Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Awake()
                        #if UltimateFPSIsPresent
            // Tag the GameObject as 'Player' if it is not already
            gameObject.tag = Tags.player;
            player         = GetComponent <Player>();

            // Assign the UFPS components, and report warnings if they are not present
            fpCamera             = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
            fpController         = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
            fpInput              = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
            fpPlayerEventHandler = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
            simpleHUD            = GetComponentInChildren <vp_SimpleHUD>();
            simpleCrosshair      = GetComponentInChildren <vp_SimpleCrosshair>();
            _audioListener       = GetComponentInChildren <AudioListener>();

            if (fpController == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPController' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpInput == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPInput' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpCamera == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPCamera' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (KickStarter.settingsManager != null && KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod != MovementMethod.FirstPerson)
                ACDebug.Log("The Ultimate FPS integration script requires the Settings Manager's 'Movement method' is set to 'First Person'");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected AudioClip m_LastPlayedSound = null;                       // used to make sure we don't place the same sound twice in a row

    /// <summary>
    /// cache all the necessary properties here
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void Awake()
        m_Player     = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPPlayerEventHandler)) as vp_FPPlayerEventHandler;
        m_Camera     = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPCamera)) as vp_FPCamera;
        m_Controller = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPController)) as vp_FPController;
        m_Audio      = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();   // add a new audio source for this class to use
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void Awake()
     if (fpController == null)
         fpController = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
     if (fpCamera == null)
         fpCamera = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
     if (fpPlayerEventHandler == null)
         fpPlayerEventHandler = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
     if (fpInput == null)
         fpInput = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
     if (fpHUD == null)
         fpHUD = GetComponentInChildren <vp_SimpleHUD>();
     if (fpCrosshair == null)
         fpCrosshair = GetComponentInChildren <vp_SimpleCrosshair>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// re-caches all of the standard UFPS local player components
    /// </summary>
    private static void RefreshPlayerComponents()
        m_FPCamera        = null;
        m_FPController    = null;
        m_FPInput         = null;
        m_FPDamageHandler = null;
        m_FPWeaponHandler = null;
        m_Inventory       = null;
        m_Respawner       = null;
        m_FPBodyAnimator  = null;
        m_RagdollHandler  = null;
        m_FootFXHandler   = null;

        if (m_FPEventHandler == null)

        m_FPCamera        = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
        m_FPController    = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
        m_FPInput         = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
        m_FPDamageHandler = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPPlayerDamageHandler>();
        m_FPWeaponHandler = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPWeaponHandler>();
        m_Inventory       = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_PlayerInventory>();
        m_Respawner       = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_PlayerRespawner>();
        m_FPBodyAnimator  = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPBodyAnimator>();
        m_RagdollHandler  = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_RagdollHandler>();
        m_FootFXHandler   = m_FPEventHandler.GetComponentInChildren <vp_PlayerFootFXHandler>();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected override void Awake()
     vp_FPController.cs = this;
     this.m_CharacterController         = base.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     this.m_NormalHeight                = this.CharacterController.height;
     this.CharacterController.center    = (this.m_NormalCenter = new Vector3(0f, this.m_NormalHeight * 0.5f, 0f));
     this.CharacterController.radius    = this.m_NormalHeight * 0.25f;
     this.m_CrouchHeight                = this.m_NormalHeight * 0.5f;
     this.m_CrouchCenter                = this.m_NormalCenter * 0.5f;
     this.m_CharacterController.enabled = false;
     this.steps_audio            = base.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
     this.steps_walk_concrete[0] = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_concrete1");
     this.steps_walk_concrete[1] = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_concrete2");
     this.steps_walk_concrete[2] = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_concrete3");
     this.steps_walk_concrete[3] = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_concrete4");
     this.steps_run_concrete[0]  = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_concrete1");
     this.steps_run_concrete[1]  = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_concrete2");
     this.steps_run_concrete[2]  = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_concrete3");
     this.steps_run_concrete[3]  = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_concrete4");
     this.steps_walk_gravel[0]   = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_gravel1");
     this.steps_walk_gravel[1]   = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_gravel2");
     this.steps_walk_gravel[2]   = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_gravel3");
     this.steps_walk_gravel[3]   = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/walk_gravel4");
     this.steps_run_gravel[0]    = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_gravel1");
     this.steps_run_gravel[1]    = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_gravel2");
     this.steps_run_gravel[2]    = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_gravel3");
     this.steps_run_gravel[3]    = SND.GetSoundByName("player/movement/run_gravel4");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected AudioClip m_LastPlayedSound = null;                       // used to make sure we don't place the same sound twice in a row

