Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates an  animal details
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="animalDetails">The animal details to be deleted</param>
 /// <returns>The details of updated animal</returns>
 public Animal UpdateAnimal(Animal animalDetails)
     log.Info("Updates animals details : UpdateAnimal");
     using (game_reserve_dbEntities dbContext = new game_reserve_dbEntities())
             //fetches the animal details.
             tblanimal animal = (from c in dbContext.tblanimals where c.animalId == animalDetails.animalId select c).FirstOrDefault <tblanimal>();
             //if there is such an entry for the animal
             if (animal == null)
                 log.Debug("There is no such animal");
                 //if there is no such an entry for the animal
                 ErrorHandler error = new ErrorHandler("Error Info", "There is no such Animal");
                 throw new WebFaultException <ErrorHandler>(error, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
             animal.animalName  = animalDetails.animalName;
             animal.animalId    = animalDetails.animalId;
             animal.gpsDeviceId = animalDetails.gpsDeviceId;
             log.Info("Successfully updated the animal with animal Id :" + animal.animalId);
         catch (Exception ex)
             log.Error("Error in updating the animals: " + ex.StackTrace);
             ErrorHandler error = new ErrorHandler("Error Info", ex.Message);
             throw new WebFaultException <ErrorHandler>(error, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes animal details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animalId">The animal Id</param>
        /// <returns>The details of deleted animal</returns>
        public Animal DeleteAnimal(string animalId)
            log.Info("Delete animals with animal Id " + animalId + " : DeleteAnimal");
            Int32  animId        = Convert.ToInt32(animalId);
            Animal deletedAnimal = new Animal();

            using (game_reserve_dbEntities dbContext = new game_reserve_dbEntities())
                    //fetches the animal detail
                    tblanimal animal = (from p in dbContext.tblanimals where p.animalId == animId select p).FirstOrDefault <tblanimal>();
                    //If  there is an animal for given animalId
                    if (animal == null)
                        ErrorHandler error = new ErrorHandler("Error Info", "There is no such Animal");
                        throw new WebFaultException <ErrorHandler>(error, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                    //deletes the animal
                    deletedAnimal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Animal>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(animal));
                    log.Info("Successfully deleted the animal with animal Id :" + animal.animalId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error("Error in deleting the animals: " + ex.StackTrace);
                    ErrorHandler error = new ErrorHandler("Error Info", ex.Message);
                    throw new WebFaultException <ErrorHandler>(error, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a new animal
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="animalDetails">The animal details</param>
 /// <returns>the details of animal </returns>
 public Animal CreateNewAnimal(Animal animalDetails)
     log.Info("Adding a new animal : CreateNewAnimal with GPS device ID" + animalDetails.gpsDeviceId);
     using (game_reserve_dbEntities dbContext = new game_reserve_dbEntities())
         tblanimal animalEntity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tblanimal>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(animalDetails));
         animalEntity.createdAt = DateTime.Now;
             //Saves the details of the new animal into database
             //If animal is successfully created
             if (animalEntity != null)
                 animalDetails.animalId   = animalEntity.animalId;
                 animalDetails.categoryId = animalEntity.categoryId;
                 animalDetails.animalName = animalEntity.animalName;
             log.Info("The animal is successfully created and saved in the DB.");
         //Saves the entries that could not be saved into the DB. It resolves the concurrency exception with Reload
         catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException Ex)
             //saves the details to DB
             animalDetails.animalId   = animalEntity.animalId;
             animalDetails.categoryId = animalEntity.categoryId;
             animalDetails.animalName = animalEntity.animalName;
             animalDetails.createdAt  = animalEntity.createdAt;
             log.Info("The animal is successfully created and saved in the DB.");
         catch (Exception e)
             log.Error("The animal creation failed:" + e.StackTrace);
             ErrorHandler customError = new ErrorHandler("Error Info", e.Message);
             throw new WebFaultException <ErrorHandler>(customError, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);