Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        //  audit_one_disk - validate a single disk entry
        audit_record audit_one_disk(ListPointer <rom_entry> rom, string locationtag = null)  //const rom_entry *rom
            // allocate and append a new record
            audit_record record = m_record_list.emplace_back(new audit_record(rom, audit_record.media_type.MEDIA_DISK)).Value;  //audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), *rom, media_type::DISK);

            // open the disk
            chd_file  source = new chd_file();
            chd_error err    = (chd_error)romload_global.open_disk_image(m_enumerator.options(), m_enumerator.driver(), rom[0], source, locationtag);

            // if we succeeded, get the hashes
            if (err == chd_error.CHDERR_NONE)
                util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection();

                // if there's a SHA1 hash, add them to the output hash
                if (source.sha1() != null)

                // update the actual values

            // compute the final status
            compute_status(record, rom[0], err == chd_error.CHDERR_NONE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public parent_rom(device_type t, Pointer <rom_entry> r)
     type   = t;
     name   = r.op.name();
     hashes = new util.hash_collection(r.op.hashdata());
     length = rom_file_size(r);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        //  audit_device - audit the device
        public summary audit_device(device_t device, string validation = AUDIT_VALIDATE_FULL)
            // start fresh

            // store validation for later
            m_validation = validation;
            m_searchpath = device.shortname();

            int found    = 0;
            int required = 0;

            // now iterate over regions and ROMs within
            for (ListPointer <rom_entry> region = romload_global.rom_first_region(device); region != null; region = romload_global.rom_next_region(region))
                for (ListPointer <rom_entry> rom = romload_global.rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = romload_global.rom_next_file(rom))
                    util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection(romload_global.ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom[0]));

                    // count the number of files with hashes
                    if (!hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !romload_global.ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom[0]))

                    // audit a file
                    audit_record record = null;
                    if (romload_global.ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region[0]))
                        record = audit_one_rom(rom);
                    // audit a disk
                    else if (romload_global.ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region[0]))
                        record = audit_one_disk(rom);

                    // count the number of files that are found.
                    if (record != null && (record.status() == audit_record.audit_status.STATUS_GOOD || record.status() == audit_record.audit_status.STATUS_FOUND_INVALID))

            if (found == 0 && required > 0)

            // return a summary
            string unused = "";

            return(summarize(device.shortname(), ref unused));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public audit_record(string name, media_type type)
     m_next          = null;
     m_type          = type;
     m_status        = audit_status.UNVERIFIED;
     m_substatus     = audit_substatus.UNVERIFIED;
     m_name          = name;
     m_explength     = 0;
     m_length        = 0;
     m_exphashes     = new util.hash_collection();
     m_hashes        = new util.hash_collection();
     m_shared_device = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            device_type m_shared_device; /* device that shares the rom */  //std::add_pointer_t<device_type> m_shared_device;    // device that shares the ROM

            // construction/destruction
            //  audit_record - constructor
            public audit_record(Pointer <rom_entry> media, media_type type)
                m_next          = null;
                m_type          = type;
                m_status        = audit_status.UNVERIFIED;
                m_substatus     = audit_substatus.UNVERIFIED;
                m_name          = media.op.name();
                m_explength     = rom_file_size(media);
                m_length        = 0;
                m_exphashes     = new util.hash_collection(media.op.hashdata());
                m_hashes        = new util.hash_collection();
                m_shared_device = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        //  find_shared_device - return the source that
        //  shares a media entry with the same hashes
        device_t find_shared_device(device_t device, string name, util.hash_collection romhashes, UInt64 romlength)
            bool dumped = !romhashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP);

            // special case for non-root devices
            device_t highest_device = null;

            if (device.owner() != null)
                for (ListPointer <rom_entry> region = romload_global.rom_first_region(device); region != null; region = romload_global.rom_next_region(region))
                    for (ListPointer <rom_entry> rom = romload_global.rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = romload_global.rom_next_file(rom))
                        if (romload_global.ROM_GETLENGTH(rom[0]) == romlength)
                            util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection(romload_global.ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom[0]));
                            if ((dumped && hashes == romhashes) || (!dumped && romload_global.ROM_GETNAME(rom[0]) == name))
                                highest_device = device;
                // iterate up the parent chain
                for (int drvindex = driver_enumerator.find(m_enumerator.driver().parent); drvindex != -1; drvindex = driver_enumerator.find(driver_enumerator.driver(drvindex).parent))
                    foreach (device_t scandevice in new device_iterator(m_enumerator.config(drvindex).root_device()))
                        for (ListPointer <rom_entry> region = romload_global.rom_first_region(scandevice); region != null; region = romload_global.rom_next_region(region))
                            for (ListPointer <rom_entry> rom = romload_global.rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = romload_global.rom_next_file(rom))
                                if (romload_global.ROM_GETLENGTH(rom[0]) == romlength)
                                    util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection(romload_global.ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom[0]));
                                    if ((dumped && hashes == romhashes) || (!dumped && romload_global.ROM_GETNAME(rom[0]) == name))
                                        highest_device = scandevice;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public device_type find_shared_device(device_t current, string name, util.hash_collection hashes, uint64_t length)  //std::add_pointer_t<device_type> find_shared_device(device_t &current, char const *name, util::hash_collection const &hashes, uint64_t length) const
            // if we're examining a child device, it will always have a perfect match
            if (current.owner() != null)

