public async void AppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { response = new HttpResponseMessage(); // if 'feedAddress' value changed the new URI must be tested -------------------------------- // if the new 'feedAddress' doesn't work, 'feedStatus' informs the user about the incorrect input. // feedStatus.Text = "Test if URI is valid"; Uri resourceUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(feedAddress.Trim(), UriKind.Absolute, out resourceUri)) { // feedStatus.Text = "Invalid URI, please re-enter a valid URI"; return; } if (resourceUri.Scheme != "http" && resourceUri.Scheme != "https") { // feedStatus.Text = "Only 'http' and 'https' schemes supported. Please re-enter URI"; return; } // ---------- end of test--------------------------------------------------------------------- string responseText; //feedStatus.Text = "Waiting for response ..."; try { response = await httpClient.GetAsync(resourceUri); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); responseText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); // statusPanel.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { //// Need to convert int HResult to hex string //feedStatus.Text = "Error = " + ex.HResult.ToString("X") + // " Message: " + ex.Message; responseText = ""; } //feedStatus.Text = response.StatusCode + " " + response.ReasonPhrase; // now 'responseText' contains the feed as a verified text. // next 'responseText' is converted as the rssItems class model definition to be displayed as a list List <rssItems> lstData = new List <rssItems>(); XElement _xml = XElement.Parse(responseText); XNamespace media = XNamespace.Get(""); XNamespace dc = ""; CultureInfo dateformat = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); channelTitle.Text = _xml.Elements("channel").Elements("title").First().Value; foreach (XElement value in _xml.Elements("channel").Elements("item")) { rssItems _item = new rssItems(); _item.Title = ShortenTitle(value.Element("title").Value); _item.Thumbnail = value.Element(media + "thumbnail") != null?value.Element(media + "thumbnail").Attribute("url").Value : "/Assets/Square71x71Logo.scale-240.png"; _item.Link = value.Element("link").Value; _item.Desc = value.Element("description").Value; _item.Date = value.Element("pubDate").Value.Split(' ')[4]; _item.Date = _item.Date.Remove(_item.Date.Length - 3); _item.Author = ShortenCreator(value.Element(dc + "creator").Value); lstData.Add(_item); } // lstRSS is bound to the lstData: the final result of the RSS parsing lstRSS.DataContext = lstData; }
private async void AppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { response = new HttpResponseMessage(); // if 'feedAddress' value changed the new URI must be tested -------------------------------- // if the new 'feedAddress' doesn't work, 'feedStatus' informs the user about the incorrect input. feedStatus.Text = "Test if URI is valid"; Uri resourceUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(feedAddress.Trim(), UriKind.Absolute, out resourceUri)) { feedStatus.Text = "Invalid URI, please re-enter a valid URI"; return; } if (resourceUri.Scheme != "http" && resourceUri.Scheme != "https") { feedStatus.Text = "Only 'http' and 'https' schemes supported. Please re-enter URI"; return; } // ---------- end of test--------------------------------------------------------------------- string responseText; feedStatus.Text = "Waiting for response ..."; try { response = await httpClient.GetAsync(resourceUri); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); responseText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); statusPanel.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { // Need to convert int HResult to hex string feedStatus.Text = "Error = " + ex.HResult.ToString("X") + " Message: " + ex.Message; responseText = ""; } feedStatus.Text = response.StatusCode + " " + response.ReasonPhrase; // now 'responseText' contains the feed as a verified text. // next 'responseText' is converted as the rssItems class model definition to be displayed as a list List<rssItems> lstData = new List<rssItems>(); XElement _xml = XElement.Parse(responseText); foreach (XElement value in _xml.Elements("channel").Elements("item")) { rssItems _item = new rssItems(); _item.Title = value.Element("title").Value; _item.Description = value.Element("description").Value; _item.Link = value.Element("link").Value; _item.Category = value.Element("category").Value; lstData.Add(_item); } // lstRSS is bound to the lstData: the final result of the RSS parsing lstRSS.DataContext = lstData; }