Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Saves places to a file in GPX format, given pathname
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strGpxPath">The file (with full path) to save to</param>
        public void SaveToGpx(string strGpxPath)
            gpxType gpx = new gpxType();

            gpx.creator = "NASA World Wind";
            gpx.version = "1.1";

            gpx.wpt = new wptType [this.Items.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in this.Items)
                PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)lvi.Tag;
                wptType   wp = new wptType();
                wp.name      = pi.pn.Name;
                wp.lat       = (decimal)pi.pn.Lat;
                wp.lon       = (decimal)pi.pn.Lon;
                wp.sym       = "Waypoint";
                gpx.wpt[i++] = wp;

            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
            TextWriter    tw  = new StreamWriter(strGpxPath);

            ser.Serialize(tw, gpx);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Coordinate CreateGeoPosition(wptType wayPoint)
            double lat = (double)wayPoint.lat;
            double lon = (double)wayPoint.lon;

            return(wayPoint.eleSpecified ? new Coordinate(lon, lat, (double)wayPoint.ele) : new Coordinate(lon, lat));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static wptType SaveTrackPoint(TrackPoint point)
            wptType wp = new wptType();

            if (point.AgeOfGpsData.HasValue)
                wp.ageofdgpsdataSpecified = true;
                wp.ageofdgpsdata          = point.AgeOfGpsData.Value;
            wp.cmt    = point.Comment;
            wp.desc   = point.Description;
            wp.dgpsid = point.DgpsId;
            if (point.Elevation.HasValue)
                wp.eleSpecified = true;
                wp.ele          = (decimal)point.Elevation.Value;
            if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(point.FixType))
                wp.fixSpecified = true;
                wp.fix          = (fixType)Enum.Parse(typeof(fixType), point.FixType);
            if (point.GeoidHeight.HasValue)
                wp.geoidheightSpecified = true;
                wp.geoidheight          = point.GeoidHeight.Value;
            if (point.HorizontalDilutionOfPrecision.HasValue)
                wp.hdopSpecified = true;
                wp.hdop          = point.HorizontalDilutionOfPrecision.Value;
            wp.lon  = (decimal)point.Location.X;
            wp.lat  = (decimal)point.Location.Y;
            wp.name = point.Name;
            if (point.MagneticVariation.HasValue)
                wp.magvarSpecified = true;
                wp.magvar          = point.MagneticVariation.Value;
            if (point.PositionDilutionOfPrecision.HasValue)
                wp.pdopSpecified = true;
                wp.pdop          = point.PositionDilutionOfPrecision.Value;
            wp.src = point.SourceOfData;
            wp.sym = point.Symbol;
            if (point.Time.HasValue)
                wp.timeSpecified = true;
                wp.time          = point.Time.Value;
            if (point.VerticalDilutionOfPrecision.HasValue)
                wp.vdopSpecified = true;
                wp.vdop          = point.VerticalDilutionOfPrecision.Value;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private int GetDistance(wptType startPoint, wptType point)
            var startIndex = _wayPoints.IndexOf(startPoint);
            var lastIndex  = _wayPoints.IndexOf(point);
            var distance   = _distances.Skip(startIndex).Take(lastIndex - startIndex).Sum() / 1000;

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public override void delete()
     if (Parent != null && Parent is GpxTrackSegmentModel trackSegmentModel &&
         trackSegmentModel.Trackpoints != null)
     Trackpoint = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private LatLng ToLatLng(wptType point)
     return(new LatLng
         Lat = (double)point.lat,
         Lng = (double)point.lon,
         Alt = (double)point.ele
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private MarkerData ToMarkerData(wptType point)
     return(new MarkerData
         Latlng = ToLatLng(point),
         Title = point.name,
         Type = point.type
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void WayPoint_Cast_To_WptType()
            var waypoint = new WayPoint();

            waypoint.Name = "mannus";
            wptType wpt = waypoint;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        static private TrackPoint ReadTrackPoint(wptType wptType)
            TrackPoint waypoint = new TrackPoint();

