Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static unsafe void renderAlpha(pr2.IRenderImage dest, int x, int y, pr2.IRenderImage src, int opacity, bool drawZero)
            int xlen = src.Width;
            int ylen = src.Height;
            int* s = src.Buffer;
            int* d = dest.Buffer;

            int spitch = xlen;
            int dpitch = dest.Pitch;

            if (clip(ref x, ref y, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, spitch, dpitch, 0, dest.Width, 0, dest.Height))

            for (; ylen != 0; ylen--)
                for (int xx = 0; xx < xlen; xx++)
                    handlePixelAlpha(s[xx], ref d[xx], opacity, drawZero);

                s += spitch;
                d += dpitch;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void paintMap(MapEventInfo mei, pr2.IRenderImage img)
     this.mei = mei;
     this.img = img;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Vsp24Tile(Vsp24 parent, pr2.IRenderImage image)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.image = image;
     this.avg = GetAverageColor();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void start(pr2.sharppng.Png png)
     this.png = png;
     this.width = png.ihdr.width;
     this.height = png.ihdr.height;
     intbuf = new int[width * height];
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public void WriteData(pr2.sharppng.Pcx pcx)
                Texture2D tex = null;

                try {
                    tex = new Texture2D(device, pcx.width, pcx.height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
                    int[] data = new int[pcx.width*pcx.height];
                    int dest = 0;

                    //reformat the palette
                    int[] colors = new int[256];
                    for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
                        colors[i] = (int)GameEngine.MakeColor(255, pcx.palette[i*3], pcx.palette[i*3+1], pcx.palette[i*3+2]).PackedValue;

                    //blast into image
                    int pad = pcx.bytes_per_line - pcx.width;
                    fixed (byte* pixels = pcx.pixels) {
                        byte* src = pixels;
                        if (bColor0)
                            for (int y=0; y<pcx.height; y++) {
                                for (int x=0; x<pcx.width; x++) {
                                    byte b = *src++;
                                    int col = colors[b];
                                    if (b == 0) col = 0;
                                    data[dest++] = col;
                                src += pad;
                            for (int y=0; y<pcx.height; y++) {
                                for (int x=0; x<pcx.width; x++)
                                    data[dest++] = colors[*src++];
                                src += pad;


                    tex.SetData<int>(data, 0, data.Length);
                    image = new Image(GameEngine.Game.Device, tex);
                    tex = null;
                finally {
                    if (tex != null) tex.Dispose();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void renderLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py, bool drawZero)
     switch (mapLayer.type) {
         case LayerType.Tile:
             renderTileLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, ParentMap.vsp, px, py, drawZero);
         case LayerType.Zone:
             renderZoneLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, px, py);
         case LayerType.Obs:
             renderObstructionLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, px, py);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void renderTileLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer layer, Vsp24 vsp, int px, int py, bool drawZero)
            int mtx = px / 16;
            int mty = py / 16;
            int mtox = px & 15;
            int mtoy = py & 15;

            //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit
            //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete)
            //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown
            int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2;
            int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2;

            int layerWidth = layer.Width;
            int layerHeight = layer.Height;
            int cpx = -mtox;
            int cpy = -mtoy;

            tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx);
            th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty);

            int tp;
            int tile;
            int xmin = -mtox;
            int xmax = xmin + tw * 16;

            short[] tileMap = layer.Data;
            if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects)
                for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16)
                    tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx;
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16)
                        tile = tileMap[tp++];
                        if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate)
                            tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile);

                        if (drawZero || tile != 0 && tile < vsp.tileCount)
                            Render.renderAlpha(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, 100 - layer.Translucency, false);
                for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16)
                    tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx;
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16)
                        tile = tileMap[tp++];
                        if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate)
                            tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile);