            // scan backwards through parents for a matching definition
            bool        dumped = !hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP);
            device_type best   = null;

            foreach (var it in this.Reverse())  //for (const_reverse_iterator it = crbegin(); crend() != it; ++it)
                if (it.length == length)
                    if (dumped)
                        if (it.hashes == hashes)
                    else if (it.name == name)
                        if (it.hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP))
                        else if (best == null)
                            best = it.type;

Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        // getters
        //const simple_list<audit_record> &records() const { return m_record_list; }

        // audit operations

        //  audit_media - audit the media described by the
        //  currently-enumerated driver
        public summary audit_media(string validation = AUDIT_VALIDATE_FULL)
            // start fresh

            // store validation for later
            m_validation = validation;

// temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for
// all searches
            string driverpath = m_enumerator.config().root_device().searchpath();

            int found           = 0;
            int required        = 0;
            int shared_found    = 0;
            int shared_required = 0;

            // iterate over devices and regions
            foreach (device_t device in new device_iterator(m_enumerator.config().root_device()))
                // determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions
                m_searchpath = device.searchpath();

                // now iterate over regions and ROMs within
                for (ListPointer <rom_entry> region = romload_global.rom_first_region(device); region != null; region = romload_global.rom_next_region(region))
// temporary hack: add the driver path & region name
                    string combinedpath = device.searchpath() + ";" + driverpath;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.shortname()))
                        combinedpath += ";" + device.shortname();
                    m_searchpath = combinedpath;

                    for (ListPointer <rom_entry> rom = romload_global.rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = romload_global.rom_next_file(rom))
                        string name = romload_global.ROM_GETNAME(rom[0]);
                        util.hash_collection hashes        = new util.hash_collection(romload_global.ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom[0]));
                        device_t             shared_device = find_shared_device(device, name, hashes, romload_global.ROM_GETLENGTH(rom[0]));

                        // count the number of files with hashes
                        if (!hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !romload_global.ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom[0]))
                            if (shared_device != null)

                        // audit a file
                        audit_record record = null;
                        if (romload_global.ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region[0]))
                            record = audit_one_rom(rom);

                        // audit a disk
                        else if (romload_global.ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region[0]))
                            record = audit_one_disk(rom);

                        if (record != null)
                            // count the number of files that are found.
                            if (record.status() == audit_record.audit_status.STATUS_GOOD || (record.status() == audit_record.audit_status.STATUS_FOUND_INVALID && find_shared_device(device, name, record.actual_hashes(), record.actual_length()) == null))
                                if (shared_device != null)


            // if we only find files that are in the parent & either the set has no unique files or the parent is not found, then assume we don't have the set at all
            if (found == shared_found && required > 0 && (required != shared_required || shared_found == 0))

            // return a summary
            string unused = "";

            return(summarize(m_enumerator.driver().name, ref unused));
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
 public void set_actual(util.hash_collection hashes, UInt64 length = 0)
     m_hashes = hashes;
     m_length = length;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public std.pair <device_type, bool> actual_matches_shared(device_t current, media_auditor.audit_record record)  //std::pair<std::add_pointer_t<device_type>, bool> actual_matches_shared(device_t &current, media_auditor::audit_record const &record)
            // no result if no matching file was found
            if ((record.status() != media_auditor.audit_status.GOOD) && (record.status() != media_auditor.audit_status.FOUND_INVALID))
                return(std.make_pair((device_type)null, false));

            // if we're examining a child device, scan it first
            bool matches_device_undumped = false;

            if (current.owner() != null)
                for (Pointer <rom_entry> region = rom_first_region(current); region != null; region = rom_next_region(region))
                    for (Pointer <rom_entry> rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
                        if (rom_file_size(rom) == record.actual_length())
                            util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection(rom.op.hashdata());
                            if (hashes == record.actual_hashes())
                                return(std.make_pair(current.type(), empty()));
                            else if (hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP) && (rom.op.name() == record.name()))
                                matches_device_undumped = true;

