Ejemplo n.º 1
        // This method receives an order from the buffer, decodes using a Decoder object, and then passes it to an OrderProcessor object
        public void receiveOrder()
            // Grabs an order from the buffer in encoded string format
            string encodedOrder = Program.buffer.getOneCell();

            // Initialize our Decoder and OrderProcessing objects
            Decoder         decode    = new Decoder(encodedOrder);
            OrderProcessing processor = new OrderProcessing();

            // Decode the string back into an OrderClass object and pass it to our OrderProcessing thread
            OrderClass order = decode.getOrder();
            Thread     t     = new Thread(() => processor.process(order, getPrice()));

            // Start the OrderProcessing thread
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* This method generates an order with a random card number and random quantity.
         * Then generates an OrderClass object which then is encoded to a string, which gets placed into our buffer.
         * Finally, it then signals to the ChickenFarm that an order has been generated using the delegate event.
        private void generateOrder(string senderID)
            // Generate random valid numbers for the card number, and quantity
            int cardNo = rng.Next(5000, 7000);
            int amount = rng.Next(25, 100);

            // Generate OrderClass object, then encode to a string using our Encoder object
            OrderClass order   = new OrderClass(senderID, cardNo, amount);
            Encoder    encode  = new Encoder(order);
            string     encoded = encode.getEncodedString();

            // Print the generation confirmation
            Console.WriteLine("Store {0}'s order generated, Time-stamp: {1}", senderID, DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss"));

            // Place the encoded string into our buffer

            // Signal to our ChickenFarm that the order has been generated using our delegate event
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /* This method will process the order and payment by checking the card number validity first, and then calculates total price.
         *  Once total price calculated, the delegate event orderProcessed signals to ChickenFarm that the thread has completed
         *  order processing. */
        public void process(OrderClass order, int unitPrice)
            // Check first if the card number is valid
            if (!checkCreditCardNumber(order.getCardNo()))
                // Write an error to console if there's an error and then return
                Console.WriteLine("Card number {0} is not valid.", order.getCardNo());
                // Calculate the subtotal first
                double subtotal = (unitPrice * order.getAmount());

                // Then calculate the tax amount
                double taxes = (subtotal * TAX);

                // Subtotal + Taxes + shipping and handling
                int total = Convert.ToInt32(subtotal + taxes + SHIPPING_HANDLING);

                // Signal to the retailer that the order has been processed
                orderProcessed(order.getSenderID(), total, unitPrice, order.getAmount());