    /// <summary>
    /// cache all the necessary properties here
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void Awake()
        m_Player     = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
        m_Camera     = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
        m_Controller = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
        m_Audio      = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();   // add a new audio source for this class to use
 protected override void Start()
     this.m_Controller = (vp_FPController)base.Root.GetComponent(typeof(vp_FPController));
     this.m_Camera     = (vp_FPCamera)base.Root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPCamera));
     this.m_Weapon     = (vp_FPWeapon)base.Transform.GetComponent(typeof(vp_FPWeapon));
    protected override void Awake()
        m_Parkour = (ac_FPParkour)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(ac_FPParkour));

        charactercontroller = (CharacterController)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(CharacterController));
        m_Controller = (vp_FPController)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPController));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected override void Awake()
        m_Parkour = (ac_FPParkour)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(ac_FPParkour));

        charactercontroller = (CharacterController)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(CharacterController));
        m_Controller        = (vp_FPController)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPController));
Ejemplo n.º 10
		void Awake() {
			if (fpController == null) fpController = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPController>();
			if (fpCamera == null) fpCamera = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPCamera>();
			if (fpPlayerEventHandler == null) fpPlayerEventHandler = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
			if (fpInput == null) fpInput = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPInput>();
			if (fpHUD == null) fpHUD = GetComponentInChildren<vp_SimpleHUD>();
			if (fpCrosshair == null) fpCrosshair = GetComponentInChildren<vp_SimpleCrosshair>();
	protected AudioClip m_LastPlayedSound = null;			// used to make sure we don't place the same sound twice in a row
	/// <summary>
	/// cache all the necessary properties here
	/// </summary>
	protected virtual void Awake()
		m_Player = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
		m_Camera = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPCamera>();
		m_Controller = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPController>();
		m_Audio = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); // add a new audio source for this class to use
Ejemplo n.º 12
    protected AudioClip m_LastPlayedSound = null;                       // used to make sure we don't place the same sound twice in a row

    /// <summary>
    /// cache all the necessary properties here
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void Awake()
        Debug.LogWarning("Warning (" + this + ") This component is obsolete! please use the new vp_PlayerFootFXHandler component along with a scene vp_SurfaceManager instead.");

        m_Player     = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
        m_Camera     = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
        m_Controller = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
        m_Audio      = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();
        if (m_Audio == null)
            m_Audio = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
	/// <summary>
	/// hooks up the component object as the inspector target
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void OnEnable()

		m_Component = (vp_FPController)target;

		if (m_Persister == null)
			m_Persister = new vp_ComponentPersister();
		m_Persister.Component = m_Component;
		m_Persister.IsActive = true;

		if (m_Component.DefaultState == null)

Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void PostAwake()
     C4.checkTime       = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
     C4.trPlayer        = GameObject.Find("LocalPlayer").transform;
     C4.placeBomb       = ContentLoader_.LoadGameObject("c4_place");
     C4.plantStartSound = SND.GetSoundByName("c4_plant");
     C4.showDiffuseBar  = false;
     C4.sector          = new C4.PlantSector[2];
     C4.plant           = new List <C4.PlantSector> [2];
     C4.plant[0]        = new List <C4.PlantSector>();
     C4.plant[1]        = new List <C4.PlantSector>();
     this.csCamera      = (vp_FPCamera)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPCamera));
     this.csController  = (vp_FPController)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPController));
Ejemplo n.º 15
    /// <summary>
    /// hooks up the component object as the inspector target
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void OnEnable()
        m_Component = (vp_FPController)target;

        if (m_Persister == null)
            m_Persister = new vp_ComponentPersister();
        m_Persister.Component = m_Component;
        m_Persister.IsActive  = true;

        if (m_Component.DefaultState == null)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /// </summary>
    /// </summary>
    public vp_FPSDemoManager(GameObject player)
        Player = player;

        Controller = Player.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();
        Camera = Player.GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPCamera>();
        WeaponHandler = Player.GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPWeaponHandler>();
        PlayerEventHandler = (vp_FPPlayerEventHandler)Player.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPPlayerEventHandler));
        Input = Player.GetComponent<vp_FPInput>();
        Earthquake = (vp_Earthquake)Component.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_Earthquake));

        // on small screen resolutions the editor preview screenshot
        // panel is minimized by default, otherwise expanded
        if (Screen.width < 1024)
            EditorPreviewSectionExpanded = false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void Start()
                        #if !UltimateFPSIsPresent
            ACDebug.LogWarning("'UltimateFPSIsPresent' must be listed in your Unity Player Setting's 'Scripting define symbols' for AC's UFPS integration to work.");
            // Assign the UFPS components, and report warnings if they are not present
            fpCamera       = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
            fpController   = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
            fpInput        = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
            _audioListener = GetComponentInChildren <AudioListener>();

            if (fpController == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPController' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpInput == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPInput' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpCamera == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPCamera' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (KickStarter.settingsManager != null && KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod != MovementMethod.FirstPerson)
                ACDebug.Log("The Ultimate FPS integration script requires the Settings Manager's 'Movement method' is set to 'First Person'");

