protected MessageBundle fetchBundle(LocaleSpec locale, bool ignoreCache)
            Uri      url     = locale.getMessages();
            sRequest request = new sRequest(url).setIgnoreCache(ignoreCache);

            // Since we don't allow any variance in cache time, we should just force the cache time
            // globally. This ensures propagation to shared caches when this is set.
            request.setCacheTtl((int)(refresh / 1000));

            sResponse response = fetcher.fetch(request);

            if (response.getHttpStatusCode() != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_CONTENT,
                                          "Unable to retrieve message bundle xml. HTTP error " +

            MessageBundle bundle = new MessageBundle(locale, response.responseString);

        private GadgetSpec FetchObjectAndCache(Uri url, bool ignoreCache)
            sRequest request = new sRequest(url)

            // Since we don't allow any variance in cache time, we should just force the cache time
            // globally. This ensures propagation to shared caches when this is set.
            request.setCacheTtl((int)(refresh / 1000));

            sResponse response = fetcher.fetch(request);

            if (response.getHttpStatusCode() != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_CONTENT,
                                          "Unable to retrieve gadget xml. HTTP error " +

            GadgetSpec spec = new GadgetSpec(url, response.responseString);

            HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(url.ToString(), spec, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(refresh));