internal AStar2D() { UseHeuristic = true; fieldWidth = 0; fieldHeight = 0; field = null; }
public void worldGenWorld() { // Generates the chunk map for the world wg = new World_ChunkGenerator (numChunks, terrainType, chunkSize); wg.generate (); chunkTerrain = wg.getChunkTerrain (); }
internal void Destroy() { Array.Clear(SqState, 0, SqState.Length); Array.Clear(SqFloorHeight, 0, SqFloorHeight.Length); Array.Clear(SqSeatRot, 0, SqSeatRot.Length); staticModel = null; Heightmap = null; SqState = null; SqFloorHeight = null; SqSeatRot = null; }
void OnInitComplete() { engine.CameraInput.Camera.FarZ = 10000; heightMap = ReadHgtFile(); landscape.Scale = new SlimDX.Vector3(10, 1, 10); landscape.FrameVariance = initialFrameVariance; landscape.desiredTris = NumPatches*NumPatches*8; landscape.NUM_PATCHES_PER_SIDE = NumPatches; landscape.MAP_SIZE = MapSize; landscape.FetchFunction = MapFetchFunction; //landscape.VisibleFunction = IsTriVisible; landscape.SplitFunction = SplitByScreenArea; landscape.BindToPass(engine.D3DDevice, engine.Effect, "Terrain"); engine.Geometry.Add(landscape); }
public void TestStrm30() { w = 50; h = 20; latLongRegion = new RectangleF(lng - w * 0.5f, lat - h * 0.5f, w, h); long t0 = System.Environment.TickCount; long t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm30TextureFetcher(); latLongRegion = new RectangleF(lng - w * 0.5f, lat - h * 0.5f, w, h); terrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(latLongRegion); t0 = t1; t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; Console.WriteLine("Load: " + ((t1 - t0) / 10)); DisplayTerrain(terrain, "terrainFetch30.png"); t0 = t1; t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; Console.WriteLine("Save and show: " + ((t1 - t0) / 10)); }
public void TestStrm3() { latLongRegion = new RectangleF(lng - w * 0.5f, lat - h * 0.5f, w, h); long t0 = System.Environment.TickCount; long t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm3TextureFetcher(); terrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(latLongRegion); t0 = t1; t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; Console.WriteLine("Load: "+((t1-t0)/10)); Image img = ImagingFunctions.CreateImageFromArray(terrain, ImagingFunctions.HsvColourMap(256)); t0 = t1; t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; Console.WriteLine("Copy Image: " + ((t1 - t0) / 10)); ImagingFunctions.SaveAndDisplayImage(img, "terrainFetch.png"); t0 = t1; t1 = System.Environment.TickCount; Console.WriteLine("Save and show: " + ((t1 - t0) / 10)); }
public void Render() { var landId = GameData.LevelMetaData[GameData.level].LandType; var sprites = GameData.TileSprites[landId]; var iconsMap = GameData.Icons; short[,] tiles = GameData.LevelData.GetTiles(ActiveLevel); var baseTileId = GameData.Tilesets[landId].base_tile_id - 1; Tile m_Tile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Tile>(); Tile s_Tile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Tile>(); groundTilemap.ClearAllTiles(); specialTilemap.ClearAllTiles(); int tileId; for (int y = 0; y < 90; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 90; x++) { tileId = (tiles[y, x] % 1000) - 1; Vector3Int p = new Vector3Int(x, -y, 0); if (tileId > 200 || tileId < 0) // special tile { var name = (tileId + 1).ToString("D5"); s_Tile.sprite = iconsMap[name]; specialTilemap.SetTile(p, s_Tile); m_Tile.sprite = sprites[baseTileId]; } else // normal tile { m_Tile.sprite = sprites[tileId]; } groundTilemap.SetTile(p, m_Tile); } } }
public Wall(Board a_board, ref char[,] a_cBoard, ref Random a_generator, bool a_bIsVertical = true, short a_16SizeofWall = 4, float a_fProbalityOfMovement = 0.5f, float a_fProbalityOfChangingDirection = 0.01f) { m_board = a_board; m_16Direction = 1; m_bIsVertical = a_bIsVertical; m_cBoard = a_cBoard; m_16WallPosition = new short[a_16SizeofWall, 2]; m_fProbalityOfMovement = a_fProbalityOfMovement; m_fProbalityOfChangingDirection = a_fProbalityOfChangingDirection; generator = a_generator; if (a_bIsVertical) { do { m_16WallPosition[0, 0] = Convert.ToInt16(generator.Next(1, 18)); m_16WallPosition[0, 1] = Convert.ToInt16(generator.Next(1, 18)); }while (a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1] + 1] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1] + 2] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1] + 3] != '0'); a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] = 'W'; for (short i = 1; i < a_16SizeofWall; ++i) { m_16WallPosition[i, 0] = m_16WallPosition[0, 0]; m_16WallPosition[i, 1] = Convert.ToInt16(m_16WallPosition[0, 1] + i); a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[i, 0], m_16WallPosition[i, 1]] = 'W'; } } else { do { m_16WallPosition[0, 0] = Convert.ToInt16(generator.Next(1, 18)); m_16WallPosition[0, 1] = Convert.ToInt16(generator.Next(1, 18)); }while (a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0] + 1, m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0] + 2, m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] != '0' && a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0] + 3, m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] != '0'); a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[0, 0], m_16WallPosition[0, 1]] = 'W'; for (short i = 1; i < a_16SizeofWall; ++i) { m_16WallPosition[i, 0] = Convert.ToInt16(m_16WallPosition[0, 0] + i); m_16WallPosition[i, 1] = m_16WallPosition[0, 1]; a_cBoard[m_16WallPosition[i, 0], m_16WallPosition[i, 1]] = 'W'; } } }
