Ejemplo n.º 1
    void DoTriggerClick(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
        if (teleportOnClick)
            // First get the current Transform of the the reference space (i.e. the Play Area, e.g. CameraRig prefab)
            var t = reference;
            if (t == null)

            // Get the current Y position of the reference space
            float refY = t.position.y;

            // Create a plane at the Y position of the Play Area
            // Then create a Ray from the origin of the controller in the direction that the controller is pointing
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, -refY);
            Ray   ray   = new Ray(this.transform.position, transform.forward);

            // Set defaults
            bool  hasGroundTarget = false;
            float dist            = 0f;
            if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseTerrain) // If we picked to use the terrain
                RaycastHit      hitInfo;
                TerrainCollider tc = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
                hasGroundTarget = tc.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 1000f);
                dist            = hitInfo.distance;
            else if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseCollider) // If we picked to use the collider
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                hasGroundTarget = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo);
                dist            = hitInfo.distance;
            else // If we're just staying flat on the current Y axis
                // Intersect a ray with the plane that was created earlier
                // and output the distance along the ray that it intersects
                hasGroundTarget = plane.Raycast(ray, out dist);

            if (hasGroundTarget)
                // Get the current Camera (head) position on the ground relative to the world
                //Vector3 headPosOnGround = new Vector3(SteamVR_Render.Top().head.position.x, refY, SteamVR_Render.Top().head.position.z);

                // We need to translate the reference space along the same vector
                // that is between the head's position on the ground and the intersection point on the ground
                // i.e. intersectionPoint - headPosOnGround = translateVector
                // currentReferencePosition + translateVector = finalPosition

                 * Vector3 createPoint = new Vector3();
                 * createPoint = t.position + (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist)) + new Vector3(0,0,0);
                 * Instantiate(createObj, createPoint, Quaternion.identity); //[createObjSelected]

                if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.units)
                    slpoint1      = (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist)); //t.position +
                    selectingStep = selectingStepEnum.target;
                if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.target)
                    targetPoint   = (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist)); //t.position +
                    selectingStep = selectingStepEnum.none;
                    GameObject[] list = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player's Unit");

                    ArrayList listSelected = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                        if (list[i].GetComponent <PlayerUnitController>().selected)

                    float width = Mathf.Sqrt(listSelected.Count);     // listSelected.Count; // Mathf.Sqrt(listSelected.Count);

                    if (listSelected.Count == 1)
                        ((GameObject)listSelected[0]).BroadcastMessage("Target", targetPoint);
                        int row = 0, col = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < listSelected.Count; i++)
                            ((GameObject)listSelected[i]).BroadcastMessage("Target", targetPoint + new Vector3((col) * .3f - width / 2 * .3f, 0, (row) * .3f - width / 2 * .3f));
                            slpoint1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            slpoint2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            if (col > width)
                                col = 0;
                //t.position = t.position + (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist)) - headPosOnGround;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void Update()
        var trackedController = GetComponent <SteamVR_TrackedController>();

        //////////////PAD SWIPING FOR TOOL SELECTION//////////////////
        SteamVR_TrackedObject trackedObj = GetComponent <SteamVR_TrackedObject>();

        var device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)trackedObj.index);

        float px = device.GetAxis(Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0).x;
        float py = device.GetAxis(Valve.VR.EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0).y;

        if (padTouched && Mathf.Abs(py) < .3)
            selectionTimer = 30;

            if (!swipingHorizontally && !swipingVertically)
                if (lastPx != 0 && Math.Abs(px - lastPx) > .4)
                    swipingHorizontally = true;
                if (lastPy != 0 && Math.Abs(py - lastPy) > .2)
                    swipingVertically = true;

            if (swipingHorizontally && px != 0 && lastPx != 0)
                buildingRotation -= (px - lastPx) * 120; //* (padXPrev - e.padX);

            if (swipingVertically && py != 0 && lastPy != 0)
                float magnitude = transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale.magnitude;
                transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * (py - lastPy) * magnitude;

                magnitude = transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale.magnitude;

                if (magnitude < .25)
                    transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * .25f;

                if (magnitude > 500)
                    transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * 500;

                //magnitude = transform.parent.gameObject.transform.localScale.magnitude;

            if (swipingHorizontally)
                scale = (scale + 1) / 2;
            if (selectionTimer > 0)
                selectionTimer -= 20 * Time.deltaTime;
                selectionTimer = 0;

            if (selectionTimer < 18)
                swipingHorizontally = false;
                swipingVertically   = false;

            if (selectionTimer < 10)
                scale = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, selectionTimer / 10); //(scale + 0) / 2;
            buildingRotation = (Mathf.Round(buildingRotation / 90) * 90 + buildingRotation) / 2;

        buildingSelector.localScale  = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
        buildingSelector.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y, transform.eulerAngles.z + buildingRotation);

