Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void UpdatePositionAGV(int agvID, Label lbagv)
            var         index = AGV.ListAGV.FindIndex(a => a.ID == agvID);
            AGV         agv = AGV.ListAGV[index];
            Point       oldAGVPosition = Display.LabelAGV[agvID].Location;
            Point       newAGVPosition = new Point();
            int         pixelDistance = (int)Math.Round(agv.DistanceToCurrentNode * Scale);
            List <Node> Nodes = DBUtility.GetDataFromDB <List <Node> >("NodeInfoTable");
            int         x, y;

                x = Nodes[agv.CurrentNode].X - (int)(50 / 2);
                y = Nodes[agv.CurrentNode].Y - (int)(50 / 2);
                x = oldAGVPosition.X;
                y = oldAGVPosition.Y;

            switch (agv.CurrentOrient)
            case 'E':
                newAGVPosition = new Point(x + pixelDistance, y);


            case 'W':
                newAGVPosition = new Point(x - pixelDistance, y);


            case 'S':
                newAGVPosition = new Point(x, y + pixelDistance);


            case 'N':
                newAGVPosition = new Point(x, y - pixelDistance);


                newAGVPosition = oldAGVPosition;

            lbagv.Location = newAGVPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void DetectColission(AGV agv1, AGV agv2)
            if (AGV.SimListAGV.Count < 2)

            int agv1_nextNode = 0, agv1_nextNode_1 = 0;

            int agv1_index = 0;

                goal1      = agv1.Path[0][agv1.Path[0].Count - 1];
                agv1_index = agv1.Path[0].FindIndex(p => p == agv1.CurrentNode);
            catch { }
                agv1_nextNode = agv1.Path[0][agv1_index + 1];
            catch { }
                agv1_nextNode_1 = agv1.Path[0][agv1_index + 2];
            catch { }

            int agv2_nextNode = 0, agv2_nextNode_1 = 0;
            int agv2_index = 0;

                agv2_index = agv2.Path[0].FindIndex(p => p == agv2.CurrentNode);
                goal2      = agv2.Path[0][agv2.Path[0].Count - 1];
            catch { }
                agv2_nextNode = agv2.Path[0][agv2_index + 1];
            catch { }
                agv2_nextNode_1 = agv2.Path[0][agv2_index + 2];
            catch { }

            if (agv1.Stop && !agv2.Stop)
                float deltaDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Node.ListNode[agv1.CurrentNode].X - Node.ListNode[agv1_nextNode].X, 2) +
                                                       Math.Pow(Node.ListNode[agv1.CurrentNode].Y - Node.ListNode[agv1_nextNode].Y, 2));

                Node.MatrixNodeDistance = Node.CreateAdjacencyMatrix(Node.ListNode);

                int[,] d = Node.MatrixNodeDistance;
                if (agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode < 20.0)
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv1.CurrentNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        d[agv1.CurrentNode, i] = 10000;
                        d[i, agv1.CurrentNode] = 10000;
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv1.CurrentNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        if (agv2_nextNode == i)
                            List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d, agv2.CurrentNode, goal2);
                            agv2.Path[0]            = newpath;
                            AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                else if (agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode > (deltaDistance / 2 - 20.0))
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv1_nextNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        d[agv1_nextNode, i] = 10000;
                        d[i, agv1_nextNode] = 10000;
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv1_nextNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        if (agv2_nextNode == i)
                            List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d, agv2.CurrentNode, goal2);
                            agv2.Path[0]            = newpath;
                            AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                else if (agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode > 20.0 && agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode < (deltaDistance / 2 - 20.0))
                    d[agv1.CurrentNode, agv1_nextNode] = 100000;
                    d[agv1_nextNode, agv1.CurrentNode] = 100000;
                    if (agv2.CurrentNode == agv1_nextNode || agv2.CurrentNode == agv1.CurrentNode)
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d, agv2.CurrentNode, goal2);
                        agv2.Path[0]            = newpath;
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);


            else if (!agv1.Stop && agv2.Stop)
                float delta2Distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Node.ListNode[agv2.CurrentNode].X - Node.ListNode[agv2_nextNode].X, 2) +
                                                        Math.Pow(Node.ListNode[agv2.CurrentNode].Y - Node.ListNode[agv2_nextNode].Y, 2));

