Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Returns true if the given player has any of the given item types in thier inventory.
         * index : Is set to the index of the item found. If it isn't found, it is set to -1.
         * counts : the minimum stack per item needed for HasItem to return true.
         * includeAmmo : true if you wish to include the ammo slots.
         * includeCoins : true if you wish to include the coin slots.
        public static bool HasItem(Player player, int[] types, ref int index, int[] counts = default(int[]), bool includeAmmo = false, bool includeCoins = false)
            if (types == null || types.Length == 0)
                return(false);                                               //no types to check!
            if (counts == null || counts.Length == 0)
                counts = BaseUtility.FillArray(new int[types.Length], 1);
            int countIndex = -1;

            if (includeCoins)
                for (int m = 50; m < 54; m++)
                    Item item = player.inventory[m];
                    if (item != null && BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type, ref countIndex) && item.stack >= counts[countIndex])
                        index = m; return(true);
            if (includeAmmo)
                for (int m = 54; m < 58; m++)
                    Item item = player.inventory[m];
                    if (item != null && BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type, ref countIndex) && item.stack >= counts[countIndex])
                        index = m; return(true);
            for (int m = 0; m < 50; m++)
                Item item = player.inventory[m];
                if (item != null && BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type, ref countIndex) && item.stack >= counts[countIndex])
                    index = m; return(true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Color GetTimedColor(Color tColor, Color color, float min, float max, bool clamp)
            Color glowColor = BaseUtility.ColorMult(tColor, BaseUtility.MultiLerp(glowTick / (float)glowMax, min, max, min));

            if (clamp)
                if (color.R > glowColor.R)
                    glowColor.R = color.R;
                if (color.G > glowColor.G)
                    glowColor.G = color.G;
                if (color.B > glowColor.B)
                    glowColor.B = color.B;

Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Returns the total itemstack sum of a specific item in the player's inventory.
         * typeIsAmmo : If true, types are considered ammo types. Else, types are considered item types.
        public static int GetItemstackSum(Player player, int[] types, bool typeIsAmmo = false, bool includeAmmo = false, bool includeCoins = false)
            int stackCount = 0;

            if (includeCoins)
                for (int m = 50; m < 54; m++)
                    Item item = player.inventory[m];
                    if (item != null && (typeIsAmmo ? BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.ammo) : BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type)))
                        stackCount += item.stack;
            if (includeAmmo)
                for (int m = 54; m < 58; m++)
                    Item item = player.inventory[m];
                    if (item != null && (typeIsAmmo ? BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.ammo) : BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type)))
                        stackCount += item.stack;
            for (int m = 0; m < 50; m++)
                Item item = player.inventory[m];
                if (item != null && (typeIsAmmo ? BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.ammo) : BaseUtility.InArray(types, item.type)))
                    stackCount += item.stack;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Color GetGradientColor(Color tColor1, Color tColor2, Color color, bool clamp)
            Color glowColor = Color.Lerp(tColor1, tColor2, BaseUtility.MultiLerp(glowTick / (float)glowMax, 0f, 1f, 0f));

            if (clamp)
                if (color.R > glowColor.R)
                    glowColor.R = color.R;

                if (color.G > glowColor.G)
                    glowColor.G = color.G;

                if (color.B > glowColor.B)
                    glowColor.B = color.B;