/// <summary> /// Spawns tiles to their positions /// </summary> /// <param name="leveldata"> This needs a leveldata map to read out of to get the data of the tiles </param> private void SpawnTiles(Map leveldata) { foreach (Layer _layer in leveldata.Layers) { if (leveldata.Layers == null || leveldata.Layers.Length == 0) { continue; } short[,] _tileNumbers = _layer.GetTileArray(); for (int row = 0; row < _layer.Height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < _layer.Width; col++) { bool _isBackgroundTile = _layer.GetBoolProperty("Background"); int _tileNumber = _tileNumbers[col, row]; TileSet _tiles = leveldata.GetTileSet(_tileNumber); string _filenameTiles = _tiles.Image.FileName; _filenameTiles = _filenameTiles.Remove(0, 3); if (_tileNumber > 0 && _isBackgroundTile == false) { CollisionTile _tile = new CollisionTile(_filenameTiles, _tiles.Columns, _tiles.Rows); _tile.SetFrame(_tileNumber - _tiles.FirstGId); _tile.x = col * _tile.width; _tile.y = row * _tile.height; AddChild(_tile); } else if (_tileNumber > 0 && _isBackgroundTile == true) { BackgroundTile _backgroundTile = new BackgroundTile(_filenameTiles, _tiles.Columns, _tiles.Rows); _backgroundTile.SetFrame(_tileNumber - _tiles.FirstGId); _backgroundTile.x = col * _backgroundTile.width; _backgroundTile.y = row * _backgroundTile.height; AddChild(_backgroundTile); } } } } }
internal unsafe float SlopesForHillshade(int x, int y, short[,] dem, int width, int height, float cellsize) { var xp = Math.Min(x + 1, width - 1); var xm = Math.Max(x - 1, 0); var yp = Math.Min(y + 1, height - 1); var ym = Math.Max(y - 1, 0); var max_slope = 0f; var ary = stackalloc int[4]; var center = dem[y, x]; ary[0] = dem[ym, x]; ary[1] = dem[y, xm]; ary[2] = dem[y, xp]; ary[3] = dem[yp, x]; var scale = 0.5f / cellsize; //2f / cellsize; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var slope = Math.Abs(ary[i] - center) * scale; if (slope > max_slope) { max_slope = slope; } } ary[0] = dem[ym, xm]; ary[1] = dem[ym, xp]; ary[2] = dem[yp, xm]; ary[3] = dem[yp, xp]; scale /= 1.414214f; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var slope = Math.Abs(ary[i] - center) * scale; if (slope > max_slope) { max_slope = slope; } } return(max_slope); }
public Map(Game1 aGame) { // setup map with default map to start with map = initMap; game = aGame; tempTexture = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("white"); pointCount = 0; // figure out how many points are on the map for (int r = 0; r < map.GetLength(0); r++) { for (int c = 0; c < map.GetLength(1); c++) { if (map[r, c] == POINT) { pointCount++; } } } }
static uint M4(C0 arg0, C1 arg1, ulong arg2, bool arg3, S0 arg4, char arg5, bool[] arg6, C1 arg7, C1 arg8, S0 arg9) { if (true) { S0 var0 = arg7.F4.F5; arg1.F3.F5.F4 = arg7.F4.F5.F4; s_1 = s_1; arg1.F1 = arg1.F9; arg7.F3.F5.F1 = var0.F1; } else { arg1.F2 = arg8.F2++; arg9 = arg0.F5; arg8.F3.F5 = new S0(38776295U, 205, 140, 65535, 0); arg1.F3.F5.F3 = 1; } return(3178297303U); }
//todo fix public void Animate(List <Sprite> animation, int interval_animation, int interval_frames) { int old_GameTick = 0; int i = 0; if (GameTick - old_GameTick == interval_animation) { if (i == animation.Count) { i = 0; } sprite_chars = animation[i].sprite_chars; sprite_attributes = animation[i].sprite_attributes; sprite_bytes = CharSpriteToByteSprite(sprite_chars); i++; old_GameTick = GameTick; } }
/// <summary> /// 旋转一个二维数组 /// </summary> /// <param name="a">要旋转的数组</param> /// <param name="rotNum">顺时针旋转圈数</param> /// <returns>旋转后的数组</returns> public static short[,] SquareRot90(short[,] a, int rotNum) { while (rotNum < 0) { rotNum += 4; } for (int rot_i = 0; rot_i < rotNum; rot_i++) { short[,] b = new short[4, 4]; for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a.GetLength(1); j++) { b[j, a.GetLength(0) - i - 1] = a[i, j]; } } a = b; } return(a); }
internal void SlopesForHillshade(int x, int y, short[,] dem, int width, int height, float cellsize, out float dzdx, out float dzdy) { var xp = Math.Min(x + 1, width - 1); var xm = Math.Max(x - 1, 0); var yp = Math.Min(y + 1, height - 1); var ym = Math.Max(y - 1, 0); var a = dem[ym, xm]; var b = dem[ym, x]; var c = dem[ym, xp]; var d = dem[y, xm]; var e = dem[y, x]; var f = dem[y, xp]; var g = dem[yp, xm]; var h = dem[yp, x]; var i = dem[yp, xp]; dzdx = ((c + f + f + i) - (a + d + d + g)) / (8f * cellsize); dzdy = ((g + h + h + i) - (a + b + b + c)) / (8f * cellsize); }
public override void SetElevationData(short[,] data) { elevationData = data; elevationX1 = elevationRequestX1; elevationY1 = elevationRequestY1; elevationW = elevationRequestW; elevationH = elevationRequestH; elevationDataWidth = data.GetLength(0); elevationDataHeight = data.GetLength(1); UpdateMinMax(); waitSetElevationData = false; if (OnElevationUpdated != null) { OnElevationUpdated(); } map.Redraw(); }