                Node.MatrixNodeDistance = Node.CreateAdjacencyMatrix(Node.ListNode);

                int[,] d2 = Node.MatrixNodeDistance;
                if (agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode < 20.0)
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv2.CurrentNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        d2[agv2.CurrentNode, i] = 10000;
                        d2[i, agv2.CurrentNode] = 10000;
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv2.CurrentNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        if (agv2_nextNode == i)
                            List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d2, agv1.CurrentNode, goal1);
                            agv1.Path[0]            = newpath;
                            AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                else if (agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode > (delta2Distance / 2 - 20.0))
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv2_nextNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        d2[agv2_nextNode, i] = 10000;
                        d2[i, agv2_nextNode] = 10000;
                    foreach (string adj in Node.ListNode[agv2_nextNode].AdjacentNode)
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(adj);
                        if (agv1_nextNode == i)
                            List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d2, agv1.CurrentNode, goal1);
                            agv1.Path[0]            = newpath;
                            AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                else if (agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode > 20.0 && agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode < (delta2Distance / 2 - 20.0))
                    d2[agv2.CurrentNode, agv2_nextNode] = 100000;
                    d2[agv2_nextNode, agv2.CurrentNode] = 100000;
                    if (agv1.CurrentNode == agv2_nextNode || agv1.CurrentNode == agv2.CurrentNode)
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, d2, agv1.CurrentNode, goal1);
                        agv1.Path[0]            = newpath;
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);

            else if (agv1.Stop && agv2.Stop)
                Node.MatrixNodeDistance = Node.CreateAdjacencyMatrix(Node.ListNode);
            Debug.WriteLine("H" + goal1.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("G" + agv2.CurrentNode.ToString());
            Node.MatrixNodeDistance = Node.CreateAdjacencyMatrix(Node.ListNode);
            if (agv2.CurrentNode == goal1 && CollisionType == 0)
                if (agv1_nextNode == goal1)
                    int instead_node = GotoNodeNeibor(agv1.CurrentNode, agv2.CurrentOrient, goal1);

                    List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv1.CurrentNode, instead_node);
                    AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                    CollisionType           = 4;
                    agv1.Status             = "Waitting";
            else if (agv1.CurrentNode == goal2 && CollisionType == 0)
                if (agv2_nextNode == goal2)
                    int instead_node = GotoNodeNeibor(agv2.CurrentNode, agv1.CurrentOrient, goal2);

                    List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv2.CurrentNode, instead_node);
                    AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                    CollisionType           = 5;
                    agv2.Status             = "Waitting";
            else if (agv1_nextNode == agv2_nextNode)   // va cham cheo
                if (agv1_nextNode_1 != agv2.CurrentNode && agv2_nextNode_1 != agv1.CurrentNode && CollisionType == 0)
                    List <Node> Nodes = DBUtility.GetDataFromDB <List <Node> >("NodeInfoTable");
                    int         x = Nodes[agv1_nextNode].X;
                    int         y = Nodes[agv1_nextNode].Y;
                    int         x1 = Nodes[agv1.CurrentNode].X;
                    int         y1 = Nodes[agv1.CurrentNode].Y;
                    int         x2 = Nodes[agv2.CurrentNode].X;
                    int         y2 = Nodes[agv2.CurrentNode].Y;
                    double      d1 = 0, d2 = 0;
                    switch (agv1.CurrentOrient)
                    case 'E':
                        d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x1 - agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y1, 2));

                    case 'W':
                        d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x1 + agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y1, 2));

                    case 'S':
                        d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y1 - agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2));

                    case 'N':
                        d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y1 + agv1.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2));

                    switch (agv2.CurrentOrient)
                    case 'E':
                        d2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x2 - agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y2, 2));

                    case 'W':
                        d2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x2 + agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y2, 2));

                    case 'S':
                        d2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x2, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y2 - agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2));

                    case 'N':
                        d2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - x2, 2) + Math.Pow(y - y2 + agv2.DistanceToCurrentNode, 2));

                    if (d1 < 100 && agv1.CurrentOrient != agv2.CurrentOrient)
                        agv1.IsColision = false;
                        agv2.IsColision = true;
                        agv2.Status     = "Pausing";
                        CollisionType   = 1;
                    else if (d2 < 100 && agv1.CurrentOrient != agv2.CurrentOrient)
                        agv1.Status     = "Pausing";
                        agv1.IsColision = true;
                        agv2.IsColision = false;
                        CollisionType   = 1;
                else if (agv1_nextNode_1 == agv2.CurrentNode && agv2_nextNode_1 != agv1.CurrentNode && CollisionType == 0)
                    agv1.IsColision = true;
                    agv2.IsColision = false;
                    CollisionType   = 1;
                    agv1.Status     = "Pausing";
                else if (agv1_nextNode_1 != agv2.CurrentNode && agv2_nextNode_1 == agv1.CurrentNode && CollisionType == 0)
                    agv1.IsColision = false;
                    agv2.IsColision = true;
                    CollisionType   = 1;
                    agv2.Status     = "Pausing";
                else if (agv1_nextNode_1 == agv2.CurrentNode && agv2_nextNode_1 == agv1.CurrentNode && CollisionType == 0)
                    int instead_node = GotoNodeNeibor(agv1.CurrentNode, agv2.CurrentOrient, goal2);

