public SpamProbability GetSpamProbability(ServerMessagesCacheService serverMessagesCacheService, DiscordRequest request, Contexts contexts)
            var userId          = contexts.User.Id;
            var serverId        = contexts.Server.Id;
            var lastFewMessages = serverMessagesCacheService.GetLastUserMessages(userId, serverId)

            if (lastFewMessages.Count < 2)

            var content = request.OriginalMessage;
            var percentOfSimilarityToSuspectSpam = this._configurationService.GetConfigurationItem <PercentOfSimilarityBetweenMessagesToSuspectSpam>(serverId).Value;
            var similarMessagesCount             = lastFewMessages.Count(x => this.GetDifferencePercent(x.Content, content) < percentOfSimilarityToSuspectSpam);
            var isUserSafe = this.UserSafetyChecker.IsUserSafe(userId, serverId);

            return(similarMessagesCount switch
                0 => SpamProbability.None,
                1 => SpamProbability.Low,
                2 when isUserSafe => SpamProbability.Low,
                2 => SpamProbability.Medium,
                _ when isUserSafe => SpamProbability.Medium,
                _ => SpamProbability.Sure
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private T GetDotNetPropertyImpl <T>(object obj, string propertyName, MemberNamePredicate predicate = null)
            where T : PSMemberInfo
            bool lookingForProperties = typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(PSProperty));
            bool lookingForParameterizedProperties = IsTypeParameterizedProperty(typeof(T));

            if (!lookingForProperties && !lookingForParameterizedProperties)

            CacheTable typeTable = _isStatic
                ? GetStaticPropertyReflectionTable((Type)obj)
                : GetInstancePropertyReflectionTable(obj.GetType());

            object entry = typeTable[propertyName];

            return(entry switch
                null => null,
                PropertyCacheEntry cacheEntry when lookingForProperties
                => new PSProperty(
                    cacheEntry) as T,
                ParameterizedPropertyCacheEntry paramCacheEntry when lookingForParameterizedProperties
                => new PSParameterizedProperty(
                    paramCacheEntry) as T,
                _ => null,
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SpamProbability GetSpamProbability(ServerMessagesCacheService serverMessagesCacheService, Contexts contexts)
            var userId          = contexts.User.Id;
            var serverId        = contexts.Server.Id;
            var lastFewMessages = serverMessagesCacheService.GetLastUserMessages(userId, serverId)

            if (lastFewMessages.Count < 2)
            var percentOfSimilarityToSuspectSpam = this._configurationService.GetConfigurationItem <PercentOfSimilarityBetweenMessagesToSuspectSpam>(serverId).Value;
            var content = lastFewMessages.Last().Content;
            var similarMessagesCount = lastFewMessages
                                       .SkipLast(1) // because I'm comparing all the other messages to the last message
                                       .Count(x => this.GetDifferencePercent(x.Content, content) < percentOfSimilarityToSuspectSpam);

            var isUserSafe = this._userSafetyChecker.IsUserSafe(userId, serverId);

            return(similarMessagesCount switch
                0 => SpamProbability.None,
                1 => SpamProbability.Low,
                2 when isUserSafe => SpamProbability.Low,
                2 => SpamProbability.Medium,
                _ when isUserSafe => SpamProbability.Medium,
                _ => SpamProbability.Sure
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ISpecification <NodeModelBase> GetSpecification() =>
 (IsSearchEnabled, IsRegexSearchEnabled) switch
     (true, true)when IsValid => new NodeNameRegexSpecification(_regexService, SearchText, IsSearchCaseSensitive),
     (true, false) => new NodeNameTextSpecification(SearchText, IsSearchCaseSensitive),
     _ => new EmptySpecification()
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static string ParseConstant(string expression, int currentPosition)
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var firstRound    = true;

            while (currentPosition < expression.Length)
                char result;
                var  nextAvailable = currentPosition + 1 < expression.Length;

                var couldParse = nextAvailable switch
                    true when firstRound => TryParseCurrentCharFirstRoundAndNextAvailable(expression, currentPosition,
                                                                                          out result),
                    true => TryParseCurrentCharWhenNextAvailable(expression, currentPosition, out result),
                    _ => TryParseCurrentCharWhenNextUnavailable(expression, currentPosition, out result)

                if (couldParse)

                    firstRound = false;



