Ejemplo n.º 1
    static bool ShootAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, spells.SpellDesc S)
        //{This spell shoots something, just like a missile attack.}
        rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("Select Target: ");
        texmaps.Point TP = looker.SelectPoint(SC, true, true, SC.PC.target);

        //{Check to make sure a target was selected, and also}
        //{the the player isn't trying to shoot himself.}
        if (TP.x == -1)

        if (TP.x == SC.PC.m.x && TP.y == SC.PC.m.y)

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = S.p1;
        AR.Damage   = S.step;
        AR.Range    = S.p2;
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = TP.x;
        AR.TY       = TP.y;
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Mystic;
        AR.C        = S.c;
        AR.ATT      = S.ATT;
        AR.Desc     = S.cdesc;

        dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 static void MoveMapCursor(texmaps.GameBoard gb, int D, ref texmaps.Point p)
     //{Move the map cursor point. This can be used for the Select}
     //{Target routine, or for the PCLook routine. In any case,}
     //{the big point is to make sure that the point doesn't go off}
     //{the screen.}
     if (texmaps.OnTheScreen(gb, p.x + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 0], p.y + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 1]))
         p.x += texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 0];
         p.y += texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 1];
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static bool PCTosser(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*The PC wants to throw a grenade.*/
        /*The majority of this unit was simply copied from above.*/

        /*Select a grenade to toss.*/
        dcitems.DCItem Grn = backpack.PromptItem(SC, dcitems.IKIND_Grenade);
        if (Grn == null)

        /*Start the standard firing stuff.*/
        rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Throw grenade - Select Target: ");
        texmaps.Point TP = looker.SelectPoint(SC, true, true, SC.PC.target);

        /*Check to make sure a target was selected, and also*/
        /*the the player isn't trying to shoot himself.*/
        if (TP.x == -1)
        if (TP.x == SC.PC.m.x && TP.y == SC.PC.m.y)

        /*Check to make sure the target point is within the PC's*/
        /*maximum throwing range.*/
        if (texmaps.Range(SC.PC.m, TP.x, TP.y) > dcchars.PCThrowRange(SC.PC))
            rpgtext.DCPointMessage("Out of range!");

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = dcchars.PCThrowSkill(SC.PC);
        AR.Damage   = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode - 1].DMG;
        AR.Range    = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode - 1].DMG;
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = TP.x;
        AR.TY       = TP.y;
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Physical;
        AR.C        = Crt.Color.Yellow;
        AR.ATT      = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode].ATT;
        if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_LineAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_BlastAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_SmokeAttack))
            AR.Desc = "throw " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(Grn);
            AR.Desc = "throw " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(Grn) + " at";

        dccombat.AttackReport Rep = dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

        /*Consume the grenade.*/
        dcitems.ConsumeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, Grn, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static bool PCShooting(gamebook.Scenario SC, bool SeekModel)
        /*The player wants to shoot something. Select a target and*/
        /*let fly!*/

        /*Error check- make sure the PC has a missile weapon equipped!*/
        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1] == null)
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("No missile weapon equipped!");
        else if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].charge == 0)
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Out of ammo!");

        rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Targeting - Select Target: ");
        texmaps.Point TP = looker.SelectPoint(SC, true, SeekModel, SC.PC.target);

        /*Check to make sure a target was selected, and also*/
        /*the the player isn't trying to shoot himself.*/
        if (TP.x == -1)
        if (TP.x == SC.PC.m.x && TP.y == SC.PC.m.y)

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = dcchars.PCMissileSkill(SC.PC);
        AR.Damage   = dcchars.PCMissileDamage(SC.PC);
        AR.Range    = dcchars.PCMissileRange(SC.PC);
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = TP.x;
        AR.TY       = TP.y;
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Physical;
        AR.C        = Crt.Color.LightRed;
        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].state != 0)
            /*If special ammunition is being used, add its attack attributes to the string.*/
            AR.Damage = AR.Damage + dcitems.CSpecAmmo[Math.Abs(SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].state) - 1].DMG;
            if (AR.Damage < 1)
                AR.Damage = 1;
            AR.HitRoll = AR.HitRoll + dcitems.CSpecAmmo[Math.Abs(SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].state) - 1].ACC;
            if (AR.HitRoll < 1)
                AR.HitRoll = 1;
            AR.ATT = dcitems.CSpecAmmo[Math.Abs(SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].state) - 1].ATT + dcitems.CGuns[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].icode - 1].ATT;
            AR.ATT = dcitems.CGuns[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].icode - 1].ATT;
        if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_LineAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_BlastAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_SmokeAttack))
            AR.Desc = "fire " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1]);
            AR.Desc = "fire " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1]) + " at";

        dccombat.AttackReport Rep = dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

