Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Register the document
        /// </summary>
        private void registerFile(string strPath, string strFileToUpload)
            try {
                //Instancia o web service

                OWApi oWS = new OWApi();
                oWS.Url         = strUrlWebService;
                oWS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                //Inicializa a estrutura com o ficheiro a registar
                stRegistry RegistryST = MappOfficeWorksData(strPath, strFileToUpload);

                //Insere o registo
                long lReg_ID = oWS.InsertRegistry(strUserName, "", ref RegistryST);

                //Abre o browser em modo de alteração

                //Apaga o ficheiro local
                if (lReg_ID > 0)
                    DeleteRegistryFile(strPath, strFileToUpload);

            catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("Erro a registar o ficheiro no OW.Net: " + ex.Message, "OWScan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private stRegistry MappOfficeWorksData(string strPath, string strFileToUpload)
            stRegistry RegistryST = new stRegistry();

            RegistryST.Book = new stBook();
            //ArrayList oDynamicFields = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList Aux
            RegistryST.Classification = new stClassification();
            RegistryST.Entity         = new stEntity();
            RegistryST.User           = new stUser();
            RegistryST.DocumentType   = new stDocumentType();

            //Set Book ID
            RegistryST.Book.BookID = Convert.ToInt64(drpBooks.SelectedValue.ToString());

            //Set User login
            RegistryST.User.UserLogin = strUserName;

            //Create a new File struct
            stFile oFile = new stFile();

            //Convert File to byte Array
            oFile.FileArray = FileToArray(strPath + @"\" + strFileToUpload);
            //Get File Path
            oFile.FilePath = strPath + @"\" + strFileToUpload;
            //Get File Name
            oFile.FileName = strFileToUpload;
            //Attach the file
            RegistryST.Files    = new stFile[1];
            RegistryST.Files[0] = oFile;

            //stDynamicField NewDynamic = new stDynamicField();
            //NewDynamic.DynamicFieldID = Convert.ToInt64(oMapp.FieldIdentifier);
            //NewDynamic.DynamicFieldName = oMapp.FieldName;
            //NewDynamic.DynamicFieldValue = oMData.Data;

            RegistryST.Subject = strSubject;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a call to OWApi web service InsertRegistry method given some OWMailConfiguration parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userLogin">OWApi web service user login.</param>
        /// <param name="password">OWApi web service password.</param>
        /// <param name="contacts">MailContact list.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">OWMailConfiguration instance to assign local variables.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">System.Guid string to name temporary attachments directory.</param>
        /// <param name="directoryName">Temporary attachments directory name.</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">File path for mail message file.</param>
        /// <param name="attachments">IBodyParts collection of mail message attachments.</param>
        /// <param name="subject">Mail message subject string.</param>
        /// <param name="mailDate">Mail message received time.</param>
        /// <param name="body">Mail messge body content string.</param>
        /// <returns>An integer corresponding to a created record id in tblRegistry or zero if record creation does not succeeds</returns>
        public static int InsertRegistry(string userLogin,
                                         string password,
                                         ArrayList contacts,
                                         OWMailConfiguration configuration,
                                         string guid,
                                         string directoryName,
                                         string filePath,
                                         IBodyParts attachments,
                                         string subject,
                                         DateTime mailDate,
                                         string body
            int        result   = 0;
            OWApi      OWApi    = null;
            stRegistry registry = null;

                // Initializes and loads values for a stRegistry instance and all its nested types
                registry = new stRegistry();

                // Assigns stUser instance data
                registry.User           = new stUser();
                registry.User.UserLogin = userLogin;
                //registry.User.UserMail = ((MailContact)contacts[1]).Mail;
                registry.User.UserMail = configuration.GetMailboxNameByUserLogin(userLogin);
                registry.Year          = DateTime.Now.Year;

                // If insert subject
                if (configuration.GetSubjectMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.Assunto)
                    if (subject.Length >= 250)
                        registry.Subject = string.Format("{0}(...)", subject.Substring(0, 245));
                        registry.Subject = subject;
                // if Insert mailDate
                if (configuration.GetReceivedMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.DataDocumento)
                    registry.DocumentDate = mailDate;
                else if (configuration.GetReceivedMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.DataRegisto)
                    registry.RegistryDate = mailDate;

                //if Insert Body
                if (configuration.GetBodyMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.Observacoes)
                    if (body.Length >= 250)
                        registry.Observations = string.Format("{0}(...)", body.Substring(0, 245));
                        registry.Observations = body;

                int attachmentsCount = 0;

