Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*Construct a query string for inserting roles into the db
         * Will always insert the staff role, and staff role ID must be provided
         * Will insertion query to add the roles provided in the staffType and
         * optionalStaffType object if their corresponding bools are true.
        private string CreateRolesQuery(bool toAddStaffType, bool toAddOptionalType, sEmployeeModel employeeObject, int staffRoleID)
            string queryString = "";

            if (toAddStaffType)
                queryString += "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee_Role (Employee_ID, Role_ID) " +
                               "VALUES ('" + employeeObject.staffID + "', '" + employeeObject.staffType + "') ";
            if (toAddOptionalType)
                queryString += "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee_Role (Employee_ID, Role_ID) " +
                               "VALUES ('" + employeeObject.staffID + "', '" + employeeObject.optionalStaffType + "') ";
            queryString += "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee_Role (Employee_ID, Role_ID) " +
                           "VALUES ('" + employeeObject.staffID + "', '" + staffRoleID + "') ";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Index(sEmployeeModel SE)
            var    connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString;
            string queryString      = "";

            /*Redundant: yes but the rest of the implementation requires references to the staff ID
             * and there was no effective way to enforce that the staff ID be 5 digits as an int*/
            int actualStaffID;

            int.TryParse(SE.staffIDInString, out actualStaffID);
            SE.staffID = actualStaffID;

            bool hasValidationErrors = false;

            //Check if username already exists
            queryString = "SELECT Employee_ID, User_Name FROM dbo.Employee WHERE dbo.Employee.User_Name = '" + SE.userName + "' OR dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "'";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    sEmployeeModel tempEmp = (sEmployeeModel)TempData["EmptyEmployee"];
                    while (reader.Read())
                        int id = (int)reader[0];
                        if (tempEmp.staffID != id && id == SE.staffID)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("staffID", "Staff ID already exists.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;
                        string userName = (string)reader[1];

                        if (!userName.Equals(tempEmp.userName) && userName.Equals(SE.userName))
                            ModelState.AddModelError("userName", "Username already exists.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;
                //End check if username exists.

                /*Check if the employee is the line manager of a department
                 * Here, I can easily retrieve the department ID and use that to
                 * check if the department ID is assigned to at least one staff member.
                 * But I have not implemented this because it's not clear what I would
                 * or would not do if or if not there is a staff member associated with the
                 * department*/
                queryString = "SELECT Line_Manager_ID " +
                              "FROM dbo.Department " +
                              "WHERE dbo.Department.Line_Manager_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "' " +
                              "AND dbo.Department.Line_Manager_ID IS NOT NULL";
                command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        if (SE.accountStatus == false)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("accountStatus", "Cannot deactivate a department's Line Manager.\r\n Please replace the Line Manager first.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;
                        if (SE.isAdmin)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("isAdmin", "The employee the active Line Manager of a department. Adminitrator users do not have the functionalities of a Line Manager.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;

                        /*Check if user tried to change the LM Role of an active LM of a department
                         * Normally it's okay to deactivate a person with the LM role if they are not
                         * the active LM of a department.*/
                        Dictionary <int, string> lmCheckRoleOptions = (Dictionary <int, string>)TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"];
                        int            lmID         = lmCheckRoleOptions.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Value == "LM").Key;
                        sEmployeeModel lmCheckModel = (sEmployeeModel)TempData["EmptyEmployee"];
                        string         lsr;
                        string         rsr;
                        string         losr;
                        string         rosr;
                        if (SE.staffType == null)
                            lsr = "";
                            lsr = SE.staffType;
                        if (lmCheckModel.staffType == null)
                            rsr = "";
                            rsr = lmCheckModel.staffType;
                        if (SE.optionalStaffType == null)
                            losr = "";
                            losr = SE.optionalStaffType;
                        if (lmCheckModel.optionalStaffType == null)
                            rosr = "";
                            rosr = lmCheckModel.optionalStaffType;

                        if (lmCheckModel.staffType == lmID.ToString())
                            if (!lsr.Equals(rsr) && !losr.Equals(rsr))
                                ModelState.AddModelError("staffType", "The employee is the active line manager of a depaartment. \r\n Please replace the Line Manager first.");
                                hasValidationErrors = true;
                        if (lmCheckModel.optionalStaffType == lmID.ToString())
                            if (!losr.Equals(rosr) && !lsr.Equals(rosr))
                                ModelState.AddModelError("optionalStaffType", "The employee is the active line manager of a depaartment. \r\n Please replace the Line Manager first.");
                                hasValidationErrors = true;