                    List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv1.CurrentNode, instead_node);
                    AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                    CollisionType           = 2;
                    agv1.Status             = "Avoid";
            else if (agv1_nextNode == agv2.CurrentNode && agv2_nextNode == agv1.CurrentNode && CollisionType == 0)
                int instead_node = GotoNodeNeibor(agv1.CurrentNode, agv2.CurrentOrient, goal2);

                List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv1.CurrentNode, instead_node);
                //path_tam = AGV.FullPathOfAGV[1];
                AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                CollisionType           = 2;
                agv1.Status             = "Avoid";

                if (CollisionType == 2)
                    int node_ss = ReturnToNodeForward(agv2.CurrentNode);
                    //int node_ss = GotoNodeNeibor(agv2.CurrentNode, agv2.CurrentOrient, goal2);
                    if (agv1.CurrentNode == node_ss)
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv1.CurrentNode, goal1);
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                        agv1.PathCopmpleted     = 1;
                        CollisionType           = 0;
                        agv1.Status             = "Running";
                else if (CollisionType == 3)
                    int node_ss = ReturnToNodeForward(agv1.CurrentNode);
                    //int node_ss = GotoNodeNeibor(agv1.CurrentNode, agv1.CurrentOrient, goal1);
                    if (agv2.CurrentNode == node_ss)
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv2.CurrentNode, goal2);
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                        agv2.PathCopmpleted     = 1;
                        CollisionType           = 0;
                        agv1.Status             = "Running";
                else if (CollisionType == 4)
                    if (agv2.CurrentNode == agv1.Path[0][agv1.Path[0].Count - 2])
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv1.CurrentNode, goal1);
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[1] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                        agv1.PathCopmpleted     = 1;
                        CollisionType           = 0;
                        agv1.Status             = "Running";
                else if (CollisionType == 5)
                    if (agv1.CurrentNode == agv2.Path[0][agv2.Path[0].Count - 2])
                        List <int> newpath = Algorithm.A_starFindPath(Node.ListNode, Node.MatrixNodeDistance, agv2.CurrentNode, goal2);
                        AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[2] = Navigation.GetNavigationFrame(newpath, Node.MatrixNodeOrient);
                        agv2.PathCopmpleted     = 1;
                        CollisionType           = 0;
                        agv2.Status             = "Running";
                else if (CollisionType == 1)
                    agv1.IsColision = false;
                    agv2.IsColision = false;
                    CollisionType   = 0;
                    agv1.Status     = "Running";
                    agv2.Status     = "Running";

                //i = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddLabelAGV(string Mode, int agvID, int initExitNode, char initOrientation, float initDistanceToExitNode)
            /// Create new label for AGV
            Label lbAGV = new Label();

            lbAGV.BackColor = Color.Silver;
            lbAGV.Font      = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular,
                                       System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            lbAGV.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
            lbAGV.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lbAGV.Text      = "AGV#" + agvID.ToString();
            lbAGV.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            lbAGV.Name      = "AGV" + agvID.ToString();
            /// Create new label for Pallet in AGV
            Label pallet = new Label();

            pallet.BackColor = Color.Goldenrod;
            pallet.Size      = new Size(50, 11);
            pallet.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            pallet.Font      = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular,
                                        System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            pallet.Text      = "Pallet";
            pallet.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            //pallet.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            pallet.Name    = "PalletInAGV" + agvID.ToString();
            pallet.Visible = false;

            int initPixelDistance = (int)Math.Round(initDistanceToExitNode * 2);
            // Init the Location of new AGV
            List <Node> Nodes = DBUtility.GetDataFromDB <List <Node> >("NodeInfoTable");
            int         x     = Nodes[initExitNode].X - lbAGV.Size.Width / 2;
            int         y     = Nodes[initExitNode].Y - lbAGV.Size.Height / 2;

            switch (initOrientation)
            case 'E':
                lbAGV.Location  = new Point(x + initPixelDistance, y);
                pallet.Size     = new Size(15, 50);
                pallet.Location = new Point(x - initPixelDistance - 15, y);

            case 'W':
                lbAGV.Location  = new Point(x - initPixelDistance, y);
                pallet.Size     = new Size(15, 50);
                pallet.Location = new Point(x + initPixelDistance + 50, y);