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static int GoreType(this Mod mod, string name, IDictionary <string, int> gores = null)
     return(BaseUtility.CheckForGore(mod, name, gores));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override bool PreAI(NPC npc)
            if (!npc.boss ||
                npc.type != NPCID.WallofFlesh ||
                npc.type != NPCID.SkeletronHand ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DungeonGuardian ||
                npc.type != NPCID.WallofFlesh ||
                npc.type != NPCID.WallofFleshEye ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PrimeCannon ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PrimeLaser ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PrimeSaw ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PrimeVice ||
                npc.type != NPCID.EaterofWorldsBody ||
                npc.type != NPCID.EaterofWorldsTail ||
                npc.type != NPCID.EaterofWorldsHead ||
                npc.type != NPCID.TheDestroyerBody ||
                npc.type != NPCID.TheDestroyerTail ||
                npc.type != NPCID.GolemFistLeft ||
                npc.type != NPCID.GolemFistRight ||
                npc.type != NPCID.GolemHead ||
                npc.type != NPCID.GolemHeadFree ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PlanterasHook ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PlanterasTentacle ||
                npc.type != NPCID.Creeper ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PumpkingBlade ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MartianSaucerCannon ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MartianSaucerCore ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MartianSaucerTurret ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MoonLordCore ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MoonLordFreeEye ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MoonLordHand ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MoonLordHead ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MoonLordLeechBlob ||
                npc.type != NPCID.AncientCultistSquidhead ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistBossClone ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonBody1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonBody2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonBody3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonBody4 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonHead ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistDragonTail ||
                npc.type != NPCID.CultistTablet ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MothronEgg ||
                npc.type != NPCID.MothronSpawn ||
                npc.type != NPCID.Mothron ||
                npc.type != NPCID.PirateShipCannon ||
                npc.type != NPCID.LunarTowerSolar ||
                npc.type != NPCID.LunarTowerNebula ||
                npc.type != NPCID.LunarTowerVortex ||
                npc.type != NPCID.LunarTowerStardust ||
                npc.type != NPCID.AncientLight ||
                npc.type != NPCID.AncientDoom ||
                npc.type != NPCID.SandElemental ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2EterniaCrystal ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2AttackerTest ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2Betsy ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2DarkMageT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2DarkMageT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2DrakinT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2DrakinT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinBomberT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2GoblinT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2JavelinstT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2JavelinstT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2JavelinstT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2KoboldFlyerT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2KoboldFlyerT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2KoboldWalkerT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2KoboldWalkerT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2LanePortal ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2LightningBugT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2OgreT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2OgreT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2SkeletonT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2SkeletonT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2WitherBeastT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2WitherBeastT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2WyvernT1 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2WyvernT2 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.DD2WyvernT3 ||
                npc.type != NPCID.ShadowFlameApparition)
                if (TimeFrozen)
                    npc.position = npc.oldPosition;
            Player targetPlayer = Main.player[npc.target];

                if (npc.type == NPCID.Harpy || npc.type == NPCID.WyvernHead || npc.type == NPCID.MartianProbe)
                    if (npc.timeLeft > 10 && targetPlayer.GetModPlayer <AAPlayer>(mod).ZoneVoid == true)
                        npc.timeLeft = 10;
            catch (Exception e) { BaseUtility.LogFancy("MNPC PREAI ERROR: ", e); }
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static bool HasAllItems(Player player, int[] types, ref int[] indicies, int[] counts = default(int[]), bool includeAmmo = false, bool includeCoins = false)
     if (types == null || types.Length == 0)
         return(false);                                               //no types to check!
     if (counts == null || counts.Length == 0)
         counts = BaseUtility.FillArray(new int[types.Length], 1);
     int[]  indexArray = new int[types.Length];
     bool[] foundItem  = new bool[types.Length];
     if (includeCoins)
         for (int m = 50; m < 54; m++)
             for (int m2 = 0; m2 < types.Length; m2++)
                 if (foundItem[m2])
                 Item item = player.inventory[m];
                 if (item != null && item.type == types[m2] && item.stack >= counts[m2])
                     foundItem[m2] = true; indexArray[m2] = m;
     if (includeAmmo)
         for (int m = 54; m < 58; m++)
             for (int m2 = 0; m2 < types.Length; m2++)
                 if (foundItem[m2])
                 Item item = player.inventory[m];
                 if (item != null && item.type == types[m2] && item.stack >= counts[m2])
                     foundItem[m2] = true; indexArray[m2] = m;
     for (int m = 0; m < 50; m++)
         for (int m2 = 0; m2 < types.Length; m2++)
             if (foundItem[m2])
             Item item = player.inventory[m];
             if (item != null && item.type == types[m2] && item.stack >= counts[m2])
                 foundItem[m2] = true; indexArray[m2] = m;
     foreach (bool f in foundItem)
         if (!f)
Ejemplo n.º 8
         * Tints the light color according to the buff color given. (prevents 'darkness' occuring if more than one is applied)
        public static Color BuffColorize(Color buffColor, Color lightColor)
            Color color2 = BaseUtility.ColorBrightnessClamp(buffColor, lightColor);

            return(BaseUtility.ColorClamp(BaseUtility.Colorize(buffColor, lightColor), color2));