            if (wptType.ageofdgpsdataSpecified)
                waypoint.AgeOfGpsData = wptType.ageofdgpsdata;
            waypoint.Comment     = wptType.cmt;
            waypoint.Description = wptType.desc;
            waypoint.DgpsId      = wptType.dgpsid;
            if (wptType.eleSpecified)
                waypoint.Elevation = (double)wptType.ele;
            if (wptType.fixSpecified)
                waypoint.FixType = wptType.fix.ToString();
            if (wptType.geoidheightSpecified)
                waypoint.GeoidHeight = wptType.geoidheight;
            if (wptType.hdopSpecified)
                waypoint.HorizontalDilutionOfPrecision = wptType.hdop;
            waypoint.Location = new Point2 <double>((double)wptType.lon, (double)wptType.lat);
            if (wptType.magvarSpecified)
                waypoint.MagneticVariation = wptType.magvar;
            waypoint.Name = wptType.name;
            if (wptType.pdopSpecified)
                waypoint.PositionDilutionOfPrecision = wptType.pdop;
            waypoint.SourceOfData = wptType.src;
            waypoint.Symbol       = wptType.sym;
            if (wptType.timeSpecified)
                waypoint.Time = wptType.time;
            if (wptType.vdopSpecified)
                waypoint.VerticalDilutionOfPrecision = wptType.vdop;
            if (wptType.timeSpecified)
                waypoint.Time = wptType.time;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override GpxModel clone()
            GpxTrackpointModel newModel = null;
            wptType            trkpt    = (wptType)Trackpoint.Clone();

            if (trkpt != null)
                newModel = new GpxTrackpointModel(null, trkpt);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private BikeTouringGISGraphic CreateBikeTouringGISPointGraphic(wptType location, string nameAttribute, GraphicType typeOfPoint)
            var mappoint = new MapPoint((double)location.lon, (double)location.lat, new SpatialReference(4326));
            var g        = new BikeTouringGISGraphic(mappoint, typeOfPoint)
                ZIndex = 1

            g.Attributes["name"] = nameAttribute;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public GpxTrackpointModel(GpxModel parent, wptType wpt)
     Parent = parent;
     if (wpt == null)
         Trackpoint      = new wptType();
         Trackpoint.name = "New Trackpoint";
         Trackpoint = wpt;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public GpxWaypointModel(GpxModel parent, wptType wpt)
     Parent = parent;
     if (wpt == null)
         Waypoint      = new wptType();
         Waypoint.name = "New Waypoint";
         Waypoint = wpt;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void gpx_save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog1.Filter = "GPX file|*.gpx";
            saveFileDialog1.Title  = "Save To GPX File";

            // If the file name is not an empty string open it for saving.
            if (saveFileDialog1.FileName != "")
                GpxClass track = new GpxClass();

                wptTypeCollection trkpt = new wptTypeCollection();
                foreach (Location lc in gpx_locations)
                    wptType wpt = new wptType();
                    wpt.lat          = (decimal)lc.Latitude;
                    wpt.lon          = (decimal)lc.Longitude;
                    wpt.ele          = (decimal)lc.Altitude;
                    wpt.eleSpecified = true;

                trksegType trk_seg = new trksegType();
                trk_seg.trkpt = trkpt;

                trksegTypeCollection trk_seg_cl = new trksegTypeCollection();

                trkType trk = new trkType();
                trk.name   = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt");
                trk.trkseg = trk_seg_cl;

                track.trk = new trkTypeCollection();

                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("GPX file is saved!");

                // back to the teleport mode.
                cur_click_mode            = e_click_mode.teleport;
                gpx_create_button.Content = "Create GPX";
                way_points.Text           = "";
                gpx_save_button.IsEnabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private MarkerData ToMarkerData(wptType point)
     return(new MarkerData
         Latlng = ToLatLng(point),
         Title = point.name,
         Type = point.type,
         Description = point.desc,
         Urls = (point.link ?? new linkType[0])
                .Select(l => new LinkData {
             MimeType = l.type, Url = l.href, Text = l.text
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static wptType ReadWayPoint( XElement element )
            element.RequireArgument<XElement>( "element" ).NotNull<XElement>();

