Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*cancel booked appointement*/
        public JsonResult cancelPatientAppointement(Guid id)
                patient   currentPatient = getCurrentpatient();
                reserving res            = currentPatient.reservings.FirstOrDefault(r => r.id == id);
                if (res == null)
                    return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception)
                return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 //add reservation record to database
 public ActionResult reservation(string name, string phone, string appointementDate, string interval, Guid docID)
         //convert from string to date format
         var appointDate = DateTime.Parse(appointementDate);
         //booked doctor
         var targetDoctor = db.doctors.Find(docID);
         if (!isValidReservingData(phone, name, targetDoctor.bookingType, interval))
         {                                                     //reservation data is not valid
             TempData["error"] = Resource1.invalidBookingData; //show error data on page
             //redirect to reservation page
             return(RedirectToAction("doctorReservingsPage", new { id = docID }));
         //user is not authenticated
         if (!isUserAuthenticated())
             return(RedirectToAction("doctorReservingsPage", new { id = docID }));
         patient currentPatient = getCurrentpatient();
         //number of resrevation that patient already reserved before for the same doctor
         int numberOfreservingAtTheSameDoctorAtTheSameDate = currentPatient.reservings.Count(r => r.doctorID == docID && r.reservingDate == appointDate.Date);
         //onlay available for patinet to reserve 2 times at same doctor at same date
         if (numberOfreservingAtTheSameDoctorAtTheSameDate > 2)
             TempData["error"] = Resource1.maxBookingNumber;
             return(RedirectToAction("doctorReservingsPage", new { id = docID }));
         //return if this patient has already booked at this doctor ,with the same date ,with the same patient name
         bool isHasAnybookingForThatPatient =
             currentPatient.reservings.Any(r => r.doctorID == docID && r.reservingDate == appointDate.Date && r.patientName == name);
         //user can not book a reservation at the same doctor with the same time with the same patient name
         if (isHasAnybookingForThatPatient)
             TempData["error"] = Resource1.haveBookingAlready;
             return(RedirectToAction("doctorReservingsPage", new { id = docID }));
         //add new reservation record at database
         reserving newReservation = new reserving();
         newReservation.doctorID      = docID;
         newReservation.patientName   = name;
         newReservation.patientID     = currentPatient.id;
         newReservation.reservingDate = appointDate.Date;
         newReservation.visitType     = true;
         newReservation.phone         = phone;
         newReservation.interval      = interval;
         newReservation.id            = Guid.NewGuid();
         thankForBookingData bookingDoneData = new thankForBookingData();
         bookingDoneData.name             = name;
         bookingDoneData.clinicAddress    = (currentLanguage == "en") ? targetDoctor.doctorInfo.clinicAddressEng : targetDoctor.doctorInfo.clinicAddressAr;
         bookingDoneData.appointementDate = appointDate;
         bookingDoneData.interval         = interval;
         bookingDoneData.bookingType      = targetDoctor.bookingType;
         //go to thank you page(booking is done)
         return(RedirectToAction("thankYouForBooking", bookingDoneData));
     catch (Exception)
         TempData["error"] = Resource1.serverProblem;