Ejemplo n.º 1
        static public VistaDBCommand BuildDynamicInsertCommand(tgDataRequest request, List <string> modifiedColumns)
            string sql          = String.Empty;
            string defaults     = String.Empty;
            string into         = String.Empty;
            string values       = String.Empty;
            string comma        = String.Empty;
            string defaultComma = String.Empty;

            string where = String.Empty;
            string whereComma = String.Empty;

            PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection();
            VistaDBParameter   p     = null;

            Dictionary <string, VistaDBParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            VistaDBCommand cmd = new VistaDBCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                bool isModified = modifiedColumns == null ? false : modifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && (!col.IsAutoIncrement && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsTiraggoConcurrency))
                    p = types[col.Name];

                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + p.ParameterName;
                    comma   = ", ";
                else if (col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    props["AutoInc"] = col.Name;
                    props["Source"]  = request.ProviderMetadata.Source;

                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    props["Timestamp"] = col.Name;
                    props["Source"]    = request.ProviderMetadata.Source;

                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + "1";
                    comma   = ", ";

                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                    p.Value     = 1; // Seems to work, We'll take it ...
                else if (col.IsComputed)
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (cols.IsSpecialColumn(col))
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (col.HasDefault)
                    defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    defaultComma = ",";

                    string def = col.Default.ToLower();

                    if (def.Contains("guid") || def.Contains("newid"))
                        p               = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                        p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        p.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current;

                        sql += " IF " + Delimiters.Param + col.Name + " IS NULL SET " +
                               Delimiters.Param + col.Name + " = NEWID();";

                        into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                        values += comma + p.ParameterName;
                        comma   = ", ";

                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    where     += whereComma + col.Name;
                    whereComma = ",";

            #region Special Columns
            if (cols.DateAdded != null && cols.DateAdded.IsServerSide)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateAdded.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.AddedBy != null && cols.AddedBy.IsServerSide)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["AddedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (defaults.Length > 0)
                comma             = String.Empty;
                props["Defaults"] = defaults;
                props["Where"]    = where;

            sql += " INSERT INTO " + CreateFullName(request);

            if (into.Length != 0)
                sql += "(" + into + ") VALUES (" + values + ")";
                sql += "DEFAULT VALUES";

            request.Properties = props;

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static public VistaDBCommand BuildDynamicUpdateCommand(tgDataRequest request, List <string> modifiedColumns)
            string where = String.Empty;
            string scomma             = String.Empty;
            string wcomma             = String.Empty;
            string defaults           = String.Empty;
            string defaultsWhere      = String.Empty;
            string defaultsComma      = String.Empty;
            string defaultsWhereComma = String.Empty;

            string sql = "UPDATE " + CreateFullName(request) + " SET ";

            PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection();
            VistaDBParameter   p     = null;

            Dictionary <string, VistaDBParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            VistaDBCommand cmd = new VistaDBCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                bool isModified = modifiedColumns == null ? false : modifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && (!col.IsAutoIncrement && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsTiraggoConcurrency))
                    p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);

                    sql   += scomma;
                    sql   += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    scomma = ", ";
                else if (col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    // Nothing to do but leave this here
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    props["Timestamp"] = col.Name;
                    props["Source"]    = request.ProviderMetadata.Source;

                    p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    where += wcomma;
                    where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    wcomma = " AND ";
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    props["EntitySpacesConcurrency"] = col.Name;

                    p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    sql   += scomma;
                    sql   += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " + 1";
                    scomma = ", ";

                    where += wcomma;
                    where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    wcomma = " AND ";
                else if (col.IsComputed)
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (cols.IsSpecialColumn(col))
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (col.HasDefault)
                    // defaults += defaultsComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    // defaultsComma = ",";

                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

                    where += wcomma;
                    where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    wcomma = " AND ";

                    defaultsWhere     += defaultsWhereComma + col.Name;
                    defaultsWhereComma = ",";

            #region Special Columns
            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide)
                sql   += scomma;
                sql   += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"];
                scomma = ", ";

                defaults     += defaultsComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultsComma = ",";

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide)
                sql   += scomma;
                sql   += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"];
                scomma = ", ";

                defaults     += defaultsComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultsComma = ",";

            if (defaults.Length > 0)
                props["Defaults"] = defaults;
                props["Where"]    = defaultsWhere;

            sql += " WHERE " + where + ";";

            request.Properties = props;

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static public NpgsqlCommand BuildDynamicInsertCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            string sql          = String.Empty;
            string defaults     = String.Empty;
            string into         = String.Empty;
            string values       = String.Empty;
            string comma        = String.Empty;
            string defaultComma = String.Empty;

            string where = String.Empty;
            string autoInc = String.Empty;

            NpgsqlParameter p = null;

            Dictionary <string, NpgsqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                bool isModified = packet.ModifiedColumns == null ? false : packet.ModifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && (!col.IsAutoIncrement && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsTiraggoConcurrency))
                    p = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));

                    object value = packet.CurrentValues[col.Name];
                    p.Value = value != null ? value : DBNull.Value;

                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + p.ParameterName;
                    comma   = ", ";
                else if (col.IsAutoIncrement && request.ProviderMetadata.ContainsKey("AutoKeyText"))
                    string sequence = request.ProviderMetadata["AutoKeyText"].Replace("nextval", "currval");

                    if (sequence != null && sequence.Length > 0)
                        // Our identity column ...
                        p           = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                        autoInc += " SELECT * FROM " + sequence + " as \"" + col.Name + "\"";

