Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void init(tableData data)
        index = data.index;
        string msg = data.name + ": ";

        foreach (string name in data.memberNames)
            msg += name + ",";
        txt.text = msg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List <tableData> GetPatforView(List <PatBasicInfor> Patlist)
            List <tableData> dataset = new List <tableData>();
            var count = Patlist.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                tableData rd = new tableData();
                rd.Name            = Patlist[i].Name;
                rd.Sex             = Patlist[i].Sex;
                rd.Age             = Patlist[i].Age;
                rd.ListID          = Convert.ToString(i + 1);
                rd.PatBasicInforId = Patlist[i].Id;
                var record = from p in container.VisitRecordSet.ToList()
                             where (p.PatBasicInfor.Id == Patlist[i].Id)
                             select p;
                var num = record.Count();

                if (num != 0)
                    VisitRecord vt = record.First();
                    rd.Date = vt.VisitDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    if (vt.DiagnosisResult1 != null || vt.DiagnosisResult2 != null || vt.DiagnosisResult3 != null)
                        if (vt.DiagnosisResult1.Contains("慢性每日头痛"))
                            var style = vt.DiagnosisResult1.Split(new Char[] { ':' });
                            if (style.Length > 1)
                                rd.HeadacheStyle = style[1];
                                rd.HeadacheStyle = vt.DiagnosisResult1 + vt.DiagnosisResult2 + vt.DiagnosisResult3;
                            rd.HeadacheStyle = vt.DiagnosisResult1 + vt.DiagnosisResult2 + vt.DiagnosisResult3;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public tableData GetPatinfo(PatBasicInfor pat)
            tableData rd = new tableData();

            rd.Name = pat.Name;
            rd.Sex  = pat.Sex;
            rd.Age  = pat.Age;
            //rd.ListID = Convert.ToString(i + 1);
            rd.PatBasicInforId = pat.Id;
            var record = from p in container.VisitRecordSet.ToList()
                         where (p.PatBasicInfor.Id == pat.Id)
                         select p;
            var num = record.Count();

            if (num != 0)
                VisitRecord vt = record.First();
                rd.Date = vt.VisitDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                if (vt.DiagnosisResult1 != null || vt.DiagnosisResult2 != null || vt.DiagnosisResult3 != null)
                    if (vt.DiagnosisResult1.Contains("慢性每日头痛"))
                        var style = vt.DiagnosisResult1.Split(new Char[] { ':' });
                        if (style.Length > 1)
                            rd.HeadacheStyle = style[1];
                            rd.HeadacheStyle = vt.DiagnosisResult1 + vt.DiagnosisResult2 + vt.DiagnosisResult3;
                        rd.HeadacheStyle = vt.DiagnosisResult1 + vt.DiagnosisResult2 + vt.DiagnosisResult3;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void init(tableData data, withNone callback)
     afterClick += callback;
        /// <summary>
        /// PB_TongHopNganSach_TheoNganh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param>
        /// <param name="DotPhanBo"></param>
        /// <param name="Nganh"></param>
        /// <param name="LuyKe"></param>
        /// <param name="opDonViNganh"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public tableData PB_TongHopNganSach_TheoNganh(String MaND, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, String DotPhanBo, String Nganh, String LuyKe, String opDonViNganh)
            tableData _tableData = new tableData();
            DataTable dtPhanBo;
            DataTable dtChiTieu;
            DataTable dtDotPhanBo = PhanBo_ReportModels.LayDSDotPhanBo2(MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet);
            String DK = "";
            if (opDonViNganh == "DonVi")