Ejemplo n.º 6
        private AliceResponse Enter(AliceRequest request, bool restart = false)
            bool newUser = _gameplayService.EnterIsNewUser(request.State.User, request.State.Session);

            Phrase phrase = restart switch
                true => new Phrase(
                    "[audio|dialogs-upload/008dafcd-99bc-4fd1-9561-4686c375eec6/cb19ca47-2ef6-4788-b09f-0d47776e4de3.opus]" +
                    "Начинаем новую игру. Перечисли имена игроков:",
                false when newUser => new Phrase(
                    "[audio|dialogs-upload/008dafcd-99bc-4fd1-9561-4686c375eec6/cb19ca47-2ef6-4788-b09f-0d47776e4de3.opus]" +
                    "Привет. В этой игре я буду загадывать тебе или вам с друзьями определения, " +
                    "а вы должны называть слова. Кто больше угадал — тот и выиграл.\n\n" +
                    "Для начала перечисли имена игроков:",
                _ => new Phrase(
                    "[audio|dialogs-upload/008dafcd-99bc-4fd1-9561-4686c375eec6/cb19ca47-2ef6-4788-b09f-0d47776e4de3.opus]" +
                    "Привет! Чтобы начать игру, перечисли имена игроков:",

        public void EveryNth(Action <int> everyNthAction, Action <int, bool> everyAction)
            for (var i = 1; i < _total + 1; i++)
                var must = MustRunNth(i);
                if (must)
                if (must && !_runBothOnEvery)

                everyAction(i, must);

            bool MustRunNth(int current) => current switch
                0 when _runOnStart => true,
                0 => false,
                _ => current % _everyNth == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public INodeSpecification GetSpecification() =>
 (IsSearchEnabled, IsRegexSearchEnabled) switch
     (true, true)when HasText && IsValid => new NodeNameRegexSpecification(_regexService, SearchText, IsSearchCaseSensitive, IsRecursiveSearchEnabled),
     (true, false)when HasText => new NodeNameTextSpecification(SearchText, IsSearchCaseSensitive, IsRecursiveSearchEnabled),
     _ => new EmptySpecification(false)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public int GetInvalidForm(int species, bool galar, PersonalTable stats)
     return(species switch
         (int)Pikachu when stats.TableLength == 1192 => 8, // LGPE Partner Pikachu
         (int)Slowbro when galar => 1,                     // Mega Slowbro
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(species))
        private void InitializeDashboardProjectInformation(StrykerOptions options, ProjectInfo projectInfo)
            var dashboardReporterEnabled   = options.Reporters.Contains(Reporter.Dashboard) || options.Reporters.Contains(Reporter.All);
            var dashboardBaselineEnabled   = options.WithBaseline && options.BaselineProvider == BaselineProvider.Dashboard;
            var requiresProjectInformation = dashboardReporterEnabled || dashboardBaselineEnabled;

            if (!requiresProjectInformation)

            // try to read the repository URL + version for the dashboard report or dashboard baseline
            var missingProjectName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProjectName);
            var missingProjectVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProjectVersion);

            if (missingProjectName || missingProjectVersion)
                var subject = missingProjectName switch
                    true when missingProjectVersion => "Project name and project version",
                    true => "Project name",
                    _ => "Project version"
                var projectFilePath = projectInfo.ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult.ProjectFilePath;

                if (!projectInfo.ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult.Properties.TryGetValue("TargetPath", out var targetPath))
                    throw new InputException($"Can't read {subject.ToLowerInvariant()} because the TargetPath property was not found in {projectFilePath}");