            /*Make sure the selection lists for departments, roles, secondary lm
             * and the non-display role options are persisted. And then redirect to
             * back to the view.*/
            if (hasValidationErrors)
                sEmployeeModel EmptyEmployee = (sEmployeeModel)TempData["EmptyEmployee"];
                SE.staffTypeSelectionOptions      = EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions;
                SE.departmentList                 = EmptyEmployee.departmentList;
                SE.SecondLMSelectionOptions       = EmptyEmployee.SecondLMSelectionOptions;
                TempData["EmptyEmployee"]         = EmptyEmployee;
                TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"] = TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"];
            // End validations

            //Table insertions
            SE.password = RandomPassword.Generate(7, 7);
            string secondLMtext      = "";
            string secondLmValueText = "";

            if (SE.secondLineManager != null)
                secondLMtext      = ", [2nd_Line_Manager] = '" + SE.secondLineManager + "'";
                secondLmValueText = "', '" + SE.secondLineManager;

            /*Had to use deptname to store the actual department ID because for some
             * reason the view wouldn't store the value of the dropdown for department
             * selection in the deptID int*/
            if (SE.deptName == null)
                queryString = "UPDATE dbo.Employee SET (First_Name, " +
                              "Last_Name, User_Name, Designation, Email, Gender, PH_No, " +
                              "Emp_Start_Date, Account_Status" + secondLMtext + ") VALUES('" + SE.firstName +
                              "', '" + SE.lastName + "', '" + SE.userName +
                              "', '" + SE.designation + "', '" + SE.email +
                              "', '" + SE.gender + "', '" + SE.phoneNo + "', '" + SE.empStartDate +
                              "', '" + SE.accountStatus + secondLmValueText + "') " +
                              "WHERE dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "' ";
                queryString = "UPDATE dbo.Employee SET First_Name = '" + SE.firstName + "', " +
                              "Last_Name = '" + SE.lastName + "', User_Name = '" + SE.userName +
                              "', Designation = '" + SE.designation + "', Email = '" + SE.email +
                              "', Gender = '" + SE.gender + "', PH_No = '" + SE.phoneNo + "', " +
                              "Emp_Start_Date = '" + SE.empStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', Account_Status = '" + SE.accountStatus +
                              "', Department_ID = '" + SE.deptName + "', Emp_End_Date = '" + SE.empEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' " + secondLMtext + " " +
                              "WHERE dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "' ";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

            /*Clear the employee's roles before adding the updated ones.
             * Easiest way to make sure that only the updated roles remain.*/
            queryString = "DELETE FROM dbo.Employee_Role " +
                          "WHERE dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "' ";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

            /*We are now assuming that all roles except for admin are also a
             *  staff member, so the staff member role will be hard coded */
            Dictionary <int, string> nonDisplayRoleOptions = (Dictionary <int, string>)TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"];

            if (SE.isAdmin)
                int adminID = nonDisplayRoleOptions.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Value == "Admin").Key;
                queryString = "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee_Role (Employee_ID, Role_ID) " +
                              "VALUES ('" + SE.staffID + "', '" + adminID + "') ";
                int  staffRoleID       = nonDisplayRoleOptions.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Value == "Staff").Key;
                bool toAddStaffType    = true;
                bool toAddOptionalType = true;
                if (SE.staffType == null)
                    toAddStaffType = false;
                if (SE.optionalStaffType == null)
                    toAddOptionalType = false;
                if (SE.staffType != null && SE.staffType.Equals(SE.optionalStaffType))
                    queryString = CreateRolesQuery(toAddStaffType, false, SE, staffRoleID);
                    queryString = CreateRolesQuery(toAddStaffType, toAddOptionalType, SE, staffRoleID);

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

            //End Insertions

            /*Construct notification e-mail only if the username has been changed*/

            TempData["EmpID"] = SE.staffIDInString;
            string successMessage = "The details of " + SE.firstName + " " + SE.lastName + "have been edited.";