            // Tell the AC Player component that we'l be controlling movement/rotation manually during Cutscenes
            player = GetComponent <Player>();
            player.FirstPersonCamera = fpCamera.transform;
            player.motionControl = MotionControl.Manual;

            // Assign a short delay whenever we load a saved game, to prevent firing when click
            if (KickStarter.saveSystem)

            // Fixes gun sounds from not always playing
            AudioListener.pause = false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    /// </summary>
    /// </summary>
    public vp_FPSDemoManager(GameObject player)
        Player = player;

        Controller         = Player.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();
        Camera             = Player.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
        WeaponHandler      = Player.GetComponentInChildren <vp_WeaponHandler>();
        PlayerEventHandler = (vp_FPPlayerEventHandler)Player.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPPlayerEventHandler));
        Input      = Player.GetComponent <vp_FPInput>();
        Earthquake = (vp_FPEarthquake)Component.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPEarthquake));

        // on small screen resolutions the editor preview screenshot
        // panel is minimized by default, otherwise expanded
        if (Screen.width < 1024)
            EditorPreviewSectionExpanded = false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected override void Awake()
     vp_FPCamera.cs = this;
     this.FPController            = base.Root.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();
     this.m_InitialRotation       = new Vector2(base.Transform.eulerAngles.y, base.Transform.eulerAngles.x);
     base.Parent.gameObject.layer = 30;
     foreach (Transform transform in base.Parent)
         transform.gameObject.layer = 30;
     base.GetComponent <Camera>().cullingMask &= 1056964607;
     base.GetComponent <Camera>().depth        = 0f;
     this.weaponCam = null;
     foreach (Transform transform2 in base.Transform)
         this.weaponCam = (Camera)transform2.GetComponent(typeof(Camera));
         if (this.weaponCam != null)
             this.weaponCam.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
             this.weaponCam.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
             this.weaponCam.clearFlags    = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
             this.weaponCam.cullingMask   = -2147483648;
             this.weaponCam.depth         = 1f;
             this.weaponCam.farClipPlane  = 100f;
             this.weaponCam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;
             this.weaponCam.fov           = 60f;
             vp_FPCamera.dof = this.weaponCam.GetComponent <DepthOfField>();
     this.m_PositionSpring              = new vp_Spring(base.Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.Position, false);
     this.m_PositionSpring.MinVelocity  = 1E-05f;
     this.m_PositionSpring.RestState    = this.PositionOffset;
     this.m_PositionSpring2             = new vp_Spring(base.Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.PositionAdditive, false);
     this.m_PositionSpring2.MinVelocity = 1E-05f;
     this.m_RotationSpring              = new vp_Spring(base.Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.RotationAdditive, false);
     this.m_RotationSpring.MinVelocity  = 1E-05f;
     this.cameraFlashFX    = GameObject.Find("WeaponCamera/FlashFX");
     this.matFlashFX       = this.cameraFlashFX.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;
     this.matFlashFX.color = Color.white;
     this.SetFlashFX(0f, 3.5f);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// calculates the maximum running speeds of this controller
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void InitMaxSpeeds()
     if (Player.IsLocal.Get())
         // get max speed of first vp_FPController that we can find under the ancestor
         vp_FPController controller = Transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
         m_MaxWalkSpeed   = controller.CalculateMaxSpeed();
         m_MaxRunSpeed    = controller.CalculateMaxSpeed("Run");
         m_MaxCrouchSpeed = controller.CalculateMaxSpeed("Crouch");
         //Debug.Log("m_MaxWalkSpeed: " + m_MaxWalkSpeed + ", m_MaxRunSpeed: " + m_MaxRunSpeed + ", m_MaxCrouchSpeed: " + m_MaxCrouchSpeed);
         // TEMP: hardcoded for remote players
         m_MaxWalkSpeed   = 3.999999f;
         m_MaxRunSpeed    = 10.08f;
         m_MaxCrouchSpeed = 1.44f;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static void SetActive(bool val)
     SpecCam.show = val;
     if (!val)
         SpecCam.FID  = -1;
         SpecCam.mode = 0;
         GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("WeaponCamera");
         gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>().cullingMask = -2147483648;
         vp_FPController vp_FPController = (vp_FPController)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPController));
         if (vp_FPController)
             vp_FPController.m_CharacterController.enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// cache all the necessary properties here
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void Awake()
     m_Player = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPPlayerEventHandler)) as vp_FPPlayerEventHandler;
     m_Camera = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPCamera)) as vp_FPCamera;
     m_Controller = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPController)) as vp_FPController;
     m_Audio = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); // add a new audio source for this class to use
        /// <summary>Handles debugging features</summary>
        private void Update()
            // retrieve the directors
                if (_inputDir) // prevent user from submitting bug reports.
                    var bugReportUI = _inputDir.bugReportPrefab.GetComponentInChildren<BugReportUI>();
                    bugReportUI.submitButton.interactable = false;
                    bugReportUI.summaryField.interactable = false;
                    bugReportUI.descField.interactable = false;