            // look for a matching parent ROM
            device_type closest_bad = null;

            foreach (var it in this.Reverse())  //for (const_reverse_iterator it = crbegin(); crend() != it; ++it)
                if (it.length == record.actual_length())
                    if (it.hashes == record.actual_hashes())
                        return(std.make_pair(it.type, it.type == this[0].type));
                    else if (it.hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP) && (it.name == record.name()))
                        closest_bad = it.type;

            // fall back to the nearest bad dump
            if (closest_bad != null)
                return(std.make_pair(closest_bad, this[0].type == closest_bad));
            else if (matches_device_undumped)
                return(std.make_pair(current.type(), empty()));
                return(std.make_pair((device_type)null, false));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // audit operations

        //  audit_media - audit the media described by the
        //  currently-enumerated driver
        public summary audit_media(string validation = AUDIT_VALIDATE_FULL)
            // start fresh

            // store validation for later
            m_validation = validation;

            // first walk the parent chain for required ROMs
            parent_rom_vector parentroms = new parent_rom_vector();

            for (var drvindex = driver_list.find(m_enumerator.driver().parent); 0 <= drvindex; drvindex = driver_list.find(driver_list.driver((size_t)drvindex).parent))  //for (auto drvindex = m_enumerator.find(m_enumerator.driver().parent); 0 <= drvindex; drvindex = m_enumerator.find(m_enumerator.driver(drvindex).parent))
                game_driver parent = driver_list.driver((size_t)drvindex);
                LOG(null, "Checking parent {0} for ROM files\n", parent.type.shortname());
                std.vector <rom_entry> roms = rom_build_entries(parent.rom);
                for (Pointer <rom_entry> region = rom_first_region(new Pointer <rom_entry>(roms)); region != null; region = rom_next_region(region)) //for (rom_entry const *region = rom_first_region(&roms.front()); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
                    for (Pointer <rom_entry> rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = rom_next_file(rom))                                    //for (rom_entry const *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
                        LOG(null, "Adding parent ROM {0}\n", rom.op.name());
                        parentroms.emplace_back(new parent_rom(parent.type, rom));


            // count ROMs required/found
            size_t found           = 0;
            size_t required        = 0;
            size_t shared_found    = 0;
            size_t shared_required = 0;
            size_t parent_found    = 0;

            // iterate over devices and regions
            std.vector <string> searchpath = new std.vector <string>();
            foreach (device_t device in new device_enumerator(m_enumerator.config().root_device()))

                // now iterate over regions and ROMs within
                for (Pointer <rom_entry> region = rom_first_region(device); region != null; region = rom_next_region(region))
                    for (Pointer <rom_entry> rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != null; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
                        if (searchpath.empty())
                            LOG(null, "Audit media for device {0}({1})\n", device.shortname(), device.tag());
                            searchpath = device.searchpath();

                        // look for a matching parent or device ROM
                        string name = rom.op.name();
                        util.hash_collection hashes = new util.hash_collection(rom.op.hashdata());
                        bool        dumped          = !hashes.flag(util.hash_collection.FLAG_NO_DUMP);
                        device_type shared_device   = parentroms.find_shared_device(device, name, hashes, rom_file_size(rom));
                        if (shared_device != null)
                            LOG(null, "File '{0}' {1}{2}dumped shared with {3}\n", name, ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom.op) ? "optional " : "", dumped ? "" : "un", shared_device.shortname());
                            LOG(null, "File '{0}' {1}{2}dumped\n", name, ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom.op) ? "optional " : "", dumped ? "" : "un");

                        // count the number of files with hashes
                        if (dumped && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom.op))
                            if (shared_device != null)

                        // audit a file
                        audit_record record = null;
                        if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region.op))
                            record = audit_one_rom(searchpath, rom);

                        // audit a disk
                        else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region.op))
                            record = audit_one_disk(rom, device);

                        if (record != null)
                            // see if the actual content found belongs to a parent
                            var matchesshared = parentroms.actual_matches_shared(device, record);
                            if (matchesshared.first != null)
                                LOG(null, "Actual ROM file shared with {0}parent {1}\n", matchesshared.second ? "immediate " : "", matchesshared.first.shortname());

                            // count the number of files that are found.
                            if ((record.status() == audit_status.GOOD) || ((record.status() == audit_status.FOUND_INVALID) && (matchesshared.first == null)))
                                if (shared_device != null)
                                if (matchesshared.second)


            if (!searchpath.empty())
                LOG(null, "Total required={0} (shared={1}) found={2} (shared={3} parent={4})\n", required, shared_required, found, shared_found, parent_found);

            // if we only find files that are in the parent & either the set has no unique files or the parent is not found, then assume we don't have the set at all
            if ((found == shared_found) && required != 0 && ((required != shared_required) || parent_found == 0))

            // return a summary