            TempData["SuccessMessage"] = successMessage;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Index()
            string         empID         = TempData["EmpID"] as string;
            sEmployeeModel EmptyEmployee = new sEmployeeModel();
            /*Get employee details*/

            var connectionString =
            string queryString = "SELECT Employee_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, " +
                                 "Gender, Ph_No, Email, User_Name, Designation, dbo.Employee.Department_ID, " +
                                 "Emp_Start_Date, dbo.Employee.[2nd_Line_Manager], Emp_End_Date, Account_Status " +
                                 "FROM dbo.Employee " +
                                 "WHERE dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = '" + empID + "' " +
                                 "AND dbo.Employee.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            EmptyEmployee.staffID         = (int)reader[0];
                            EmptyEmployee.staffIDInString = EmptyEmployee.staffID.ToString();
                            EmptyEmployee.firstName       = (string)reader[1];
                            EmptyEmployee.lastName        = (string)reader[2];
                            string gender = (string)reader[3];
                            EmptyEmployee.gender      = gender[0];
                            EmptyEmployee.phoneNo     = (string)reader[4];
                            EmptyEmployee.email       = (string)reader[5];
                            EmptyEmployee.userName    = (string)reader[6];
                            EmptyEmployee.designation = (string)reader[7];
                            if (reader[8] != DBNull.Value)
                                var read = reader[8];
                                EmptyEmployee.deptId   = (int)reader[8];
                                EmptyEmployee.deptName = EmptyEmployee.deptId.ToString();
                                EmptyEmployee.deptName = "";
                            EmptyEmployee.empStartDate = (DateTime)reader[9];
                            if (reader[10] != DBNull.Value)
                                var slmid = (int)reader[10];
                                EmptyEmployee.secondLineManager = slmid.ToString();
                                EmptyEmployee.secondLineManager = "";
                            if (reader[11] != DBNull.Value)
                                EmptyEmployee.empEndDate = (DateTime)reader[11];
                            EmptyEmployee.accountStatus = (bool)reader[12];

            Dictionary <int, string> nonDisplayRoleOptions = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            //Intermediary staff roles/types selection list

            //Get list of available roles
            bool notDisplayHrResponsible = true;

            queryString = "SELECT Employee_ID " +
                          "FROM dbo.Employee_Role " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Role.Role_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Role_ID " +
                          "WHERE dbo.Role.Role_Name = 'HR_Responsible' " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    notDisplayHrResponsible = reader.HasRows;

            queryString = "SELECT dbo.Role.Role_ID, Role_Name " +
                          "FROM dbo.Role " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Employee_Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Role.Role_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Role_ID " +
                          "WHERE dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID = '" + EmptyEmployee.staffIDInString + "' " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                int itr = 0;
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            string rn = (string)reader[1];
                            if (rn.Equals("Admin"))
                                EmptyEmployee.isAdmin = true;
                            if (itr == 0)
                                int rv = (int)reader[0];
                                EmptyEmployee.staffType = rv.ToString();
                            if (itr == 1)
                                int rv = (int)reader[0];
                                EmptyEmployee.optionalStaffType = rv.ToString();

            queryString = "SELECT Role_ID, Role_Name FROM dbo.Role";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string readRole = (string)reader[1];
                        switch (readRole)
                        case "Admin":
                            nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "HR_Responsible":
                            if (notDisplayHrResponsible)
                                nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);
                                EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "HR":
                            if (notDisplayHrResponsible)
                                EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);
                                nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "Staff":
                            nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "LM":
                            nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);
                            EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                            EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

            //We should have all role types from the database now
            //end get roles

            //Get all departments for selection
            queryString = "SELECT Department_ID, Department_Name FROM dbo.Department";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        EmptyEmployee.departmentList.Add((int)reader[0], (string)reader[1]);
            //End get departments

            //Get a list of names and ids of line manager employees
            //This will be used to select a secondary line manager for an employee
            queryString = "SELECT Employee.Employee_ID, First_Name, Last_Name " +
                          "FROM dbo.Employee " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Employee_Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Role.Role_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Role_ID " +
                          "WHERE dbo.Role.Role_Name = 'LM' " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.Employee_ID != '" + EmptyEmployee.staffIDInString + "' " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.First_Name IS NOT NULL " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.Last_Name IS NOT NULL " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string fullName = (string)reader[1] + " " + (string)reader[2];
                        EmptyEmployee.SecondLMSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], fullName);