void RestoreBlock(short[,] block, int n) { int row = 8; for (int col = 1; col < 8; ++col) { block[n, col] += block[n, col - 1]; block[n, row] += block[n, row - 8]; row += 8; } row = 8; for (int y = 1; y < 8; ++y) { for (int x = 1; x < 8; ++x) { block[n, row + x] += block[n, row + x - 9]; } row += 8; } }
// Warning: the first cells element should be the center position private short[,] UpdateDangerMap(short[,] dangerMap, List <Vector2Int> cells, short dangerLevel, bool force = false) { short currentDangerLevel = dangerMap[cells[0].x, cells[0].y]; if (!force && currentDangerLevel > dangerLevel) { dangerLevel = currentDangerLevel; } foreach (var cell in cells) { if (!force && dangerMap[cell.x, cell.y] >= dangerLevel) { continue; } if (cell != cells[0]) { var foundBomb = _bombs.Find(b => Equals(CellPosition(b.transform.position), cell)); if (foundBomb != null) { var impactedCells = Bomb.FindImpactedCells(this, CellPosition(foundBomb.transform.position), foundBomb.Power); UpdateDangerMap(dangerMap, impactedCells, dangerLevel); } } dangerMap[cell.x, cell.y] = dangerLevel; } if (force) { foreach (var bomb in _bombs) { var impactedCells = Bomb.FindImpactedCells(this, CellPosition(bomb.transform.position), bomb.Power); UpdateDangerMap(dangerMap, impactedCells, bomb.DangerLevel); } } return(dangerMap); }
private void CreateMaskedVolumeView(short theIsoValueInHounsfield, byte[][,] mask, CTSliceInfo[] slices) { // shall be used only once, because original slice data will be altered // require data reloading for (int k = 0; k != slices.Length; ++k) { CTSliceInfo ct = slices[k]; short[,] buffer = ct.HounsfieldPixelBuffer; byte[,] maska = mask[k]; for (int r = 0; r != ct.RowCount; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c != ct.ColumnCount; ++c) { if (maska[r, c] > 0) { buffer[r, c] = theIsoValueInHounsfield; } } } } if (slices.Length > 2) { VolumeView aVolumeViewWindow = new VolumeView(); Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait; // Create the Volume for the specified IOD list / IsoValue. aVolumeViewWindow.CreateVolume(slices, theIsoValueInHounsfield); aVolumeViewWindow.Title = string.Format("DICOM Viewer - Volume View (IsoValue = {0} in Hounsfield Units)", theIsoValueInHounsfield.ToString()); Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; aVolumeViewWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The series does not have suffcient CT Slices in order to generate a Volume View!"); } }
public PCMFile(byte[] data) { if (!Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, 12).Equals("Puzzle V2.0 ")) { throw new Exception("bad file"); } Unk1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 12); Unk2 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 14); Unk3 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 16); Unk4 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 18); int widthBytes = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 20); int height = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 22); if (!Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 24, 4).Equals("MAP ")) { throw new Exception("bad file"); } Unk5 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 28); Unk6 = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 30); Width = widthBytes / 2; Height = height; TilesIndices = new short[Height, Width]; int ptr = data.Length - widthBytes * Height; for (int y = 0; y < Height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x) { int v = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, ptr); int index = v >> 2; if (index >= 1000) { index = 0; } TilesIndices[y, x] = (short)index; ptr += 2; } } }
private bool isEqualLastPixels(ref short[,] pixels) { bool equal = true; if (pixels == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (pixels[i, j] != lastPixelData[i, j]) { equal = false; lastPixelData[i, j] = pixels[i, j]; } } } return(equal); }
public Tilemap(int width, int height, int tileWidth, Bitmap bmp) { tileset = new Bitmap[bmp.Width / tileWidth]; this.tileWidth = tileWidth; tileHeight = bmp.Height; for (int i = 0; i < tileset.Length; i++) { tileset[i] = bmp.Clone(new Rectangle(i * tileWidth, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight), bmp.PixelFormat); } map = new short[width, height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { map[i, j] = -1; } } }
public static byte[] GetBytes(short[,] values) { int rows = values.GetLength(0); int cols = values.GetLength(1); byte[] buf = new byte[rows * cols * short_size]; byte[] tmp; int offset; for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { offset = (c * rows + r) * short_size; tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(values[r, c]); Buffer.BlockCopy(tmp, 0, buf, offset, short_size); } } return(buf); }
public PuzzleLogic(int numRows) { _numRows = numRows; _cells = new short[_numRows, _numRows]; _cells[0, 0] = 1; _cells[0, 1] = 2; _cells[0, 2] = 3; _cells[1, 0] = 8; _cells[1, 1] = 9; _cells[1, 2] = 4; _cells[2, 0] = 5; _cells[2, 1] = 6; _cells[2, 2] = 7; _emptyCol = _numRows - 2; //find the column of the empty cell _emptyRow = _numRows - 2; //find the row of the empty cell _cells[_emptyRow, _emptyCol] = EmptyCellId; //overwrite the last cell with the empty cell ID }