                    bugReportUI.summaryField.text = "Debug Menu Mod installed - Reporting Issues is deactivated";
                    bugReportUI.descField.text = "Notice: While this debug menu mod is active, you will not be able to report bugs. " +
                                                 "This mod is not supported by Monomi Park and never will be.";
            // retrieve object and component references
            if (!_player) _player = GameObject.Find("SimplePlayer");
            if (!_fpController)
                _fpController = _player?.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();
                if (_noclip)
            if (!_camera) _camera = GameObject.Find("FPSCamera");
            if (!_hudUi) _hudUi = GameObject.Find("HudUI");
            // the debug menu shouldn't function if the game is frozen
            if (Time.timeScale <= 0f) return;
            // toggle the debug menu
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9))
                _debug = !_debug;
                // if the debug menu was on previously,
                // turn off any cheats that may be on.
                if (!_debug)
                    _noclip = false;
                    _infiniteEnergy = false;
                    _infiniteHealth = false;
                    // make hud visible

            // debug mode is off, nothing more to do here
            if (!_debug)

            // decrement time of day
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket))
                // check for negative time
                if (_timeDir?.WorldTime() <= 0f)

            // increment time of day
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightBracket))

            // toggle help menu
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F10))
                _showHelp = !_showHelp;

            // add 1000 credits
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Equals) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadPlus))
            // subtract 1000 credits
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadMinus))

            // toggle heads-up display
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F6))

            // reset player progress
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12))
                Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Reset");
            // unlock all progress
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
                Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Unlocked");

            // unlock all upgrades
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0))
                Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: All Personal Upgrades");
                // add 5 keys
                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            // fill inventory with random items and ammo
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha9) && _playerState)
                Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Fill Ammo");

            // toggle infinite energy
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha6))
                _infiniteEnergy = !_infiniteEnergy;
            // toggle infinite health
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha7))
                _infiniteHealth = !_infiniteHealth;
            // clear inventory
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K))
            // refill inventory
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L) && _playerState)
            // toggle noclip
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) && _player)
                if (!_noclip)

            // force the game to save
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha8))
                Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Forcing save now");

            // handle noclip, if it's enabled
            if (_noclip && _camera && _fpController)
                // calculate speed, will be multiplied by two if run is held
                var speed = 20f * (SRInput.Actions.run.State ? 2f : 1f);
                // add movement
                _noclipPos += _camera.transform.forward * SRInput.Actions.vertical.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;
                _noclipPos += _camera.transform.right * SRInput.Actions.horizontal.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;

                // stop all movement on the controller and reposition it

            if (_infiniteEnergy && _playerState) // infinite energy's on, set our energy to max
            if (_infiniteHealth && _playerState) // god mode's on, set our health to max
Ejemplo n.º 24
		void Awake() {
			bridge = GetComponent<FPPlayerLuaBridge>();
			fpController = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPController>();
			fpCamera = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPCamera>();
Ejemplo n.º 25
	/// <summary>
	/// in 'Awake' we do things that need to be run once at the
	/// very beginning. NOTE: as of Unity 4, gameobject hierarchy
	/// can not be altered in 'Awake'
	/// </summary>
	protected override void Awake()


		FPController = Root.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();

		// run 'SetRotation' with the initial rotation of the camera. this is important
		// when not using the spawnpoint system (or player rotation will snap to zero yaw)
		SetRotation(new Vector2(Transform.eulerAngles.x, Transform.eulerAngles.y));

		// set parent gameobject layer to 'LocalPlayer', so camera can exclude it
		// this also prevents shell casings from colliding with the charactercollider
		Parent.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;

		// TODO: removed for multiplayer. evaluate consequences
		//foreach (Transform b in Parent)
		//	if (b.gameObject.layer != vp_Layer.RemotePlayer)
		//		b.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;
		// main camera initialization
		// render everything except body and weapon
		GetComponent<Camera>().cullingMask &= ~((1 << vp_Layer.LocalPlayer) | (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon));
		GetComponent<Camera>().depth = 0;

		// weapon camera initialization
		// find a regular Unity Camera component existing in a child
		// gameobject to the FPSCamera's gameobject. if we don't find
		// a weapon cam, that's OK (some games don't have weapons)
		Camera weaponCam = null;
		foreach (Transform t in Transform)
			weaponCam = (Camera)t.GetComponent(typeof(Camera));
			if (weaponCam != null)
				weaponCam.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
				weaponCam.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
				weaponCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
				weaponCam.cullingMask = (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon);	// only render the weapon
				weaponCam.depth = 1;
				weaponCam.farClipPlane = 100;
				weaponCam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;
				weaponCam.fieldOfView = 60;

		// create springs for camera motion

		// --- primary position spring ---
		// this is used for all sorts of positional force acting on the camera
		m_PositionSpring = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.Position, false);
		m_PositionSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;
		m_PositionSpring.RestState = PositionOffset;