            TempData["EmptyEmployee"]         = EmptyEmployee;
            TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"] = nonDisplayRoleOptions;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public employeeCons()
     employeeObject = new sEmployeeModel();
     roles          = new List <string>();
     balances       = new sleaveBalanceModel();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult Index()
            /*The employee model object that will be passed into the view*/
            sEmployeeModel EmptyEmployee = new sEmployeeModel();

            EmptyEmployee.deptId = 0;
            Dictionary <int, string> nonDisplayRoleOptions = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            //Intermediary staff roles/types selection list

            //Get list of available roles
            var connectionString =
            bool notDisplayHrResponsible = true;
            var  queryString             = "SELECT Employee_ID " +
                                           "FROM dbo.Employee_Role " +
                                           "FULL JOIN dbo.Role " +
                                           "ON dbo.Role.Role_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Role_ID " +
                                           "WHERE dbo.Role.Role_Name = 'HR_Responsible' " +
                                           "AND dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    notDisplayHrResponsible = reader.HasRows;

            queryString = "SELECT Role_ID, Role_Name FROM dbo.Role";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string readRole = (string)reader[1];
                        switch (readRole)
                        case "Admin":
                            nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "HR_Responsible":
                            if (notDisplayHrResponsible)
                                nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);
                                EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "HR":
                            if (notDisplayHrResponsible)
                                EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);
                                nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                        case "Staff":
                            nonDisplayRoleOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

                            EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], readRole);

            //We should have all role types from the database now
            //end get roles

            //Get all departments for selection
            queryString = "SELECT Department_ID, Department_Name FROM dbo.Department";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        EmptyEmployee.departmentList.Add((int)reader[0], (string)reader[1]);
            //End get departments

            //Get a list of names and ids of line manager employees
            //This will be used to select a secondary line manager for an employee
            queryString = "SELECT Employee.Employee_ID, First_Name, Last_Name " +
                          "FROM dbo.Employee " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Employee_Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Employee_ID " +
                          "FULL JOIN dbo.Role " +
                          "ON dbo.Role.Role_ID = dbo.Employee_Role.Role_ID " +
                          "WHERE dbo.Role.Role_Name = 'LM' " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.First_Name IS NOT NULL " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.Last_Name IS NOT NULL " +
                          "AND dbo.Employee.Employee_ID IS NOT NULL";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string fullName = (string)reader[1] + " " + (string)reader[2];
                        EmptyEmployee.SecondLMSelectionOptions.Add((int)reader[0], fullName);

            //End get line manager list
            TempData["EmptyEmployee"]         = EmptyEmployee;
            TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"] = nonDisplayRoleOptions;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Index(sEmployeeModel SE)
            var    connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString;
            string queryString      = "";

            /*Redundant: yes but the rest of the implementation requires references to the staff ID
             * and there was no effective way to enforce that the staff ID be 5 digits as an int*/
            int actualStaffID;

            int.TryParse(SE.staffIDInString, out actualStaffID);
            SE.staffID = actualStaffID;

            bool hasValidationErrors = false;

            //Check if username already exists
            queryString = "SELECT Employee_ID, User_Name FROM dbo.Employee WHERE dbo.Employee.User_Name = '" + SE.userName + "' OR dbo.Employee.Employee_ID = '" + SE.staffID + "'";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        int id = (int)reader[0];
                        if (id == SE.staffID)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("staffID", "Staff ID already exists.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;
                        string userName = (string)reader[1];
                        if (userName.Equals(SE.userName))
                            ModelState.AddModelError("userName", "Username already exists.");
                            hasValidationErrors = true;
            //End check if username exists.
            if (hasValidationErrors)
                sEmployeeModel EmptyEmployee = (sEmployeeModel)TempData["EmptyEmployee"];
                SE.staffTypeSelectionOptions      = EmptyEmployee.staffTypeSelectionOptions;
                SE.departmentList                 = EmptyEmployee.departmentList;
                SE.SecondLMSelectionOptions       = EmptyEmployee.SecondLMSelectionOptions;
                TempData["EmptyEmployee"]         = EmptyEmployee;
                TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"] = TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"];
            // End validations

