RunEpoch() public method

Run one epoch of the population.
The method runs one epoch of the population, doing crossover, mutation and selection by calling Crossover, Mutate and Selection.
public RunEpoch ( ) : void
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static League sortTeamMembers(List<TeamMember> members, int numTeams)
            League league = new League(members, numTeams);

            Population population = new Population(members.Count, league, new FitnessCalculator(), new EliteSelection());
            population.MutationRate = .5;
            population.CrossoverRate = .2;
            //run epoch until you get the same best chromosome 10 times
            double bestFitness = -Double.MaxValue;
            int count = 0;
            while(count < 5000)
                double fitness = ((League)population.BestChromosome).getFitness();
                Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness);
                if (fitness > bestFitness)
                    bestFitness = fitness;
                    count = 0;

            //while (((League)population.BestChromosome).getFitness() != 80.0)
            //    population.RunEpoch();
            League best = ((League)population.BestChromosome);
            return best;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void HardestOpponent()
            var challenges = Library.Monsters.ToDictionary(x => x, x => 0.0);

            while (true)
                var minScore = challenges.Values.Min();
                var monster = challenges.First(x => x.Value == minScore).Key;

                var simulator = monster.MaxPartyMembers > 1 ?
                (ASimulator)new PartySimulator(monster, 40, 40, false) :
                (ASimulator)new SingleHeroSimulator(monster, 40, 40);

                var fitnessEvaluator = new PartyFitness(simulator);
                var population = new Population(20,
                    new ShortArrayChromosome(fitnessEvaluator.ChromosomeLength, fitnessEvaluator.ChromosomeMaxValue),
                    new RankSelection());
                population.RandomSelectionPortion = 0.15;

                double lastFitness = 0;
                int stagnationLimit = minScore < 1e-4 ? 1000 : 10000;

                for (int stagnation = 0; stagnation < stagnationLimit; stagnation++)
                    if (population.BestChromosome.Fitness > lastFitness)
                        lastFitness = population.BestChromosome.Fitness;
                        stagnation = 0;

                        if (lastFitness > challenges[monster])
                            challenges[monster] = lastFitness;

                            Console.WriteLine(" " + population.BestChromosome.Fitness);

                    population.MutationRate = stagnation > 1000 ?
                        Math.Min(stagnation / 3000.0, 0.25) :
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ShortArrayChromosome[] individos = new ShortArrayChromosome[nPopulacao];
            //for (int i = 0; i < individos.Length; i++)
            //    individos[i] = new ShortArrayChromosome(nRainhas, nRainhas);
            //    individos[i].Generate();
            //    Console.WriteLine(i + " : " + individos[i].ToString());

            int selecao = selecaoBox.SelectedIndex;
            ISelectionMethod metodoDeSelecao = (selecao == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection() :
                                                    (selecao == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                                                        (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection();
            AvaliadorDeRainhas avaliador = new AvaliadorDeRainhas();
            Population populacao = new Population(nPopulacao, new ShortArrayChromosome(nRainhas, nRainhas - 1), avaliador, metodoDeSelecao);
            populacao.CrossoverRate = crossoverRate;
            populacao.MutationRate = mutationRate;
            //populacao.AutoShuffling = true;

            int iteracao = 0;
            int pararEm = nParada;
            while (iteracao < nGeracoes)
                //MessageBox.Show("iteração: " + iteracao + "\n Avaliacao Media: " + populacao.FitnessAvg + "\n Melhor individo: " + populacao.BestChromosome.ToString());
                if (nParada > 0 && iteracao == pararEm)
                    atualizaDadosPara(iteracao, populacao);
                    MessageBox.Show("Visualização\nGeração: " + iteracao+"\n OK para Continuar");
                    pararEm += nParada;
                if (populacao.BestChromosome.Fitness == nRainhas)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static void Main(string[] args)
     DoubleArrayChromosome weightValues = new DoubleArrayChromosome(new WeightRandomGenerator(),  new WeightRandomGenerator(), new WeightRandomGenerator(),6);
     Population weightPop = new Population(40, weightValues, new AriesFF(), new EliteSelection());
     int counter = 0;
     bool stopEvo = false;
     AriesFF fintessEval = new AriesFF();
     double error = 0;
     while (!stopEvo)
         IChromosome best = weightPop.BestChromosome;
         error = fintessEval.Evaluate(best);
         stopEvo = counter > 1000 || error < 0.12;
     Console.WriteLine("Stopped after " + counter.ToString());
     DoubleArrayChromosome solution = (DoubleArrayChromosome)weightPop.BestChromosome;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // create population
            Population population = new Population(populationSize,
                new BinaryChromosome(chromosomeLength),
                (selectionMethod == 0) ? (ISelectionMethod)new EliteSelection() :
                (selectionMethod == 1) ? (ISelectionMethod)new RankSelection() :
                                           (ISelectionMethod)new RouletteWheelSelection()
            // set optimization mode
            userFunction.Mode = (optimizationMode == 0) ?
                OptimizationFunction1D.Modes.Maximization :
            // iterations
            int i = 1;
            // solution
            double[,] data = new double[(showOnlyBest) ? 1 : populationSize, 2];

