Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     gm = gameObject.GetComponent <GuessManager>();
     tm = gameObject.GetComponent <textureMod>();
     ph = FindObjectOfType <persistentHelper>();
     um = FindObjectOfType <userManager>();
     // Initialize name and round indexes
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         // Deactivate all objects
     // Automatically setup the textures if this is not the first login
     // The Done button calls this fn the first time
     if (!ph.firstTimeSetup)
         ph.setAnimColor(); // also change the effect color of the animation button
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // ========================================= VOID START ==================================================//
    void Start()
        tm = gameObject.GetComponent <textureMod> ();
        ph = FindObjectOfType <persistentHelper>();
        if (ph != null)
            rewardLevel = ph.rewardLevel;
            rewardLevel = 1;

        // cycle over each stage and set up varibles
        for (int i = 0; i < numstages; i++)
            // obtain speeds from distance and time specified
            stage_speed [i] = dist [i] / t_stage [i];
            // all use simple cosine gradient
            norms [i] = PIover2;
            // Create and start delay+ state change croutines
            stagedelay[i] = DelayAndChangeStage(postStepDelays[i], i + 1);
            // All current distances are 0;
            current_dist[i]   = 0f;
            stageComplete [i] = false;
        stage_speed [5] = stage_speed [4];
        t_stage [5]     = stage_speed [5] / dist [5];
        // Cycle over the number of image frames
        for (int i = 0; i < numframes; i++)
            // Set up stage 5 routines. landscape frames rotate clockwise, portraits rotate anticlockwise
            if (i < 4)               // landscape frames
                stage5_routines [i] = stage_5_rotator(frames [i], i, -1, i * 90);
                stage5_routines [i] = stage_5_rotator(frames [i], i, 1, 45f + (i - 4) * 90);
            stage5Executed [i] = false;
            // Get the translation vectors. These are obtained with respect to the parent positions. the parent (landscapeCenter/ portraitCenter)
            // is responsible for z axis translation, while each fram is individually translated in the translation Vector direction in stage 1
            translationVectors [i] = frames [i].transform.localPosition;
            // set the position of each frame w.r.t its parent to a certian fraction of the initial distance. The overridden initial distance is the
            // distance that the frames will reach at the end of stage 1
            frames [i].transform.localPosition = translationVectors[i] * initialFraction;

        /* Stage 5 has a special setup. I specify a desired angle of rotation (multiple of 90)
         * using a fraction of stage 4's speed as the desired speed, the script then calcualates how
         * long it would take for the desired rotation amount and assigns it.
         * This will be the speed used even in the carousel stages */

        // Calculate amount of time for camera zoom to occur. This will occur until stage 2 begins
        float camZoomDelay = 0;

        // Add the amount of time between the start of stage 0 and the end of stage 2
        // This includes the actual stage run time and the prestep stage delays.
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            camZoomDelay += postStepDelays [i] + t_stage [i];
        camRoutines [0] = CamZoomRoutine(camZoomDelay, initialFOV, 45);
        current_stage   = 0;
        t_elapsed       = 0;