Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ConfigureFPGA(XilinxBitstream bitstream, statusUpdate target)
            for(int i=0; i < bitstream.NumPages; ++i)
                PageQualifier type;

                //get the current page to be configured
                byte[] page = bitstream.getPage(i);

                //determine any special characteristics of this page
                if(i == 0)
                    //First page starts configuration.
                    type = PageQualifier.First;
                else if(i == bitstream.NumPages - 1 )
                    //Last page finalizes configuration- and has a slightly different structure.
                    type = PageQualifier.Last;

                    //As the last page isn't neccesarily full, it is prefixed with a byte
                    //specifying its length.

                    //create a page buffer to accomodate the extra byte
                    byte[] newPage = new byte[page.Length + 1];

                    //copy the old data
                    page.CopyTo(newPage, 1);

                    //and prefix the page-data appropriately
                    newPage[0] = (byte)page.Length;

                    //replace the pagebuffer with the new, updated pagebuffer
                    page = newPage;
                    type = PageQualifier.Normal;

                //If a delegate has been provided to accept status updates, inform it of the update.
                if (target != null)
                    target((float)i / (float)(bitstream.NumPages - 1));

                //send the configuration data to the FPGA
                device.SendFPGAPage(page, type);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ProgramAVR(IntelHex program, statusUpdate target)
            //program each non-bootloader section of Flash sequentially
            for(ushort addr = 0; addr < AVR.HW.FlashSize - AVR.HW.BootloadSize; addr += AVR.HW.PageSize)
                //Write the page to the AVR.
                device.WriteAVRPage(addr, program.GetPage(addr));

                //If a delegate has been provided to accept status updates, inform it of the update.
                if(target != null)
                    target((float) addr / (float)(AVR.HW.FlashSize - AVR.HW.BootloadSize));


            //and then reset the microprocessor

            //indicate completion
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ProgramAVR(IntelHex program, statusUpdate target)
            //program each non-bootloader section of Flash sequentially
            for (int i = 0; i < CurrentLabKit.WriteableFlash / CurrentLabKit.PageSize; ++i)
                //Write the page to the AVR.
                device.WriteAVRPage(i*128, program.GetPage(i));

                //If a delegate has been provided to accept status updates, inform it of the update.
                if(target != null)
                    target((i * 128.0f) / (float)(CurrentLabKit.WriteableFlash));

            //and then reset the microprocessor

            //indicate completion