/// <summary> /// 判断两个数组是否相等 /// </summary> /// <param name="a">第一个数组</param> /// <param name="b">第二个数组</param> /// <returns>是否相等</returns> public static bool IsEquals(short[,] a, short[,] b) { bool res = true; for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a.GetLength(1); j++) { if (b[i, j] != a[i, j]) { res = false; break; } } if (!res) { break; } } return(res); }
private static int CalculateSum(short[,] matrix) { var maxSum = int.MinValue; for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0) - 2; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1) - 2; col++) { var currentSum = matrix[row, col] + matrix[row + 1, col] + matrix[row + 2, col] + matrix[row, col + 1] + matrix[row + 1, col + 1] + matrix[row + 2, col + 1] + matrix[row, col + 2] + matrix[row + 1, col + 2] + matrix[row + 2, col + 2]; if (currentSum > maxSum) { maxSum = currentSum; } } } return(maxSum); }
public void SetFrameData(Bitmap bmp) { GetFrameDelay(bmp); Width = bmp.Width; Height = bmp.Height; ColorTable = GetColorTable(bmp); if (ColorTable.Length > 16) { var compressed = CompressColors(bmp); ColorTable = GetColorTable(compressed); } TGE.Color[,] Colors = GetColors(bmp); Pixels = new short[Width, Height]; for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { Pixels[x, y] = GetClosestColorIndex(Colors[x, y]); } } }
private bool WriteHeightmapFromNBT(short[,] hm, int localChunkX, int localChunkZ, HeightmapType type) { if (sourceNBT == null) { return(false); } var chunkHM = sourceNBT.GetHeightmapFromChunkNBT(type); if (chunkHM == null) { return(false); } for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { hm[localChunkX * 16 + x, localChunkZ * 16 + z] = chunkHM[x, z]; } } return(true); }
private static void initialize(Bitmap bm) { xsize = (short)bm.Width; ysize = (short)bm.Height; Console.WriteLine("Initialize(), width:" + xsize + " ysize: " + ysize); //all black pixels get marked as "1" in the array, white are "0" var kmmLevels = new short[bm.Width, bm.Height]; //filled with 0 for (int i = 1; i < bm.Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < bm.Height - 1; j++) { var black = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0); if (bm.GetPixel(i, j) == black) { kmmLevels[i, j] = 1; } } } kmmArray = kmmLevels; }
public Bitmap FinalProcess(short[,] edgesX, short[,] edgesY) { Bitmap outputImg = new Bitmap(edgesX.GetLength(0), edgesX.GetLength(1)); for (int i = 0; i < edgesX.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < edgesX.GetLength(1); j++) { short final = (short)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(edgesX[i, j], 2) + Math.Pow(edgesY[i, j], 2)); if (final > 255) { final = 255; } outputImg.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(final, final, final)); } } return(outputImg); }
public short [] ZigzagScanning(short [,] arr) { list.Clear(); foreach (Point p in zigzagPosition) { list.Add(arr [p.X, p.Y]); } /**/ int index; while ((index = list.LastIndexOf(0)) != -1) { if (index == list.Count - 1) { list.RemoveAt(index); } else { break; /**/ }
// Selection changed in size combo private void sizeCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (se != null) { int size = sizes[this.sizeCombo.SelectedIndex]; int oldSize = se.GetLength(0); int d = (size - oldSize) >> 1; short[,] array = new short[size, size]; // copy old kernel into new for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) { if (i + d < 0) { continue; } if (i + d >= size) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < oldSize; j++) { if (j + d < 0) { continue; } if (j + d >= size) { break; } array[i + d, j + d] = se[i, j]; } } se = array; grid.LoadData(se); UpdateFilter( ); } }
public static short[,] Apply(CTSliceInfo ct, GaussBlur gb) { short[,] hmap = ct.HounsfieldPixelBuffer; int nr = ct.RowCount; int nc = ct.ColumnCount; int br =; int bc = gb.bc; float[,] blur = gb.blur; short[,] bm = new short[nr, nc]; int l = bm.Length; Array.Clear(bm, 0, bm.Length); for (int r = br; r != nr - br; ++r) { for (int c = bc; c != nc - bc; ++c) { float s = 0.0f; for (int ir = -br; ir <= br; ++ir) { int sr = r + ir; for (int ic = -bc; ic <= bc; ++ic) { int sc = c + ic; s += (float)hmap[sr, sc] * blur[ir + br, ic + bc]; } } bm[r, c] = (short)(s + 0.5f); } } return(bm); }
public unsafe void ProcessImage(UnmanagedImage image) { if (image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) { throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException("Unsupported pixel format of the source image."); } width = image.Width; height = image.Height; int num = image.Stride - width; houghMap = new short[height, width]; byte *ptr = (byte *)image.ImageData.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { int num2 = 0; while (num2 < width) { if (*ptr != 0) { DrawHoughCircle(num2, i); } num2++; ptr++; } ptr += num; } maxMapIntensity = 0; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (houghMap[j, k] > maxMapIntensity) { maxMapIntensity = houghMap[j, k]; } } } CollectCircles(); }