            XNamespace ns = element.Name.Namespace;
            wptType wpt = new wptType();
            wpt.lat = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Attribute("lat").Value);
            wpt.lon = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Attribute("lon").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "ele" ) != null )
                wpt.ele = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "ele" ).Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "time" ) != null )
                wpt.time = Convert.ToDateTime(element.Element( ns + "time").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "magvar" ) != null )
                wpt.magvar = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "magvar").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "geoidheight" ) != null )
                wpt.geoidheight = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "geoidheight").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "name" ) != null )
                wpt.name = element.Element( ns + "name" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "cmt" ) != null )
                wpt.cmt = element.Element(ns + "cmt" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "desc" ) != null )
                wpt.desc = element.Element( ns + "desc" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "src" ) != null )
                wpt.src = element.Element( ns + "src" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "link" ) != null )
                wpt.link = ReadLinks(element.Elements( ns + "link"));
            if( element.Element( ns + "sym" ) != null )
                wpt.sym = element.Element( ns + "sym" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "type" ) != null )
                wpt.type = element.Element( ns + "type" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "fix" ) != null )
                wpt.fix = ReadFix( element.Element( ns + "fix" ) );
            if( element.Element( ns + "sat" ) != null )
                wpt.sat = element.Element( ns + "sat" ).Value;
            if( element.Element( ns + "hdop" ) != null )
                wpt.hdop = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "hdop").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "vdop" ) != null )
                wpt.vdop = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element(ns + "vdop").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "pdop" ) != null )
                wpt.pdop = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "pdop").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "ageofdgpsdata" ) != null )
                wpt.ageofdgpsdata = Convert.ToDecimal(element.Element( ns + "ageofdgpsdata").Value);
            if( element.Element( ns + "dgpsid" ) != null )
                wpt.dgpsid = element.Element( ns + "dgpsid" ).Value;
            //Ignore the extensions

            return wpt;
        public static Stream ExportGpxRouteStream(IList <GlobalsatRoute> routes)
            if (routes == null)
            gpxType gpxFile = new gpxType();
            //gpxFile.creator = "SportTracks KeymazePlugin";

            List <rteType> rtes = new List <rteType>();

            if (routes != null && routes.Count > 0)
                foreach (GlobalsatRoute route in routes)
                    if (route.wpts != null && route.wpts.Count > 0)
                        rteType rte = new rteType();
                        rte.name = route.Name;
                        List <wptType> wpts = new List <wptType>();
                        foreach (GlobalsatWaypoint g in route.wpts)
                            wptType wpt = new wptType();
                            wpt.lat          = (decimal)g.Latitude;
                            wpt.lon          = (decimal)g.Longitude;
                            wpt.ele          = g.Altitude;
                            wpt.eleSpecified = true;
                        rte.rtept = wpts.ToArray();

            gpxFile.rte = rtes.ToArray();
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(gpxFile.GetType());

            Stream writer = new MemoryStream();

            serializer.Serialize(writer, gpxFile);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        static void Main()
                // read a file
                GpxClass gpx = GpxClass.FromFile("Files\\All Buntzen Trails.gpx");

                gpx.rte.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine("Route: {0}\r\n", x.name));
                gpx.wpt.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine("Waypoint: {0}\r\n", x.name));
                gpx.trk.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine("Track: {0}\r\n", x.name));

                // create a new file
                GpxClass newGpx = new GpxClass()
                    creator = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name,
                    version = "Test",
                    wpt     = new wptTypeCollection(),

                wptType waypoint = new wptType()
                    name          = "Test Waypoint",
                    cmt           = "Comment",
                    desc          = "Description",
                    lat           = (Decimal)49.3402360,
                    lon           = (Decimal)(-122.8770030),
                    time          = DateTime.Now,
                    timeSpecified = true,
                    sym           = "Waypoint",



            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error processing file:\r\n{0}", ex);
        public static List <wptType> GetWayPoints(this Geometry geometry)
            var wayPoints = new List <wptType>();

            if (geometry.GeometryType == GeometryType.Polyline)
                var line = geometry as Polyline;
                foreach (var part in line.Parts)
                    foreach (var point in part.GetPoints())
                        var wpt = new wptType();
                        wpt.lat = (decimal)point.Y;
                        wpt.lon = (decimal)point.X;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private static double?GetGarminHeartRateFromWaypoint(wptType wpt)
     if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any != null)
         foreach (var element in wpt.extensions.Any)
             if (element.NamespaceURI == garminTrackPointExtensionsURI && element.LocalName == "TrackPointExtension")
                 foreach (XmlNode subElement in element.GetElementsByTagName("hr", garminTrackPointExtensionsURI))
                     double hr;
                     if (double.TryParse(subElement.InnerText, out hr))
        public static Stream ExportGpxWaypointsStream(IList <GlobalsatWaypoint> waypoints)
            if (waypoints == null)
            gpxType gpxFile = new gpxType();
            //gpxFile.creator = "SportTracks KeymazePlugin";