            case 'N':
                lbAGV.Location  = new Point(x, y - initPixelDistance);
                pallet.Size     = new Size(50, 15);
                pallet.Location = new Point(x, y + initPixelDistance + 50);


            case 'S':
                lbAGV.Location  = new Point(x, y + initPixelDistance);
                pallet.Size     = new Size(50, 15);
                pallet.Location = new Point(x, y - initPixelDistance - 15);
            // Add to Array for use
            switch (Mode)
            case "Real Time":
                LabelAGV[agvID]         = lbAGV;
                LabelPalletInAGV[agvID] = pallet;

            case "Simulation":
                SimLabelAGV[agvID]         = lbAGV;
                SimLabelPalletInAGV[agvID] = pallet;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void SimUpdatePositionAGV(int agvID, float speed, Panel pnFloor, Label lbagv, Label lbpallet)
            //int step = (int)speed * 2 / 10;              //1pixel = 0.5cm =>> 20cm/s=40pixel/s
            var index = AGV.SimListAGV.FindIndex(a => a.ID == agvID);
            AGV agv   = AGV.SimListAGV[index];

            //List<char> fullpath = AGV.FullPathOfAGV[agvID].ToList();

            string[] frameArr = AGV.SimFullPathOfAGV[agvID].Split(new char[] { '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            Point oldAGVPosition    = Display.SimLabelAGV[agvID].Location;
            Point newAGVPosition    = new Point();
            Point oldPalletPosition = Display.SimLabelPalletInAGV[agvID].Location;
            Point newPalletPosition = new Point();
            Size  oldPalletSize     = Display.SimLabelPalletInAGV[agvID].Size;
            Size  newPalletSize     = new Size();

            int indexNode = Array.FindIndex(frameArr, a => a == agv.CurrentNode.ToString());

            if (agv.Stop)

            if (agv.IsColision)
            if (frameArr[indexNode + 1] == "G" || frameArr[indexNode + 1] == null)
                if (agv.PathCopmpleted == 1 || agv.PathCopmpleted == 0)

                    Display.Points = new Point[] { new Point(), new Point() };
                int currentNode = agv.CurrentNode;
                int nextNode    = Convert.ToInt32(frameArr[indexNode + 2]);
                if (agv.CurrentOrient != Display.UpdateOrient(frameArr[indexNode + 1]))
                    agv.DistanceToCurrentNode -= speed / 5.2f;
                    if (agv.DistanceToCurrentNode <= 0)
                        agv.CurrentOrient         = Display.UpdateOrient(frameArr[indexNode + 1]);
                        agv.DistanceToCurrentNode = 0;
                    agv.DistanceToCurrentNode += speed / 5.2f;
                    if (agv.DistanceToCurrentNode * 2 >= Node.MatrixNodeDistance[currentNode, nextNode])
                        agv.DistanceToCurrentNode = 0;
                        agv.CurrentNode           = nextNode;

                        if (frameArr[indexNode + 3] != "G")
                            agv.CurrentOrient = Display.UpdateOrient(frameArr[indexNode + 3]);

            int         pixelDistance = (int)Math.Round(agv.DistanceToCurrentNode * 2);
            List <Node> Nodes         = DBUtility.GetDataFromDB <List <Node> >("NodeInfoTable");
            int         x             = Nodes[agv.CurrentNode].X - 50 / 2;
            int         y             = Nodes[agv.CurrentNode].Y - 50 / 2;

            switch (agv.CurrentOrient)
            case 'E':
                newAGVPosition    = new Point(x + pixelDistance, y);
                newPalletSize     = new Size(15, 50);
                newPalletPosition = new Point(x + pixelDistance - 15, y);

            case 'W':
                newAGVPosition    = new Point(x - pixelDistance, y);
                newPalletSize     = new Size(15, 50);
                newPalletPosition = new Point(x - pixelDistance + 50, y);

            case 'S':
                newAGVPosition    = new Point(x, y + pixelDistance);
                newPalletSize     = new Size(50, 15);
                newPalletPosition = new Point(x, y + pixelDistance - 15);


            case 'N':
                newAGVPosition    = new Point(x, y - pixelDistance);
                newPalletSize     = new Size(50, 15);
                newPalletPosition = new Point(x, y - pixelDistance + 50);

                newAGVPosition    = oldAGVPosition;
                newPalletPosition = oldPalletPosition;
                newPalletSize     = oldPalletSize;

            lbpallet.Size     = newPalletSize;
            lbpallet.Location = newPalletPosition;
            //lbpallet.Visible = true;
            lbagv.Location = newAGVPosition;