		// --- secondary position spring ---
		// this is mainly intended for positional force from recoil, stomping and explosions
		m_PositionSpring2 = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.PositionAdditiveLocal, false);
		m_PositionSpring2.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;

		// --- rotation spring ---
		// this is used for all sorts of angular force acting on the camera
		m_RotationSpring = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.RotationAdditiveLocal, false);
		m_RotationSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;

Ejemplo n.º 26
	/// <summary>
	/// in 'Awake' we do things that need to be run once at the
	/// very beginning. NOTE: as of Unity 4, gameobject hierarchy
	/// can not be altered in 'Awake'
	/// </summary>
	protected override void Awake()


		FPController = Root.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();

		// detect angle of camera at moment of startup. this will be added to all mouse
		// input and is needed to retain initial rotation set by user in the editor.
		m_InitialRotation = new Vector2(Transform.eulerAngles.y, Transform.eulerAngles.x);

		// set parent gameobject layer to 'LocalPlayer', so camera can exclude it
		Parent.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;
		foreach (Transform b in Parent)
			b.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;

		// main camera initialization
		// render everything except body and weapon
		camera.cullingMask &= ~((1 << vp_Layer.LocalPlayer) | (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon));
		camera.depth = 0;

		// weapon camera initialization
		// find a regular Unity Camera component existing in a child
		// gameobject to the FPSCamera's gameobject. if we don't find
		// a weapon cam, that's OK (some games don't have weapons)
		Camera weaponCam = null;
		foreach (Transform t in Transform)
			weaponCam = (Camera)t.GetComponent(typeof(Camera));
			if (weaponCam != null)
				weaponCam.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
				weaponCam.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
				weaponCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
				weaponCam.cullingMask = (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon);	// only render the weapon
				weaponCam.depth = 1;
				weaponCam.farClipPlane = 100;
				weaponCam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;
				weaponCam.fieldOfView = 60;

		// create springs for camera motion

		// --- primary position spring ---
		// this is used for all sorts of positional force acting on the camera
		m_PositionSpring = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.Position, false);
		m_PositionSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;
		m_PositionSpring.RestState = PositionOffset;

		// --- secondary position spring ---
		// this is mainly intended for positional force from recoil, stomping and explosions
		m_PositionSpring2 = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.PositionAdditive, false);
		m_PositionSpring2.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;

		// --- rotation spring ---
		// this is used for all sorts of angular force acting on the camera
		m_RotationSpring = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.RotationAdditive, false);
		m_RotationSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;

    /// <summary>
    /// in 'Awake' we do things that need to be run once at the
    /// very beginning. NOTE: as of Unity 4, gameobject hierarchy
    /// can not be altered in 'Awake'
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Awake()

        FPController = Root.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();

        // detect angle of camera at moment of startup. this will be added to all mouse
        // input and is needed to retain initial rotation set by user in the editor.
        m_InitialRotation = new Vector2(Transform.eulerAngles.y, Transform.eulerAngles.x);

        // set parent gameobject layer to 'LocalPlayer', so camera can exclude it
        Parent.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;
        foreach (Transform b in Parent)
            b.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;

        // main camera initialization
        // render everything except body and weapon
        GetComponent <Camera>().cullingMask &= ~((1 << vp_Layer.LocalPlayer) | (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon));
        GetComponent <Camera>().depth        = 0;

        // weapon camera initialization
        // find a regular Unity Camera component existing in a child
        // gameobject to the FPSCamera's gameobject. if we don't find
        // a weapon cam, that's OK (some games don't have weapons)
        Camera weaponCam = null;

        foreach (Transform t in Transform)
            weaponCam = (Camera)t.GetComponent(typeof(Camera));
            if (weaponCam != null)
                weaponCam.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
                weaponCam.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
                weaponCam.clearFlags    = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
                weaponCam.cullingMask   = (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon);               // only render the weapon
                weaponCam.depth         = 1;
                weaponCam.farClipPlane  = 100;
                weaponCam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;
                weaponCam.fieldOfView   = 60;

        // create springs for camera motion

        // --- primary position spring ---
        // this is used for all sorts of positional force acting on the camera
        m_PositionSpring             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.Position, false);
        m_PositionSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;
        m_PositionSpring.RestState   = PositionOffset;

        // --- secondary position spring ---
        // this is mainly intended for positional force from recoil, stomping and explosions
        m_PositionSpring2             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.PositionAdditive, false);
        m_PositionSpring2.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;

        // --- rotation spring ---
        // this is used for all sorts of angular force acting on the camera
        m_RotationSpring             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.RotationAdditive, false);
        m_RotationSpring.MinVelocity = 0.00001f;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    /// <summary>Handles debugging features</summary>
    private void Update()
        // the debug menu shouldn't function if the game is frozen
        if (Time.timeScale <= 0f)