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run one epoch of genetic algorithm

                // show current solution
                if (showOnlyBest)
                    data[0, 0] = userFunction.Translate(population.BestChromosome);
                    data[0, 1] = userFunction.OptimizationFunction(data[0, 0]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < populationSize; j++)
                        data[j, 0] = userFunction.Translate(population[j]);
                        data[j, 1] = userFunction.OptimizationFunction(data[j, 0]);
                chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", data);

                // set current iteration's info
                SetText(currentIterationBox, i.ToString());
                SetText(currentValueBox, userFunction.Translate(population.BestChromosome).ToString("F3"));

                // increase current iteration

                if ((iterations != 0) && (i > iterations))

            // enable settings controls
Ejemplo n.º 6
		// Worker thread
		void SearchSolution( )
			// constants
			double[] constants = new double[10] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 };
			// create fitness function
			TimeSeriesPredictionFitness fitness = new TimeSeriesPredictionFitness(
				data, windowSize, predictionSize, constants );
			// create gene function
			IGPGene gene = ( functionsSet == 0 ) ?
				(IGPGene) new SimpleGeneFunction( windowSize + constants.Length ) :
				(IGPGene) new ExtendedGeneFunction( windowSize + constants.Length );
			// create population
			Population population = new Population( populationSize,
				( geneticMethod == 0 ) ?
				(IChromosome) new GPTreeChromosome( gene ) :
				(IChromosome) new GEPChromosome( gene, headLength ),
				( selectionMethod == 0 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new EliteSelection( ) :
				( selectionMethod == 1 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new RankSelection( ) :
				(ISelectionMethod) new RouletteWheelSelection( )
			// iterations
			int i = 1;
			// solution array
			int			solutionSize = data.Length - windowSize;
			double[,]	solution = new double[solutionSize, 2];
			double[]	input = new double[windowSize + constants.Length];

			// calculate X values to be used with solution function
			for ( int j = 0; j < solutionSize; j++ )
				solution[j, 0] = j + windowSize;
			// prepare input
			Array.Copy( constants, 0, input, windowSize, constants.Length );

			// loop
			while ( !needToStop )
				// run one epoch of genetic algorithm
				population.RunEpoch( );

					// get best solution
					string bestFunction = population.BestChromosome.ToString( );

					// calculate best function and prediction error
					double learningError = 0.0;
					double predictionError = 0.0;
					// go through all the data
					for ( int j = 0, n = data.Length - windowSize; j < n; j++ )
						// put values from current window as variables
						for ( int k = 0, b = j + windowSize - 1; k < windowSize; k++ )
							input[k] = data[b - k];

						// evalue the function
						solution[j, 1] = PolishExpression.Evaluate( bestFunction, input );

						// calculate prediction error
						if ( j >= n - predictionSize )
							predictionError += Math.Abs( solution[j, 1] - data[windowSize + j] );
							learningError += Math.Abs( solution[j, 1] - data[windowSize + j] );
					// update solution on the chart
					chart.UpdateDataSeries( "solution", solution );
					// set current iteration's info
                    SetText( currentIterationBox, i.ToString( ) );
                    SetText( currentLearningErrorBox, learningError.ToString( "F3" ) );
                    SetText( currentPredictionErrorBox, predictionError.ToString( "F3" ) );
					// remove any solutions from chart in case of any errors
					chart.UpdateDataSeries( "solution", null );

				// increase current iteration

				if ( ( iterations != 0 ) && ( i > iterations ) )