            List <wptType> wptList = new List <wptType>();

            if (waypoints != null && waypoints.Count > 0)
                foreach (GlobalsatWaypoint waypoint in waypoints)
                    wptType wpt = new wptType();
                    wpt.name         = waypoint.WaypointName;
                    wpt.lat          = (decimal)waypoint.Latitude;
                    wpt.lon          = (decimal)waypoint.Longitude;
                    wpt.ele          = (decimal)waypoint.Altitude;
                    wpt.eleSpecified = true;
                    wpt.type         = waypoint.IconNr.ToString();


            gpxFile.wpt = wptList.ToArray();

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(gpxFile.GetType());

            Stream writer = new MemoryStream();

            serializer.Serialize(writer, gpxFile);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    private void ImportGPX10()
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
      nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
      XmlTextReader sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx10Type));
      gpx10Type gpx = (gpx10Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");

      importResult = new ImportResult();

      // route
      List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
      foreach (gpxTrk trk in gpx.trk)
        for (int i = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(0); i <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
          RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          for (int j = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(1); j <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
            gpxTrkTrksegTrkpt wpt = trk.trkseg[i][j];
            double lat = (double)wpt.lat;
            double lon = (double)wpt.lon;
            DateTime time = wpt.time;
            double? heartRate = null;
            double? altitude = null;
            routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate));
      importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

      // laps
      LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
      importResult.Laps = laps;

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());

    private void ImportGPX11()
      ImportResult = new ImportResult();
      var isGPX10 = (GPXUtil.GetGPXVersion(fileName) == GPXVersion.GPX10);
      string gpx10convertedFileName = null;
      string polarConvertedFileName = null;
      var originalFileName = fileName;
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      // check if the file is in gpx 1.0 format and convert it to gpx 1.1 if necessary
      if (isGPX10)
        gpx10convertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        GPXUtil.ConvertGPX10ToGPX11(fileName, gpx10convertedFileName);
        fileName = gpx10convertedFileName;

      // check if the file is an invalid Polar ProTrainer file and correct if necessary
      if (PolarProTrainerUtil.IsPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName))
        polarConvertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        PolarProTrainerUtil.CorrectPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName, polarConvertedFileName);
        fileName = polarConvertedFileName;

      var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
      var sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      var xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
      var gpx11 = (gpx11Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      var nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      // add namespace for split times and heart rates (from SportsTracks software)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");
      // add namespace for map reading information (QuickRoute native)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("mr", "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading");

      // pre-store heart rates in dictionary (if present)
      var heartRates = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
      // pre-store map-readings in map reading collection (if present)
      var mapReadings = new List<DateTime>();
      if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
        foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
          if (element.Name == "st:activity")
            var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:heartRateTrack/st:heartRate[@time and @bpm]", nsManager);
            if (nodes != null)
              foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                DateTime time;
                double bpm;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, out time) &&
                    double.TryParse(node.Attributes["bpm"].Value, NumberStyles.Any, nfi, out bpm))
                  time = time.ToUniversalTime();
                  if(!heartRates.ContainsKey(time)) heartRates.Add(time, bpm);
          if(element.Name == "mr:map-reading")
            DateTime start, end;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["start"].Value, out start) &&
                DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["end"].Value, out end))
      mapReadings = FilterMapReadings(mapReadings);

      // QuickRoute route
      var noOfWaypoints = 0;
      var noOfWaypointsWithTimes = 0;
      var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();