        // toggle the debug menu
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9))
            _debug = !_debug;

            // if the debug menu was on previously,
            // turn off any cheats that may be on.
            if (!_debug)
                _noclip         = false;
                _infiniteEnergy = false;
                _infiniteHealth = false;

                // make hud visible

        // debug mode is off, nothing more to do here
        if (!_debug)

        // retrieve object and component references
        if (_player == null)
            _player = GameObject.Find("SimplePlayer");
        if (_fpController == null)
            _fpController = _player?.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();
        if (_camera == null)
            _camera = GameObject.Find("FPSCamera");
        if (_hudUi == null)
            _hudUi = GameObject.Find("HudUI");

        // decrement time of day
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket))

            // check for negative time
            if (_timeDir.WorldTime() <= 0f)

        // increment time of day
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightBracket))

        // toggle help menu
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F10))
            _showHelp = !_showHelp;

        // add 1000 credits
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Equals) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadPlus))

        // subtract 1000 credits
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadMinus))

        // toggle heads-up display
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F6))

        // reset player progress
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Reset");

        // unlock all progress
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Unlocked");

        // unlock all upgrades
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: All Personal Upgrades");

            // add 5 keys
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)

        // fill inventory with random items and ammo
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha9))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Fill Ammo");

        // toggle infinite energy
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha6))
            _infiniteEnergy = !_infiniteEnergy;

        // toggle infinite health
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha7))
            _infiniteHealth = !_infiniteHealth;

        // clear inventory
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))

        // toggle noclip
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) && _player)
            _noclip    = !_noclip;
            _noclipPos = _player.transform.position;

        // force the game to save
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha8))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Forcing save now");

        // handle noclip, if it's enabled
        if (_noclip && _camera && _fpController)
            // calculate speed, will be multiplied by two if run is held
            var speed = 20f * (SRInput.Actions.run.State ? 2f : 1f);

            // add movement
            _noclipPos += _camera.transform.forward * SRInput.Actions.vertical.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;
            _noclipPos += _camera.transform.right * SRInput.Actions.horizontal.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;

            // stop all movement on the controller and reposition it

        if (_infiniteEnergy) // infinite energy's on, set our energy to max

        if (_infiniteHealth) // god mode's on, set our health to max
    /// <summary>
    /// in 'Awake' we do things that need to be run once at the
    /// very beginning. NOTE: as of Unity 4, gameobject hierarchy
    /// can not be altered in 'Awake'
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Awake()

        FPController = Root.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();

        // run 'SetRotation' with the initial rotation of the camera. this is important
        // when not using the spawnpoint system (or player rotation will snap to zero yaw)
        SetRotation(new Vector2(Transform.eulerAngles.x, Transform.eulerAngles.y));

        // set parent gameobject layer to 'LocalPlayer', so camera can exclude it
        // this also prevents shell casings from colliding with the charactercollider
        Parent.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;

        // TEST: removed for multiplayer. please report if this causes trouble
        //foreach (Transform b in Parent)
        //if (b.gameObject.layer != vp_Layer.RemotePlayer)
        //b.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.LocalPlayer;

        // main camera initialization
        // render everything except body and weapon
        Camera.cullingMask &= ~((1 << vp_Layer.LocalPlayer) | (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon));
        Camera.depth        = 0;

        // weapon camera initialization
        // find a regular Unity Camera component existing in a child
        // gameobject to the FPSCamera's gameobject. if we don't find
        // a weapon cam, that's OK (some games don't have weapons).
        // NOTE: we don't use GetComponentInChildren here because that
        // would return the MainCamera (on this transform)
        Camera weaponCam = null;

        foreach (Transform t in Transform)
            weaponCam = (Camera)t.GetComponent(typeof(Camera));
            if (weaponCam != null)
                weaponCam.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
                weaponCam.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
                weaponCam.clearFlags    = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
                weaponCam.cullingMask   = (1 << vp_Layer.Weapon);               // only render the weapon
                weaponCam.depth         = 1;
                weaponCam.farClipPlane  = 100;
                weaponCam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f;
                weaponCam.fieldOfView   = 60;

        // create springs for camera motion

        // --- primary position spring ---
        // this is used for all sorts of positional force acting on the camera
        m_PositionSpring             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.Position, false);
        m_PositionSpring.MinVelocity = 0.0f;
        m_PositionSpring.RestState   = PositionOffset;

        // --- secondary position spring ---
        // this is mainly intended for positional force from recoil, stomping and explosions
        m_PositionSpring2             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.PositionAdditiveLocal, false);
        m_PositionSpring2.MinVelocity = 0.0f;

        // --- rotation spring ---
        // this is used for all sorts of angular force acting on the camera
        m_RotationSpring             = new vp_Spring(Transform, vp_Spring.UpdateMode.RotationAdditiveLocal, false);
        m_RotationSpring.MinVelocity = 0.0f;