			// show solution
            SetText( solutionBox, population.BestChromosome.ToString( ) );
			for ( int j = windowSize, k = 0, n = data.Length; j < n; j++, k++ )
                AddSubItem( dataList, j, solution[k, 1].ToString( ) );

			// enable settings controls
			EnableControls( true );
Ejemplo n.º 7
		// Worker thread
		void SearchSolution( )
			// create fitness function
			TSPFitnessFunction fitnessFunction = new TSPFitnessFunction( map );
			// create population
			Population population = new Population( populationSize,
				( greedyCrossover ) ? new TSPChromosome( map ) : new PermutationChromosome( citiesCount ),
				( selectionMethod == 0 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new EliteSelection( ) :
				( selectionMethod == 1 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new RankSelection( ) :
				(ISelectionMethod) new RouletteWheelSelection( )
			// iterations
			int i = 1;

			// path
			double[,] path = new double[citiesCount + 1, 2];

			// loop
			while ( !needToStop )
				// run one epoch of genetic algorithm
				population.RunEpoch( );

				// display current path
				ushort[] bestValue = ((PermutationChromosome) population.BestChromosome).Value;

				for ( int j = 0; j < citiesCount; j++ )
					path[j, 0] = map[bestValue[j], 0];
					path[j, 1] = map[bestValue[j], 1];
				path[citiesCount, 0] = map[bestValue[0], 0];
				path[citiesCount, 1] = map[bestValue[0], 1];

				mapControl.UpdateDataSeries( "path", path );

				// set current iteration's info
                SetText( currentIterationBox, i.ToString( ) );
                SetText( pathLengthBox, fitnessFunction.PathLength( population.BestChromosome ).ToString( ) );

				// increase current iteration

				if ( ( iterations != 0 ) && ( i > iterations ) )

			// enable settings controls
			EnableControls( true );
Ejemplo n.º 8
		// Worker thread
		void SearchSolution( )
			// create fitness function
			SymbolicRegressionFitness fitness = new SymbolicRegressionFitness( data, new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 } );
			// create gene function
			IGPGene gene = ( functionsSet == 0 ) ?
				(IGPGene) new SimpleGeneFunction( 6 ) :
				(IGPGene) new ExtendedGeneFunction( 6 );
			// create population
			Population population = new Population( populationSize,
				( geneticMethod == 0 ) ?
					(IChromosome) new GPTreeChromosome( gene ) :
					(IChromosome) new GEPChromosome( gene, 15 ),
				( selectionMethod == 0 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new EliteSelection( ) :
				( selectionMethod == 1 ) ? (ISelectionMethod) new RankSelection( ) :
										   (ISelectionMethod) new RouletteWheelSelection( )
			// iterations
			int i = 1;
			// solution array
			double[,]	solution = new double[50, 2];
			double[]	input = new double[6] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };

			// calculate X values to be used with solution function
			for ( int j = 0; j < 50; j++ )
				solution[j, 0] = chart.RangeX.Min + (double) j * chart.RangeX.Length / 49;

			// loop
			while ( !needToStop )
				// run one epoch of genetic algorithm
				population.RunEpoch( );

					// get best solution
					string bestFunction = population.BestChromosome.ToString( );

					// calculate best function
					for ( int j = 0; j < 50; j++ )
						input[0] = solution[j, 0];
						solution[j, 1] = PolishExpression.Evaluate( bestFunction, input );
					chart.UpdateDataSeries( "solution", solution );
					// calculate error
					double error = 0.0;
					for ( int j = 0, k = data.GetLength( 0 ); j < k; j++ )
						input[0] = data[j, 0];
						error += Math.Abs( data[j, 1] - PolishExpression.Evaluate( bestFunction, input ) );

					// set current iteration's info
                    SetText( currentIterationBox, i.ToString( ) );
                    SetText( currentErrorBox, error.ToString( "F3" ) );
					// remove any solutions from chart in case of any errors
					chart.UpdateDataSeries( "solution", null );

				// increase current iteration

				if ( ( iterations != 0 ) && ( i > iterations ) )

			// show solution
            SetText( solutionBox, population.BestChromosome.ToString( ) );