      // first use GPX track
      if (gpx11.trk != null)
        foreach (var trk in gpx11.trk)
          foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            wptType lastWpt = null;
            if (trkseg.trkpt != null)
              foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                if (lastWpt == null || wpt.time != lastWpt.time)
                  if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
                    // new route segment ahead
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                    routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                    var lat = (double)wpt.lat;
                    var lon = (double)wpt.lon;
                    double? heartRate = null;
                    double? altitude = null;
                    if (heartRates.ContainsKey(wpt.time)) heartRate = heartRates[wpt.time];
                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                      altitude = (double?)wpt.ele;
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified)
                      routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(wpt.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
                      lastWpt = wpt;
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // if no GPX track - use GPX route
      if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0 && gpx11.rte != null)
        foreach (var route in gpx11.rte)
          var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          foreach (var rtept in route.rtept)
            if (rtept.extensions != null && rtept.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
              // new route segment ahead
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
              routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              var lat = (double) rtept.lat;
              var lon = (double) rtept.lon;
              double? heartRate = null;
              double? altitude = null;
              if (heartRates.ContainsKey(rtept.time)) heartRate = heartRates[rtept.time];
              if (rtept.eleSpecified)
                altitude = (double?) rtept.ele;
              if (rtept.timeSpecified)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(rtept.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
          if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // add map reading waypoints
      routeSegments = Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(routeSegments, mapReadings);

      importResult.Succeeded = (noOfWaypointsWithTimes > 0);

      if (ImportResult.Succeeded)
        importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

        // laps
        var laps = new LapCollection();
        var startTime = ImportResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;

        // from GPX st:split
        if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
          foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
            if (element.Name == "st:activity")
              var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:splits/st:split[@time]", nsManager);
              if (nodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                  var elapsedTime = double.Parse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, nfi);
                  var lap = new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTime), LapType.Lap);

        // from GPX waypoints
        if (gpx11.wpt != null && laps.Count == 0)
          foreach (var waypoint in gpx11.wpt)
            if (waypoint.timeSpecified)
              laps.Add(new Lap(waypoint.time, LapType.Lap));

        foreach (var rs in routeSegments)
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));
        importResult.Laps = laps;
        if (noOfWaypoints == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;
        else if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypointTimes;

      if (gpx10convertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      if (polarConvertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      // import Polar HRM file with same base file name as the gpx file, if existing
      string hrmFileName = new FileInfo(fileName).FullName.Replace(new FileInfo(fileName).Extension, ".hrm");
        new PolarHRMImporter().AddLapsAndHRData(hrmFileName, importResult);

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Export()
            var writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, IndentChars = "  "
            var writer        = XmlWriter.Create(OutputStream, writerSettings);
            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
            var stNs          = "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD";
            var mrNs          = "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading";
            var ns            = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            ns.Add("st", stNs);
            if (Session.Route.ContainsWaypointAttribute(WaypointAttribute.MapReadingDuration))
                ns.Add("mr", mrNs);
            var xml = new XmlDocument();
            var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();

            nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            var gpx11 = new gpx11Type();

            gpx11.creator = "QuickRoute";
            gpx11.trk     = new trkType[] { new trkType() };

            gpx11.extensions = new extensionsType();
            var extensionElements = new List <XmlElement>();
            // TODO: add map-reading elements if exists
            XmlElement activityElement = xml.CreateElement("st", "activity", stNs);

            XmlElement heartRateTrackElement = xml.CreateElement("st", "heartRateTrack", stNs);


            var trksegs = new List <trksegType>();

            foreach (var rs in Session.Route.Segments)
                var wpts = new List <wptType>();
                foreach (var w in rs.Waypoints)
                    var wpt = new wptType();
                    wpt.eleSpecified = (w.Altitude != null);
                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                        wpt.ele = (decimal)w.Altitude;
                    wpt.lon           = (decimal)w.LongLat.Longitude;
                    wpt.lat           = (decimal)w.LongLat.Latitude;
                    wpt.time          = w.Time.ToUniversalTime(); // use ToUniversalTime for backwards compatibility, QR <= v2.2 used local time internally
                    wpt.timeSpecified = true;

                    if (w.HeartRate.HasValue)
                        // add heartrate
                        var heartRateElement = xml.CreateElement("st", "heartRate", stNs);
                        var timeAttribute    = xml.CreateAttribute("time");
                        timeAttribute.Value = w.Time.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); // use ToUniversalTime for backwards compatibility, QR <= v2.2 used local time internally
                        var bpmAttribute = xml.CreateAttribute("bpm");
                        bpmAttribute.Value = w.HeartRate.Value.ToString(nfi);
                var trkseg = new trksegType {
                    trkpt = wpts.ToArray()
            gpx11.trk[0].trkseg = trksegs.ToArray();