                        if (drawZero || tile != 0 && tile < vsp.tileCount)
                            Render.render(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static unsafe void renderNumber(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int number, int color)
     renderText(img, x0, y0, number.ToString(), color);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static unsafe void renderObsTileFast(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, pr2.IRenderImage src, bool clearbuf)
            int xlen = Global.TILE_SIZE;
            int ylen = Global.TILE_SIZE;

            const int WHITE = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF);
            const int BLACK = unchecked((int)0xFF000000);

            int* pixels = src.Buffer;
            int* s = pixels;
            int* d = img.Buffer;

            int spitch = Global.TILE_SIZE;
            int dpitch = img.Pitch;

            if (clip(ref x0, ref y0, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, spitch, dpitch, 0, img.Width, 0, img.Height))

            if (clearbuf)
                for (; ylen > 0; ylen--)
                    for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++)
                        d[x] = (s[x] != 0) ? WHITE : BLACK;
                    s += spitch;
                    d += dpitch;
                for (; ylen > 0; ylen--)
                    for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++)
                        if (s[x] != 0) d[x] = WHITE;
                    s += spitch;
                    d += dpitch;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static unsafe void renderColoredTile_50Alpha(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int color)
            int xlen = Global.TILE_SIZE;
            int ylen = Global.TILE_SIZE;

            int* s = null;
            int* d = img.Buffer;

            int dpitch = img.Pitch;

            if (clip(ref x0, ref y0, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, 0, dpitch, 0, img.Width, 0, img.Height))

            for (; ylen > 0; ylen--)
                for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++)
                    handlePixel(color, ref d[x], (int)Render.PixelOp.Alpha50, true, true);

                d += dpitch;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static unsafe void renderColorPicker(pr2.IRenderImage img, float h)
     int* dst = img.Buffer;
     for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
             *dst = HsbToColor(h, (float)x / 256, (float)y / 256);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static unsafe void renderColoredTile(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int color)
            int xlen = Global.TILE_SIZE;
            int ylen = Global.TILE_SIZE;

            int* s = null;
            int* d = img.Buffer;

            int dpitch = img.Pitch;

            if (clip(ref x0, ref y0, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, 0, dpitch, 0, img.Width, 0, img.Height))

            for (; ylen > 0; ylen--)
                for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++)
                    d[x] = color;
                d += dpitch;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static unsafe void renderColoredStippleTile(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int color1, int color2)
            int xlen = Global.TILE_SIZE;
            int ylen = Global.TILE_SIZE;

            int* s = null;
            int* d = img.Buffer;

            int dpitch = img.Pitch;

            if (clip(ref x0, ref y0, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, 0, dpitch, 0, img.Width, 0, img.Height))

            for (; ylen > 0; ylen--)
                for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++)
                    if (((ylen ^ x) & 1) != 0)
                        d[x] = color1;
                        d[x] = color2;
                d += dpitch;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static void renderBox(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int color, Render.PixelOp op)
     renderSolid(img, x0, y0, w, 1, color, op);
     renderSolid(img, x0, y0 + h - 1, w, 1, color, op);
     renderSolid(img, x0, y0, 1, h, color, op);
     renderSolid(img, x0 + w - 1, y0, 1, h, color, op);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void paintMap(MapEventInfo mei, pr2.IRenderImage img)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static unsafe void renderSolid(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int color, Render.PixelOp op)
            int bw = img.Width;
            int bh = img.Height;
            int bp = img.Pitch;

            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                if (y + y0 >= 0 && y + y0 < bh)
                    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                        if (x + x0 >= 0 && x + x0 < bw)
                            handlePixel(color, ref img.Buffer[(y0 + y) * bp + x0 + x], (int)op, true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void renderEntities(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer ml, int px, int py)
            int mtx = px / 16;
            int mty = py / 16;
            int mtox = px & 15;
            int mtoy = py & 15;
            int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2;
            int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2;

            foreach (MapEntity me in ParentMap.Entities) {
                int tx = me.TileX;
                int ty = me.TileY;

                if (tx >= mtx && tx <= mtx + tw && ty >= mty && ty <= mty + th) {
                    int cx = -mtox + (tx - mtx) * 16;
                    int cy = -mtoy + (ty - mty) * 16;
                    Render.renderColoredTile_50Alpha(backBuffer, cx, cy, Preferences.Current.EntsColor);
                    Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cx + 4, cy + 4, me.ID, unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static unsafe void renderText(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, string str, int color)
            int height = img.Height;
            int width = img.Width;
            int* pixels = img.Buffer;