                if (LuyKe == "on")
                    DK += "iID_MaDotPhanBo in (SELECT iID_MaDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE dNgayDotPhanBo <=(SELECT dNgayDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE iID_MaDotPhanBo=@iID_MaDotPhanBo))";
                    DK += "iID_MaDotPhanBo in (SELECT iID_MaDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE dNgayDotPhanBo =(SELECT dNgayDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE iID_MaDotPhanBo=@iID_MaDotPhanBo))";
                //thêm điều kiện đã duyệt
                String DK_Duyet = ReportModels.DieuKien_TrangThaiDuyet;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) || iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet == "0")
                    DK_Duyet = "";
                    DK += DK_Duyet;
                String SQL = "SELECT SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1) as NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,PB_PhanBoChiTiet.sMoTa";
                SQL += ",NS_DonVi.sTen";
                SQL += ",NS_DonVi.iID_MaDonVi";
                SQL += ",SUM(rTuChi_ChiTieu) as rTuChi_ChiTieu,SUM(rHienVat_ChiTieu) as rHienVat_ChiTieu, SUM(rTuChi) as rTuChi,SUM(rHienVat) as rHienVat";
                SQL += " FROM PB_PhanBoChiTiet";
                SQL += " INNER JOIN (SELECT iID_MaDonVi,sTen FROM NS_DonVi WHERE iTrangThai=1 AND iNamLamViec_DonVi=@iNamLamViec) as NS_DonVi ON NS_DonVi.iID_MaDonVi=PB_PhanBoChiTiet.iID_MaDonVi";
                SQL += " WHERE PB_PhanBoChiTiet.iTrangThai=1 AND {0} {1} AND sNG IN (SELECT iID_MaNganhMLNS FROM NS_MucLucNganSach_Nganh WHERE iTrangThai=1 AND iID_MaNganh=@Nganh)";
                SQL += " GROUP BY SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1),sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,PB_PhanBoChiTiet.sMoTa,NS_DonVi.sTen,NS_DonVi.iID_MaDonVi";
                SQL += " HAVING SUM(rTuChi) <> 0 OR SUM(rHienVat)<>0";
                SQL += " ORDER BY sLNS asc,sL asc,sK asc,sM asc,sTM asc,sTTM asc,sNG asc";
                SQL = String.Format(SQL, DK, ReportModels.DieuKien_NganSach(MaND, "PB_PhanBoChiTiet"));
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iNamLamViec", NguoiDungCauHinhModels.iNamLamViec);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaDotPhanBo", DotPhanBo);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nganh", Nganh);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet", iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet);
                dtPhanBo = Connection.GetDataTable(cmd);

                //Tạo dt chi tiêu

                String SQLChiTieu = String.Format(@"SELECT SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1) as NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa,
                                                    SUM(rTuChi) as TuChiChiTieu,SUM(rHienVat) as HienVatChiTieu
                                                    FROM PB_ChiTieuChiTiet
                                                    WHERE  ({0}) AND sNG<>'' {1} {2} AND sNG IN (SELECT iID_MaNganhMLNS FROM NS_MucLucNganSach_Nganh WHERE iTrangThai=1 AND iID_MaNganh=@Nganh)
                                                    GROUP BY SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1),sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa
                                                    HAVING SUM(rTuChi)<>0 OR SUM(rHienVat)<>0
                                                    ORDER BY sLNS asc,sL asc,sK asc,sM asc,sTM asc,sTTM asc,sNG asc", DK, ReportModels.DieuKien_ChiTieu(MaND),DK_Duyet);
                SqlCommand cmdChiTieu = new SqlCommand(SQLChiTieu);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nganh", Nganh);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet", iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaDotPhanBo", DotPhanBo);
                dtChiTieu = Connection.GetDataTable(cmdChiTieu);


                if (LuyKe == "on")
                    DK += "iID_MaDotPhanBo in (SELECT iID_MaDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE dNgayDotPhanBo <=(SELECT dNgayDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE iID_MaDotPhanBo=@iID_MaDotPhanBo))";
                    DK += "iID_MaDotPhanBo in (SELECT iID_MaDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE dNgayDotPhanBo =(SELECT dNgayDotPhanBo FROM PB_DotPhanBo WHERE iID_MaDotPhanBo=@iID_MaDotPhanBo))";
                String DK_Duyet = ReportModels.DieuKien_TrangThaiDuyet;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) || iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet == "0")
                    DK_Duyet = "";
                String SQLLuyKe = String.Format(@"SELECT SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1) as NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa,SUM(rTuChi) as rTuChi,SUM(rHienVat) as rHienVat
                                            FROM PB_PhanBoChiTiet
                                        WHERE  {0} {2} AND sNG<>'' AND iTrangThai=1 {1} AND sNG IN (SELECT iID_MaNganhMLNS FROM NS_MucLucNganSach_Nganh WHERE iTrangThai=1 AND iID_MaNganh=@Nganh)
                                        GROUP BY SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1),sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa
                                        HAVING SUM(rTuChi)<>0 OR  SUM(rHienVat)<>0
                                        ORDER BY sLNS asc,sL asc,sK asc,sM asc,sTM asc,sTTM asc,sNG asc", DK,DK_Duyet,ReportModels.DieuKien_NganSach(MaND));
                SqlCommand cmdLuyKe = new SqlCommand(SQLLuyKe);
                cmdLuyKe.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nganh", Nganh);
                cmdLuyKe.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaDotPhanBo", DotPhanBo);
                cmdLuyKe.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet", iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet);
                dtPhanBo = Connection.GetDataTable(cmdLuyKe);
                //Tạo dt chi tiêu

