Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void trace(Ray r)
            vect3d dst = r.pos - this.pos;
            double B   = dst * r.dir;
            double C   = dst.length2() - this.radius2;
            double D   = B * B - C;

            if (D > 0)
                double dist;
                double flip_norm = 1;
                if (r.is_outside)
                    dist = -B - Math.Sqrt(D);
                    dist      = -B + Math.Sqrt(D);
                    flip_norm = -1;

                if (dist > 0 && dist < r.hit_dist)
                    r.hit_dist = dist;
                    r.hit_pos  = r.pos + r.dir * dist;
                    r.hit_norm = (r.hit_pos - this.pos) * flip_norm;
                    r.hit_tex_coord = r.hit_norm;
                    r.hit_object    = this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void lightDirectPointSpecNoShadow(Ray r, double specular_coeff, ref vect3d diff_accum, ref vect3d spec_accum)
            Ray shadow_ray = new Ray();

            shadow_ray.pos = r.hit_pos;

            foreach (var l in r.scene.lights)
                vect3d dir   = l.pos - r.hit_pos;
                double dist2 = 1.0 / dir.length2();
                dir *= Math.Sqrt(dist2);

                // diffuse
                double incidence_dif = (dir * r.hit_norm);
                if (incidence_dif > 0)
                    diff_accum += l.color * incidence_dif * dist2;

                // specular highlight
                vect3d dir_r          = r.hit_norm * ((dir * r.hit_norm) * 2) - dir;
                double incidence_spec = (dir_r * r.hit_norm);
                if (incidence_spec > 0)
                    spec_accum += l.color * Math.Pow(incidence_spec, specular_coeff) * dist2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static vect3d rand_in_sphere()
            vect3d p;

                p = new vect3d(rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
            } while (p.length2() > 1);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected void lightDirectPointSpec(Ray r, double specular_coeff, ref vect3d diff_accum, ref vect3d spec_accum)
            Ray shadow_ray = new Ray();

            shadow_ray.pos = r.hit_pos;

            foreach (var l in r.scene.lights)
                vect3d dir       = l.pos - r.hit_pos;
                double dist2     = dir.length2();
                double dist2_inv = 1.0 / dist2;
                dir *= Math.Sqrt(dist2_inv);

                // calculate incidences to do early reject of shadow ray
                double incidence_dif  = (dir * r.hit_norm);
                vect3d dir_r          = r.hit_norm * ((dir * r.hit_norm) * 2) - dir;
                double incidence_spec = (dir_r * r.hit_norm);

                if (incidence_dif < 0 && incidence_spec < 0)

                // shadow ray test
                shadow_ray.dir      = dir;
                shadow_ray.hit_dist = Double.MaxValue;
                if (shadow_ray.hit_dist * shadow_ray.hit_dist < dist2)

                // diffuse
                if (incidence_dif > 0)
                    diff_accum += l.color * incidence_dif * dist2_inv;

                // specular highlight
                if (incidence_spec > 0)
                    spec_accum += l.color * Math.Pow(incidence_spec, specular_coeff) * dist2_inv;