        //store previous position of pad
        lastPx = px;
        lastPy = py;

        // First get the current Transform of the the reference space (i.e. the Play Area, e.g. CameraRig prefab)
        var t = reference;

        if (t == null)

        // Get the current Y position of the reference space
        float refY  = t.position.y;
        Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, -refY);
        Ray   ray   = new Ray(this.transform.position, transform.forward);

        bool            hasGroundTarget = false;
        float           dist            = 0f;
        RaycastHit      hitInfo;
        TerrainCollider tc; // = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent<TerrainCollider>();

        //dist = hitInfo.distance;

        if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseTerrain) // If we picked to use the terrain
            //RaycastHit hitInfo;
            tc = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
            hasGroundTarget = tc.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 1000f);
            dist            = hitInfo.distance;
        else if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseCollider) // If we picked to use the collider
            //RaycastHit hitInfo;
            hasGroundTarget = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo);
            dist            = hitInfo.distance;
        else // If we're just staying flat on the current Y axis
            // Intersect a ray with the plane that was created earlier
            // and output the distance along the ray that it intersects
            hasGroundTarget = plane.Raycast(ray, out dist);

        if (trackedController.triggerPressed)
            // Create a plane at the Y position of the Play Area
            // Then create a Ray from the origin of the controller in the direction that the controller is pointing

            // Set defaults
            //bool hasGroundTarget = false;
            //float dist = 0f;

            if (hasGroundTarget && selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.target)
                slpoint2 = (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist)); //t.position +
            if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.none)
                selectingStep = selectingStepEnum.units;

        if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.target)
            //x1 to x2 on z1
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint1.z), Color.blue);

            //x1 to x2 on z2
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint2.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);

            //z1 to z2 on x1
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);

            //z1 to z2 on x2
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .01f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);

        Transform placePrefab = turretPrefab;

        bool placing = false;

        if (buildingRotation > 360)
            buildingRotation -= 360;
        if (buildingRotation < 0)
            buildingRotation += 360;

        if (Mathf.Round(buildingRotation) == 0)
            placeObj    = place_obj_turret;
            placePrefab = turretPrefab;
            placing     = true;

        if (Mathf.Round(buildingRotation) == 270)
            placeObj    = place_obj_wall;
            placePrefab = wallPrefab;
            placing     = true;

        if (Mathf.Round(buildingRotation) == 180)
            placeObj    = place_obj_hut;
            placePrefab = hutPrefab;
            placing     = true;

        GameObject[] cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");

        placeObj.position    = (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist));
        placeObj.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -transform.eulerAngles.z - cam[0].transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);

        if (trackedController.triggerPressed)
            if (!clicked && placing)
                clicked = true;
                Transform newobj = Instantiate(placePrefab, placeObj.position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
                newobj.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.z, 0);
            clicked = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void Update()
        var trackedController = GetComponent <SteamVR_TrackedController>();

        if (trackedController.triggerPressed)
            // First get the current Transform of the the reference space (i.e. the Play Area, e.g. CameraRig prefab)
            var t = reference;
            if (t == null)

            // Get the current Y position of the reference space
            float refY = t.position.y;

            // Create a plane at the Y position of the Play Area
            // Then create a Ray from the origin of the controller in the direction that the controller is pointing
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, -refY);
            Ray   ray   = new Ray(this.transform.position, transform.forward);

            // Set defaults
            bool  hasGroundTarget = false;
            float dist            = 0f;
            if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseTerrain) // If we picked to use the terrain
                RaycastHit      hitInfo;
                TerrainCollider tc = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
                hasGroundTarget = tc.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 1000f);
                dist            = hitInfo.distance;
            else if (teleportType == TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseCollider) // If we picked to use the collider
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                hasGroundTarget = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo);
                dist            = hitInfo.distance;
            else // If we're just staying flat on the current Y axis
                // Intersect a ray with the plane that was created earlier
                // and output the distance along the ray that it intersects
                hasGroundTarget = plane.Raycast(ray, out dist);

            if (hasGroundTarget && selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.target)
                slpoint2 = t.position + (ray.origin + (ray.direction * dist));
            if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.none)
                selectingStep = selectingStepEnum.units;

                Debug.Log("SelectingStep set to units");
        if (selectingStep == selectingStepEnum.target)
            //x1 to x2 on z1
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint1.z), Color.blue);

            //x1 to x2 on z2
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint2.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);

            //z1 to z2 on x1
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint1.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);

            //z1 to z2 on x2
            DrawLine(new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint1.z),
                     new Vector3(slpoint2.x, slpoint1.y + .1f, slpoint2.z), Color.blue);