                _logger.LogTrace("{Subject} missing for the dashboard reporter, reading it from {TargetPath}. " +
                                 "Note that this requires SourceLink to be properly configured in {ProjectPath}", subject, targetPath, projectFilePath);

                    var targetName = Path.GetFileName(targetPath);
                    using var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(targetPath);

                    var details = $"To solve this issue, either specify the {subject.ToLowerInvariant()} in the stryker configuration or configure [SourceLink]( in {projectFilePath}";
                    if (missingProjectName)
                        options.ProjectName = ReadProjectName(module, details);
                        _logger.LogDebug("Using {ProjectName} as project name for the dashboard reporter. (Read from the AssemblyMetadata/RepositoryUrl assembly attribute of {TargetName})", options.ProjectName, targetName);

                    if (missingProjectVersion)
                        options.ProjectVersion = ReadProjectVersion(module, details);
                        _logger.LogDebug("Using {ProjectVersion} as project version for the dashboard reporter. (Read from the AssemblyInformationalVersion assembly attribute of {TargetName})", options.ProjectVersion, targetName);
                catch (Exception e) when(e is not InputException)
                    throw new InputException($"Failed to read {subject.ToLowerInvariant()} from {targetPath} because of error {e.Message}");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <param name="allowSlow">When "allowSlow" is false, method will not use Linq.Count() method and will return 0 or 1 instead.</param>
 private int GetCount(bool allowSlow)
     return(DataSource switch
         ICollection collection => collection.Count,
         DataGridCollectionView cv => cv.Count,
         IEnumerable enumerable when allowSlow => enumerable.Cast <object>().Count(),
         IEnumerable enumerable when !allowSlow => enumerable.Cast <object>().Any() ? 1 : 0,
         _ => 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static T CheckWin32Result <T>(T result)
     return(result switch {
         SafeHandle handle when !handle.IsInvalid => result,
         HANDLE handle when PInvoke.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != handle.Value => result,
         uint n when n != 0xffffffff => result,
         bool b when b => result,
         BOOL b when b => result,
         _ => throw new Win32Exception()
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void UpdateIsPaused()
            bool IsPausedByFullScreen() =>
            _settingsService.IsPauseWhenFullScreenEnabled && _externalApplicationService.IsForegroundApplicationFullScreen();

            bool IsPausedByWhitelistedApplication() =>
            _settingsService.IsApplicationWhitelistEnabled && _settingsService.WhitelistedApplications != null &&

            IsPaused = IsPausedByFullScreen() || IsPausedByWhitelistedApplication();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override object Convert(object v, Type t, object parameter, CultureInfo c)
     return(v switch
         bool bool_value when bool_value => Inverse ? Collapse ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible,
         bool bool_value when !bool_value => Inverse ? Visibility.Visible : Collapse ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Hidden,
         Visibility visible when visible == Visibility.Visible => !Inverse,
         Visibility visible when visible == Visibility.Hidden => Inverse,
         Visibility visible when visible == Visibility.Collapsed => Inverse,
         _ => null
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public char GetLetter()
        bool isEven = row % 2 == 0;

        return(col switch {
            0 when !isEven => 'A', 0 when isEven => 'B',
            1 when !isEven => 'C', 1 when isEven => 'D',
            2 when !isEven => 'E', 2 when isEven => 'F',
            3 when !isEven => 'G', 3 when isEven => 'H',
            4 => 'I', _ => 'J'
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public TextMeshPro GetLetterText(Index index, List <TextMeshPro> letters)
        bool isEven = index.row % 2 == 0;

        return(index.col switch {
            0 when !isEven => letters[0], 0 when isEven => letters[1],
            1 when !isEven => letters[2], 1 when isEven => letters[3],
            2 when !isEven => letters[4], 2 when isEven => letters[5],
            3 when !isEven => letters[6], 3 when isEven => letters[7],
            4 => letters[8], _ => null
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <TaskResponse[]> GetTasks(
            IManyTasksSettings settings, bool includeAllIfBlank = false)
            var tasks = settings.Tasks;