                String SQLChiTieu = String.Format(@"SELECT SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1) as NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa,
                                                    SUM(rTuChi) as TuChiChiTieu,SUM(rHienVat) as HienVatChiTieu
                                                    FROM PB_ChiTieuChiTiet
                                                    WHERE  ({0}) {2} AND sNG<>'' {1} AND sNG IN (SELECT iID_MaNganhMLNS FROM NS_MucLucNganSach_Nganh WHERE iTrangThai=1 AND iID_MaNganh=@Nganh)
                                                    GROUP BY SUBSTRING(sLNS,1,1),sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa
                                                    HAVING SUM(rTuChi)<>0 OR SUM(rHienVat)<>0
                                                    ORDER BY sLNS asc,sL asc,sK asc,sM asc,sTM asc,sTTM asc,sNG asc", DK,DK_Duyet,ReportModels.DieuKien_ChiTieu(MaND));
                SqlCommand cmdChiTieu = new SqlCommand(SQLChiTieu);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet", iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaDotPhanBo", DotPhanBo);
                cmdChiTieu.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nganh", Nganh);
                dtChiTieu = Connection.GetDataTable(cmdChiTieu);
                #region //ghép dtphanbo vao dtchitieu
                DataRow addR, R2;
                String sCol = "NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG,sMoTa,rTuChi,rHienVat";
                String[] arrCol = sCol.Split(',');

                dtChiTieu.Columns.Add("rTuChi", typeof(Decimal));
                dtChiTieu.Columns.Add("rHienVat", typeof(Decimal));
                for (int i = 0; i < dtPhanBo.Rows.Count; i++)
                    String xauTruyVan = String.Format(@"NguonNS='{7}' AND sLNS='{0}' AND sL='{1}' AND sK='{2}' AND sM='{3}' AND sTM='{4}'
                                                       AND sTTM='{5}' AND sNG='{6}'",
                                                      dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sLNS"], dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sL"],
                                                      dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sM"], dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sTM"],
                                                      dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sTTM"], dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["sNG"], dtPhanBo.Rows[i]["NguonNS"]
                    DataRow[] R = dtChiTieu.Select(xauTruyVan);

                    if (R == null || R.Length == 0)
                        addR = dtChiTieu.NewRow();
                        for (int j = 0; j < arrCol.Length; j++)
                            addR[arrCol[j]] = dtPhanBo.Rows[i][arrCol[j]];
                        foreach (DataRow R1 in dtPhanBo.Rows)

                            for (int j = 0; j < dtChiTieu.Rows.Count; j++)
                                Boolean okTrung = true;
                                R2 = dtChiTieu.Rows[j];

                                for (int c = 0; c < arrCol.Length - 2; c++)
                                    if (R2[arrCol[c]].Equals(R1[arrCol[c]]) == false)
                                        okTrung = false;
                                if (okTrung)
                                    dtChiTieu.Rows[j]["rTuChi"] = R1["rTuChi"];
                                    dtChiTieu.Rows[j]["rHienVat"] = R1["rHienVat"];



                //sắp xếp datatable sau khi ghép
                DataView dv = dtChiTieu.DefaultView;
                dv.Sort = "NguonNS,sLNS,sL,sK,sM,sTM,sTTM,sNG";
                dtChiTieu = dv.ToTable();
            _tableData.dtPhanBo = dtPhanBo;
            _tableData.dtChiTieu = dtChiTieu;
            return _tableData;
        public ActionResult Index()
            //asigning the lowestRate object in the qureies to the current instance
            LowestRate USD = Queries.queries.lowestUSD();

            ViewBag.USDBR   = USD.BuyingRate;
            ViewBag.USDSR   = USD.SellingRate;
            ViewBag.USDBank = USD.BankName;
            ViewBag.USDLogo = USD.BankLogo;

            LowestRate AD = Queries.queries.lowestAD();

            ViewBag.ADBR   = AD.BuyingRate;
            ViewBag.ADSR   = AD.SellingRate;
            ViewBag.ADBank = AD.BankName;
            ViewBag.ADLogo = AD.BankLogo;

            LowestRate ER = Queries.queries.lowestEuro();

            ViewBag.ERBR   = ER.BuyingRate;
            ViewBag.ERSR   = ER.SellingRate;
            ViewBag.ERBank = ER.BankName;
            ViewBag.ERLogo = ER.BankLogo;

            LowestRate NOR = Queries.queries.lowestNOR();