            // add laps as GPX st:split
            var splitsElement = xml.CreateElement("st", "splits", stNs);

            // first distances
            foreach (var lap in Session.Laps)
                if (lap.LapType == LapType.Lap)
                    var splitElement      = xml.CreateElement("st", "split", stNs);
                    var distanceAttribute = xml.CreateAttribute("distance");
                    distanceAttribute.Value = Session.Route.GetAttributeFromParameterizedLocation(WaypointAttribute.Distance, Session.Route.GetParameterizedLocationFromTime(lap.Time)).Value.ToString(nfi);
            // then times
            foreach (var lap in Session.Laps)
                if (lap.LapType == LapType.Lap)
                    var splitElement  = xml.CreateElement("st", "split", stNs);
                    var timeAttribute = xml.CreateAttribute("time");
                    timeAttribute.Value = lap.Time.Subtract(Session.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time).TotalSeconds.ToString(nfi);
            if (splitsElement.ChildNodes.Count > 0)

            // add laps as GPX waypoint elements
            var lapWaypoints = new List <wptType>();

            foreach (var lap in Session.Laps)
                if (lap.LapType == LapType.Lap)
                    var wpt = new wptType();
                    wpt.time          = lap.Time;
                    wpt.timeSpecified = true;
                    var qrWaypoint = session.Route.CreateWaypointFromTime(lap.Time);
                    wpt.lat = (decimal)qrWaypoint.LongLat.Latitude;
                    wpt.lon = (decimal)qrWaypoint.LongLat.Longitude;
                    if (qrWaypoint.Altitude.HasValue)
                        wpt.ele          = (decimal)qrWaypoint.Altitude.Value;
                        wpt.eleSpecified = true;
                    wpt.name = string.Format(Strings.LapX, lapWaypoints.Count + 1);
            if (lapWaypoints.Count > 0)
                gpx11.wpt = lapWaypoints.ToArray();

            // map reading
            if (Session.Route.ContainsWaypointAttribute(WaypointAttribute.MapReadingDuration))
                var mapReadingsList = Session.Route.GetMapReadingsList();
                for (var i = 0; i < mapReadingsList.Count; i += 2)
                    var mapReadingElement = xml.CreateElement("mr", "map-reading", mrNs);
                    mapReadingElement.SetAttribute("start", mapReadingsList[i].ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
                    mapReadingElement.SetAttribute("end", mapReadingsList[i + 1].ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
            gpx11.extensions.Any = extensionElements.ToArray();

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, gpx11, ns);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static MapPoint LoadWayPointGeometry( wptType wpt )
            wpt.RequireArgument<wptType>( "wpt" ).NotNull<wptType>();

            return new MapPoint( ( double ) wpt.lon, ( double ) wpt.lat );
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static IDictionary<string, object> LoadWayPointAttributes( wptType wpt, IDictionary<string, object> attributes )
            wpt.RequireArgument<wptType>( "wpt" ).NotNull<wptType>();
            attributes.RequireArgument<IDictionary<string, object>>( "attributes" ).NotNull<IDictionary<string, object>>();

            attributes.Add( "ele", wpt.ele );
            attributes.Add( "time", wpt.time );
            attributes.Add( "magvar", wpt.magvar );
            attributes.Add( "geoidheight", wpt.geoidheight );
            attributes.Add( "name", wpt.name );
            attributes.Add( "cmt", wpt.cmt );
            attributes.Add( "desc", wpt.desc );
            attributes.Add( "src", wpt.src );
            attributes.Add( "link", wpt.link );
            attributes.Add( "sym", wpt.sym );
            attributes.Add( "type", wpt.type );
            attributes.Add( "fix", wpt.fix );
            attributes.Add( "sat", wpt.sat );
            attributes.Add( "hdop", wpt.hdop );
            attributes.Add( "vdop", wpt.vdop );
            attributes.Add( "pdop", wpt.pdop );
            attributes.Add( "ageofdgpsdata", wpt.ageofdgpsdata );
            attributes.Add( "dgpsid", wpt.dgpsid );

            return attributes;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the route to a gpx file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="route"></param>
        internal static void Save(Stream stream, Route route)
            XmlStreamSource source          = new XmlStreamSource(stream);
            GpxDocument     output_document = new GpxDocument(source);
            gpxType         output_gpx      = new gpxType();

            output_gpx.trk = new trkType[1];