                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    // These columns have defaults and they weren't supplied with values, so let's
                    // return them
                    p           = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    defaultComma = ", ";

                    if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                        p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    p           = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + "1";
                    comma   = ", ";

                    p.Value = 1; // Seems to work, We'll take it ...
                else if (col.IsComputed)
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (cols.IsSpecialColumn(col))
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (col.HasDefault)
                    // These columns have defaults and they weren't supplied with values, so let's
                    // return them
                    p           = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    defaultComma = ",";

                    if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                        p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    p = types[col.Name];

                    if (where.Length > 0)
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;

                    if (!cmd.Parameters.Contains(p.ParameterName))
                        p           = CloneParameter(p);
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            #region Special Column Logic
            if (cols.DateAdded != null && cols.DateAdded.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateAdded.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateAdded.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateAdded.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + cols.DateModified.ColumnName;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.AddedBy != null && cols.AddedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.AddedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["AddedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName;
                defaultComma = ",";

                tgColumnMetadata col = request.Columns[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName];

                if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                    p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName;
                defaultComma = ",";

                tgColumnMetadata col = request.Columns[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName];

                if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                    p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

            string fullName = CreateFullName(request);

            sql += " INSERT INTO " + fullName;

            if (into.Length != 0)
                sql += " (" + into + ") VALUES (" + values + ");";
                sql += " DEFAULT VALUES;";

            sql += autoInc;

            if (defaults.Length > 0)
                sql += " SELECT " + defaults + " FROM " + fullName + " WHERE (" + where + ")";

            cmd.CommandText = sql + String.Empty;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static public SQLiteCommand BuildDynamicInsertCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            string sql          = String.Empty;
            string defaults     = String.Empty;
            string into         = String.Empty;
            string values       = String.Empty;
            string comma        = String.Empty;
            string defaultComma = String.Empty;

            string where = String.Empty;
            string whereComma = String.Empty;

            PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection();

            Dictionary <string, SQLiteParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                bool isModified = packet.ModifiedColumns == null ? false : packet.ModifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && (!col.IsAutoIncrement && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsTiraggoConcurrency))
                    SQLiteParameter p = types[col.Name];

                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + p.ParameterName;
                    comma   = ", ";
                else if (col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    props["AutoInc"] = col.Name;
                    props["Source"]  = request.ProviderMetadata.Source;
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    props["Timestamp"] = col.Name;
                    props["Source"]    = request.ProviderMetadata.Source;
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    props["EntitySpacesConcurrency"] = col.Name;

                    SQLiteParameter p = types[col.Name];

                    into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    values += comma + "1";
                    comma   = ", ";

                    SQLiteParameter clone = CloneParameter(p);
                    clone.Value = 1;
                else if (col.IsComputed)
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (cols.IsSpecialColumn(col))
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (col.HasDefault)
                    defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    defaultComma = ",";

                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    where     += whereComma + col.Name;
                    whereComma = ",";

            #region Special Columns
            if (cols.DateAdded != null && cols.DateAdded.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateAdded.ColumnName) != null)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateAdded.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateAdded.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.AddedBy != null && cols.AddedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["AddedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.AddedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                into   += comma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                values += comma + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"];
                comma   = ", ";

                defaults    += defaultComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                defaultComma = ",";

            if (defaults.Length > 0)
                comma             = String.Empty;
                props["Defaults"] = defaults;
                props["Where"]    = where;

            sql += " INSERT INTO " + CreateFullName(request);

            if (into.Length != 0)
                sql += "(" + into + ") VALUES (" + values + ")";
                sql += "DEFAULT VALUES";

            request.Properties = props;

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static public NpgsqlCommand BuildDynamicUpdateCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            string where = String.Empty;
            string conncur       = String.Empty;
            string scomma        = String.Empty;
            string defaults      = String.Empty;
            string defaultsComma = String.Empty;
            string and           = String.Empty;

            string sql = "UPDATE " + CreateFullName(request) + " SET ";

            PropertyCollection props = new PropertyCollection();
            NpgsqlParameter    p     = null;

            Dictionary <string, NpgsqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                bool isModified = packet.ModifiedColumns == null ? false : packet.ModifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && (!col.IsAutoIncrement && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsTiraggoConcurrency))
                    p = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(types[col.Name]));

                    object value = packet.CurrentValues[col.Name];
                    p.Value = value != null ? value : DBNull.Value;

                    sql   += scomma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    scomma = ", ";
                else if (col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    // Nothing to do but leave this here
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    conncur += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value     = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    sql += scomma;
                    sql += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName + " + 1";

                    conncur += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;

                    defaults     += defaultsComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    defaultsComma = ",";
                else if (col.IsComputed)
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (cols.IsSpecialColumn(col))
                    // Do nothing but leave this here
                else if (col.HasDefault)
                    // defaults += defaultsComma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                    // defaultsComma = ",";

                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    p       = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

                    where += and + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    and    = " AND ";

            #region Special Column Logic
            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                sql   += scomma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"];
                scomma = ", ";

                defaults     += defaultsComma + cols.DateModified.ColumnName;
                defaultsComma = ",";

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                sql   += scomma + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"];
                scomma = ", ";

                defaults     += defaultsComma + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName;
                defaultsComma = ",";

                tgColumnMetadata col = request.Columns[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName];

                if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                    p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

            sql += " WHERE " + where + "";
            if (conncur.Length > 0)
                sql += " AND " + conncur;

            if (defaults.Length > 0)
                sql += "; SELECT " + defaults + " FROM " + CreateFullName(request) + " WHERE (" + where + ")";

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;