            ViewBag.NORBR   = NOR.BuyingRate;
            ViewBag.NORSR   = NOR.SellingRate;
            ViewBag.NORBank = NOR.BankName;
            ViewBag.NORLogo = NOR.BankLogo;

            //all data table

            List <tableData> list = new List <tableData>();

            //using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDbConn"].ToString()))
            //    connection.Open();

            //Server = OBHASHA\\SQLEXPRESS; Database = currency; User Id = sa; Password = intel@123;

            myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDbConn"].ConnectionString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Connection " + myConnection.ConnectionString);
            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT *  FROM [currency].[dbo].[exchangeRates]", myConnection))
                SqlDataReader rdr = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (rdr.Read())
                    var data = new tableData();
                    data.BankName    = rdr.GetString(2);
                    data.ADBR        = rdr.GetDouble(3);
                    data.ADSR        = rdr.GetDouble(4);
                    data.USBR        = rdr.GetDouble(9);
                    data.USSR        = rdr.GetDouble(10);
                    data.EUBR        = rdr.GetDouble(5);
                    data.EUSR        = rdr.GetDouble(6);
                    data.NORBR       = rdr.GetDouble(7);
                    data.NORSR       = rdr.GetDouble(8);
                    data.siteUpdated = rdr.GetString(0);


Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void inputTableValues()
            tableDef = new tableData();

            dataItem = new tableDataItem

                StockSymbol = "TEA",
                StockTypeValue = tableDataItem.StockType.Common,
                LastDividend = 0,
                FixedDividend = 0,
                ParValue = 100,
                TickerPrice = 10,
                TradePrice = 11

            dataItem = new tableDataItem

                StockSymbol = "POP",
                StockTypeValue = tableDataItem.StockType.Common,
                LastDividend = 8,
                FixedDividend = 0,
                ParValue = 100,
                TickerPrice = 12,
                TradePrice = 13

            dataItem = new tableDataItem

                StockSymbol = "ALE",
                StockTypeValue = tableDataItem.StockType.Common,
                LastDividend = 23,
                FixedDividend = 0,
                ParValue = 60,
                TickerPrice = 14,
                TradePrice = 15

            dataItem = new tableDataItem

                StockSymbol = "GIN",
                StockTypeValue = tableDataItem.StockType.Preferred,
                LastDividend = 8,
                FixedDividend = 0.02f,
                ParValue = 100,
                TickerPrice = 16,
                TradePrice = 17

            dataItem = new tableDataItem

                StockSymbol = "JOE",
                StockTypeValue = tableDataItem.StockType.Common,
                LastDividend = 13,
                FixedDividend = 0,
                ParValue = 100,
                TickerPrice = 18,
                TradePrice = 19


            GridView1.DataSource = tableDef;

            //DropDownList1.DataSource = tableDef;
            //DropDownList1.DataTextField = "StockSymbol";
            //DropDownList1.DataValueField = "StockSymbol";
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void readMsg(string msg)
        string[] orders = msg.Split('|');
        foreach (string order in orders)
            if (order != "")                      //split會切出""
                string[] part = order.Split('~'); //使用~切分action code 和 action arg
                if (part.Length != 2)
                    textShow.Log("order:" + order + "格式錯誤,不予處理");
                int code;
                if (int.TryParse(part[0], out code))
                    switch (code)
                    case 0:
                        textShow.Log("table 列表:" + part[1]);
                        Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        List <tableData>            list = new List <tableData>();
                        string[] tables = part[1].Split(':');
                        foreach (string table in tables)
                            string[]  infs = table.Split(';');
                            tableData data = new tableData();
                            int       idx;

                            if (!int.TryParse(infs[0], out idx))
                                textShow.Log("table data:" + table + "不符合格式");
                            data.index = idx;
                            data.name  = infs[2];
                            string        inf   = infs[3];
                            string[]      names = inf.Split('/');
                            List <string> nlist = new List <string>(names);
                            data.memberNames = nlist;
                        args["tables"] = list;
                        order newone = new order(0, args);

                    case 1:
                        string[] subs = part[1].Split(',');
                        int      id;
                        if (!int.TryParse(subs[0], out id))
                            textShow.Log("解析greeting request 錯誤的id:" + subs[0] + "不是數字");
                            idInTable = id;
                            password  = subs[1];
                            textShow.Log("登入tableServer完成,收到id:" + idInTable + "password:"******"收到Connect Requst");
                            Console.WriteLine(">>>連接請求 ip:" + ip + " port:" + port);
                            gEndPoint.conncetRemoteEndPoint(ip, port);


