Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult signup(signupviewmodel user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext())
                    useraccounts chuser = context.useraccount.Where(m => m.user_name == user.user_name || m.email == user.email).Select(s => s).FirstOrDefault();

                    //(from s in context.useraccount where s.user_name == user.user_name || s.email == user.email select s).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (chuser == null)
                        var          keynew   = HashHelper.GeneratePassword(10);
                        var          password = HashHelper.EncodePassword(user.password, keynew);
                        useraccounts useracc  = new useraccounts();
                        useracc.user_name     = user.user_name;
                        useracc.password      = password;
                        useracc.email         = user.email;
                        useracc.password_salt = keynew;
                        useracc.rolenum       = (int?)user.rolenum;
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "User Already Exist";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void AddLocations(useraccounts user)
            // Home and last location
            var locations = m_db.griduser.SingleOrDefault(g => g.UserID == user.PrincipalID);

            if (locations != null)
                Vector3 homePosition, homeLookAt, lastPosition, lastLookAt;
                UUID    homeRegionID, lastRegionID;

                Vector3.TryParse(locations.HomePosition, out homePosition);
                Vector3.TryParse(locations.HomeLookAt, out homeLookAt);
                UUID.TryParse(locations.HomeRegionID, out homeRegionID);

                Vector3.TryParse(locations.LastPosition, out lastPosition);
                Vector3.TryParse(locations.LastLookAt, out lastLookAt);
                UUID.TryParse(locations.LastRegionID, out lastRegionID);

                Dictionary <string, string> userData = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                if (homeRegionID != UUID.Zero)
                    userData["HomeLocation"] = SerializeLocation(homeRegionID, homePosition, homeLookAt);
                if (lastRegionID != UUID.Zero)
                    userData["LastLocation"] = SerializeLocation(lastRegionID, lastPosition, lastLookAt);

                if (userData.Count > 0)
                    AddUserData(user.PrincipalID, userData);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void AddAppearance(useraccounts user)
            // Avatar appearance
            var metadata = from a in m_db.avatars
                           where a.PrincipalID == user.PrincipalID
                           select a;

            OSDMap appearance  = new OSDMap();
            OSDMap attachments = new OSDMap();

            foreach (var entry in metadata)
                if (entry.Name.StartsWith(AP_PREFIX))
                    attachments[entry.Name] = OSD.FromString(entry.Value);
                    string name = entry.Name;
                    if (name == "AvatarHeight")
                        name = "Height";
                    if (name == "BodyItem")
                        name = "ShapeItem";
                    if (name == "BodyAsset")
                        name = "ShapeAsset";

                    if (ALLOWED_APPEARANCE_ENTRIES.Contains(name))
                        appearance[name] = OSD.FromString(entry.Value);

            Dictionary <string, string> userData = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (appearance.Count > 0)
                userData["LLAppearance"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(appearance);
            if (attachments.Count > 0)
                userData["LLAttachments"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(attachments);

            if (userData.Count > 0)
                AddUserData(user.PrincipalID, userData);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void CreateUser(useraccounts user, string gridOwner)
            // Create this user
            string name  = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;
            string email = user.Email;

            // If this is the grid owner set them to the maximum AccessLevel. Otherwise, make sure
            // their AccessLevel is at least 1 (representing a verified, non-anonymous account)
            int accessLevel = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridOwner) && name.Equals(gridOwner, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                ? 255
                : user.UserLevel;

            accessLevel = Utils.Clamp(accessLevel, 1, 255);
            if (accessLevel == 255)
                m_masterUserSet = true;

            // Cannot have an empty e-mail address
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                email = "INVALID " + UUID.Random().ToString();

            NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                { "RequestMethod", "AddUser" },
                { "UserID", user.PrincipalID },
                { "Name", name },
                { "Email", email },
                { "AccessLevel", accessLevel.ToString() }

            OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_userUrl, requestArgs);

            if (response["Success"].AsBoolean())
                Dictionary <string, string> userData = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "CreationDate", (user.Created.HasValue ? user.Created.Value : (int)Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow)).ToString() },
                    { "UserFlags", user.UserFlags.ToString() },
                    { "UserTitle", user.UserTitle }
                AddUserData(user.PrincipalID, userData);
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to store user account for " + name + ": " + response["Message"].AsString());

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void AddIdentity(useraccounts user)
            string name = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;

            // Create the user identity
            var auth = m_db.auth.SingleOrDefault(a => a.UUID == user.PrincipalID);

            if (auth != null && auth.accountType == USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE)
                string credential = auth.passwordHash;

                // If the password is actually salted store "hash:salt"
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth.passwordSalt))
                    credential += ":" + auth.passwordSalt;

                // Make sure $1$ is prepended (our md5hash format in SimianGrid requires this)
                if (!credential.StartsWith("$1$"))
                    credential = "$1$" + credential;

                NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                    { "RequestMethod", "AddIdentity" },
                    { "Identifier", name },
                    { "Credential", credential },
                    { "Type", "md5hash" },
                    { "UserID", user.PrincipalID }

                OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_userUrl, requestArgs);
                bool   success  = response["Success"].AsBoolean();


                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to set password for {0} ({1})", name, user.PrincipalID);
                Console.WriteLine("No authorization info found for " + name);