			// enable settings controls
			EnableControls( true );
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static void Optimize(string monsterName, string[] startingBuild = null, ushort startingBuildFrontRow = 0)
            var monster = Library.Monsters.First(x => x.Name == monsterName);

            var simulator = monster.MaxPartyMembers > 1 ?
                (ASimulator)new PartySimulator(monster, 40, 40, false) :
                (ASimulator)new SingleHeroSimulator(monster, 40, 40);

            double lastFitness = 0;
                var fitnessEvaluator = new PartyFitness(simulator);
                var ancestor = (startingBuild == null) ?
                    new ShortArrayChromosome(fitnessEvaluator.ChromosomeLength, fitnessEvaluator.ChromosomeMaxValue) :
                    fitnessEvaluator.TranslateBack(simulator.TranslateBack(startingBuild), startingBuildFrontRow);

                var population = new Population(20,
                    new RankSelection());
                population.RandomSelectionPortion = 0.15;

                for(int stagnation = 0; stagnation < 5000; stagnation++)
                    if (population.BestChromosome.Fitness > lastFitness)
                        lastFitness = population.BestChromosome.Fitness;
                        Console.WriteLine(" " + population.BestChromosome.Fitness);
                        stagnation = 0;

                    population.MutationRate = stagnation > 1000 ?
                        Math.Min(stagnation / 3000.0, 0.25) :
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MelodySequence Generate()
            NoteGene baseGene = new NoteGene(GPGeneType.Function);
            baseGene.Function = NoteGene.FunctionTypes.Concatenation;
            GPCustomTree tree = new GPCustomTree(baseGene);
            if (base_seq != null)

                int length = base_seq.Length;
                int depth = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(length, 2));
                GPCustomTree.MaxInitialLevel = depth - 2;
                GPCustomTree.MaxLevel = depth + 5;
            var selection = new EliteSelection();
            pop = new Population(30, tree, fitnessFunction, selection);

            pop.AutoShuffling = true;
            pop.CrossoverRate = 0.9;
            pop.MutationRate = 0.1;

            int percentage = MaxGenerations / 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < MaxGenerations; i++)
                    if (OnPercentage != null)
                        OnPercentage(this, i, pop.FitnessAvg);
                    percentage += MaxGenerations / 100;

                if ((int)(i) % 100 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(i / (float)MaxGenerations * 100 + "% : " + pop.FitnessAvg);

            GPCustomTree best = pop.BestChromosome as GPCustomTree;
            var notes = best.GenerateNotes();
            return new MelodySequence(notes);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void StartTraining(bool aIsRunning)
            if (aIsRunning)
                mStopWatch = new Stopwatch();

                Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();

                min = Double.MaxValue;
                mintest = Double.MaxValue;

                // create grid application
                Settings settings = Settings.LoadSettings();
                GA = new GApplication(new GConnection(settings.AlchemiURL, settings.AlchemiPort, settings.AlchemiUser, settings.AlchemiPassword));
                GA.ApplicationName = "Plain Neural Network model";

                // add GridThread module (this executable) as a dependency
                GA.Manifest.Add(new ModuleDependency(typeof(AForge.PolishExpression).Module));
                GA.Manifest.Add(new ModuleDependency(typeof(AForge.Neuro.ActivationNetwork).Module));
                GA.Manifest.Add(new ModuleDependency(typeof(SingleNNTraining).Module));

                // subscribe to events
                GA.ThreadFinish += new GThreadFinish(ThreadFinished);
                GA.ThreadFailed += new GThreadFailed(ThreadFailed);
                GA.ApplicationFinish += new GApplicationFinish(ApplicationFinished);

                // Набор от данни използван за обучение
                mInput = new double[ExtractEnd - ExtractBegin + 1][];
                mOutput = new double[ExtractEnd - ExtractBegin + 1][];
                // Тестов набор от данни
                mTestInput = new double[TestEnd - TestBegin + 1][];
                mTestOutput = new double[TestEnd - TestBegin + 1][];
                for (int i = 0; i < ExtractEnd - ExtractBegin + 1; i++)
                    mInput[i] = new double[IndependentVariables.Count];
                    mOutput[i] = new double[DependentVariables.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < TestEnd - TestBegin + 1; i++)
                    mTestInput[i] = new double[IndependentVariables.Count];
                    mTestOutput[i] = new double[DependentVariables.Count];

