Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void MakeUniverses(string baseName, int universe, int startCh, int pixelCt, byte pixelOrder, bool reverseOrder)
            channel          newch;
            rgbChannel       newRGBch;
            channelGroupList newGroup;
            channelGroupItem newGroupItem;
            savedIndex       newSI;
            int curPixel    = 1;
            int curUniverse = universe;
            int curCh       = startCh;
            int track       = Convert.ToInt16(txtTrack.Text) - 1;
            int nextSI      = seq.highestSavedIndex + 1;
            int nextGI      = seq.groupItemCount;

            // Add new channels - Pixel Count * 3 (1 each for red, green, blue)
            Array.Resize(ref seq.channels, seq.channelCount + pixelCt * 3 + 2);
            // Add new RGB Channel groups, Pixel Count
            Array.Resize(ref seq.rgbChannels, seq.rgbChannelCount + pixelCt + 2);
            Array.Resize(ref seq.trackItems, seq.trackItemCount + pixelCt + 2);
            Array.Resize(ref seq.savedIndexes, nextSI + pixelCt * 4 + 2);
            Array.Resize(ref seq.channelGroups, seq.groupCount + 3);
            Array.Resize(ref seq.channelGroupItems, seq.groupItemCount + pixelCt + 2);

            // ** Universe Group **
            newGroup = new channelGroupList();
            int ch2 = startCh + pixelCt * 3 - 2;              // Temp, used only in the name

            // Name Format:  BaseName001 (U001.001-003)
            newGroup.name       = baseName + " Pixels001-" + pixelCt.ToString("000") + " (U" + curUniverse.ToString("00") + "." + startCh.ToString("000") + "-" + ch2.ToString("000") + ")";
            newGroup.savedIndex = nextSI + pixelCt * 4;

            // *!* Double-Check correct saved index for group!
            for (int pixelNo = 1; pixelNo <= pixelCt; pixelNo++)
                curPixel = pixelNo;
                if (pixelCt > 170)
                    if ((pixelNo > 150) && (pixelNo < 301))
                        curPixel   -= 150;
                        curUniverse = universe + 1;
                        curCh       = curPixel * 3 - 2;
                    if ((pixelNo > 300) && (pixelNo < 450))
                        curPixel   -= 300;
                        curUniverse = universe + 2;
                        curCh       = curPixel * 3 - 2;
                    if ((pixelNo > 450) && (pixelNo < 600))
                        curPixel   -= 450;
                        curUniverse = universe + 3;
                        curCh       = curPixel * 3 - 2;

                // ** RGB Channel Group **
                newRGBch = new rgbChannel();
                ch2      = curCh + 2;             // Temp, used only in the name
                // Name Format:  BaseName001 (U001.001-003)
                newRGBch.name = baseName + " Pixel" + pixelNo.ToString("000") + " (U" + curUniverse.ToString("00") + "." + curCh.ToString("000") + "-" + ch2.ToString("000") + ")";

                // ** RED Channel **
                // Create new channel for Red
                newch            = new channel();
                newch.deviceType = deviceType.DMX;
                newch.network    = curUniverse;
                // Name Format: BaseName001 (U001.001) (R)
                newch.name             = baseName + " Pixel" + pixelNo.ToString("000") + " (U" + curUniverse.ToString("00") + "." + curCh.ToString("000") + ") (R)";
                newch.circuit          = curCh;
                newch.color            = 255;      // Red
                newch.savedIndex       = nextSI;
                newRGBch.redSavedIndex = newch.savedIndex;

                // update Saved Indexes
                newSI                    = new savedIndex();
                newSI.objType            = tableType.channel;
                newSI.objIndex           = nextSI;
                seq.savedIndexes[nextSI] = newSI;

                // Add new channel to array, and incr count
                seq.channels[seq.channelCount] = newch;
                // Incr the DMX channel #

                // ** GREEN Channel **
                // Create new channel for Green
                newch            = new channel();
                newch.deviceType = deviceType.DMX;
                newch.network    = curUniverse;
                // Name Format: BaseName001 (U001.002) (G)
                newch.name             = baseName + " Pixel" + pixelNo.ToString("000") + " (U" + curUniverse.ToString("00") + "." + curCh.ToString("000") + ") (G)";
                newch.circuit          = curCh;
                newch.color            = 65280;      // Green
                newch.savedIndex       = nextSI;
                newRGBch.grnSavedIndex = newch.savedIndex;

                // update Saved Indexes
                newSI                    = new savedIndex();
                newSI.objType            = tableType.channel;
                newSI.objIndex           = nextSI;
                seq.savedIndexes[nextSI] = newSI;

                // Add new channel to array, and incr count
                seq.channels[seq.channelCount] = newch;
                // Incr the DMX channel #

                // ** BLUE Channel **
                // Create new channel for Blue
                newch                  = new channel();
                newch.deviceType       = deviceType.DMX;
                newch.network          = curUniverse;
                newch.name             = baseName + " Pixel" + pixelNo.ToString("000") + " (U" + curUniverse.ToString("00") + "." + curCh.ToString("000") + ") (B)";
                newch.circuit          = curCh;
                newch.color            = 16711680;      // Blue
                newch.savedIndex       = nextSI;
                newRGBch.bluSavedIndex = newch.savedIndex;

                // update Saved Indexes
                newSI                    = new savedIndex();
                newSI.objType            = tableType.channel;
                newSI.objIndex           = nextSI;
                seq.savedIndexes[nextSI] = newSI;

                // Add new channel to array, and incr count
                seq.channels[seq.channelCount] = newch;
                // Incr the DMX channel #

                // ** RGB Channel Group **
                // Add new RGB channel to array, and incr count
                newRGBch.savedIndex = nextSI;
                seq.rgbChannels[seq.rgbChannelCount] = newRGBch;

                // update Saved Indexes
                newSI                    = new savedIndex();
                newSI.objType            = tableType.rgbChannel;
                newSI.objIndex           = nextSI;
                seq.savedIndexes[nextSI] = newSI;

                // Add the RGB Channel Group to the Universe Group
                seq.channelGroupItems[seq.groupItemCount] = new channelGroupItem();
                seq.channelGroupItems[seq.groupItemCount].channelGroupSavedIndex = newRGBch.savedIndex;
                seq.channelGroupItems[seq.groupItemCount].channelGroupListIndex  = seq.groupCount;


            seq.channelGroups[seq.groupCount] = newGroup;

            seq.trackItems[seq.trackItemCount]            = new trackItem();
            seq.trackItems[seq.trackItemCount].savedIndex = newGroup.savedIndex;
            seq.trackItems[seq.trackItemCount].trackIndex = track;


            seq.highestSavedIndex = nextSI;
Ejemplo n.º 2
			public int AddSavedIndex(savedIndex si, int position);