public static bool ThemChiTietMuaHang(pdna1 chitiet)
     catch (Exception)
 public static bool XoaPhieuMuaHang(string pdno, string gsbh, string CLBH, string size)
         pdna1 phieu = db.pdna1s.Where(p => p.GSBH == gsbh && p.pdNO == pdno && p.CLBH == CLBH && p.Size == size).SingleOrDefault();
     catch (Exception)
 public static bool SuaChiTietPhieuMuaHang(pdna1 chitiet)
         pdna1 phieu = db.pdna1s.Where(p => p.GSBH == chitiet.GSBH && p.pdNO == chitiet.pdNO).SingleOrDefault();
         phieu.GSBH   = chitiet.GSBH;
         phieu.pdNO   = chitiet.pdNO;
         phieu.CLBH   = chitiet.CLBH;
         phieu.Qty    = chitiet.Qty;
         phieu.CLmemo = chitiet.CLmemo;
         phieu.Memo0  = chitiet.Memo0;
     catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // tao phieu mua hang
            string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString();
            //string dem = (pdnaBUS.DemSoLuongVanBan() + 1).ToString();
            //string maphieu = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00" + dem;
            string    maphieu = "";
            dalPDN    dal     = new dalPDN();
            DataTable dt      = dal.DemSoLuongPhieu();
            string    aa      = dt.Rows[0]["pdno"].ToString().Trim();

            if (dt.Rows.Count != 0 && aa != "")
                string dem = (int.Parse(aa) + 1).ToString();
                maphieu = dem;
                maphieu = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyyMM") + "00" + 1;
            string bophan = DropDonVi.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();

            string tieude     = txtTieuDe.Text;
            string noidung    = CKEditorControl1.Text;
            string bp         = DropDonVi.SelectedItem.Text;
            string loaiP      = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedItem.Text;
            string macongty   = Session["congty"].ToString();
            string user       = Session["user"].ToString();
            string ngaythang  = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            string ngaythang1 = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("Ngày " + "dd" + "Tháng " + "MM" + "Năm" + "yyyy");
            //string idphieu = Session["maphieu"].ToString();
            string loaiphieu = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString();

            Busers2 timnguoitao = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, macongty);

            if (timnguoitao.IDCapDuyet >= 12)
                string madonvi = "CBCC";
                Session["bp"] = madonvi;
                BDepartment bd = BDepartmentBUS.TimMaDonVi(madonvi, macongty);
                Busers2     us = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienTheoBoPhan(user, madonvi, macongty);
                if (us == null)
                    Busers2 kiemtra = UserDAO.TimNhanVienQuanLyDonVi(user, madonvi, macongty);
                    if (kiemtra == null)
                        if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "该用户不属于部门 " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "The user does not belong to the department" + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        pdna phieun = new pdna();
                            phieun.GSBH      = macongty;
                            phieun.pdno      = maphieu;
                            phieun.pddepid   = bophan;
                            phieun.mytitle   = tieude;
                            phieun.pdmemovn  = noidung;
                            phieun.CFMDate0  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                            phieun.USERID    = user;
                            phieun.Abtype    = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString();
                            phieun.bixoa     = false;
                            phieun.CFMID0    = user;
                            phieun.YN        = 5;
                            phieun.bixoa     = false;
                            phieun.USERDATE  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                            phieun.UseIntent = txtMucDich.Text;
                        string tenhang = txtTenHang.Text;
                        //string tenhang = dropTenHang.SelectedValue;
                        string donvitinh = txtdonvitinh.Text;
                        string soluong   = txtSoLuong.Text;
                        string ghichu    = txtGhiChu.Text;
                        string Size      = "";
                        if (txtSize.Text.Trim() == "")
                            Size = ".";
                            Size = txtSize.Text.Trim();

                        pdna1 hang = new pdna1();
                        hang.GSBH = macongty;
                        hang.pdNO = maphieu;