                MainDataSetTableAdapters.VARIABLESTableAdapter adptVariables = new Plig.TimeSeries.Client.MainDataSetTableAdapters.VARIABLESTableAdapter();

                mReinitializations = Convert.ToInt32(txtReinitializations.Text);
                results = new List<NNResultSet>(mReinitializations);

                mEpochs = Convert.ToInt32(txtEpochs.Text);
                ReinitsFinished = 0;

                int index_of_variable = 0;
                foreach (int variable_id in IndependentVariables.Keys)
                    double minObsValue = adptVariables.MinObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value;
                    double factor = 1.7 / (adptVariables.MaxObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value - adptVariables.MinObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value);
                    Dictionary<int, double?> observations = VariableObservations(variable_id);
                    foreach (int counter in observations.Keys)
                        if ((counter >= ExtractBegin) && (counter <= ExtractEnd))
                            mInput[counter - ExtractBegin][index_of_variable] = (observations[counter].Value - minObsValue) * factor - 0.85;

                        if ((counter >= TestBegin) && (counter <= TestEnd))
                            mTestInput[counter - TestBegin][index_of_variable] = (observations[counter].Value - minObsValue) * factor - 0.85;


                index_of_variable = 0;
                foreach (int variable_id in DependentVariables.Keys)
                    double minObsValue = adptVariables.MinObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value;
                    double factor = 1.7 / (adptVariables.MaxObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value - adptVariables.MinObservationValue(ExtractBegin, ExtractEnd, variable_id).Value);
                    Dictionary<int, double?> observations = VariableObservations(variable_id);
                    foreach (int counter in observations.Keys)
                        if ((counter >= ExtractBegin) && (counter <= ExtractEnd))
                            mOutput[counter - ExtractBegin][index_of_variable] = (observations[counter].Value - minObsValue) * factor - 0.85;

                        if ((counter >= TestBegin) && (counter <= TestEnd))
                            mTestOutput[counter - TestBegin][index_of_variable] = (observations[counter].Value - minObsValue) * factor - 0.85;

                double momentum = 0.0;
                double learning_rate = 0.1;

                learning_rate = Convert.ToDouble(txtLearningRate.Text);
                momentum = Convert.ToDouble(txtMomentum.Text);

                int min_neurons = 1;
                int max_neurons = 1;
                if (rbFixedHiddenNeurons.Checked)
                    min_neurons = Convert.ToInt32(txtHiddenNeurons.Text);
                    max_neurons = min_neurons;

                if (rbFlexibleHiddenNeurons.Checked)
                    min_neurons = Convert.ToInt32(txtMinHiddenNeurons.Text);
                    max_neurons = Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxHiddenNeurons.Text);

                int TotalNNCalculations = 0;
                for (int hidden_neurons = min_neurons; hidden_neurons <= max_neurons; hidden_neurons++)

                    for (int i = 0; i < mReinitializations; i++)
                    //              Parallel.For(0, mReinitializations - 1, i =>
                        // create thread
                        SingleNNTraining single_nn = new SingleNNTraining(mInput, mOutput, mEpochs);
                        single_nn.HiddenNeurons = hidden_neurons;
                        single_nn.Iterations = mEpochs;
                        single_nn.Momentum = momentum;
                        single_nn.LearningRate = learning_rate;

                        // добавяне на набора от данни за тестване
                        single_nn.TestInput = mTestInput;
                        single_nn.TestOutput = mTestOutput;

                        // add thread to application
                    //                );

                pbProgressTraining.Minimum = 0;
                pbProgressTraining.Maximum = TotalNNCalculations - 1;


                lbResults.Items.Add("Време необходимо за конструиране на данните: " + st.Elapsed.ToString());

                int populationCount = Convert.ToInt32(txtPopulationCount.Text);
                Population population = new Population(populationCount,
                    new DoubleArrayChromosome(new AForge.Math.Random.UniformOneGenerator(),
                        new AForge.Math.Random.GaussianGenerator(0, 1),new AForge.Math.Random.GaussianGenerator(0, 1),
                        (mOutput.Length + mInput.Length + 1) * 10 + mOutput.Length),
                    new NeuralNetworkFitness(mInput, mOutput, new int[] { IndependentVariables.Count, 10, DependentVariables.Count }),
                    new EliteSelection());

                int geneticEpochs = Convert.ToInt32(txtGeneticEpochs.Text);
                pbGeneticProgress.Maximum = geneticEpochs;

                for (int i = 0; i < geneticEpochs; i++)
                    pbGeneticProgress.Value = i + 1;

