Shape optimizer, which merges points within close distance to each other.

This shape optimizing algorithm checks all points of a shape and merges any two points which are within specified distance to each other. Two close points are replaced by a single point, which has mean coordinates of the removed points.

Because of the fact that the algorithm performs points merging while it goes through a shape, it may merge several points (more than 2) into a single point, where distance between extreme points may be bigger than the specified limit. For example, suppose a case with 3 points, where 1st and 2nd points are close enough to be merged, but the 3rd point is a little bit further. During merging of 1st and 2nd points, it may happen that the new point with mean coordinates will get closer to the 3rd point, so they will be merged also on next iteration of the algorithm.

For example, the below circle shape comprised of 65 points, can be optimized to 8 points by setting MaxDistanceToMerge to 28.

Inheritance: IShapeOptimizer
Ejemplo n.º 1
        // ==========================================================================================================
        // Components:
        // ==========================================================================================================
        private List<Shapes.Component> FindComponentsFunct(Bitmap bitmap)
            // Locating objects
            BlobCounter blobCounter = new BlobCounter();
            blobCounter.FilterBlobs = true;
            blobCounter.MinHeight = 8;
            blobCounter.MinWidth = 8;
            Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation();

            // create convex hull searching algorithm
            GrahamConvexHull hullFinder = new GrahamConvexHull();
            ClosePointsMergingOptimizer optimizer1 = new ClosePointsMergingOptimizer();
            FlatAnglesOptimizer optimizer2 = new FlatAnglesOptimizer();

            List<Shapes.Component> Components = new List<Shapes.Component>();

            // process each blob
            foreach (Blob blob in blobs)
                List<IntPoint> leftPoints, rightPoints, edgePoints = new List<IntPoint>();
                if ((blob.Rectangle.Height > 400) && (blob.Rectangle.Width > 600))
                    break;	// The whole image could be a blob, discard that
                // get blob's edge points
                    out leftPoints, out rightPoints);


                // blob's convex hull
                List<IntPoint> Outline = hullFinder.FindHull(edgePoints);
                optimizer1.MaxDistanceToMerge = 4;
                optimizer2.MaxAngleToKeep = 170F;
                Outline = optimizer2.OptimizeShape(Outline);
                Outline = optimizer1.OptimizeShape(Outline);

                // find Longest line segment
                float dist = 0;
                LineSegment Longest = new LineSegment(Outline[0], Outline[1]);
                LineSegment line;
                dist = Longest.Length;
                int LongestInd = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < Outline.Count; i++)
                    if (i != Outline.Count - 1)
                        line = new LineSegment(Outline[i], Outline[i + 1]);
                        // last iteration
                        if (Outline[i] == Outline[0])
                        line = new LineSegment(Outline[i], Outline[0]);
                    if (line.Length > dist)
                        Longest = line;
                        dist = line.Length;
                        LongestInd = i;
                // Get the center point of it
                AForge.Point LongestCenter = new AForge.Point();
                LongestCenter.X = (float)Math.Round((Longest.End.X - Longest.Start.X) / 2.0 + Longest.Start.X);
                LongestCenter.Y = (float)Math.Round((Longest.End.Y - Longest.Start.Y) / 2.0 + Longest.Start.Y);
                AForge.Point NormalStart = new AForge.Point();
                AForge.Point NormalEnd = new AForge.Point();
                // Find normal:
                // start= longest.start rotated +90deg relative to center
                // end= longest.end rotated -90deg and relative to center
                // If you rotate point (px, py) around point (ox, oy) by angle theta you'll get:
                // p'x = cos(theta) * (px-ox) - sin(theta) * (py-oy) + ox
                // p'y = sin(theta) * (px-ox) + cos(theta) * (py-oy) + oy
                // cos90 = 0, sin90= 1 =>
                // p'x= -(py-oy) + ox= oy-py+ox, p'y= (px-ox)+ oy
                NormalStart.X = LongestCenter.Y - Longest.Start.Y + LongestCenter.X;
                NormalStart.Y = (Longest.Start.X - LongestCenter.X) + LongestCenter.Y;
                // cos-90=0, sin-90= -1 =>
                // p'x= (py-oy) + ox
                // p'y= -(px-ox)+oy= ox-px+oy
                NormalEnd.X = (Longest.Start.Y - LongestCenter.Y) + LongestCenter.X;
                NormalEnd.Y = LongestCenter.X - Longest.Start.X + LongestCenter.Y;
                // Make line out of the points
                Line Normal = Line.FromPoints(NormalStart, NormalEnd);

                // Find the furthest intersection to the normal (skip the Longest)
                AForge.Point InterSection = new AForge.Point();
                AForge.Point Furthest = new AForge.Point();
                bool FurhtestAssinged = false;
                LineSegment seg;
                dist = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Outline.Count; i++)
                    if (i == LongestInd)
                    if (i != Outline.Count - 1)
                        seg = new LineSegment(Outline[i], Outline[i + 1]);
                        // last iteration
                        if (Outline[i] == Outline[0])
                        seg = new LineSegment(Outline[i], Outline[0]);
                    if (seg.GetIntersectionWith(Normal) == null)
                    InterSection = (AForge.Point)seg.GetIntersectionWith(Normal);
                    if (InterSection.DistanceTo(LongestCenter) > dist)
                        Furthest = InterSection;
                        FurhtestAssinged = true;
                        dist = InterSection.DistanceTo(LongestCenter);
                // Check, if there is a edge point that is close to the normal even further
                AForge.Point fPoint = new AForge.Point();
                for (int i = 0; i < Outline.Count; i++)
                    fPoint.X = Outline[i].X;
                    fPoint.Y = Outline[i].Y;
                    if (Normal.DistanceToPoint(fPoint) < 1.5)
                        if (fPoint.DistanceTo(LongestCenter) > dist)
                            Furthest = fPoint;
                            FurhtestAssinged = true;
                            dist = fPoint.DistanceTo(LongestCenter);
                AForge.Point ComponentCenter = new AForge.Point();
                if (FurhtestAssinged)
                    // Find the midpoint of LongestCenter and Furthest: This is the centerpoint of component
                    ComponentCenter.X = (float)Math.Round((LongestCenter.X - Furthest.X) / 2.0 + Furthest.X);
                    ComponentCenter.Y = (float)Math.Round((LongestCenter.Y - Furthest.Y) / 2.0 + Furthest.Y);
                    // Alignment is the angle of longest
                    double Alignment;
                    if (Math.Abs(Longest.End.X - Longest.Start.X) < 0.001)
                        Alignment = 0;
                        Alignment = Math.Atan((Longest.End.Y - Longest.Start.Y) / (Longest.End.X - Longest.Start.X));
                        Alignment = Alignment * 180.0 / Math.PI; // in deg.
                    Components.Add(new Shapes.Component(ComponentCenter, Alignment, Outline, Longest, NormalStart, NormalEnd));
            return Components;