        /*Reduce the weapon's AMMO count, unless using infinite shot weapon.*/
        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].charge > -1)
            SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1].charge -= 1;

Ejemplo n.º 5
    static AttackReport BlastAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, AttackRequest AR)
        //{This attack is, like, a big explosion or something.}

        //{Initialize values.}
        AttackReport Rep = new AttackReport();

        Rep.ItHit  = false;
        Rep.Fatal  = false;
        Rep.Damage = 0;
        Rep.XPV    = 0;

        int BRad = spells.AAVal(AR.ATT, spells.AA_BlastAttack);

        if (BRad < 0)
            BRad = 0;

        bool Vis = false;

        //{Check to see if the shot hit the desired spot}
        if (AR.Range != 0 && rpgdice.RollStep(AR.HitRoll) > texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY) / AR.Range + BlastBaseTarget)
            //{roll for deviation}
            //{We'll use X for the total range right now.}
            int X = texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY) / 2;
            if (X < 2)
                X = 2;
            AR.TX += rpgdice.Random(X) - rpgdice.Random(X);
            AR.TY += rpgdice.Random(X) - rpgdice.Random(X);

        //{Check to make sure our grenade isn't trying to bounce through a wall.}
        if (texmaps.CalcObscurement(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb) == -1)
            texmaps.Point P = texmaps.LocateStop(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY);
            AR.TX = P.x;
            AR.TY = P.y;

        //{Do the initial message here, if appropriate}
        if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y))
            //{Print message saying what's going on.}
            if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character)
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You " + AR.Desc + ".");
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage(gamebook.ModelName(SC, AR.Attacker) + AR.Desc + ".");

        //{Display the path of the projectile, if appropriate.}
        if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y) || texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.TX, AR.TY))
            texfx.DisplayShot(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY, AR.C, true);

        for (int X = AR.TX - BRad; X <= AR.TX + BRad; ++X)
            for (int Y = AR.TY - BRad; Y <= AR.TY + BRad; ++Y)
                int O = texmaps.CalcObscurement(X, Y, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb);
                if (O > -1 && O < AR.Damage)
                    if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, X, Y))
                        //{This square will be affected by the blast.}
                        texmaps.MapSplat(SC.gb, '*', AR.C, X, Y, true);
                        Vis = true;

                    if (texmodel.ModelPresent(SC.gb.mog, X, Y))
                        //{Determine the defense roll of the target.}
                        int DRoll = RollDefenses(SC, AR, X, Y);
                        //{Determine the attack roll of the attacker.}
                        int ARoll = rpgdice.RollStep(AR.HitRoll);
                        //{Determine the target's name. Modify for PC.}
                        string tname = gamebook.ModelName(SC, texmodel.FindModelXY(SC.gb.mlist, X, Y));
                        if (tname == "you")
                            tname = "You";

                        int Dmg = 0;

                        if (ARoll > DRoll)
                            Rep.ItHit = true;
                            Dmg       = RollDamage(AR.Damage - O);
                        else if (ARoll > DRoll / 2)
                            //{Partial hit! Half damage!}
                            Rep.ItHit = true;
                            Dmg       = RollDamage(AR.Damage + 1 - O) / 2;

                        if (Dmg > 0)
                            //{Blast Attacks never score critical hits.}
                            bool f = DamageTarget(SC, X, Y, 0, AR, Dmg, ref Rep);
                            Rep.Damage += Dmg;

                            if (f)
                                Rep.Fatal = true;

                            if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, X, Y))
                                if (f)
                                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " died!");
                                else if (tname == "You")
                                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("You are hit!");
                                else if (Dmg > 0)
                                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " is hit!");
                                else if (Dmg < 0)
                                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " is healed!");

        if (Vis)

            //{Restore the display.}
            for (int X = AR.TX - BRad; X <= AR.TX + BRad; ++X)
                for (int Y = AR.TY - BRad; Y <= AR.TY; ++Y)
                    texmaps.DisplayTile(SC.gb, X, Y);