                NeuralNetworkFitness nnf = new NeuralNetworkFitness(mInput, mOutput, new int[] { IndependentVariables.Count, 5, DependentVariables.Count });
                mBestGeneticActivationNetwork = (ActivationNetwork)nnf.Translate(population.BestChromosome);

                if (GA.Running)
                    foreach (GThread thread in GA.Threads)
            //                     GA.Stop();
                    lbResults.Items.Add("Обучението е прекъснато.");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void takeTurn()
            Board.useDictionary = true;
            bool tempRecording = GameController.recording;
            GameController.recording = false;
   = Board.current.viewableCards.FindAll(x => x.Deck != Card.Decks.nobles);
            var ga = new Population(popSize, new BuyOrderChromosome(2*, fitness, new RankSelection(), random);
            lastBestChromosome = ga.population[0] as BuyOrderChromosome;
            ga.CrossoverRate = 0.5;

               //     if (!predicted.Equals(Board.current.PrevMove)) RecordHistory.current.record("!!! Prediction failed.");
               //     predicted = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (fitness.timesEvaluated < evaluations)//(turnTimer.Elapsed < Board.current.notCurrentPlayer.turnTimer.Elapsed && i < 40)
                if (ga.BestChromosome.Fitness > lastBestChromosome.Fitness) lastBestChromosome = ga.BestChromosome as BuyOrderChromosome;
                if (i % 6 == 0) Board.current.ResetDictionary();
                CONSOLE.Overwrite(6, "Generations " + i + " Evaluation " + fitness.timesEvaluated);
                RecordHistory.current.plot(i + "," + ga.FitnessMax + Environment.NewLine);
                if ((GameController.turn % 3 == 0) && (i < 4)) takeSnapshot(ga);
            fitness.timesEvaluated = 0;
            GameController.recording = tempRecording;
            if (lastBestChromosome == null) throw new Exception("Null chromosome after evaluation " + i);
            Move m = fitness.simulateMyTurn(lastBestChromosome, Board.current).PrevMove;
            RecordHistory.current.record(this + " took move " + m);

            //foreach (BuyOrderChromosome p in chromosomes)
            //    RecordHistory.writeToFile("Chromosomes.txt", string.Format("{0:0.00}",p.Fitness) + "|" + p.depth + "|" + p.Value.String() + "|" + string.Format("{0:0.00}",p.parentFitness));
            //RecordHistory.writeToFile("Chromosomes.txt", "");
            //List<BuyOrderChromosome> chromosomes = BuyOrderChromosome.diversify(ga.population);
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(12, "XOver Impnts over gen.: " + xoverimpnts.String());
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(13, "Mut Impnts over gen.: " + mutimpnts.String());
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(14, "Crossover Improvements: " + BuyOrderChromosome.crossOverImprovements + " / " + BuyOrderChromosome.totalCrossOvers);
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(15, "Mutation Improvements: " + BuyOrderChromosome.mutationImprovements + " / " + BuyOrderChromosome.totalMutations);
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(16, "Number of Diverse Chromosomes: " + chromosomes.Count);

            //totalChromosomes += ga.population.Count;
            //diverseChromosomes += chromosomes.Count;
            //CONSOLE.Overwrite(17, "Total diverse/chromosomes: " + ((double)diverseChromosomes / totalChromosomes));
            //for (int j = 0; j < chromosomes.Count; j++)
            //    CONSOLE.Overwrite(18 + j, chromosomes[j].Value.String() + "   depth: " +chromosomes[j].depth + "    fitness: " + chromosomes[j].Fitness);
            Board.useDictionary = false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void OnWorkerDoWorkEvolutionary(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            ArrayList parameters = e.Argument as ArrayList;
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null);
            bool useRed = (bool)parameters[0], useGreen = (bool)parameters[1], useBlue = (bool)parameters[2];
            List<int> slotSizes = (List<int>)parameters[3];

            ProgramFitnessFunction fitnessFunction = new ProgramFitnessFunction(this.puzzle, slotSizes);
            ISelectionMethod selectionMethod = new EliteSelection();
            const int PopulationSize = 500;
            Population population = new Population(
                new ProgramChromosome(slotSizes.Sum(), slotSizes.Count, useRed, useGreen, useBlue),

            int iteration = 0;
            population.MutationRate = 0.6;
            population.CrossoverRate = 0.6;
            while (true)
                backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(++iteration, population.FitnessMax - 1);

                if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                if (population.FitnessMax - 1 == this.puzzle.StarsCount)
                    e.Result = fitnessFunction.ChromosomeToProgram((ProgramChromosome)population.BestChromosome);