                // If message has attachments then keep track of its number to use in extracting loop below
                if (attachments != null && attachments.Count > 0)
                    attachmentsCount = attachments.Count;

                // Mail message file itself always will be stored as an attachment to the new OfficeWorks record
                registry.Files    = new stFile[attachmentsCount + 1];
                registry.Files[0] = new stFile();
                FileStream fsFile = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                // This is hard-coded by convention. Could come from a const.
                registry.Files[0].FileName  = "Mail.eml";
                registry.Files[0].FileArray = new byte[fsFile.Length];
                fsFile.Read(registry.Files[0].FileArray, 0, (int)fsFile.Length);
                // Clean up unmanaged resources.

                // Gets extract attachments flag from configuration.
                // This funcionality is implemented but was not made available for OWMail 2.0.
                bool extract = configuration.GetExtractAttachmentsByMailboxName(((MailContact)contacts[0]).Mail);

                // If there are attachments
                if (attachments != null && extract)
                    int counter = 0;

                    // Loop through attachments collection and save each one to its file in message temporary directory
                    foreach (IBodyPart attachment in attachments)
                        // Checks for a good working environment before trying to use resources from it
                        if (Directory.Exists(directoryName))
                            string fileName = attachment.FileName;
                            string path     = directoryName + @"\" + fileName;



                            // Stores each attachment in a stFile instance
                            registry.Files[counter] = new stFile();
                            FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                            registry.Files[counter].FileName  = fs.Name;
                            registry.Files[counter].FileArray = new byte[fs.Length];
                            fs.Read(registry.Files[counter].FileArray, 0, (int)fs.Length);
                            // Cleans up unmanaged resources memory

                // Assigns stBook instance data
                registry.Book        = new stBook();
                registry.Book.BookID = configuration.GetBookIdByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail);

                // Assigns stDocumentType instance data
                registry.DocumentType = new stDocumentType();
                registry.DocumentType.DocumentTypeID = configuration.GetDocumentTypeIdByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail);

                // If there is more than one contact then stRegistry will contain
                // an array of MoreEntities which will be also recorded and shown
                if (contacts.Count > 1)                 /* + Entidades. */
                    ArrayList arrmoreEntities = new ArrayList();

                    // Loops through all contacts in list
                    for (int x = 0; x < contacts.Count; x++)
                        //moreEntities[x] = new stEntity();
                        stEntity contactEntity = new stEntity();

                        switch (((MailContact)contacts[x]).Type)
                        case enumMailBoxMapping.Cc:
                            if (configuration.GetCcMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.MaisEntidadesDes)
                                contactEntity.EntityName       = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Name;
                                contactEntity.EntityExchangeID = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Mail;
                                contactEntity.EntityType       = enumEntityType.EntityTypeDestiny;

                        case enumMailBoxMapping.From:
                            if (configuration.GetFromMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.MaisEntidadesOri)
                                contactEntity.EntityName       = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Name;
                                contactEntity.EntityExchangeID = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Mail;
                                contactEntity.EntityType       = enumEntityType.EntityTypeOrigin;
                            else if (configuration.GetFromMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.EntPrincipal)
                                // Assigns main stEntity instance data /*EntidadePrincipal*/
                                registry.Entity                  = new stEntity();
                                registry.Entity.EntityName       = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Name;
                                registry.Entity.EntityExchangeID = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Mail;
                                registry.Entity.EntityType       = enumEntityType.EntityTypeOrigin;

                        case enumMailBoxMapping.To:
                            if (configuration.GetToMappingByMailboxName(registry.User.UserMail) == MappingOptions.MaisEntidadesDes)
                                contactEntity.EntityName       = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Name;
                                contactEntity.EntityExchangeID = ((MailContact)contacts[x]).Mail;
                                contactEntity.EntityType       = enumEntityType.EntityTypeDestiny;

                    // Assigns the extracted list of stEntities to stRegistry.MoreEntities property
                    registry.MoreEntities = (stEntity[])arrmoreEntities.ToArray(typeof(stEntity));

                OWApi = new OWApi();
                // Override OWApi proxy with URL value from configuration before making the call
                OWApi.Url = configuration.WebServiceUrl;

                // Call OWApi web service and gets returned integer
                result = (int)OWApi.InsertRegistry(userLogin, password, ref registry);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