Ejemplo n.º 6
    static AttackReport LineAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, AttackRequest AR)
        //{The attack being processed is a line attack. It keeps going,}
        //{affecting every model it touches, until it runs out of range}
        //{or until it hits a wall.}

        //{Begin by making sure the Range is an appropriate value.}
        if (AR.Range < 2)
            AR.Range = 2;

        //{Initialize values.}
        AttackReport Rep = new AttackReport();

        Rep.ItHit  = false;
        Rep.Fatal  = false;
        Rep.Damage = 0;
        Rep.XPV    = 0;

        //{Do the initial message here, if appropriate}
        if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y))
            //{Print message saying what's going on.}
            if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character)
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You " + AR.Desc + ".");
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage(gamebook.ModelName(SC, AR.Attacker) + " " + AR.Desc + ".");

        for (int t = 1; t <= AR.Range; ++t)
            //{Calculate the current target square.}
            texmaps.Point P = texmaps.SolveLine(AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY, t);

            if (texmodel.ModelPresent(SC.gb.mog, P.x, P.y))
                //{Determine the defense roll of the target.}
                int DRoll = RollDefenses(SC, AR, P.x, P.y);

                //{Determine the attack roll of the attacker.}
                int ARoll = rpgdice.RollStep(AR.HitRoll);

                //{Determine the target's name. Modify for PC.}
                string tname = gamebook.ModelName(SC, texmodel.FindModelXY(SC.gb.mlist, P.x, P.y));
                if (tname == "you")
                    tname = "You";

                int Dmg = 0;
                if (ARoll > DRoll)
                    Rep.ItHit = true;
                    Dmg       = RollDamage(AR.Damage);

                    texmaps.MapSplat(SC.gb, '*', AR.C, P.x, P.y, false);
                else if (ARoll > DRoll / 2)
                    //{Partial hit! Half damage!}
                    Rep.ItHit = true;
                    Dmg       = RollDamage((AR.Damage + 1) / 2);

                    texmaps.MapSplat(SC.gb, '+', AR.C, P.x, P.y, false);
                    //{Complete miss!}
                    Dmg = 0;

                    texmaps.MapSplat(SC.gb, '-', AR.C, P.x, P.y, false);

                if (Dmg > 0)
                    //{Line Attacks never score critical hits.}
                    bool f = DamageTarget(SC, P.x, P.y, 0, AR, Dmg, ref Rep);
                    Rep.Damage += Dmg;

                    if (f)
                        Rep.Fatal = true;

                    if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, P.x, P.y))
                        if (f)
                            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " died!");
                        else if (tname == "You")
                            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("You are hit!");
                        else if (Dmg > 0)
                            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " is hit!");
                        else if (Dmg < 0)
                            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(tname + " is healed!");
                //{ There's no model here. Just do the gfx.}
                texmaps.MapSplat(SC.gb, '+', AR.C, P.x, P.y, false);

            //{ If visible, do an animation delay.
            if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, P.x, P.y))

            //{If there's a wall here, break the loop.}
            if (texmaps.TerrPass[texmaps.GetTerr(SC.gb, P.x, P.y) - 1] < 1)

        //{Clean up the display.}
        for (int t = 1; t <= AR.Range; ++t)
            //{Calculate the current target square.}
            texmaps.Point P = texmaps.SolveLine(AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY, t);
            texmaps.DisplayTile(SC.gb, P.x, P.y);

Ejemplo n.º 7
    static AttackReport DirectFire(gamebook.Scenario SC, AttackRequest AR)
        //{The attack being invoked is a regular, old fashioned,}
        //{direct fire attack.}

        int O = 0;

        //{Do some checking for missile attacks.}
        if (AR.Range > -1)
            //{Determine obscurement. If the target can't be seen,}
            //{switch TX,TY to whatever obstacle is in the way.}
            O = texmaps.CalcObscurement(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb);
            if (O == -1)
                texmaps.Point P = texmaps.LocateBlock(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY);
                AR.TX = P.x;
                AR.TY = P.y;
                O     = texmaps.CalcObscurement(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb);

            //{Calculate range modifier.}
            if (AR.Range > 0)
                O += texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY) / AR.Range;
                O += texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY);
            //{It's a melee attack. No obscurement.}
            O = 0;

        //{Determine the visibility status of the attacker and target.}
        bool AVis = texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y);
        bool TVis = texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.TX, AR.TY);

        //{Initialize Attack Report}
        AttackReport Rep = new AttackReport();

