protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null && Session["email"] == null) { //Response.WriteFile("login.aspx"); Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["uid"]); email = Session["email"].ToString(); // if (!IsPostBack) { load_data(); } } talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + "AND archive_status=0 AND trash_status=0 AND delete_status=0"); msg_in.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE sid=" + Session["uid"]); msg_sent.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=1"); msg_archive.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND trash_status=1"); msg_trash.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null && Session["email"] == null) { //Response.WriteFile("login.aspx"); Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["uid"]); email = Session["email"].ToString(); // dt = tq.getTable("SELECT users_tb.uid,users_tb.fname,users_tb.lname,messages_tb.* FROM users_tb ,messages_tb WHERE messages_tb.sid=" + uid + " AND messages_tb.sid=users_tb.uid AND messages_tb.delete_status=0 AND messages_tb.archive_status=0 AND messages_tb.trash_status=0 ORDER BY messages_tb.date_time DESC"); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); } } talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=0 AND trash_status=0 AND delete_status=0"); msg_in.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE sid=" + Session["uid"]); msg_sent.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=1"); msg_archive.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND trash_status=1"); msg_trash.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { talk2it tq = new talk2it(); DataTable dt = tq.getTable("SELECT uid,status FROM users_tb WHERE email='" + email.Text + "' AND password='******' AND isBlocked='false'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { notify.Text = "Please signup to login"; notify.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; //notify.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { if (dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(1).ToString() == "1") { Session["uid"] = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); Session["email"] = email.Text; Response.Redirect("admin_home.aspx"); } else { Session["uid"] = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); Session["email"] = email.Text; Response.Redirect("home.aspx"); } } }
public void bind_image() { talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); ds1 = t2i.getds("SELECT image FROM users_tb WHERE uid=" + Session["uid"].ToString() + ";"); DataList1.DataSource = ds1; DataList1.DataBind(); }
protected void SignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { talk2it tq = new talk2it(); Random r = new Random(); Random random = new Random(); string r1 = ""; int i; for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) { r1 += random.Next(0, 9).ToString(); } // Response.Write(r1); string date1 = d1.SelectedValue + "-" + month.SelectedValue + "-" + year.SelectedValue; string e1 = email.Text; //////////////////// /* UnicodeEncoding uEncode = new UnicodeEncoding(); * byte[] bytPassword = uEncode.GetBytes(pass1.Text); * SHA512Managed sha = new SHA512Managed(); * byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(bytPassword); * string pass=Convert.ToBase64String(hash); *////////////// if (pass1.Text != pass2.Text) { notify.Text = "Password do not match"; notify.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else if (notify.Text == "") { if (gender.SelectedValue == "Male") { tq.dodml("INSERT INTO users_tb(fname,lname,email,password,bdate,gender,image,status,a_code,isActive) VALUES('" + fname.Text + "','" + lname.Text + "','" + email.Text + "','" + pass1.Text + "'," + date1 + ",'M','default.png',0,'" + r1 + "',0)"); notify.Text = "User added successfully"; notify.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('Thank You For Joining IT...');", true); Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { tq.dodml("INSERT INTO users_tb(fname,lname,email,password,bdate,gender,image,status,a_code,isActive) VALUES('" + fname.Text + "','" + lname.Text + "','" + email.Text + "','" + pass1.Text + "'," + date1 + ",'F','default.png',0,'" + r1 + "',0)"); notify.Text = "User added successfully"; notify.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; Response.Write("<script>alert('Thank you for Joining to IT')</script>"); Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } } cleardata(); }
protected void Upload(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("images/user/") + fileName); //Response.Write(fileName); talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); //Response.Write("UPDATE users_tb SET image='" + fileName + "' WHERE uid=" + Session["uid"] + ";"); t2i.dodml("UPDATE users_tb SET image='" + fileName + "' WHERE uid=" + Session["uid"] + ";"); //Response.Write("Image Uploaded successfully"); bind_image(); } }
protected void GridView2_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "archive") { string mid = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); t2i.dodml("update messages_tb set archive_status=1 where mid= " + mid); dt = tq.getTable("SELECT users_tb.uid,users_tb.fname,users_tb.lname,messages_tb.* FROM users_tb ,messages_tb WHERE messages_tb.rid=" + uid + " AND messages_tb.sid=users_tb.uid AND messages_tb.delete_status=0 AND messages_tb.archive_status=0 AND messages_tb.trash_status=0 ORDER BY messages_tb.date_time DESC"); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { GridView2.DataSource = dt; GridView2.DataBind(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null && Session["email"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { uidd = Session["uid"].ToString(); bind_image(); /* string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("images/user/")); * List<ListItem> files = new List<ListItem>(); * foreach (string filePath in filePaths) * { * string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); * files.Add(new ListItem(fileName, "images/user/" + fileName)); * } * GridView1.DataSource = files; * GridView1.DataBind();*/ talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=0 AND trash_status=0 AND delete_status=0"); msg_in.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE sid=" + Session["uid"]); msg_sent.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=1"); msg_archive.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND trash_status=1"); msg_trash.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["uid"]); string email = Session["email"].ToString(); } dt = tq.getTable("SELECT * FROM users_tb "); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string name = dt.Columns[1].ToString() + " " + dt.Columns[2].ToString(); string gender = dt.Columns[6].ToString(); string image = dt.Columns[7].ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bind_image(); /* string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("images/user/")); * List<ListItem> files = new List<ListItem>(); * foreach (string filePath in filePaths) * { * string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); * files.Add(new ListItem(fileName, "images/user/" + fileName)); * } * GridView1.DataSource = files; * GridView1.DataBind();*/ talk2it t2i = new talk2it(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=0 AND trash_status=0 AND delete_status=0"); msg_in.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE sid=" + Session["uid"]); msg_sent.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND archive_status=1"); msg_archive.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = t2i.getTable("SELECT count(*) FROM messages_tb WHERE rid=" + Session["uid"] + " AND trash_status=1"); msg_trash.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString(); if (Session["uid"] == null && Session["email"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else { int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["uid"]); string email = Session["email"].ToString(); //Response.Write(uid); int f = 0, s = 0, r = 0; dt = tq.getTable("SELECT f_list,r_receive,r_send FROM friends_tb WHERE fid=" + uid); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]) == uid) { string[] separators = { "," }; string value = dt.Rows[0].ToString(); string[] words = value.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var word in words) { f = f + 1; } } //Console.WriteLine(word); } //int f_req=r-f; } dt = tq.getTable("SELECT * FROM users_tb "); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string name = dt.Columns[1].ToString() + " " + dt.Columns[2].ToString(); string gender = dt.Columns[6].ToString(); string image = dt.Columns[7].ToString(); } }