Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // weather.ndfdXML currentweather = new weather.ndfdXML();
            //Console.WriteLine(currentweather);//printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            lat = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox1.Text);
            lng = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox2.Text);

            Console.WriteLine(lat); //printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            //decimal lng = -117.1979M;
            Console.WriteLine(lng); //printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            //weather.weatherParametersType Paramtype = new weather.weatherParametersType();
            //Console.WriteLine(wtp);//printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            //Label2.Text =Convert.ToString(paramtype);
            Paramtype.temp = true;                                                                                                                 //parameter required from the web service
            // wind speed
            Paramtype.wspd = true;                                                                                                                 //parameter required from the web service
            //wind Direction
            Paramtype.wdir = true;                                                                                                                 //parameter required from the web service
            //Wave height
            Paramtype.waveh = true;                                                                                                                //parameter required from the web service
            //dew precipitation
            Paramtype.dew = true;                                                                                                                  //parameter required from the web service
            //ice accumulation
            Paramtype.iceaccum = true;                                                                                                             //parameter required from the web service
            //max temperature
            Paramtype.maxt = true;                                                                                                                 //parameter required from the web service
            // min temperature
            Paramtype.mint = true;                                                                                                                 //parameter required from the web service

            xmlstmt = currentweather.NDFDgen(lat, lng, weather.productType.timeseries, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, weather.unitType.e, Paramtype); //calling web service
            Console.WriteLine(xmlstmt);                                                                                                            //printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            Console.WriteLine("SOAP Refresh RESPONSE");                                                                                            //printing on console for debugging and tracing data
            Label3.Text = xmlstmt;
            string xmlstmt2 = xmlstmt.Substring(xmlstmt.IndexOf("Temperature"));                                                                   //stripping required responses from the response string
            Label2.Text = xmlstmt2;
        catch (Exception ee)