public FrameStructure GetShema(short[,] map, TileInfoStructure info) { FrameStructure rez = new FrameStructure(); currentTileInfo = info; // GetTop(); if (mapTop == null) { mapTop = new short[, ] { { -2, -1, -2 }, { -2, -2, -2 }, { -2, -2, -2 } } } ; if (ChackMap(mapTop, map, info)) { return(GetTop()); } // GetBottom(); if (mapBottom == null) { mapBottom = new short[, ] { { -2, -2, -2 }, { -2, -2, -2 }, { -2, -1, -2 } } } ; if (ChackMap(mapBottom, map, info)) { return(GetBottom()); } return(rez); } }
private static void SetupLargestHouse(Point origin, int forestSize, IEnumerable <Point> trees) { _largestHouse = new short[forestSize, forestSize]; // fill in left edge for (var i = 0; i < forestSize; i++) { _largestHouse[i, 0] = 1; } // fill in top edge for (var j = 0; j < forestSize; j++) { _largestHouse[0, j] = 1; } // fill in trees foreach (var tree in trees) { var newtree = Translate(tree, origin); if (newtree.Y > 0 && newtree.Y < forestSize && newtree.X > 0 && newtree.X < forestSize) { _largestHouse[newtree.Y, newtree.X] = 1; } } // fill in all other cells, left to right then top to bottom for (var i = 1; i < forestSize; i++) { for (var j = 1; j < forestSize; j++) { if (_largestHouse[i, j] == 0) // only if we don't already know there's a tree { _largestHouse[i, j] = (short)(1 + Min(_largestHouse[i - 1, j], _largestHouse[i - 1, j - 1], _largestHouse[i, j - 1])); } } } }
internal void refreshArrays() { SquareState[,] newSqState = new SquareState[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; short[,] newSqFloorHeight = new short[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; byte[,] newSqSeatRot = new byte[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; for (int y = 0; y < MapSizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++) { if (x > (staticModel.MapSizeX - 1) || y > (staticModel.MapSizeY - 1)) { newSqState[x, y] = SquareState.BLOCKED; } else { newSqState[x, y] = SqState[x, y]; newSqFloorHeight[x, y] = SqFloorHeight[x, y]; newSqSeatRot[x, y] = SqSeatRot[x, y]; } } } SqState = newSqState; SqFloorHeight = newSqFloorHeight; SqSeatRot = newSqSeatRot; RelativeSerialized = false; HeightmapSerialized = false; }
void FetchLoresTerrain() { TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm30TextureFetcher(); Vector2 terrainLocation = new Vector2((float)MathExtensions.Round(initialTerrainLocation.X, 1), (float)MathExtensions.Round(initialTerrainLocation.Y, 1)); loresTerrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(GetCentredSquareRectangle(terrainLocation, DegreesToWorldUnits(9.999) / 1200.0f)); TerrainEffect.WriteLoresTexture(loresTerrain); TerrainEffect.LoresTerrainCentreLocation = new Vector2(); //DegreesToWorldUnits(initialCameraLocation); }
private void FetchHiresTerrain() { TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm3TextureFetcher(); Vector2 terrainLocation = new Vector2((float)MathExtensions.Round(initialTerrainLocation.X, 0.125), (float)MathExtensions.Round(initialTerrainLocation.Y, 0.125)); hiresTerrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(GetCentredSquareRectangle(terrainLocation, DegreesToWorldUnits(0.5) / 1200.0f)); TerrainEffect.WriteHiresTexture(hiresTerrain); TerrainEffect.TerrainCentreLocation = new Vector2();// DegreesToWorldUnits(initialCameraLocation); }
//=========================================================================== // NewStage //=========================================================================== public static void NewStage() { switch( nStageNum ) { case 0: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData0.Clone(); break; case 1: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData1.Clone(); break; case 2: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData2.Clone(); break; case 3: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData3.Clone(); break; case 4: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData4.Clone(); break; case 5: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData5.Clone(); break; case 6: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData6.Clone(); break; case 7: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData7.Clone(); break; case 8: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData8.Clone(); break; case 9: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData9.Clone(); break; case 10: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData10.Clone(); break; case 11: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData11.Clone(); break; case 12: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData12.Clone(); break; case 13: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData13.Clone(); break; case 14: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData14.Clone(); break; case 15: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData15.Clone(); break; case 16: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData16.Clone(); break; case 17: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData17.Clone(); break; case 18: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData18.Clone(); break; case 19: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData19.Clone(); break; case 20: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData20.Clone(); break; case 21: stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData21.Clone(); break; } callStageInit(); Countdown = 60; bCleared = false; }
