Ejemplo n.º 1
 public CalendarEventUpdater(GoogleCalendar.ActionType UpdateType, CalendarEvent calEvent, RecurrenceSettings calRecurrence)
     this.Type = UpdateType;
     this.CalendarEvent = calEvent;
     this.Recurrence = calRecurrence;
     this.Reminder = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public UpdateEventOptionsViewModel(IGoogleCalendar googleCalendar, IRepository commonRepository)
            calendar = googleCalendar;
            repository = commonRepository;

            selectedEvent = repository.GetCurrentEvent();

            UpdateOnlyInstanceCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateOnlyInstance);
            UpdateFollowingEventsCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateFollowingEvents);
            UpdateAllEventsCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateAllEvents);
            CancelUpdateCommand = new RelayCommand(CancelUpdate);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public DeleteEventOptionsViewModel(IGoogleCalendar googleCalendar, IRepository commonRepository, IMessanger commonMessanger)
            calendar = googleCalendar;
            repository = commonRepository;
            selectedEvent = repository.GetCurrentEvent();
            messanger = commonMessanger;

            DeleteOnlyInstanceCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteOnlyInstance);
            DeleteFollowingEventsCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteFollowingEvents);
            DeleteAllEventsCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteAllEvents);
            CancelDeleteCommand = new RelayCommand(CloseWindow);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GetComparingEventsTest()
        {CalendarEventList events ;
        CalendarEventList l;
          List<string> s = new List<string>();
             events = calendar.GetComparingEvents(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today, s, "Free Busy View",false);
           // CalendarEventList events = service.GetComparingEvents(calendar, period.Today(), s, "Free Busy View");
            CalendarEvent ev = new  CalendarEvent("", "all free until ", "",new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 9, 0, 0), new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 10, 0, 0));
            CalendarEvent ev2 = new CalendarEvent("", "all free until ", "", new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 12, 30, 0), new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 2, 0, 0).AddHours(12));

             l = new CalendarEventList();
            Assert.AreEqual(l, events,"Events are not equal ");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool CreateEvent(CalendarEvent ev)
            log.Debug("Try to create new event title=\"" + ev.Title + "\"");

                // New event
                Event newEvent = ConvertCalendarEventToGoogleEvent(ev, false);

                service.Events.Insert(newEvent, DEFAULT_CALENDAR).Execute();

                log.Debug("New event was successfully created");

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Event creation failed with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details: " + ev.ToString());
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string StartDateTime(CalendarEvent ev)
            string month = HideMonth ? string.Empty : DateFormatUS ? Month + Delimeter : Delimeter + Month;
            string year = HideYear ? string.Empty : Delimeter + Year;            
            string time = HideStartTimeAndEndDateIfFullDay && ev.IsFullDateEvent ? string.Empty : Time;

            if (HideMonthIfCurrent && ev.Start.Month == DateTime.Today.Month && ev.Start.Year == DateTime.Today.Year)
                return String.Format("{0:" + Day + year + PAUSE + time + "}", ev.Start);

            return DateFormatUS ? String.Format("{0:" + month + Day + year + PAUSE + time + "}", ev.Start) :
                                  String.Format("{0:" + Day + month + year + PAUSE + time + "}", ev.Start);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public CalendarEventUpdater(GoogleCalendar.ActionType UpdateType, CalendarEvent calEvent)
     this.Type = UpdateType;
     this.CalendarEvent = calEvent;
     this.Reminder = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static CalendarEvent ConvertFreeBusyGoogleEventToCalendarEvent(KeyValuePair<FreeTime, String> f)
            CalendarEvent calendarEvent;
                if (f.Value.Count(Char.IsWhiteSpace) == numberOfEmails - 1)
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent("", "all free ", "", f.Key.Start, f.Key.End);
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent("", f.Value, "", f.Key.Start, f.Key.End);

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Failed to convert Google Calendar event to Calendar event with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details");
                // log.Info("Event Id: " + ev.Id);
                //log.Info("Event Summary: " + ev.Summary);
                //log.Info("Event Description: " + ev.Description);
                //log.Info("Event Location: " + ev.Location);
                //log.Info("Event Start: " + ev.Start.DateTime);
                // log.Info("Event End: " + ev.End.DateTime);
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent();

            return calendarEvent;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static Event ConvertCalendarEventToGoogleEvent(CalendarEvent ev, bool rememberId)
                Event googleEvent = new Event();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ev.Id) && rememberId)
                    googleEvent.Id = ev.Id;

                googleEvent.Summary = ev.Title;
                googleEvent.Location = ev.Location;
                googleEvent.Description = ev.Content;

                googleEvent.Start = ConvertToEventDateTime(ev.Start, ev.IsFullDateEvent);
                googleEvent.End = ev.IsFullDateEvent ? ConvertToEventDateTime(ev.Start, true) : ConvertToEventDateTime(ev.End, false);

                // Recurrence
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ev.RRule))
                    googleEvent.Recurrence = new String[] { ev.RRule };

                // Reminder
                googleEvent.Reminders = ConvertMinutesToGoogleEventReminder(ev.Reminder);