        Rep.Fatal = false;
        Rep.XPV   = 0;
        string msg   = "";
        string tname = "";

        if (SC.gb.mog.IsSet(AR.TX, AR.TY))
            tname = gamebook.ModelName(SC, texmodel.FindModelXY(SC.gb.mlist, AR.TX, AR.TY));
            tname = texmaps.TerrName[SC.gb.map[AR.TX - 1, AR.TY - 1].terr - 1];

        //{Announce the attack.}
        if (AVis || TVis)
            if (AVis)
                msg = gamebook.ModelName(SC, AR.Attacker);
                msg = "Something";

            if (AR.Desc != "" && rpgdice.Random(3) == 1)
                if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character)
                    msg = "You " + AR.Desc + " ";
                    msg += " " + AR.Desc + " ";
                if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character)
                    msg = "You attack ";
                    msg += " attacks ";

            if (TVis)
                msg += tname;
                msg += "something";

        //{Determine the defense roll of the target.}
        int DefRoll = RollDefenses(SC, AR, AR.TX, AR.TY);

        //{Determine the attack roll of the attacker.}
        int ARoll = rpgdice.RollStep(AR.HitRoll) - O;

        //{Add punctuation to our message string, then print.}
        if (msg.Length > 0)
            if (rpgdice.Random(8) == 5)
                msg += "... ";
            else if (ARoll > 50)
                msg += "!!! ";
            else if (ARoll > 25)
                msg += "! ";
            else if (ARoll > 5)
                msg += ". ";
                if (rpgdice.Random(5) == 1)
                    msg += "? ";
                    msg += ", sort of... ";

        int MOS = 0;

        if (ARoll > DefRoll)
            //{The attack hit! Do whatever needs to be done...}
            //{Determine Margin of Success}
            if (DefRoll > 0)
                MOS = ARoll / DefRoll - 1;
                MOS = ARoll / 10;

            //{There's a maximum value for MOS, based on magnitude of the roll.}
            if (ARoll < 15)
                MOS = 0;
            else if (MOS > (ARoll - 10) / 5)
                MOS = (ARoll - 10) / 5;

            //{Determine Damage Bonus}
            int DBonus = rpgdice.Random(MOS + 1);
            MOS -= DBonus;
            if (MOS > 4)
                DBonus += MOS - 4;
                MOS     = 4;

            Rep.ItHit  = true;
            Rep.Damage = RollDamage(AR.Damage + (DBonus * 3));
            if (msg.Length > 0)
                msg += "The attack hit!";
            //{ The attack missed!Again, do whatever needs to be done...}
            Rep.ItHit = false;
            if (rpgdice.Random(3) == 2 && TVis)
                msg += tname + " dodged the attack.";
            else if (msg.Length > 0)
                msg += "The attack missed.";

        if (msg.Length > 0)
            msg = "";

        if (TVis || AVis)
            texfx.DisplayShot(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY, AR.C, Rep.ItHit);

        //{Damage the target now, after the shot has been displayed.}
        if (Rep.ItHit)
            Rep.Fatal = DamageTarget(SC, AR.TX, AR.TY, MOS, AR, Rep.Damage, ref Rep);

            if (TVis && Rep.Damage > 0)
                msg += Rep.Damage.ToString() + " damage!";
            else if (TVis && Rep.Damage < 0)
                msg += Math.Abs(Rep.Damage).ToString() + " HP restored!";
            else if (TVis && Rep.Damage == 0)
                msg += " No damage!";

        if (Rep.Fatal && TVis)
            msg += " " + tname + " died!";

        if (msg.Length > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 8
    static AttackReport SmokeAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, AttackRequest AR)
        //{This attack will just cause lots of smoke.}

        //   Rep: AttackReport;
        //SKind,BRad,Dur: int;	{Smoke Kind, Blast Radius, Duration}
        //X,Y: int;
        //P: Point;

        //{Initialize values.}
        AttackReport Rep = new AttackReport();

        Rep.ItHit  = true;
        Rep.Fatal  = false;
        Rep.Damage = 0;
        Rep.XPV    = 0;

        int SKind = spells.AAVal(AR.ATT, spells.AA_SmokeAttack);
        int BRad  = spells.AAVal(AR.ATT, spells.AA_Value);
        int Dur   = spells.AAVal(AR.ATT, spells.AA_Duration);

        if (Dur < 1)
            Dur = 1;