#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017_1
        if (DisableVRModeOnStartup && UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled)
            UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled = false;
        if (DisableVRModeOnStartup && UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled)
            UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// creates a copy of the currently selected UFPS player gameobject
    /// - stripped of all its 1st person functionality. the new object
    /// can be used for AI or multiplayer remote players
    /// </summary>
    public static void Generate()
        GameObject target = Selection.activeObject as GameObject;

        if ((target == null) || (!vp_Utility.IsActive(target)) || (target.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>() == null) && (target.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>() == null))
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Failed to run wizard", "Please select the main gameobject of a 1st person player in the Hierarchy view (make sure it's active) and try again.", "OK");

        if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Generate Remote Player?", "This wizard will create a copy of the selected player object - stripped of all its 1st person functionality. This new object can be used for AI or multiplayer remote players.\n\nNOTE: Only default UFPS classes will be processed.", "OK", "Cancel"))


        string name = target.name + "(Remote)";

        // generate - and operate upon - a copy of the target
        target      = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(target);
        target.name = target.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");

            // layer likely should no longer be 'LocalPlayer', so default to 'RemotePlayer'
            target.gameObject.layer = vp_Layer.RemotePlayer;

            // convert weapons

            // find any charactercontroller and convert it into a capsulecollider with a rigidbody
            CharacterController ch = target.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
            if (ch != null)
                if (ch.transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() == null)
                    CapsuleCollider ca = ch.gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
                    ca.radius = ch.radius;
                    ca.height = ch.height;
                    ca.center = ca.center;
                    Rigidbody r = ch.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    r.useGravity             = false;
                    r.isKinematic            = true;
                    r.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;

            // convert 1st person controller
            vp_FPController fpController = target.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();
            if (fpController != null)
                vp_CapsuleController cController = target.AddComponent <vp_CapsuleController>();
                vp_EditorUtility.CopyValuesFromDerivedComponent(fpController, cController, true, false, null);                  // TEST: fpcontroller is not derived from capsulecontroller! see note in 'GenerateStatesAndPresetsFromDerivedComponent'
                if (m_CopyStates && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_StatePath))
                    vp_EditorUtility.GenerateStatesAndPresetsFromDerivedComponent(fpController, cController, m_StatePath);

            // convert weapon handler
            vp_FPWeaponHandler fpWHandler = target.GetComponent <vp_FPWeaponHandler>();
            if (fpWHandler != null)
                vp_WeaponHandler wHandler = target.AddComponent <vp_WeaponHandler>();
                vp_EditorUtility.CopyValuesFromDerivedComponent(fpWHandler, wHandler, true, false, null);

            // convert damage handler
            vp_FPPlayerDamageHandler fpDHandler = target.GetComponent <vp_FPPlayerDamageHandler>();
            if (fpDHandler != null)
                vp_PlayerDamageHandler dHandler = target.AddComponent <vp_PlayerDamageHandler>();
                vp_EditorUtility.CopyValuesFromDerivedComponent(fpDHandler, dHandler, true, true, null);

            // convert event handler
            vp_FPPlayerEventHandler fpEHandler = target.GetComponent <vp_FPPlayerEventHandler>();
            if (fpEHandler != null)
                vp_PlayerEventHandler eHandler = target.AddComponent <vp_PlayerEventHandler>();
                vp_EditorUtility.CopyValuesFromDerivedComponent(fpEHandler, eHandler, true, false, null);

            // convert body animator
            vp_FPBodyAnimator fpBAnimator = target.GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPBodyAnimator>();
            if (fpBAnimator != null)
                vp_BodyAnimator bAnimator = fpBAnimator.gameObject.AddComponent <vp_BodyAnimator>();
                vp_EditorUtility.CopyValuesFromDerivedComponent(fpBAnimator, bAnimator, true, true, null);

            // delete 'remoteplayer-illegal' components
            DeleteComponentsOfType(target.transform, typeof(vp_FPCamera));                      // these first due to dependencies
            DeleteComponentsOfType(target.transform, typeof(vp_FPController));                  // these first due to dependencies
            DeleteComponentsOfTypes(target.transform, new System.Type[]

            Transform weaponCamera = vp_Utility.GetTransformByNameInChildren(target.transform, "WeaponCamera", true);
            if (weaponCamera != null)

            target.name = name;
        catch (System.Exception e)
            target.name = target.name + " (CONVERSION FAILED - see error log)";
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private void Start()
            #if !UltimateFPSIsPresent

            ACDebug.LogWarning ("'UltimateFPSIsPresent' must be listed in your Unity Player Setting's 'Scripting define symbols' for AC's UFPS integration to work.");