            return((tasks.Length switch {
                0 when includeAllIfBlank => await Host.GetTasks(),
                0 => Array.Empty <TaskResponse>(),
                1 => await Host.GetTasks(tasks.Single()),
                _ => await Host.GetTasks(BuildTaskExpression(tasks) ?? "false"),
            }).OrderBy(t => t.Name).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the color of the sprite based on the current wire state
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateColor()
     CurrentColor = _hovered switch
         true when _wired => _hoverWire,
                   true when !_wired => _hoverTint,
                   false when _wired => _noHoverWire,
                   false when !_wired => _noHoverTint,
                   _ => new Color()
Ejemplo n.º 19
        // Takes an enumerable of 8 or fewer cells that represent the neighbours
        // The array itself is not nullable
        public void ShouldBeAlive(IEnumerable <Cell> neighbours)
            int livingNeighbours = neighbours.Sum(neighbour => neighbour.IsAlive ? 1 : 0);

            // Using C# 8's new switch expression
            willBeAlive = livingNeighbours switch {
                2 when IsAlive => true,
                3 => true,
                _ => false
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static string ReadTriple(string triple, bool showZeroHundred)
            var(a, b, c) = triple.Select(ch => int.Parse(ch.ToString())).ToArray();

            return(a switch
                0 when b == 0 && c == 0 => "",
                0 when showZeroHundred => "không trăm " + ReadPair(b, c),
                0 when b == 0 => Digits[c],
                0 => ReadPair(b, c),
                _ => Digits[a] + " trăm " + ReadPair(b, c)
        private string DecodeLine(MemoryStream builder, bool foundCRLF, bool foundLF)
            // Drop the final CRLF or LF, if any
            var length = foundCRLF switch
                true => builder.Length - 2,
                false when foundLF => builder.Length - 1,
                false => builder.Length,

            return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(builder.ToArray(), 0, (int)length));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private bool IsMatch(int aunt, string key, int value, bool ranges)
            if (!_aunts[aunt].ContainsKey(key))

            return(key switch
                "cats" or "trees" when ranges => _aunts[aunt][key] > value,
                "pomeranians" or "goldfish" when ranges => _aunts[aunt][key] < value,
                _ => _aunts[aunt][key] == value
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public override void AppendTo(ref SpanWriter writer, OrderedHashSet <string> strings, ref int entries, ref int switches)
        var hasHue   = Hue != 0;
        var hasClass = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Class);

            hasHue switch
            true when hasClass => $"{{ gumppic {X} {Y} {GumpID} hue={Hue} class={Class} }}",
            true => $"{{ gumppic {X} {Y} {GumpID} hue={Hue} }}",
            false when hasClass => $"{{ gumppic {X} {Y} {GumpID} class={Class} }}",
            false => $"{{ gumppic {X} {Y} {GumpID} }}",
 public FontResolverInfo ResolveTypeface(string familyName, bool isBold, bool isItalic)
     if (familyName.Equals("OpenSans", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
         return(isBold switch
             true when isItalic => new FontResolverInfo(Path.Combine(MFiles.PublicPath, "fonts",
             true => new FontResolverInfo(Path.Combine(MFiles.PublicPath, "fonts", "OpenSans-Bold.ttf")),
             _ => isItalic
                 ? new FontResolverInfo(Path.Combine(MFiles.PublicPath, "fonts", "OpenSans-Italic.ttf"))
                 : new FontResolverInfo(Path.Combine(MFiles.PublicPath, "fonts", "OpenSans-Regular.ttf"))
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void CalculateChessStatus(PieceColor color)
            Boolean isCheck  = IsCheck(color);
            Boolean hasMoves = HasMoves(color);

            ChessStatus = isCheck switch
                true when hasMoves => ChessStatus.Check,
                          true => ChessStatus.Mate,
                          false when hasMoves => ChessStatus.Ok,
                          false => ChessStatus.Stalemate
        /// <summary>Try get number of DataSource itmes.</summary>
        /// <param name="allowSlow">When "allowSlow" is false, method will not use Linq.Count() method and will return 0 or 1 instead.</param>
        /// <param name="getAny">If "getAny" is true, method can use Linq.Any() method to speedup.</param>
        /// <param name="count">number of DataSource itmes.</param>
        /// <returns>true if able to retrieve number of DataSource itmes; otherwise, false.</returns>
        internal bool TryGetCount(bool allowSlow, bool getAny, out int count)
            bool result;