        //{Check to see if the shot hit the desired spot}
        if (AR.Range != 0 && rpgdice.RollStep(AR.HitRoll) > texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY) / AR.Range + BlastBaseTarget)
            //{roll for deviation}
            //{We'll use X for the total range right now.}
            int X = texmaps.Range(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY) / 2;
            if (X < 2)
                X = 2;
            AR.TX    += rpgdice.Random(X) - rpgdice.Random(X);
            AR.TY    += rpgdice.Random(X) - rpgdice.Random(X);
            Rep.ItHit = false;

        //{Check to make sure our grenade isn't trying to bounce through a wall.}
        if (texmaps.CalcObscurement(AR.Attacker, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb) == -1)
            texmaps.Point P = texmaps.LocateStop(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY);
            AR.TX = P.x;
            AR.TY = P.y;

        //{Do the initial message here, if appropriate}
        if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y))
            //{Print message saying what's going on.}
            if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character)
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You " + AR.Desc + ".");
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage(gamebook.ModelName(SC, AR.Attacker) + AR.Desc + ".");

        //{Display the path of the projectile, if appropriate.}
        if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y) || texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, AR.TX, AR.TY))
            texfx.DisplayShot(SC.gb, AR.Attacker.x, AR.Attacker.y, AR.TX, AR.TY, AR.C, true);

        //{Go through every point in the blast radius. If appropriate, add}
        //{a cloud to each one.}
        for (int X = AR.TX - BRad; X <= AR.TX + BRad; ++X)
            for (int Y = AR.TY - BRad; Y <= AR.TY + BRad; ++Y)
                if (texmaps.CalcObscurement(X, Y, AR.TX, AR.TY, SC.gb) > -1 && texmaps.TerrPass[texmaps.GetTerr(SC.gb, X, Y) - 1] > 0)
                    cwords.AddCloud(ref SC.Fog, SC.gb, SKind, X, Y, SC.ComTime + (Dur * 12) + rpgdice.RollStep(6));

        //{Return the attack report, for what it's worth.}
Ejemplo n.º 9
    //{What is this? It's the unit which supports the 'Look'}
    //{command. Basically, it provides a UI for the user to select}
    //{a map tile which is currently on-screen.}

    public static texmaps.Point SelectPoint(gamebook.Scenario SC, bool Render, bool SeekModel, texmodel.Model M)
        //{This function is a UI utility. It allows a target}
        //{square to be chosen, centered on the POV model.}
        //{If CANCEL is chosen instead of a target, the X value}
        //{of the returned point will be set to -1.}
        if (SeekModel)
            if (M == null)
                M = NextVisibleModel(SC.gb, M);
            else if (!texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, M.x, M.y) || !texmaps.OnTheScreen(SC.gb, M.x, M.y))
                M = NextVisibleModel(SC.gb, M);

        texmaps.Point p = new texmaps.Point();

        if (M != null)
            //{Start the point selector centered on the selected model.}
            p.x = M.x;
            p.y = M.y;
            //{Start the point centered on the POV origin.}
            p.x = SC.gb.POV.m.x;
            p.y = SC.gb.POV.m.y;

        //{Start the loop.}
        char A = ' ';

            //{Indicate the point.}
            if (Render)
                texfx.IndicatePath(SC.gb, SC.gb.POV.m.x, SC.gb.POV.m.y, p.x, p.y, true);
                texmaps.HighlightTile(SC.gb, p.x, p.y);

            rpgtext.DCPointMessage(gamebook.TileName(SC, p.x, p.y));

            //{Get player input and act upon it.}
            A = rpgtext.RPGKey();

            //{Deindicate the point.}
            if (Render)
                texfx.DeIndicatePath(SC.gb, SC.gb.POV.m.x, SC.gb.POV.m.y, p.x, p.y);
                texmaps.DisplayTile(SC.gb, p.x, p.y);

            if (A == rpgtext.KMap[1].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 1, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[2].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 2, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[3].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 3, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[4].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 4, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[6].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 6, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[7].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 7, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[8].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 8, ref p);
            else if (A == rpgtext.KMap[9].key)
                MoveMapCursor(SC.gb, 9, ref p);
            else if (A == (char)9)
                M = NextVisibleModel(SC.gb, M);
                if (M != null)
                    p.x = M.x;
                    p.y = M.y;
        }while (A != ' ' && A != (char)27 && A != rpgtext.KMap[14].key && A != rpgtext.KMap[15].key);

        if (A == (char)27)
            p.x = -1;