// Selection changed in size combo private void sizeCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (se != null) { int size = sizes[this.sizeCombo.SelectedIndex]; int oldSize = se.GetLength(0); int d = (size - oldSize) >> 1; short[,] array = new short[size, size]; // copy old kernel into new for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) { if (i + d < 0) continue; if (i + d >= size) break; for (int j = 0; j < oldSize; j++) { if (j + d < 0) continue; if (j + d >= size) break; array[i + d, j + d] = se[i, j]; } } se = array; grid.LoadData(se); UpdateFilter(); } }
void Start() { // Setting up stuff terrainHolderObj = GameObject.Find ("WorldTerrainHolder"); terrainHolder = (World_TerrainHolder)terrainHolderObj.GetComponent<World_TerrainHolder>(); playerHolder = GameObject.Find ("PlayerHolder"); ph = (PlayerHolder)playerHolder.GetComponent<PlayerHolder> (); terrainChunkMap = terrainHolder.getChunkTerrain (); terrainCostMap = terrainHolder.getTerrainCost (); reloadTerrain (); wcs.initialize (terrainChunkMap, tilesToUse, terrainHolder.getChunkSize()); chunkSize = terrainHolder.getChunkSize (); isChunkLoad = new bool[terrainChunkMap.GetLength (0), terrainChunkMap.GetLength (1)]; // Calculating XBound xBound = chunkSize * terrainChunkMap.GetLength (0) * tileSize; xBound = xBound / 2.0f; yBound = chunkSize * terrainChunkMap.GetLength (1) * tileSize; yBound = yBound/2.0f; Debug.Log ("Calculated XBound to :" + xBound + ", YBound to :" + yBound); // Generating cornucopia chunks... short centerChunk = (short)(terrainChunkMap.GetLength (0) / 2); for (int i = centerChunk-2; i < centerChunk+3; i++) { for (int j = centerChunk-2; j < centerChunk+3; j++) { short[,] tmpChunk = wcs.spawnChunk ((short)i, (short)j); terrainHolder.copyInChunk (i,j,tmpChunk); } } // Spawning in cornucopia chunks for (int i = centerChunk-2; i < centerChunk+3; i++) { for (int j = centerChunk-2; j < centerChunk+3; j++) { short[,] tmpChunk = terrainHolder.copyOutChunk(i, j); loadInChunk (tmpChunk, i, j); } } reloadTerrain (); // Instantiating in players int numPlayers = ph.getNumPlayers (); float rads = 360 / numPlayers; rads = (rads * 3.14159f / 180.0f); for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { float currentAngle = rads * i; //Debug.Log ("Angle : " + (180.0f*currentAngle/3.14159f)); float xCord = (Mathf.Cos (currentAngle)); float yCord = (Mathf.Sin (currentAngle)); //Debug.Log ("X:" + xCord + ", Y:" + yCord); xCord *= (8.0f * 0.4f); yCord *= (8.0f * 0.4f); //Debug.Log ("X:" + xCord + ", Y:" + yCord); int xRemaind = (int)(xCord / 0.4f); int yRemaind = (int)(yCord / 0.4f); xCord = xRemaind * 0.4f; yCord = yRemaind * 0.4f; GameObject player = ph.getPlayer (i); player.SetActive (true); Debug.Log ("Putting player " + i + " at " + xCord + "," + yCord); player.transform.Translate (xCord,yCord,0); } currentPlayer = ph.getPlayer (0); pi = (PlayerInfo)currentPlayer.GetComponent<PlayerInfo> (); pi.isCurrentPlayer = true; UpdateCamera (); }
public MapLayer(short[,] map) { = (short[,])map.Clone(); }
private void InitMapMesh() { _useElevation = useElevation; Shader tileShader = tilesetShader; MeshFilter meshFilter; BoxCollider boxCollider = null; if (tilesetMesh == null) { meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (colliderType == OnlineMapsColliderType.mesh) meshCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); else if (colliderType == boxCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); tilesetMesh = new Mesh {name = "Tileset"}; } else { meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); tilesetMesh.Clear(); elevationData = null; elevationRequest = null; if (useElevation) { ignoreGetElevation = false; } } int w1 = api.tilesetWidth / OnlineMapsUtils.tileSize; int h1 = api.tilesetHeight / OnlineMapsUtils.tileSize; int subMeshVX = 1; int subMeshVZ = 1; if (useElevation) { if (w1 < 32) subMeshVX = 32 % w1 == 0 ? 32 / w1 : 32 / w1 + 1; if (h1 < 32) subMeshVZ = 32 % h1 == 0 ? 32 / h1 : 32 / h1 + 1; } Vector2 subMeshSize = new Vector2(api.tilesetSize.x / w1, api.tilesetSize.y / h1); int w = w1 + 2; int h = h1 + 2; vertices = new Vector3[w * h * subMeshVX * subMeshVZ * 4]; uv = new Vector2[w * h * subMeshVX * subMeshVZ * 4]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[w * h * subMeshVX * subMeshVZ * 4]; Material[] materials = new Material[w * h]; tilesetMesh.subMeshCount = w * h; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { InitMapSubMesh(ref normals, x, y, w, h, subMeshSize, subMeshVX, subMeshVZ); } } tilesetMesh.vertices = vertices; tilesetMesh.uv = uv; tilesetMesh.normals = normals; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { InitMapSubMeshTriangles(ref materials, x, y, w, h, subMeshVX, subMeshVZ, tileShader); } } triangles = null; gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = materials; tilesetMesh.MarkDynamic(); tilesetMesh.RecalculateBounds(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = tilesetMesh; if (meshCollider != null) meshCollider.sharedMesh = Instantiate(tilesetMesh) as Mesh; else if (boxCollider != null) { = new Vector3(-api.tilesetSize.x / 2, 0, api.tilesetSize.y / 2); boxCollider.size = new Vector3(api.tilesetSize.x, 0, api.tilesetSize.y); } UpdateMapMesh(); }
