Ejemplo n.º 1
    //find a singular zone; subfunction of zone
    void find_zone(int y, int x, Zone z)
        tile t = maze [y, x];

        if (!t.get_touch())

            if (t.get_northwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                find_zone(y - 1, x, z);
            if (t.get_westwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                find_zone(y, x - 1, z);
            if (t.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                find_zone(y, x + 1, z);
            if (t.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                find_zone(y + 1, x, z);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    byte get_num_walls(tile t)
        byte count = 0;

        if (t.get_northwall() == tile.Wall.wall)

        if (t.get_westwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
        if (t.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
        if (t.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.wall)

Ejemplo n.º 3
    //Currently this cannot handle the alcoves whose adjacent tile through the opening has 2 or less
    //Also this currently identifies alcoves by setting their rendering to none, this was just for testing purposes
    void find_alcoves()
        Direction d = Direction.none;

        for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                tile t = maze [y, x];

                byte count = 0;

                if (t.get_northwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                    d = Direction.north;

                if (t.get_westwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                    d = Direction.west;

                if (t.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                    d = Direction.east;
                if (t.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                    d = Direction.south;

                //It should max be 3.
                if (count == 3)
                    if (d == Direction.north && get_num_walls(maze [y - 1, x]) == 2)
                    else if (d == Direction.west && get_num_walls(maze [y, x - 1]) == 2)
                    else if (d == Direction.east && get_num_walls(maze [y, x + 1]) == 2)
                    else if (d == Direction.south && get_num_walls(maze [y + 1, x]) == 2)

Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void render_maze(tile[,] maze, Vector3 spawn)
        resources = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();

        resources["wall"]         = (Resources.Load("green_pink_wall") as GameObject);
        resources["floor"]        = (Resources.Load("black_white_checkered_floor") as GameObject);
        resources["grass"]        = (Resources.Load("grass_tile") as GameObject);
        resources["post"]         = (Resources.Load("white_wall_post") as GameObject);
        resources["flamingo"]     = (Resources.Load("flamingo") as GameObject);
        resources["column_tower"] = (Resources.Load("column_ladder_combo") as GameObject);
        resources["hedge"]        = (Resources.Load("hedge") as GameObject);
        resources["key"]          = (Resources.Load("key") as GameObject);
        resources["door"]         = (Resources.Load("door") as GameObject);
        resources["door_frame"]   = (Resources.Load("door_frame") as GameObject);
        resources["grass_blade"]  = (Resources.Load("grass_blade") as GameObject);
        resources["butt_column"]  = (Resources.Load("butt_column") as GameObject);

        player = (GameObject)Instantiate((Resources.Load("player_character") as GameObject), spawn, Quaternion.identity);
        player.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(2, 2, -2));
//		enemy = (GameObject) Instantiate((Resources.Load("bust_column") as GameObject), new Vector3(20, 0, -20), Quaternion.identity);

        Debug.Log("begin render");
        for (int z = 0; z < maze.GetLength(0); z++)
            //assuming max z == max x (maze is a square)
            GameObject temp_north_wall = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["wall"], new Vector3(offset + scale * z, wall_height, 0), Quaternion.identity);
            temp_north_wall.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            //north west pole
            GameObject temp_nw_post = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale * z, post_height, 0), Quaternion.identity);
            temp_nw_post.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            //north east pole
            GameObject temp_ne_post_1 = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale + scale * z, post_height, 0), Quaternion.identity);
            temp_ne_post_1.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            GameObject temp_west_wall = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["wall"], new Vector3(0, wall_height, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
            temp_west_wall.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 90, 0));
            //south west pole
            GameObject temp_sw_post_1 = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(0, post_height, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
            temp_sw_post_1.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));

            for (int x = 0; x < maze.GetLength(0); x++)
                //Debug.Log("making tile at (" + x + "," + z + ")");
                tile current = maze[z, x];
                if (current.get_status() == tile.Status.maze)
                    if (current.get_type() == tile.Type.normal || current.get_type() == tile.Type.special)
                        GameObject temp_floor = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["floor"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_floor.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                    else if (current.get_type() == tile.Type.alcove)
                        GameObject temp_floor = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["grass"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_floor.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                    //else if (current.get_type() == tile.Type.special)
                    //    GameObject temp_floor = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["floor"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                    //    temp_floor.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                //check to see if we need to place something
                if (current.get_contains() != null)
                    GameObject thing = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources[current.get_contains()], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                    if (current.get_contains() == "column_tower")
                        if (current.get_northwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
                        else if (current.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
                        else if (current.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 270, 0));
                    else if (current.get_contains() == "flamingo")
                        if (current.get_northwall() == tile.Wall.none || current.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
                    else if (current.get_contains() == "butt_column")
                        if (current.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
                        else if (current.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
                        else if (current.get_westwall() == tile.Wall.none)
                            thing.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 270, 0));
                    else if (current.get_contains() == "key")
                        thing.SendMessage("set_number", 1);
                //east wall decision
                if (current.get_eastwall() != tile.Wall.none)
                    if (current.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                        GameObject temp_east_wall = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["wall"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, wall_height, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_east_wall.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 90, 0));
                    else if (current.get_eastwall() == tile.Wall.door)
                        GameObject temp_east_door_frame = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["door_frame"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_east_door_frame.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                        GameObject temp_east_door = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["door"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, 0, -offset + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_east_door.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 180, 0));
                        temp_east_door.SendMessage("set_number", 1);
                    if (current.get_northwall() != tile.Wall.wall) //north east pole
                        GameObject temp_ne_post = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, post_height, -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_ne_post.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                    //south east pole
                    GameObject temp_se_post = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, post_height, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                    temp_se_post.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                //south wall decision
                if (current.get_southwall() != tile.Wall.none)
                    if (current.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.wall)
                        GameObject temp_south_wall = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["wall"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, wall_height, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_south_wall.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                    else if (current.get_southwall() == tile.Wall.door)
                        GameObject temp_south_door_frame = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["door_frame"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_south_door_frame.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 90, 0));
                        GameObject temp_south_door = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["door"], new Vector3(offset + scale * x, 0, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_south_door.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));
                    //south west pole
                    if (current.get_westwall() != tile.Wall.wall)
                        GameObject temp_sw_post = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale * x, post_height, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_sw_post.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
                    //south east pole
                    if (current.get_eastwall() != tile.Wall.wall)
                        GameObject temp_se_post = (GameObject)Instantiate(resources["post"], new Vector3(scale + scale * x, post_height, -scale + -scale * z), Quaternion.identity);
                        temp_se_post.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));