            char[] digits = str.ToCharArray();
            foreach (char c in digits)
                byte[] ba = BiosFont.Glyph(c);

                int glyphWidth = ba[0];
                int glyphHeight = (ba.Length - 1) / glyphWidth;

                for (int y = 0; y < glyphHeight; y++)
                    if (y0 + y < 0 || y0 + y >= height) continue;
                    for (int x = 0; x < glyphWidth; x++)
                        if (x0 + x < 0 || x0 + x >= width) continue;
                        if (ba[1 + (y * glyphWidth) + x] == 1)
                            pixels[(y0 + y) * width + (x0 + x)] = color;
                x0 += glyphWidth + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void renderObstructionLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py)
            int mtx = px / 16;
            int mty = py / 16;
            int mtox = px & 15;
            int mtoy = py & 15;

            //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit
            //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete)
            //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown
            int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2;
            int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2;

            int layerWidth = mapLayer.Width;
            int layerHeight = mapLayer.Height;
            int cpx = -mtox;
            int cpy = -mtoy;

            tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx);
            th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty);

            int tp;
            int tile;
            int xmin = -mtox;
            int xmax = xmin + tw * 16;

            short[] tileMap = mapLayer.Data;
            if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) {
                for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) {
                    tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx;
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) {
                        tile = tileMap[tp++];
                        if (0 < tile && tile < ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles.Count) {
                            Render.renderObsTile(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, ((VspObstructionTile)ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles[tile]).Image, false, Preferences.Current.ObsColor);
            } else {
                for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) {
                    tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx;
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) {
                        tile = tileMap[tp++];
                        if (0 < tile && tile < ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles.Count) {
                            Render.renderObsTileFast(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, ((VspObstructionTile)ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles[tile]).Image, false);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static void setImage(pr2.IRenderImage img)
     Bitmap bmp = img.ConvertToBitmap();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void renderZoneLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py)
            int mtx = px / 16;
            int mty = py / 16;
            int mtox = px & 15;
            int mtoy = py & 15;

            //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit
            //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete)
            //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown
            int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2;
            int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2;

            int layerWidth = mapLayer.Width;
            int layerHeight = mapLayer.Height;
            int cpx = -mtox;
            int cpy = -mtoy;

            tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx);
            th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty);

            int tp;
            int tile;
            int xmin = -mtox;
            int xmax = xmin + tw * 16;

            const int WHITE = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF);

            short[] tileMap = mapLayer.Data;
            for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) {
                tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx;
                if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) {
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) {
                        if ((tile = tileMap[tp++]) != 0) {
                            Render.renderColoredTile_50Alpha(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, Preferences.Current.ZonesColor);
                            Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, tile, WHITE);
                } else {
                    for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) {
                        if ((tile = tileMap[tp++]) != 0) {
                            Render.renderColoredTile(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, Preferences.Current.ZonesColor);
                            Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, tile, WHITE);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static unsafe void renderObsTile(pr2.IRenderImage img, int x0, int y0, pr2.IRenderImage src, bool clearbuf, int color)
            int xlen = 16;
            int ylen = 16;

            const int WHITE = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF);
            const int BLACK = unchecked((int)0xFF000000);

            const int spitch = 16;
            int dpitch = img.Pitch;

            int* ptr = src.Buffer;
            int* s = ptr;
            int* d = img.Buffer;

            if (clip(ref x0, ref y0, ref xlen, ref ylen, ref s, ref d, spitch, dpitch, 0, img.Width, 0, img.Height)) {

            if (clearbuf) {
                for (; ylen > 0; ylen--) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++) {
                        d[x] = (s[x] != 0) ? WHITE : BLACK;
                    s += spitch;
                    d += dpitch;
            } else {
                for (; ylen > 0; ylen--) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++) {
                        if (s[x] != 0) {
                            handlePixel(color, ref d[x], (int)Render.PixelOp.Alpha50, true, true);

                    s += spitch;
                    d += dpitch;