         * Compare which object has a greater score.
         * If scores are the same, then compare by their last names.
         * If the last names are still the same, then compare by their first names.
         * Pre-condition:
         *      x not null
         *      y not null
         * Post-condition:
         *      return 1 if x < y
         *      return 0 if x = y
         *      return -1 if x > y
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            scoreRecord r1 = (scoreRecord)x;
            scoreRecord r2 = (scoreRecord)y;

            if (r2.score == r1.score)
                if (r2.lastName == r1.lastName)
                    if (r2.firstName == r1.firstName)
                        // second object has higher position if its name is in smaller alphabetical order
                        return(String.Compare(r1.firstName, r2.firstName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    // second object has higher position if its name is in smaller alphabetical order
                    return(String.Compare(r1.lastName, r2.lastName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                // second object has higher position if its score is higher
                return((r2.score > r1.score) ? 1 : -1);
        public void CompareTestSameScoresAndLastNameDifferntFirstName()
            ScoreComparer sc = new ScoreComparer();
            scoreRecord   higherPositionCandidate = new scoreRecord();
            scoreRecord   lowerPositionCandidate  = new scoreRecord();

            higherPositionCandidate.firstName = "ABC";
            higherPositionCandidate.lastName  = "XYZ";
            higherPositionCandidate.score     = 50;

            lowerPositionCandidate.firstName = "DEF";
            lowerPositionCandidate.lastName  = "XYZ";
            lowerPositionCandidate.score     = 50;

            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(lowerPositionCandidate, higherPositionCandidate) > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(higherPositionCandidate, lowerPositionCandidate) < 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(higherPositionCandidate, higherPositionCandidate) == 0);
        public void CompareTestDifferentScores()
            ScoreComparer sc = new ScoreComparer();
            scoreRecord   higherPositionCandidate = new scoreRecord();
            scoreRecord   lowerPositionCandidate  = new scoreRecord();

            higherPositionCandidate.firstName = "ABC";
            higherPositionCandidate.lastName  = "XYZ";
            higherPositionCandidate.score     = 99;

            lowerPositionCandidate.firstName = "ABC";
            lowerPositionCandidate.lastName  = "XYZ";
            lowerPositionCandidate.score     = 80;

            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(lowerPositionCandidate, higherPositionCandidate) > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(higherPositionCandidate, lowerPositionCandidate) < 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(sc.Compare(higherPositionCandidate, higherPositionCandidate) == 0);