftJumpTile != null && bottomLeftJumpTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None && adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver == false)
                    //get any jumps from that tile
                    adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver = true;
                    List <GameMove> sequenceJumps = getJumps(bottomLeftJumpTile.position, gameBoard, gameState);

                    if (sequenceJumps.Count == 0)
                        GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, bottomLeftJumpTile.position));
                        foreach (GameMove jump in sequenceJumps)
                            GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, jump.destinationPosition));
                            newJump.capturedPieces = jump.capturedPieces;
            if (bottomRightTile != null && bottomRightTile.getOccupiedStatus() == enemyColor)
                CheckersPiece adjacentPiece = gameState.getPiece(enemyColor, bottomRightTile.position);
                if (bottomRightJumpTile != null && bottomRightJumpTile.getOccupiedStatus() == PieceColor.None && adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver == false)
                    //get any jumps from that tile
                    adjacentPiece.justJumpedOver = true;
                    List <GameMove> sequenceJumps = getJumps(bottomRightJumpTile.position, gameBoard, gameState);

                    if (sequenceJumps.Count == 0)
                        GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, bottomRightJumpTile.position));
                        foreach (GameMove jump in sequenceJumps)
                            GameMove newJump = (new GameMove(this, jump.destinationPosition));
                            newJump.capturedPieces = jump.capturedPieces;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Function to capture a checkerpiece given the piece, and its tile position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The piece to be captured</param>
 /// <param name="tile">The tile the piece is on</param>
 public void Capture(CheckersPiece piece, BoardTile tile)
     piece.isCaptured = true;