void reloadTerrain() { terrainMap = terrainHolder.getTerrain (); }
protected override void OnDestroyLate() { base.OnDestroyLate(); if (drawingsGameObject != null) DestroyImmediate(drawingsGameObject); drawingsGameObject = null; elevationData = null; elevationRequest = null; meshCollider = null; tilesetMesh = null; triangles = null; uv = null; vertices = null; }
public Chunk(Chunk c) { data = (short[,]); }
void Start() { //Log.debug("ENTER SpriteBuilding.Start"); map = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Map>(); dispatcher = map.transform.GetComponent<AsyncDispatchBehaviour>(); mapData = dispatcher.mapData; nodeW = map.nodeW; nodeH = map.nodeH; //Log.debug("LEAVE SpriteBuilding.Start"); }
public void TestStrm3PixelRegion() { PointF longLat = new PointF(lng, lat); TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm3TextureFetcher(); Rectangle region = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 1500); terrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(longLat, region); Image img = ImagingFunctions.CreateImageFromArray(terrain, ImagingFunctions.HsvColourMap(256)); ImagingFunctions.SaveAndDisplayImage(img, "terrainFetchPixel030.png"); region = new Rectangle(0, 1500, 1000, 1500); terrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(longLat, region); img = ImagingFunctions.CreateImageFromArray(terrain, ImagingFunctions.HsvColourMap(256)); ImagingFunctions.SaveAndDisplayImage(img, "terrainFetchPixel032.png"); }
private static bool LoadPrunData() { if (File.Exists(PrunPath)) { using (Stream stream = File.Open(PrunPath, FileMode.Open)) { var bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); twistMove = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); flipMove = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); FRtoBR_Move = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); URFtoDLF_Move = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); URtoDF_Move = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); URtoUL_Move = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); UBtoDF_Move = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); MergeURtoULandUBtoDF = (short[,]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); Slice_URFtoDLF_Parity_Prun = (sbyte[]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); Slice_URtoDF_Parity_Prun = (sbyte[]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); Slice_Twist_Prun = (sbyte[]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); Slice_Flip_Prun = (sbyte[]) bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } return true; } return false; }
public void refreshArrays() { var newSqState = new SquareState[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; var newSqFloorHeight = new short[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; var newSqSeatRot = new byte[MapSizeX + 1, MapSizeY + 1]; for (int y = 0; y < MapSizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++) { if (x > (staticModel.MapSizeX - 1) || y > (staticModel.MapSizeY - 1)) { newSqState[x, y] = SquareState.BLOCKED; } else { newSqState[x, y] = SqState[x, y]; newSqFloorHeight[x, y] = SqFloorHeight[x, y]; newSqSeatRot[x, y] = SqSeatRot[x, y]; } } } SqState = newSqState; SqFloorHeight = newSqFloorHeight; SqSeatRot = newSqSeatRot; }
public void TestStrm30PixelMap() { PointF longLat = new PointF(lng, lat); TerrainHeightTextureFetcher fetcher = new Srtm30TextureFetcher(); int w = 2048; int h = 2048; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { Rectangle region = new Rectangle(700 + i * w, 1800 - j * h, w, h); terrain = fetcher.FetchTerrain(longLat, region); Image img = ImagingFunctions.CreateImageFromArray(terrain, ImagingFunctions.HsvColourMap(256)); ImagingFunctions.SaveAndDisplayImage(img, "terrainFetchPixel04" + i + j + ".png"); } } }
protected internal Figure(short[,] currentPosition, short matrixSize) { this.currentPosition = currentPosition; newPosition = (short[,]) currentPosition.Clone(); this.matrixSize = matrixSize; this.CurrentSum = CountSum(); }
void OnInitComplete() { engine.CameraInput.Camera.FarZ = 12000; heightMap = ReadHgtFile(hgtFile, MapSize); landscape = new Landscape(); //landscape.SplitFunction = SplitFromHeight; landscape.VisibleFunction = IsTriVisible; landscape.FetchFunction = MapFetchFunction; landscape.MAP_SIZE = heightMap.GetLength(0)-1; landscape.NUM_PATCHES_PER_SIDE = NumPatches; landscape.Init(); landscape.Scale = new Vector3(1, 0.0005f, 1); landscape.BindToPass(engine.D3DDevice, engine.Effect, "Terrain"); engine.Geometry.Add(landscape); using (MeshFactory fact = new MeshFactory()) person = fact.CreateSphere(0.5f, 20, 20); float h = GetHeightAtPoint(2.5f,2.5f); person.Translation = new Vector3(2.5f, h+1, 2.5f); person.BindToPass(engine.D3DDevice, engine.Effect, 2); engine.Geometry.Add(person); engine.D3DDevice.FillMode = SlimDX.Direct3D10.FillMode.Wireframe; engine.CameraInput.LookAt(new Vector3(MapSize/2, 100, 0), new Vector3(MapSize/2, 0, MapSize/2)); }