            // Assign the UFPS components, and report warnings if they are not present
            fpCamera = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
            fpController = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
            fpInput = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
            _audioListener = GetComponentInChildren <AudioListener>();

            if (fpController == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPController' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpInput == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPInput' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpCamera == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPCamera' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (KickStarter.settingsManager != null && KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod != MovementMethod.FirstPerson)
                ACDebug.Log ("The Ultimate FPS integration script requires the Settings Manager's 'Movement method' is set to 'First Person'");

            // Tell the AC Player component that we'l be controlling movement/rotation manually during Cutscenes
            player = GetComponent <Player>();
            player.FirstPersonCamera = fpCamera.transform;
            player.SetAnimEngine (AnimationEngine.Custom);
            player.motionControl = MotionControl.Manual;

            // Assign a short delay whenever we load a saved game, to prevent firing when click
            if (KickStarter.saveSystem)
                KickStarter.saveSystem.SetGameplayReturnTime (0.1f);

            // Fixes gun sounds from not always playing
            AudioListener.pause = false;

Ejemplo n.º 32
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Start()

        m_Controller = (vp_FPController)Root.GetComponent(typeof(vp_FPController));
        m_Camera = (vp_FPCamera)Root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPCamera));
        m_Weapon = (vp_FPWeapon)Transform.GetComponent(typeof(vp_FPWeapon));
Ejemplo n.º 33
    // Use this for initialization
    protected override void Awake()

        // initial setup
        m_Audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        m_CharacterController = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        m_Controller = (vp_FPController)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FPController));
        m_Player  = (ac_FPParkourEventHandler)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(ac_FPParkourEventHandler));
        m_Camera = GetComponentInChildren<vp_FPCamera>();
        m_Transform = transform;
        m_FootstepManager = (vp_FootstepManager)transform.root.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(vp_FootstepManager));

        m_currentDoubleJump = DoubleJumpCount ;
        m_CanWallRunAgain = Time.time;
        m_CanDashAgain = Time.time;
        m_CanGroundslideAgain = Time.time;

        // spawn the parkour arm at world origin and hide it
        if(ParkourArmPrefab != null)
            ParkourArmPrefab = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(ParkourArmPrefab,Vector3.zero,Quaternion.identity);
Ejemplo n.º 34
    public static void Spawn(float x, float y, float z, float angle)
        GameObject      gameObject      = GameObject.Find("LocalPlayer");
        vp_FPCamera     vp_FPCamera     = (vp_FPCamera)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPCamera));
        vp_FPController vp_FPController = (vp_FPController)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(vp_FPController));

        gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
        vp_FPCamera.SetRotation(new Vector2(0f, angle), true, true);
        vp_FPController.m_CharacterController.enabled = true;
        BasePlayer.health = 100;
        Crosshair.forceLockCursor = true;
        BasePlayer.deadflag = 0;
        if (Client.ID != -1)
            PlayerControll.Player[Client.ID].DeadFlag = 0;
        vp_FPInput.cs.AllowGameplayInput = true;
        BasePlayer.selectedGrenade       = 0;
        vp_FPInput.grenadeThrowStarting  = false;
        vp_FPInput.grenadeThrowEnding    = false;
        vp_FPInput.fastGrenade           = false;
        vp_FPInput.mouseDown             = false;
        vp_FPInput.mouseUp = false;
        if (GameData.restartroundmode != 1 && ScoreBoard.gamemode != 0)
        vp_FPCamera.cs.SetFlashFX(0f, 3.5f);
        Zombie.repelVector = Vector2.zero;
        if (Client.ID != -1)
            PlayerControll.Player[Client.ID].bomb = false;
        if (Client.ID != -1)
            PlayerControll.Player[Client.ID].defuse = false;
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[0] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[0] = null;
            BasePlayer.weapon[0] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(BasePlayer.weapon[0].data.wid));
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[1] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[1] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(1));
            BasePlayer.weapon[1] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(BasePlayer.weapon[1].data.wid));
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[2] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[2] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(28));
        BasePlayer.weapon[3] = null;
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[4] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[4] = null;
        BasePlayer.weapon[5] = null;
        BasePlayer.weapon[6] = null;
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[7] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[7] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(31));
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[9] == null)
            BasePlayer.weapon[9] = new CWeapon(WeaponData.GetData(26));
        BasePlayer.currweapon = null;
        vp_FPWeaponHandler.cs.m_CurrentWeaponID = 0;
        if (BasePlayer.weapon[0] != null)
        else if (BasePlayer.weapon[1] != null)
        else if (BasePlayer.weapon[2] != null)
        BasePlayer.lastdroppeduid = -1;
        BuyMenu.ShowBuy(x, y, z);
        DeadCam.setspectime = 0f;
        Award.lastaward = 0;
        global::Console.cs.Command("hud 1");
        PlayerNames.hideradar = false;
        C4.isplanting        = false;
        C4.isdiffusing       = false;
        BasePlayer.spawntime = Time.time;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 void Awake()
     bridge       = GetComponent <FPPlayerLuaBridge>();
     fpController = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
     fpCamera     = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();