            //Table insertions
            SE.password = RandomPassword.Generate(7, 7);
            string secondLMtext      = "";
            string secondLmValueText = "";

            if (SE.secondLineManager != null)
                secondLMtext      = ", [2nd_Line_Manager]";
                secondLmValueText = "', '" + SE.secondLineManager;

            //string dateTimeFormat = "d/MM/yyyy";
            string startDateString = SE.empStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            //DateTime convertedStartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(startDateString, dateTimeFormat, new CultureInfo("en-CA"));

            /*Had to use deptname to store the actual department ID because for some
             * reason the view wouldn't store the value of the dropdown for department
             * selection in the deptID int*/
            if (SE.deptName == null)
                queryString = "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee (Employee_ID, First_Name, " +
                              "Last_Name, User_Name, Password, Designation, Email, Gender, PH_No, " +
                              "Emp_Start_Date, Account_Status" + secondLMtext + ") VALUES('" + SE.staffID +
                              "', '" + SE.firstName + "', '" + SE.lastName + "', '" + SE.userName +
                              "', '" + SE.password + "', '" + SE.designation + "', '" + SE.email +
                              "', '" + SE.gender + "', '" + SE.phoneNo + "', '" + SE.empStartDate +
                              "', '" + "True" + secondLmValueText + "')";
                queryString = "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee (Employee_ID, First_Name, " +
                              "Last_Name, User_Name, Password, Designation, Email, Gender, PH_No, " +
                              "Emp_Start_Date, Account_Status, Department_ID" + secondLMtext + ") VALUES('" + SE.staffID +
                              "', '" + SE.firstName + "', '" + SE.lastName + "', '" + SE.userName +
                              "', '" + SE.password + "', '" + SE.designation + "', '" + SE.email +
                              "', '" + SE.gender + "', '" + SE.phoneNo + "', '" + startDateString +
                              "', '" + "True" + "', '" + SE.deptName + secondLmValueText + "')";
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

            /*We are now assuming that all roles except for admin are also a
             * staff member, so the staff member role will be hard coded */
            Dictionary <int, string> nonDisplayRoleOptions = (Dictionary <int, string>)TempData["nonDisplayRoleOptions"];

            if (SE.isAdmin)
                int adminID = nonDisplayRoleOptions.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Value == "Admin").Key;
                queryString = "INSERT INTO dbo.Employee_Role (Employee_ID, Role_ID) " +
                              "VALUES ('" + SE.staffID + "', '" + adminID + "') ";
                int  staffRoleID       = nonDisplayRoleOptions.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Value == "Staff").Key;
                bool toAddStaffType    = true;
                bool toAddOptionalType = true;
                if (SE.staffType == null)
                    toAddStaffType = false;
                if (SE.optionalStaffType == null)
                    toAddOptionalType = false;
                if (SE.staffType != null && SE.staffType.Equals(SE.optionalStaffType))
                    queryString = CreateRolesQuery(toAddStaffType, false, SE, staffRoleID);
                    queryString = CreateRolesQuery(toAddStaffType, toAddOptionalType, SE, staffRoleID);

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

            //End table insertions

            /*Construct and send a success e-mail to the newly created staff member*/
            string temp_email    = SE.email;
            string temp_username = SE.userName;

            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();

            message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "GIMEL LMS");

            message.To.Add(new MailAddress(temp_email));

            message.Subject = "Your User Details";
            string body = "";

            body = body + "Hi, Your user details are:" + Environment.NewLine +
                   "Username: "******"Password is: " + SE.password + Environment.NewLine +
                   "Please visit leavesystem.azurewebsites.net in order to log in.";

            message.Body = body;
            SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();

            client.EnableSsl = true;

            client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "ict@333");
            string gendertext = "";

            if (SE.gender.Equals("M"))
                gendertext = "him";
                gendertext = "her";
            //End email construction

            //Message string for the success case. Message will appear in popup window
            ViewBag.SuccessMessage = SE.firstName + " " + SE.lastName + " has been added to the database and an e-mail containing the account details sent to " + gendertext;
            /*Redirect the user to the hr edit balances page.*/
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "hrEditBalance"));
            //return Index();