                    case 3:
                        string[] subs = part[1].Split(';');
                        int      c;
                        if (!int.TryParse(subs[0], out c))
                            textShow.Log("解析創建房間錯誤的code:" + subs[0] + "不是數字");
                            if (c == 1)
                                Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                List <string> names = new List <string>(subs[1].Split('/'));
                                args["roles"] = names;
                                panel.handle(new order(3, args));
                                textShow.Log("創建房間失敗,返回code" + c);

                    case 4:    //linked_requst
                        int result;
                        textShow.Log("收到linked result");
                        if (int.TryParse(part[1], out result))
                            if (result == 1)        //連接成功
                                LinkedOk = true;
                            textShow.Log("錯誤的linked requst code");
                    textShow.Log("order:" + order + " order code不是數字,不予處理");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public JsonResult Delete(string id)
            tableData data = new tableData();

            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult Query(string name, string sex, string date, string diagnosis)
            string user = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["username"].Value.ToString();
            UserOperation        uo             = new UserOperation();
            List <userInfo>      SelectedDocs   = uo.SelectedDocs(user);
            VisitDataOperation   visitop        = new VisitDataOperation();
            List <PatBasicInfor> Patlist        = new List <PatBasicInfor>();
            List <tableData>     patlistforre   = new List <tableData>();
            RegionViewData       regionViewData = new RegionViewData();

            var allpats        = from s in DataContainer.PatBasicInforSet.ToList() select s;
            var allvisitRecord = from s in DataContainer.VisitRecordSet.ToList() select s;
            var docnum         = SelectedDocs.Count;

            List <int> docIDS = new List <int> ();

            foreach (userInfo doc in SelectedDocs)
            var patlist     = allpats.Where(p => docIDS.Contains(p.DoctorAccountId)).ToList();
            var patinfoList = (from ps in patlist.Where(p => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? true : p.Name == name) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sex) ? true : p.Sex == sex))
                               from r in allvisitRecord.Where(r => (r.PatBasicInforId == ps.Id) &&
                                                              (string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnosis) ? true : (r.DiagnosisResult1.Contains(diagnosis) || r.DiagnosisResult2.Contains(diagnosis) || r.DiagnosisResult3.Contains(diagnosis))) &&
                                                              (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date) ? true : r.VisitDate.Date == DateTime.Parse(date)))
                               select new
                Name = ps.Name,
                Sex = ps.Sex,
                Age = ps.Age,
                Date = r.VisitDate,
                DiagnosisResult1 = r.DiagnosisResult1,
                DiagnosisResult2 = r.DiagnosisResult2,
                DiagnosisResult3 = r.DiagnosisResult3,
                PatBasicInforId = ps.Id
            }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).DistinctBy(x => x.PatBasicInforId).ToList();
            int i = 1;

            foreach (var patient in patinfoList)
                tableData td = new tableData();
                td.Name            = patient.Name;
                td.Sex             = patient.Sex;
                td.Age             = patient.Age;
                td.ListID          = i.ToString();
                td.Date            = patient.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                td.PatBasicInforId = patient.PatBasicInforId;
                if (patient.DiagnosisResult1 != null || patient.DiagnosisResult2 != null || patient.DiagnosisResult3 != null)
                    if (patient.DiagnosisResult1.Contains("慢性每日头痛"))
                        var style = patient.DiagnosisResult1.Split(new Char[] { ':' });
                        if (style.Length > 1)
                            td.HeadacheStyle = style[1];
                            td.HeadacheStyle = patient.DiagnosisResult1 + patient.DiagnosisResult2 + patient.DiagnosisResult3;
                        td.HeadacheStyle = patient.DiagnosisResult1 + patient.DiagnosisResult2 + patient.DiagnosisResult3;

            /* int i,j;
             * List<string> query = new List<string>();
             * query.Add(name);
             * query.Add(sex);
             * query.Add(date);
             * query.Add(diagnosis);
             * for (i = 0; i < docnum; i++)
             * {
             *    string docname = SelectedDocs[i].userName;
             *    query.Add(docname);
             *    var pts= visitop.GetPatforDoc(query);
             *    query.Remove(docname);
             *    var patnum = pts.Count;
             *    for (j = 0; j < patnum; j++)
             *    {
             *        var patID=pts[j].Id ;
             *        var selectedpat = allpats.Where(s => s.Id == patID).FirstOrDefault();
             *        List<string> patientIds = new List<string>();
             *        Patlist.Add(selectedpat);
             *    }
             * }
             * patlistforre = regionViewData.GetPatforView(Patlist);*/
            return(Json(patlistforre, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            // return PartialView("PatlistForRe", patlistforre);