                // Status
                googleEvent.Status = ev.Confirmed ? CONFIRMED : TENTATIVE;

                return googleEvent;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("CalendarEvent convertation to GoogleEvent failed with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details: " + ev.ToString());
                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static CalendarEvent ConvertGoogleEventToCalendarEvent(Event ev)
            CalendarEvent calendarEvent;
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent(ev.Id, ev.Summary, ev.Description, ev.Location, GetEventStartDate(ev), GetEventEndDate(ev), IsFullDayEvent(ev), IsRecurringEvent(ev), IsConfirmedEvent(ev));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Failed to convert Google Calendar event to Calendar event with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details");
                log.Info("Event Id: " + ev.Id);
                log.Info("Event Summary: " + ev.Summary);
                log.Info("Event Description: " + ev.Description);
                log.Info("Event Location: " + ev.Location);
                log.Info("Event Start: " + ev.Start.DateTime);
                log.Info("Event End: " + ev.End.DateTime);
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent();

            return calendarEvent;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static CalendarEvent ConvertMutualGoogleEventToCalendarEvent(KeyValuePair<FreeTime, String> f)
            CalendarEvent calendarEvent;

                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent("", "", "", f.Key.Start, f.Key.End);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Failed to convert Google Calendar event to Calendar event with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details");
                // log.Info("Event Id: " + ev.Id);
                //log.Info("Event Summary: " + ev.Summary);
                //log.Info("Event Description: " + ev.Description);
                //log.Info("Event Location: " + ev.Location);
                //log.Info("Event Start: " + ev.Start.DateTime);
                // log.Info("Event End: " + ev.End.DateTime);
                calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent();

            return calendarEvent;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public string EndDateTime(CalendarEvent ev)
            if (HideEndDate)
                return string.Empty;

            if (HideStartTimeAndEndDateIfFullDay && ev.IsFullDateEvent)
                return string.Empty;

            if (ev.End == null)
                return string.Empty;

            string month = HideMonth ? string.Empty : DateFormatUS ? Month + Delimeter : Delimeter + Month;
            string year = HideYear ? string.Empty : Delimeter + Year;
            DateTime end = ev.End ?? DateTime.Today;

            if (HideMonthIfCurrent && end.Month == DateTime.Today.Month && end.Year == DateTime.Today.Year)
                return String.Format("{0:" + Time + "}", end);

            return DateFormatUS ? String.Format("{0:" + month + Day + year + PAUSE + Time + "}", end) :
                                  String.Format("{0:" + Day + month + year + PAUSE + Time + "}", end);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private CalendarEvent GetCalendarEvent()
            CalendarEvent ev = new CalendarEvent(Title, Content, Location, GetStartDateTime(), GetEndDateTime());

            if (IsRecurringEvent)
                ev.RRule = recurrence.ToString();

            if (IsFullDayEvent)
                ev.IsFullDateEvent = true;

            ev.Reminder = CalculateReminderMinutes();
            ev.Confirmed = IsConfirmed;

            return ev;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public bool DeleteEvent(CalendarEvent ev, ActionType type)
         switch (type)
             case ActionType.single:
                     service.Events.Delete(DEFAULT_CALENDAR, ev.Id).Execute();
             case ActionType.all:
                     ev.Id = GetMainEventId(ev.Id);
                     service.Events.Delete(DEFAULT_CALENDAR, ev.Id).Execute();
             case ActionType.following:
                     UpdateEvent(GetAllPreviousEvents(ev), ActionType.all);
         return true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         log.Error("Event deleting failed with error:", ex);
         log.Info("Event Details: " + ev.ToString());
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private CalendarEvent GetAllPreviousEvents(CalendarEvent ev)
            // Get recurrence event using it's single instance event id
            CalendarEvent old = ConvertGoogleEventToCalendarEvent(GetGoogleEventById(GetMainEventId(ev.Id)));

            // Get old event recurrence settings
            RecurrenceSettings previous = GetRecurrenceSettings(old);

            // Change it to end one day before new event
            old.RRule = previous.ToString();

            return old;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private CalendarEvent GetMainEventData(CalendarEvent ev)
            ev.Id = GetMainEventId(ev.Id);

            // Find start and end dates of the first event in the series using main part of event ID
            CalendarEventList events = GetEvents(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-4), DateTime.Today.AddYears(4));

            int i = 0;
            while (!events[i].Id.Contains(ev.Id))

            ev.Start = events[i].Start;
            ev.End = events[i].End;

            return ev;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public bool UpdateEvent(CalendarEvent ev, ActionType type)
            log.Debug("Try to update event title=\"" + ev.Title + "\"");
                switch (type)
                    case ActionType.single:
                            ev.RRule = String.Empty;
                    case ActionType.all:
                            ev = GetMainEventData(ev); //.Id = GetMainEventId(ev.Id);
                    case ActionType.following:
                            // Create recurrence event with new settings
                            ev = GetAllPreviousEvents(ev);

                Event newEvent = ConvertCalendarEventToGoogleEvent(ev, true);

                // Increate sequence number... I hate you Google API for your crazy things >_<
                newEvent = UpdateSequenceNumber(newEvent);

                service.Events.Update(newEvent, DEFAULT_CALENDAR, newEvent.Id).Execute();

                log.Debug("New event was successfully updated");

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Event update failed with error:", ex);
                log.Info("Event Details: " + ev.ToString());
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public CalendarEventUpdater(GoogleCalendar.ActionType UpdateType, CalendarEvent calEvent)
     this.Type          = UpdateType;
     this.CalendarEvent = calEvent;
     this.Reminder      = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void SetCurrentEvent(CalendarEvent calEvent)
     currentEvent = calEvent;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public RecurrenceSettings GetRecurrenceSettings(CalendarEvent ev)
            if (!ev.IsRecurrenceEvent)
                return new RecurrenceSettings();

            return new RecurrenceSettings(ev.Start, GetGoogleEventById(GetMainEventId(ev.Id)).Recurrence[0]);