            // initialize all objects.
            List <wptType> segments = new List <wptType>();
            trkType        track    = new trkType();
            List <wptType> poi_gpx  = new List <wptType>();

            track.trkseg = new trksegType[1];

            // ============= CONSTRUCT TRACK SEGMENT ==============
            trksegType track_segment = new trksegType();

            // loop over all points.
            for (int idx = 0; idx < route.Entries.Length; idx++)
                // get the current entry.
                RoutePointEntry entry = route.Entries[idx];

                // ================== INITIALIZE A NEW SEGMENT IF NEEDED! ========
                wptType waypoint;
                if (entry.Points != null)
                { // loop over all points and create a waypoint for each.
                    for (int p_idx = 0; p_idx < entry.Points.Length; p_idx++)
                        RoutePoint point = entry.Points[p_idx];

                        waypoint      = new wptType();
                        waypoint.lat  = (decimal)point.Latitude;
                        waypoint.lon  = (decimal)point.Longitude;
                        waypoint.name = point.Name;

                // insert poi's.
                double longitde = entry.Longitude;
                double latitude = entry.Latitude;

                waypoint     = new wptType();
                waypoint.lat = (decimal)entry.Latitude;
                waypoint.lon = (decimal)entry.Longitude;


            // put the segment in the track.
            track_segment.trkpt = segments.ToArray();
            track.trkseg[0]     = track_segment;

            // set the track to the output.
            output_gpx.trk[0] = track;
            output_gpx.wpt    = poi_gpx.ToArray();

            // save the ouput.
            output_document.Gpx = output_gpx;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public string ToXmlString()
            GpxClass gpx = new GpxClass()
                creator = "Blue Diamond",
                trk = new trkTypeCollection()

            trkType track = new trkType()
                name = Name,

            track.trkseg = new trksegTypeCollection();
            trksegType segment = new trksegType()
                trkpt = new wptTypeCollection()

            foreach(var pt in this.Points)
                wptType wpt = new wptType()
                    lat = (decimal)pt.Latitude,
                    lon = (decimal)pt.Longitude,
                    ele = (decimal)pt.Altitude,
                    eleSpecified = true,
                    time = pt.TimeStamp,

                var gpx11 = ToGpx1_1(gpx);
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(gpx11.GetType());
                Utf8StringWriter sw = new Utf8StringWriter();
                serializer.Serialize(sw, gpx11);
                return sw.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.TraceError("error serializing:\r\n{0}",ex);
                return null;
            //return gpx.ToXml();
Ejemplo n.º 28
      /// <summary>
      ///  Saves places to a file in GPX format, given pathname
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="strGpxPath">The file (with full path) to save to</param>
      public void SaveToGpx(string strGpxPath) 
         gpxType gpx = new gpxType();
         gpx.creator = "NASA World Wind";
         gpx.version = "1.1";
         gpx.wpt = new wptType [this.Items.Count];
         int i = 0;
         foreach(ListViewItem lvi in this.Items) 
            PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)lvi.Tag;
            wptType wp = new wptType();
            wp.name = pi.pn.Name;
            wp.lat = (decimal)pi.pn.Lat;
            wp.lon = (decimal)pi.pn.Lon;
            wp.sym = "Waypoint";
            gpx.wpt[i++] = wp;

         XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
         TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(strGpxPath);
         ser.Serialize(tw, gpx);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// todo - both of these fxns should return lists and should jitter the point by a fixed amount determined by the accuracy to account for points that are right on an edge.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetLocationCode(wptType point)
     return(GetLocationCode(Convert.ToDouble(point.lat), Convert.ToDouble(point.lon)));
 private LatLngZ ToLatLngZ(wptType point)
     return new LatLngZ
         lat = (double)point.lat,
         lng = (double)point.lon,
         z = (double)point.ele
 private MarkerData ToMarkerData(wptType point)
     return new MarkerData
         latlng = ToLatLngZ(point),
         title = point.name
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private Coordinate CreateGeoPosition(wptType wayPoint)
     double lat = (double)wayPoint.lat;
     double lon = (double)wayPoint.lon;
     return wayPoint.eleSpecified ? new Coordinate(lon, lat, (double)wayPoint.ele) : new Coordinate(lon, lat);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private void displayTrack(gpxType track, string sPhotoPath)
            displayProgressionText("Début du traitement");