            (result, count) = DataSource switch
                ICollection collection => (true, collection.Count),
                DataGridCollectionView cv => (true, cv.Count),
                IEnumerable enumerable when allowSlow&& !getAny => (true, enumerable.Cast <object>().Count()),
                IEnumerable enumerable when getAny => (true, enumerable.Cast <object>().Any() ? 1 : 0),
                _ => (false, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static (Coordinate cell, bool cellState) Get(TGrid grid, KeyValuePair <Coordinate, bool> kvp)

            var(cell, alive) = kvp;
            var neighbors = Grid.NeighborCount(cell, grid);

            var cellState = neighbors switch
                2 when alive => true,
                3 => true,
                _ => false

            return(cell, cellState);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static long Part2(string input)
            foreach (var n in floor.Keys.SelectMany(c => c.Neighbors).ToList())
                if (!floor.ContainsKey(n))
                    floor[n] = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                var next = new Dictionary <Hex, bool>();

                foreach (var(tile, wasSet) in floor)
                    var countBlack = 0;
                    foreach (var neigh in tile.Neighbors)
                        if (floor.TryGetValue(neigh, out var blackNeighbor))
                            if (blackNeighbor)
                            next[neigh] = false;

                    next[tile] = countBlack switch
                        0 or > 2 when wasSet => false,
                        2 when !wasSet => true,
                        _ => wasSet

                floor = next;

            return(floor.Values.Count(c => c));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public CellOffset GetForRotation(int currentRotation, bool clockWise)
            return(currentRotation switch
                0 when clockWise => Rotation0R,
                0 => Rotation0L,

                1 when clockWise => RotationR2,
                1 => RotationR0,

                2 when clockWise => Rotation2R,
                2 => Rotation2L,

                3 when clockWise => RotationL0,
                3 => RotationL2,

                _ => throw new System.Exception($"Unexpected rotation {currentRotation}"),
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the PNG file bytes to the provided stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void Save(Stream outputStream)
            outputStream.Write(HeaderValidationResult.ExpectedHeader, 0, HeaderValidationResult.ExpectedHeader.Length);

            var stream = new PngStreamWriteHelper(outputStream);


            StreamHelper.WriteBigEndianInt32(stream, width);
            StreamHelper.WriteBigEndianInt32(stream, height);

            var colorType = ColorType.ColorUsed;

            if (hasAlphaChannel)
                colorType |= ColorType.AlphaChannelUsed;



            byte[] imageData = bytesPerPixel switch
                4 when flipRb => CompressFlipRb4(rawData, height, width * 4),
                4 => Compress(rawData, height, width * 4),
                3 when flipRb => CompressFlipRb3(rawData, height, width * 3),
                3 => Compress(rawData, height, width * 3),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
            stream.Write(imageData, 0, imageData.Length);

Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void AddWhen(string text, when method)
     Whens.Add(method, text);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        Yotei _GetSchedule( DateTime date, when when )
            foreach( var item in when.Items )
                if( item is EventDateTimeType )
                    var	eventDateTimeType	= (EventDateTimeType)item;

                    // 開始日時
                    DateTime?	startDateTime	= null;
                        var	startDateTimeLocal	= eventDateTimeType.start.ToLocalTime();
                        if( date < startDateTimeLocal.Date )
                        startDateTime	= startDateTimeLocal;
                    // 終了日時
                    DateTime?	endDateTime		= null;
                    if( eventDateTimeType.endSpecified )
                        var	endDateTimeLocal	= eventDateTimeType.end.ToLocalTime();
                        if( date > endDateTimeLocal.Date )
                        endDateTime	= endDateTimeLocal;

                    return	new Yotei( startDateTime, endDateTime );

            return	null;