Ejemplo n.º 1
    static void Clear()
        parsedScrenplay           = new List <string> ();
        currentPlayableGameObject = null;
        currentDataSlate          = null;
        currentPlayable           = null;
        currentMood             = null;
        currentTimeline         = null;
        currentLocation         = null;
        currentLightingScenario = null;
        currentCharacter        = null;

        lineCount            = 0;
        currentTimelineScrub = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    static void ParseScreenplay()

        // load file
        var      selectedFilepath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select Screenplay", "", "txt");
        FileInfo fileInfo         = new FileInfo(selectedFilepath);
        string   timeText         = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh.mm.ss"); // get time so we can mark where these changes were made

        // create playabledirector in scene
        currentPlayableGameObject = new GameObject();

        currentPlayableGameObject.name = fileInfo.Name.Replace(".txt", string.Empty) + " " + timeText + " Timeline";
        currentDataSlate = currentPlayableGameObject.AddComponent <screenwriterDataSlate> ();
        currentPlayable  = currentPlayableGameObject.AddComponent <PlayableDirector> ();

        // create timeline asset
        TimelineAsset currentTimeline = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("TimelineAsset") as TimelineAsset;

        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(currentTimeline, "Assets/Timelines/" + fileInfo.Name.Replace(".txt", string.Empty) + " " + timeText + ".playable");

        currentTimeline = (TimelineAsset)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Timelines/" + fileInfo.Name.Replace(".txt", string.Empty) + " " + timeText + ".playable", typeof(TimelineAsset));

        currentPlayable.playableAsset = currentTimeline;

        masterTrack = currentTimeline.CreateTrack <GroupTrack> (null, "Master Group");
        currentTimeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack> (masterTrack, "Shots");
        currentTimeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack> (masterTrack, "Lighting");
        //      currentTimeline.CreateTrack<SignalTrack> (null, "Track");
        //      currentTimeline.CreateTrack<AnimationTrack> (null, "Track");

        string filePath = fileInfo.FullName;

        line = null;
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath);

        using (reader) {
                thirdLastLine = lastLine;
                lastLine      = line;
                line          = reader.ReadLine();
                if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) == false)
                    // this is where we actually parse the screenplay

                    //  print ("Parsing line #" + lineCount);

                    // capital letters checker
                    char[] possibleCharacter = line.ToCharArray();
                    int    capitalization    = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < possibleCharacter.Length; i++)
                        if (System.Char.IsUpper(possibleCharacter[i]))

                    // location, time of day
                    if (line.Contains("EXT") || line.Contains("INT"))
                        char splitChar = '-';

                        string[] splitString = line.Split(splitChar);

                        currentLocation = splitString[0];

                        currentLightingScenario = splitString[1];

                    // character check - all capitals and no :
                    if (capitalization > possibleCharacter.Length * 0.8f && line.Contains(":") == false)
                        currentCharacter = line;

                    // extra actor instructions check - has ()
                    if (line.Contains("("))
                        currentMood = line;

                    // transition data - contains : and is caps
                    if (line.Contains(":") && capitalization > possibleCharacter.Length * 0.5f)

                    // at this point there arent many edge cases left - check if we have a actor guidelines or an actor name above us to see if this is dialogue
                    if (lastLine != null)
                        if (lastLine.Contains("(") || currentDataSlate.characters.Contains(lastLine))
                            //dialogue callback

                            // check if we already have a character group
                            bool alreadyCreatedCharacter = false;
                            IEnumerable <TrackAsset> duplicateCharacterCheck = currentTimeline.GetRootTracks();
                            foreach (TrackAsset track in duplicateCharacterCheck)
                                if (track.name == currentCharacter)
                                    alreadyCreatedCharacter = true;

                            if (alreadyCreatedCharacter == false)
                                TrackAsset characterTrack      = currentTimeline.CreateTrack <GroupTrack> (null, currentCharacter);
                                TrackAsset possibleSignalTrack = currentTimeline.CreateTrack <SignalTrack> (characterTrack, currentCharacter + " Signals");
                                TrackAsset animationTrack      = currentTimeline.CreateTrack <AnimationTrack> (characterTrack, currentCharacter + " Animation Overrides");

                            IEnumerable <TrackAsset> allTracksForActors = currentTimeline.GetOutputTracks();
                            foreach (TrackAsset track in allTracksForActors)
                                if (track.name == currentCharacter + " Signals")
                                    IMarker newMarker = track.CreateMarker <SignalEmitter> (currentTimelineScrub);
                                if (track.name == currentCharacter + " Animation Overrides")
                                    TimelineClip newClip = track.CreateDefaultClip();
                                    newClip.start       = currentTimelineScrub;
                                    newClip.duration    = Convert.ToDouble(line.Length) / 12.0;
                                    newClip.displayName = "Dialogue Animation";

                    // shot callback
                    IEnumerable <TrackAsset> allTracksForActions = currentTimeline.GetOutputTracks();
                    foreach (TrackAsset track in allTracksForActions)
                        if (track.name == "Shots")
                            GameObject cameraInstance = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(currentDataSlate.cameraPrefab) as GameObject;
                            cameraInstance.name             = "Shot Camera";
                            cameraInstance.transform.parent = currentPlayableGameObject.transform;

                            //   TimelineClip newClip = track.CreateDefaultClip ();

                            TimelineClip         tlClip = track.CreateClip <ControlPlayableAsset> ();
                            ControlPlayableAsset clip   = tlClip.asset as ControlPlayableAsset;
                            clip.sourceGameObject.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString();
                            currentPlayable.SetReferenceValue(clip.sourceGameObject.exposedName, cameraInstance);

                            tlClip.clipIn      = currentTimelineScrub;
                            tlClip.duration    = Convert.ToDouble(line.Length) / 12.0;
                            tlClip.displayName = line;
                        if (track.name == "Lighting")
                            TimelineClip newClip = track.CreateDefaultClip();
                            newClip.displayName = currentLightingScenario;
                            newClip.clipIn      = currentTimelineScrub;
                            newClip.duration    = Convert.ToDouble(line.Length) / 12.0;

                    currentTimelineScrub = currentTimeline.duration;
            }while (line != null);