            #region extraction des points de passage
            if (track == null || track.trk == null)

            displayProgressionText("Extraction des points de passage");

            List <wptType> listePoints = new List <wptType>();

            trkType[] trk = track.trk;
            for (int trki = 0; trki < trk.Length; trki++)
                for (int trksegi = 0; trksegi < trk[trki].trkseg.Length; trksegi++)
                    for (int trkpti = 0; trkpti < trk[trki].trkseg[trksegi].trkpt.Length; trkpti++)
                        if (trk[trki].trkseg[trksegi].trkpt[trkpti].timeSpecified)

            if (listePoints.Count == 0)

            // tri des photos par date de prise de vue
            listePoints = listePoints.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList();

            #region extraction des images et horodatage
            displayProgressionText("Extraction des images et horodatage");

            List <Photo.PhotoInfo> listPhoto  = new List <Photo.PhotoInfo>();
            List <string>          photoFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sPhotoPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".JPG") || s.EndsWith(".jpg")).ToList <string>();

            foreach (string sPhoto in photoFiles)
                string dateString = recupDatePriseDeVueImage(sPhoto);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dateString) == false)
                    DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    listPhoto.Add(new Photo.PhotoInfo(sPhoto, date));

            // tri des photos par date de prise de vue
            listPhoto = listPhoto.OrderBy(x => x.PriseDeVue).ToList();

            #region fait correspondre les heures des photos à des positions GPX
            displayProgressionText("Recherche de correspondance entre les photos et les points GPS");

            foreach (Photo.PhotoInfo photo in listPhoto)
                wptType type = listePoints.Find(t => (t.timeSpecified && t.time.ToLocalTime() >= photo.PriseDeVue && (t.time.ToLocalTime() - photo.PriseDeVue).TotalMinutes < 10));
                if (type != null)
                    photo.setGpsPosition((double)type.lat, (double)type.lon, type.time.ToLocalTime());

            // http://www.independent-software.com/gmap-net-beginners-tutorial-adding-clickable-markers-to-your-map-updated-for-visual-studio-2015-and-gmap-net-1-7/
            GMapOverlay        routes      = new GMapOverlay("chemin");
            List <PointLatLng> pointsRoute = new List <PointLatLng>();

            GMapOverlay markers = new GMapOverlay("markers");

            foreach (wptType pt in listePoints)
                pointsRoute.Add(new PointLatLng((double)pt.lat, (double)pt.lon));

            displayProgressionText("Redimension des photos");

            // temp directory to store thumbs
            string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Application.ProductName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "thumbs";
            if (Directory.Exists(tempPath) == false)
                catch { }

            int index = 0;
            List <Photo.PhotoInfo> listCorrespondante = listPhoto.FindAll(p => p.PositionValid);
            foreach (Photo.PhotoInfo photo in listCorrespondante)

                displayProgression(index, listCorrespondante.Count);
                displayProgressionText("Redimension des photos " + index + "/" + listCorrespondante.Count);

                //C:\Users\Nicolas\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\PhotoGPS\Examples\JPG\_A9A1192.jpg
                // PhotoGPS_Examples_JPG__A9A1192.jpg
                List <string> partNames  = photo.Path.Split('\\').ToList <string>();
                bool          bContinue  = true;
                int           partNumber = partNames.Count - 1;
                string        newName    = partNames[partNumber];
                while (bContinue)
                    if (partNames.Count - partNumber > 3)
                        bContinue = false;
                    if (partNumber < 0)
                        bContinue = false;

                    newName = partNames[partNumber] + "_" + newName;

                string newDirectory = tempPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + newName;
                if (File.Exists(newDirectory) == false)
                    // création de la miniature
                    Bitmap bmp = ResizeWidth(photo.Path, 100);

                GMapMarker marker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng((double)photo.Lat, (double)photo.Lon), new Bitmap(newDirectory));
                marker.Tag = photo;

            GMapRoute route = new GMapRoute(pointsRoute, "A walk in the park");
            route.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 3);



            displayProgression(0, 0);