private static tok_state tok_new() { tok_state tok = PyMem_NEW_tok_state(1); if (tok == null) { return(null); } tok.buf = tok.cur = tok.end = tok.inp = tok.start = null; tok.done = E_OK; tok.fp = null; tok.tabsize = TABSIZE; tok.indent = 0; tok.indstack[0] = 0; tok.atbol = 1; tok.pendin = 0; tok.prompt = tok.nextprompt = null; tok.lineno = 0; tok.level = 0; tok.filename = null; tok.altwarning = 0; tok.alterror = 0; tok.alttabsize = 1; tok.altindstack[0] = 0; return(tok); }
public static void PyTokenizer_Free(tok_state tok) { if (tok.fp != null && tok.buf != null) { PyMem_DEL(tok.buf); } PyMem_DEL(ref tok); }
public static tok_state PyTokenizer_FromString(CharPtr str) { tok_state tok = tok_new(); if (tok == null) { return(null); } tok.buf = new CharPtr(str); tok.cur = new CharPtr(str); tok.end = new CharPtr(str); tok.inp = new CharPtr(str); return(tok); }
private static void tok_backup(tok_state tok, int c) { if (c != EOF) { tok.cur.dec(); if (tok.cur < tok.buf) { Py_FatalError("tok_backup: begin of buffer"); } if (tok.cur[0] != c) { tok.cur[0] = (char)c; } } }
private static int indenterror(tok_state tok) { if (0 != tok.alterror) { tok.done = E_TABSPACE; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(1); } if (0 != tok.altwarning) { PySys_WriteStderr("%s: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces " + "in indentation\n", tok.filename); tok.altwarning = 0; } return(0); }
public static tok_state PyTokenizer_FromFile(FILEPtr fp, CharPtr ps1, CharPtr ps2) { tok_state tok = tok_new(); if (tok == null) { return(null); } if ((tok.buf = PyMem_NEW_char2(BUFSIZ)) == null) { PyMem_DEL(ref tok); return(null); } tok.cur = new CharPtr(tok.buf); tok.inp = new CharPtr(tok.buf); tok.end = new CharPtr(tok.buf, BUFSIZ); tok.fp = new FILEPtr(fp); tok.prompt = new CharPtr(ps1); tok.nextprompt = new CharPtr(ps2); return(tok); }
public static void PyMem_DEL(ref tok_state x) { }
private static node parsetok(tok_state tok, grammar g, int start, perrdetail err_ret, int flags) { parser_state ps; node n; int started = 0; if ((ps = PyParser_New(g, start)) == null) { fprintf(stderr, "no mem for new parser\n"); err_ret.error = E_NOMEM; return(null); } if (0 != (flags & PyPARSE_YIELD_IS_KEYWORD)) { ps.p_generators = 1; } for (;;) { CharPtr a = null, b = null; int type; size_t len; CharPtr str; type = PyTokenizer_Get(tok, ref a, ref b); if (type == ERRORTOKEN) { err_ret.error = tok.done; break; } if (type == ENDMARKER && 0 != started) { type = NEWLINE; started = 0; } else { started = 1; } len = (size_t)(b - a); str = PyMem_NEW_char2((int)(len + 1)); if (str == null) { fprintf(stderr, "no mem for next token\n"); err_ret.error = E_NOMEM; break; } if (len > 0) { strncpy(str, a, (int)len); } str[len] = '\0'; if (type == NAME && 0 == ps.p_generators && len == 5 && str[0] == 'y' && strcmp(str, "yield") == 0) { PySys_WriteStderr(yield_msg, err_ret.filename == null ? "<string>" : err_ret.filename, tok.lineno); } if ((err_ret.error = PyParser_AddToken(ps, (int)type, str, tok.lineno, ref err_ret.expected)) != E_OK) { if (err_ret.error != E_DONE) { PyMem_DEL(str); } break; } } if (err_ret.error == E_DONE) { n = ps.p_tree; ps.p_tree = null; } else { n = null; } PyParser_Delete(ps); if (n == null) { if (tok.lineno <= 1 && tok.done == E_EOF) { err_ret.error = E_EOF; } err_ret.lineno = tok.lineno; err_ret.offset = tok.cur - tok.buf; if (tok.buf != null) { size_t len = (size_t)(tok.inp - tok.buf); err_ret.text = PyMem_NEW_char2((int)(len + 1)); if (err_ret.text != null) { if (len > 0) { strncpy(err_ret.text, tok.buf, (int)len); } err_ret.text[len] = '\0'; } } } PyTokenizer_Free(tok); return(n); }
public static int PyTokenizer_Get(tok_state tok, ref CharPtr p_start, ref CharPtr p_end) { int c; int blankline; p_start = p_end = null; nextline: tok.start = null; blankline = 0; if (0 != tok.atbol) { int col = 0; int altcol = 0; tok.atbol = 0; for (;;) { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == ' ') { col++; altcol++; } else if (c == '\t') { col = (col / tok.tabsize + 1) * tok.tabsize; altcol = (altcol / tok.alttabsize + 1) * tok.alttabsize; } else if (c == '\x0C') //'\014') { col = altcol = 0; } else { break; } } tok_backup(tok, c); if (c == '#' || c == '\n') { if (col == 0 && c == '\n' && tok.prompt != null) { blankline = 0; } else { blankline = 1; } } if (0 == blankline && tok.level == 0) { if (col == tok.indstack[tok.indent]) { if (altcol != tok.altindstack[tok.indent]) { if (0 != indenterror(tok)) { return(ERRORTOKEN); } } } else if (col > tok.indstack[tok.indent]) { if (tok.indent + 1 >= MAXINDENT) { tok.done = E_TOODEEP; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(ERRORTOKEN); } if (altcol <= tok.altindstack[tok.indent]) { if (0 != indenterror(tok)) { return(ERRORTOKEN); } } tok.pendin++; tok.indstack[++tok.indent] = col; tok.altindstack[tok.indent] = altcol; } else { while (tok.indent > 0 && col < tok.indstack[tok.indent]) { tok.pendin--; tok.indent--; } if (col != tok.indstack[tok.indent]) { tok.done = E_DEDENT; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(ERRORTOKEN); } if (altcol != tok.altindstack[tok.indent]) { if (0 != indenterror(tok)) { return(ERRORTOKEN); } } } } } tok.start = tok.cur; if (tok.pendin != 0) { if (tok.pendin < 0) { tok.pendin++; return(DEDENT); } else { tok.pendin--; return(INDENT); } } again: tok.start = null; do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\x0C'); //c == '\014'); tok.start = tok.cur - 1; if (c == '#') { CharPtr cbuf = new CharPtr(new char[80]); CharPtr tp; int cp; tp = new CharPtr(cbuf); do { c = tok_nextc(tok); tp[0] = (char)c;; } while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && tp - cbuf + 1 < 80 /*sizeof(cbuf)*/); tp[0] = '\0'; for (cp = 0; cp < PyTokenizer_Get_tabforms.Length; cp++) { if (null != (tp = strstr(cbuf, PyTokenizer_Get_tabforms[cp]))) { int newsize = atoi(tp + strlen(PyTokenizer_Get_tabforms[cp])); if (newsize >= 1 && newsize <= 40) { tok.tabsize = newsize; if (0 != Py_VerboseFlag) { PySys_WriteStderr( "Tab size set to %d\n", newsize); } } } } while (c != EOF && c != '\n') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } } if (c == EOF) { return(tok.done == E_EOF ? ENDMARKER : ERRORTOKEN); } if (isalpha(c) || c == '_') { switch (c) { case 'r': case 'R': c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { goto letter_quote; } break; case 'u': case 'U': c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == 'r' || c == 'R') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { goto letter_quote; } break; } while (isalnum(c) || c == '_') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } tok_backup(tok, c); p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(NAME); } if (c == '\n') { tok.atbol = 1; if (0 != blankline || tok.level > 0) { goto nextline; } p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur - 1); return(NEWLINE); } if (c == '.') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (isdigit(c)) { do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (!isdigit(c)) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } //goto fraction; tok_backup(tok, c); p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(NUMBER); } else { tok_backup(tok, c); p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(DOT); } } if (isdigit(c)) { if (c == '0') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '.') { do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (!isdigit(c)) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } goto fraction; } if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); goto imaginary; } if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isxdigit(c)); } else { int found_decimal = 0; while ('0' <= c && c < '8') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (isdigit(c)) { found_decimal = 1; do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == '.') { do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (!isdigit(c)) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } goto fraction; } else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (!isdigit(c)) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } goto exponent; } else if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { c = tok_nextc(tok); goto imaginary; } else if (0 != found_decimal) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } } if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } } else { do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } else { if (c == '.') { //fraction: do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { //exponent: c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { c = tok_nextc(tok); } if (!isdigit(c)) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } do { c = tok_nextc(tok); } while (isdigit(c)); } if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') { //imaginary: c = tok_nextc(tok); } } } fraction: exponent: imaginary: tok_backup(tok, c); p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(NUMBER); } letter_quote: if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { int quote2 = tok.cur - tok.start + 1; int quote = c; int triple = 0; int tripcount = 0; for (;;) { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == '\n') { if (0 == triple) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok_backup(tok, c); return(ERRORTOKEN); } tripcount = 0; } else if (c == EOF) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(ERRORTOKEN); } else if (c == quote) { tripcount++; if (tok.cur - tok.start == quote2) { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == quote) { triple = 1; tripcount = 0; continue; } tok_backup(tok, c); } if (0 == triple || tripcount == 3) { break; } } else if (c == '\\') { tripcount = 0; c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c == EOF) { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(ERRORTOKEN); } } else { tripcount = 0; } } p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(STRING); } if (c == '\\') { c = tok_nextc(tok); if (c != '\n') { tok.done = E_TOKEN; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(ERRORTOKEN); } goto again; } { int c2 = tok_nextc(tok); int token = PyToken_TwoChars(c, c2); if (token != OP) { int c3 = tok_nextc(tok); int token3 = PyToken_ThreeChars(c, c2, c3); if (token3 != OP) { token = token3; } else { tok_backup(tok, c3); } p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(token); } tok_backup(tok, c2); } switch (c) { case '(': case '[': case '{': tok.level++; break; case ')': case ']': case '}': tok.level--; break; } p_start = new CharPtr(tok.start); p_end = new CharPtr(tok.cur); return(PyToken_OneChar(c)); }
private static int tok_nextc(tok_state tok) { for (;;) { if (tok.cur != tok.inp) { return(Py_CHARMASK(tok.cur[0]));; } if (tok.done != E_OK) { return(EOF); } if (tok.fp == null) { CharPtr end = strchr(tok.inp, '\n'); if (end != null) {; } else { end = strchr(tok.inp, '\0'); if (end == tok.inp) { tok.done = E_EOF; return(EOF); } } if (tok.start == null) { tok.buf = tok.cur; } tok.lineno++; tok.inp = end; return(Py_CHARMASK(tok.cur[0]));; } if (tok.prompt != null) { CharPtr new_ = PyOS_Readline(tok.prompt); if (tok.nextprompt != null) { tok.prompt = tok.nextprompt; } if (new_ == null) { tok.done = E_INTR; } else if (new_[0] == '\0') { PyMem_FREE(ref new_); tok.done = E_EOF; } else if (tok.start != null) { size_t start = (size_t)(tok.start - tok.buf); size_t oldlen = (size_t)(tok.cur - tok.buf); size_t newlen = oldlen + strlen(new_); CharPtr buf = new CharPtr(tok.buf); PyMem_RESIZE_char(ref buf, (int)(newlen + 1)); tok.lineno++; if (buf == null) { PyMem_DEL(tok.buf); tok.buf = null; PyMem_FREE(ref new_); tok.done = E_NOMEM; return(EOF); } tok.buf = buf; tok.cur = tok.buf + oldlen; strcpy(tok.buf + oldlen, new_); PyMem_FREE(ref new_); tok.inp = tok.buf + newlen; tok.end = tok.inp + 1; tok.start = tok.buf + start; } else { tok.lineno++; if (tok.buf != null) { PyMem_DEL(tok.buf); } tok.buf = new CharPtr(new_); tok.cur = new CharPtr(tok.buf); tok.inp = strchr(tok.buf, '\0'); tok.end = tok.inp + 1; } } else { int done = 0; int cur = 0; CharPtr pt; if (tok.start == null) { if (tok.buf == null) { tok.buf = PyMem_NEW_char2(BUFSIZ); if (tok.buf == null) { tok.done = E_NOMEM; return(EOF); } tok.end = tok.buf + BUFSIZ; } if (fgets(tok.buf, (int)(tok.end - tok.buf), tok.fp) == null) { tok.done = E_EOF; done = 1; } else { tok.done = E_OK; tok.inp = strchr(tok.buf, '\0'); done = ((tok.inp[-1] == '\n')?1:0); } } else { cur = tok.cur - tok.buf; if (0 != feof(tok.fp)) { tok.done = E_EOF; done = 1; } else { tok.done = E_OK; } } tok.lineno++; while (0 == done) { int curstart = tok.start == null ? -1 : tok.start - tok.buf; int curvalid = tok.inp - tok.buf; int newsize = curvalid + BUFSIZ; CharPtr newbuf = new CharPtr(tok.buf); PyMem_RESIZE_char(ref newbuf, newsize); if (newbuf == null) { tok.done = E_NOMEM; tok.cur = tok.inp; return(EOF); } tok.buf = newbuf; tok.inp = tok.buf + curvalid; tok.end = tok.buf + newsize; tok.start = curstart < 0 ? null : tok.buf + curstart; if (fgets(tok.inp, (int)(tok.end - tok.inp), tok.fp) == null) { strcpy(tok.inp, "\n"); } tok.inp = strchr(tok.inp, '\0'); done = ((tok.inp[-1] == '\n')?1:0); } tok.cur = tok.buf + cur; pt = tok.inp - 2; if (pt >= tok.buf && pt[0] == '\r') { pt[0] = '\n';; pt[0] = '\0'; tok.inp = new CharPtr(pt); } } if (tok.done != E_OK) { if (tok.prompt != null) { PySys_WriteStderr("\n"); } tok.cur = tok.inp; return(EOF); } } }