List <int> extracted_list; //a list containing the datum indexes already extracted public MetaExtractor(int datum, string type, Dictionary <int, string> SID_list, StreamReader sr) { InitializeComponent(); //initialise all stuff map_stream = sr; this.SID_list = SID_list; extraction_list = new List <tagRef>(); extracted_list = new List <int>(); //lets add the currently passed datum to the list tagRef temp = new tagRef(); temp.datum_index = datum; temp.type = type; extraction_list.Add(temp); }
private void Extract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string log = "\nEXTRACTION LOG : ";//or log string rel_path = SID_list[extraction_list[0].datum_index] + "." + extraction_list[0].type; XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter(textBox1.Text + "\\" + DATA_READ.Read_File_from_file_location(rel_path) + ".xml", Encoding.UTF8); xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xw.WriteStartElement("config"); if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < extraction_list.Count; i++) { tagRef temp_tagref = extraction_list[i]; int datum = temp_tagref.datum_index; string type = temp_tagref.type; if (datum != -1) { if (!extracted_list.Contains(datum)) { if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\plugins\\" + type + ".xml")) { if (SID_list.ContainsKey(datum)) { meta obj = new meta(datum, SID_list[datum], map_stream); obj.Rebase_meta(0x0); if (checkBox1.Checked) { obj.Null_StringID(); } if (radioButton1.Checked == true) { //add recursivity extraction_list.AddRange(obj.Get_all_tag_refs()); } byte[] data = obj.Generate_meta_file(); string path = textBox1.Text + "\\" + obj.Get_Path() + "." + obj.Get_Type(); string directory = DATA_READ.ReadDirectory_from_file_location(path); //lets create our directory System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); //create our file StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path); sw.BaseStream.Write(data, 0, obj.Get_Total_size()); sw.Dispose(); //write to configuration xml xw.WriteStartElement("tag"); xw.WriteStartElement("name"); xw.WriteString(obj.Get_Path() + "." + type); //writing in the inner most level ie,name xw.WriteEndElement(); //name level xw.WriteStartElement("datum"); xw.WriteString(datum.ToString("X")); //writing in the inner most level ie here,datum xw.WriteEndElement(); //datum level xw.WriteEndElement(); //tag level //at least mention this in the logs log += "\nExtracted meta " + datum.ToString("X") + " to " + path; //add it to the extracted list extracted_list.Add(datum); } else { log += "\nCouldnot find stringID to datum_index " + datum.ToString("X"); } } else { log += "\nPlugin " + type + ".xml doesnt exist"; extracted_list.Add(datum); } } } } //close the config field and close the xml handle xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.Dispose(); //Log box LogBox lb = new LogBox(log); lb.Show(); //wprk is now done so lets close this stupid box this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("At least Select the Directory", "Error"); } }