Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txt_title.Text.Trim() == "")
                CustomControls.Alert.show("title", "Enter Title", 1500);

                var i = new tax()
                    taxcate_id = (comboBox1.SelectedItem as Model.taxcategory).id,
                    title      = txt_title.Text,
                    created_at = DateTime.Now,
                    updated_at = DateTime.Now
            catch (Exception ex)
                CustomControls.Alert.show("Erroe", "Error Data", 1500);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void loaddata(int id)
            tax i = db.taxes.Where(o => o.id == id).First();

            comboBox1.Text = (i.taxcategory as Model.taxcategory).name;
            txt_title.Text = i.title;
            this.id        = id;
        public ActionResult Update(int id, FormCollection form)
                tax target = new tax();

                //get property

                TryUpdateModel(target, new string[] { "tax_anme", "tax_value", "city", "state", "county", "zipcode", "start_date", "end_date", "deleted", "in_city" }, form.ToValueProvider());

                target.tax_anme = "State Tax";
                target.city     = "";
                target.county   = "";
                target.zipcode  = "";
                target.deleted  = false;
                target.in_city  = false;
                target.end_date = new DateTime(2222, 1, 1);
                ViewBag.Error   = null;

                // Update Previous Tax Detail
                string   query  = "";
                int      PrevId = 0;
                DateTime dt1    = target.start_date;
                dt1 = dt1.AddDays(-1);

                var ctx1 = new ckdatabase();
                query = "Select Top 1 tax_number from taxes where tax_anme = 'State Tax' and state = '" + target.state + "' and start_date<'" + target.start_date +
                        "' and deleted=0 order by start_date Desc";

                PrevId = ctx1.Database.SqlQuery <int>(query).FirstOrDefault <int>();
                if (PrevId != 0)
                    query = "Update taxes set end_date='" + dt1 + "' where tax_anme='State Tax' and state='" + target.state + "'";
                    query = query + " and tax_number='" + PrevId.ToString() + "'";

                    var ctx2           = new ckdatabase();
                    int noOfRowUpdated = ctx2.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query);

                ViewBag.m = "The State Tax was successfully created " + "on " + System.DateTime.Now;
                //return View(target);
                string search = null;
                return(RedirectToAction("ListTax", new { search, msg = ViewBag.m }));
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.m = "The State Tax was not created " + e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection fo)
                List <tax> tax_list = db.taxes.Where(d => d.tax_number == id).ToList();
                ViewBag.Employeeslist = tax_list;
                tax target = tax_list[0];

                TryUpdateModel(target, new string[] { "tax_anme", "tax_value", "city", "state", "county", "zipcode", "start_date", "end_date", "deleted", "in_city" }, fo.ToValueProvider());

                target.tax_anme = "State Tax";
                target.city     = "";
                target.county   = "";
                target.zipcode  = "";
                target.deleted  = false;
                target.in_city  = false;
                ViewBag.Error   = null;

                // Update Previous Tax Detail
                string   query  = "";
                int      PrevId = 0;
                DateTime dt1    = (DateTime)target.start_date;
                DateTime dt2    = new DateTime(2222, 1, 1);;
                dt1 = dt1.AddDays(-1);

                var ctx1 = new ckdatabase();
                query = "Select Top 1 tax_number from taxes where tax_anme = 'State Tax' and state = '" + target.state + "' and start_date<'" + target.start_date +
                        "' and deleted=0 and tax_number<> '" + id.ToString() + "' order by start_date Desc";
                PrevId = ctx1.Database.SqlQuery <int>(query).FirstOrDefault <int>();

                if (PrevId != 0)
                    query = "Update taxes set end_date='" + dt1 + "' where tax_anme='State Tax' and state='" + target.state + "'";
                    query = query + " and tax_number='" + PrevId.ToString() + "'";

                    var ctx2           = new ckdatabase();
                    int noOfRowUpdated = ctx2.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query);


                ViewBag.m = " The state tax was successfully updated " + " on " + System.DateTime.Now;
                //return View(target);

                string search = null;
                return(RedirectToAction("ListTax", new { search, msg = ViewBag.m }));
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.m = "Something went wrong ... " + e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //string Emp = null,

         *    public ActionResult StateTax()
         *    {
         *        try
         *        {
         *            var state = new List<SelectListItem>
         *            {
         *                //  new SelectListItem() { Text = "WV", Selected = true, Value = "" }
         *            };
         *            state.AddRange(db.taxes.Where(CCVV => CCVV.state != null).Select(b => new SelectListItem
         *            {
         *                Text = b.state,
         *                Selected = true,
         *                Value = b.state.ToString()
         *            }).Distinct());
         *            ViewBag.state = state;
         *            var result = db.taxes.Where(l => ((l.state=="Type") && l.tax_anme == "State Tax")).ToList();
         *            //LogController.lst = result;
         *            return View();
         *            //return View(db.leads.Where(x => (x.project_name.Contains(search) || search == null) && x.project_status_number == type && (x.project_status_number != 6 && x.deleted == false)).ToList());
         *        }
         *        catch (Exception e)
         *        {
         *            ViewBag.m = "Something went wrong ... " + e.Message;
         *            return View();
         *        }
         *    }