//=========================================================================== // アプリ初期化 //=========================================================================== static void AppInit() { graphics = new GraphicsContext(); stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); stage = (short[,])Place.PlaceData0.Clone (); // load models&初期化 player[0].idle = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player_idle.mdx", 0 ); player[0].move = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player_move.mdx", 0 ); player[0].clear = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player_happy.mdx", 0 ); player[0].mode = StateId.lookingDown; player[1].idle = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player2.mdx", 0 ); player[1].move = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player2_move.mdx", 0 ); player[1].clear = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/player2_happy.mdx", 0 ); player[1].mode = StateId.lookingDown; mdl_wall = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/box.mdx", 0 ); mdl_floor = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/floor.mdx", 0 ); mdl_switch = new BasicModel( "/Application/mdx/switch.mdx", 0 ); SampleDraw.Init(graphics); /* soundClear = new Sound( "/Application/sound/clear.wav" ); soundPlayerClear = soundClear.CreatePlayer(); soundhitWall = new Sound( "/Application/sound/hitwall.wav" ); soundPlayerhitWall = soundhitWall.CreatePlayer(); //@e Initialization of BGM //@j BGMの初期化 bgm = new Bgm( "/Application/sound/GameBgm.wav" ); bgmPlayer = bgm.CreatePlayer(); bgmPlayer.Loop = true; bgmPlayer.Play(); */ program = new BasicProgram(); menuCtrl = new MenuCtrl( graphics ); rBlock.init(); }
public void Destroy() { Heightmap = null; SqState = null; SqFloorHeight = null; SqSeatRot = null; }
public static void GenWorld(string named) { //Directory.CreateDirectory(Config.rootfolder + Config.savefolder + Config.worlddata + "/" + named); killed_kane = false; killed_loki = false; if (Settings.allow_painting) { //max_width /= 2; chunkcolor = new Color[max_width, max_height]; Main.myPlayer.pos = new Vector2(max_width / 2, max_height / 2); Main.myPlayer.spawnpoint = Main.myPlayer.pos; } thickness = new byte[max_width, max_height]; world = new short[max_width, max_height]; matrix = world; wall = new short[max_width, max_height]; alreadygen = new bool[max_width, max_height]; //powered = new bool[max_width, max_height]; //color = new Color[max_width, max_height]; name = named; World.AddPlanets(); GenChunk((int)(Main.myPlayer.pos.X - (Main.myPlayer.pos.X % chunksize)) / chunksize, (int)(Main.myPlayer.pos.Y - (Main.myPlayer.pos.Y % chunksize)) / chunksize, Main.rand.Next(2)); //GenVillage((max_width / chunksize) / 2); GenHive(max_width / 2, 850); //planets.Add(0, new Planet()); //World.SwitchDimensions(1); CheckChunks(Main.myPlayer); new Thread(new ThreadStart(SaveChunk)).Start(); new Thread(new ThreadStart(CheckChunkThread)).Start(); }
// On "Load" button - load kernel private void loadButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { short[,] array = (short[,]) Serialize2DimArray.Load(ofd.FileName, typeof(short)); int size = array.GetLength(0); int i; // check size if (size != array.GetLength(1)) throw new ApplicationException(); for (i = 0; i < sizes.Length; i++) { if (size == sizes[i]) { this.sizeCombo.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } if (i == sizes.Length) throw new ApplicationException(); se = array; grid.LoadData(se); UpdateFilter(); } catch (ApplicationException) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Failed loading structuring element from specified file", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void Dispose(bool bDisposing) { if(!bDisposed) { sChars=null; oAddedTags=null; sStrings=null; bTagData=null; } bDisposed=true; }
private void getImage() { try { if (this.connected == true) { object data = null; if(this.camara != null) data = this.camara.GetImage(0); if (data is short[,]) this.imgData = (short[,])data; else { this.imgData = null; if (data is short) { if ((short) data == 14) //TIMEOUT { //Poner el Framerate más alto object framesObject = this.camara.GetCameraProperty(75); //Subir el timeout 100 ms object actualTimeout = this.camara.GetCameraProperty(93); short status; if (actualTimeout is int) { status = this.camara.SetCameraProperty(93, (int)actualTimeout + 100); } if (framesObject is double[]) { //CAMBIAR FRAMERATE double[] frames = (double[])framesObject; status = this.camara.SetCameraProperty(43, frames[0]); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.ToString().Contains("No se puede utilizar un objeto COM que se ha separado de su RCW subyacente.")) return; procesarExcepcion(ex, "GetImage"); } }