        /*    public ActionResult StateTax(int? page, string search = null, string Type = null, string Start = null, string end = null, string msg = null)
         *  {
         *      DateTime start = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Start) ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Parse(Start);
         *      DateTime end2 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(end) ? DateTime.MaxValue : DateTime.Parse(end);
         *      TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
         *      end2 = end2.Date + ts;
         *      try
         *      {
         *          ViewBag.m = msg;
         *          var ClassInfo = new List<SelectListItem>();
         *          ClassInfo.AddRange(db.taxes.Where(CCVV => CCVV.state != null).Select(b => new SelectListItem
         *          {
         *              Text = b.state,
         *              Selected = true,
         *              Value = b.state.ToString()
         *          }).Distinct());
         *          ViewBag.lead_type = ClassInfo;
         *          var result = db.taxes.Where(l => (l.state == Type)  && l.tax_anme == "State Tax" ).ToList();
         *          //LogController.lst = result;
         *      //   return View(result.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, 8));
         *          return View(db.leads.Where(x => (x.project_name.Contains(search) || search == null) && x.project_status_number == type && (x.project_status_number != 6 && x.deleted == false)).ToList());
         *      }
         *      catch (Exception e)
         *      {
         *          ViewBag.m = "Something went wrong ... " + e.Message;
         *          return View();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  public ActionResult StateTax(FormCollection form)
         *  {
         *      try
         *      {
         *          //setting dropdown list for forgern key
         *          var state = new List<SelectListItem>();
         *          state.AddRange(db.taxes.Where(x => x.state != null).Select(a => new SelectListItem
         *          {
         *              Text = a.state,
         *              Selected = false,
         *              Value = a.state.ToString()
         *          }).Distinct());
         *          //setting variable passing
         *          ViewBag.state = state;
         *          //create instance
         *          tax target = new tax();
         *          //get property
         *          TryUpdateModel(target, new string[] { "tax_value", "tax_anme", "city", "state", "county", "zipcode", "end_date", "tax_number", "start_date" }, form.ToValueProvider());
         *          //validate
         *          //  double tempPhoneNumber = 0;
         *          ViewBag.Error = null;
         *          {
         *              target.tax_anme = "State Tax";
         *              target.city = "";
         *              target.county = "";
         *              target.zipcode = "";
         *              target.start_date = System.DateTime.Now;
         *              target.end_date = System.DateTime.Now;
         *              db.taxes.Add(target);
         *              db.SaveChanges();
         *              ViewBag.m = "Tax was successfully updated " + "on " + System.DateTime.Now;
         *          }
         *          return View();
         *      }
         *      catch (Exception e)
         *      {
         *          ViewBag.m = "The customer was not created ... " + e.Message;
         *          return View();
         *      }
         *  }

        public ActionResult StateTax(FormCollection form)
                //setting dropdown list for forgern key
                var state = new List <SelectListItem>();
                state.AddRange(db.taxes.Where(x => x.state != null).Select(a => new SelectListItem
                    Text     = a.state,
                    Selected = false,
                    Value    = a.state.ToString()

                //setting variable passing
                ViewBag.state = state;

                //create instance
                tax target = new tax();
                //get property
                TryUpdateModel(target, new string[] { "tax_value", "tax_anme", "city", "state", "county", "zipcode", "end_date", "tax_number", "start_date" }, form.ToValueProvider());

                //  double tempPhoneNumber = 0;
                ViewBag.Error = null;

                    target.tax_anme = "State Tax";
                    target.city     = "";
                    target.county   = "";
                    target.zipcode  = "";

                    target.start_date = System.DateTime.Now;
                    target.end_date   = System.DateTime.Now;

                    ViewBag.m = "Tax was successfully updated " + "on " + System.DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.m = "The Tax was not created ... " + e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult AddTax(FormCollection form)
            tax target = new tax();

            //get property
            TryUpdateModel(target, new string[] { "tax_anme", "tax_value", "city", "state", "county", "zipcode", "start_date", "end_date" }, form.ToValueProvider());
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.tax_anme))
                ModelState.AddModelError("tax_anme", "Tax Type is required");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
                List <tax> CountyTax_list = db.taxes.Where(d => d.tax_number == id).ToList();
                ViewBag.Customerslist = CountyTax_list;
                tax target = CountyTax_list[0];
                target.deleted = true;
                ViewBag.m = "The count Tax was successfully deleted.";
                string search = null;
                return(RedirectToAction("CountyTaxNew", new { search, msg = ViewBag.m }));

            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.m = "The County Tax was not deleted ..." + e.Message;
                string search = null;
                return(RedirectToAction("CountyTaxNew", new { search, msg = ViewBag.m }));
        public ActionResult Update(int id)
                //setting dropdown list for forgern key
                var utype = new List <SelectListItem>();
                utype.AddRange(db.users_types.Where(x => x.deleted != true).Select(a => new SelectListItem
                    Text     = a.user_type_name,
                    Selected = false,
                    Value    = a.user_type_number.ToString()

                var branchtypes = new List <SelectListItem>();
                branchtypes.AddRange(db.branches.Where(x => x.deleted != true).Select(b => new SelectListItem
                    Text     = b.branch_name,
                    Selected = false,
                    Value    = b.branch_number.ToString()
                //setting variable passing
                ViewBag.utype  = utype;
                ViewBag.branch = branchtypes;
                ViewBag.id     = id;

                List <tax> tax_list = db.taxes.Where(d => d.tax_number == id).ToList();
                ViewBag.Customerslist = tax_list;
                tax target = tax_list[0];

                //branchtypes.Where(q => int.Parse(q.Value) == target.branch.branch_number).First().Selected = true;
                //utype.Where(t => int.Parse(t.Value) == target.users_types.user_type_number).First().Selected = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.m = "Something went wrong ... " + e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void Newitem_savedata(tax tax)