                        db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, db.ExecuteQuery <BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'"));
                        //GridView1.DataSource = db.ExecuteQuery<BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'");
                        tablePMH.Visible  = false;
                        btnLuuTam.Enabled = true;
                        btnTiepTu.Enabled = true;
                    Busers2 usertao = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, macongty);
                    if (usertao != null && usertao.IDCapDuyet > 12)
                        if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "该用户不属于部门 " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "The user does not belong to the department" + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                    pdna phieun = new pdna();
                        phieun.GSBH      = macongty;
                        phieun.pdno      = maphieu;
                        phieun.pddepid   = bophan;
                        phieun.mytitle   = tieude;
                        phieun.pdmemovn  = noidung;
                        phieun.CFMDate0  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                        phieun.USERID    = user;
                        phieun.Abtype    = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString();
                        phieun.bixoa     = false;
                        phieun.CFMID0    = user;
                        phieun.YN        = 5;
                        phieun.bixoa     = false;
                        phieun.USERDATE  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                        phieun.UseIntent = txtMucDich.Text;
                    string tenhang = txtTenHang.Text;
                    //string tenhang = dropTenHang.SelectedValue;
                    string    donvitinh = txtdonvitinh.Text;
                    string    soluong   = txtSoLuong.Text;
                    string    ghichu    = txtGhiChu.Text;
                    BOfSupply hang      = new BOfSupply();
                    hang.GSBH           = macongty;
                    hang.pdno           = maphieu;
                    hang.OfSuppliesName = tenhang;
                    hang.BUnit          = donvitinh;
                    hang.BNumber        = int.Parse(soluong);
                    hang.BCommnent      = ghichu;
                    db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, db.ExecuteQuery <BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'"));
                    //GridView1.DataSource = db.ExecuteQuery<BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'");
                    tablePMH.Visible  = false;
                    btnLuuTam.Enabled = true;
                    btnTiepTu.Enabled = true;
                BDepartment bd = BDepartmentBUS.TimMaDonVi(bophan, macongty);
                Busers2     us = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienTheoBoPhan(user, bophan, macongty);
                if (us == null)
                    Busers2 kiemtra = UserDAO.TimNhanVienQuanLyDonVi(user, bophan, macongty);
                    if (kiemtra == null)
                        if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "该用户不属于部门 " + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN")
                            lbthongbao.Text   = "The user does not belong to the department" + bd.DepName;
                            tablePMH.Visible  = true;
                            btnLuuTam.Enabled = false;
                            btnTiepTu.Enabled = false;
                        pdna phieun = new pdna();
                            phieun.GSBH      = macongty;
                            phieun.pdno      = maphieu;
                            phieun.pddepid   = bophan;
                            phieun.mytitle   = tieude;
                            phieun.pdmemovn  = noidung;
                            phieun.CFMDate0  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                            phieun.USERID    = user;
                            phieun.Abtype    = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString();
                            phieun.bixoa     = false;
                            phieun.CFMID0    = user;
                            phieun.YN        = 5;
                            phieun.bixoa     = false;
                            phieun.USERDATE  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                            phieun.UseIntent = txtMucDich.Text;
                        string tenhang = txtTenHang.Text.ToUpper();
                        //string tenhang = dropTenHang.SelectedValue;
                        string    donvitinh = txtdonvitinh.Text.ToUpper();
                        string    soluong   = txtSoLuong.Text;
                        string    ghichu    = txtGhiChu.Text;
                        BOfSupply hang      = new BOfSupply();
                        hang.GSBH           = macongty;
                        hang.pdno           = maphieu;
                        hang.OfSuppliesName = tenhang;
                        hang.BUnit          = donvitinh;
                        hang.BNumber        = int.Parse(soluong);
                        hang.BCommnent      = ghichu;
                        db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, db.ExecuteQuery <BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'"));
                        //GridView1.DataSource = db.ExecuteQuery<BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'");
                        tablePMH.Visible  = false;
                        btnLuuTam.Enabled = true;
                        btnTiepTu.Enabled = true;

                    //Busers2 usertao = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, macongty);
                    //if (usertao != null && usertao.IDCapDuyet > 12)

                    //    if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN")
                    //    {
                    //        lbthongbao.Text = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bp;
                    //    }
                    //    else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW")
                    //    {
                    //        lbthongbao.Text = "该用户不属于部门 " + bp;
                    //    }
                    //    else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN")
                    //    {
                    //        lbthongbao.Text = "The user does not belong to the department" + bp;
                    //    }

                    pdna phieun = new pdna();
                        phieun.GSBH      = macongty;
                        phieun.pdno      = maphieu;
                        phieun.pddepid   = bophan;
                        phieun.mytitle   = tieude;
                        phieun.pdmemovn  = noidung;
                        phieun.CFMDate0  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                        phieun.USERID    = user;
                        phieun.Abtype    = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString();
                        phieun.bixoa     = false;
                        phieun.CFMID0    = user;
                        phieun.YN        = 5;
                        phieun.bixoa     = false;
                        phieun.USERDATE  = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang);
                        phieun.UseIntent = txtMucDich.Text;
                    string tenhang = txtTenHang.Text;
                    //string tenhang = dropTenHang.SelectedValue;
                    string    donvitinh = txtdonvitinh.Text;
                    string    soluong   = txtSoLuong.Text;
                    string    ghichu    = txtGhiChu.Text;
                    BOfSupply hang      = new BOfSupply();
                    hang.GSBH           = macongty;
                    hang.pdno           = maphieu;
                    hang.OfSuppliesName = tenhang;
                    hang.BUnit          = donvitinh;
                    hang.BNumber        = int.Parse(soluong);
                    hang.BCommnent      = ghichu;
                    db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, db.ExecuteQuery <BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'"));
                    //GridView1.DataSource = db.ExecuteQuery<BOfSupply>("select b.IDOfSupplies,b.OfSuppliesName,b.pdno,b.GSBH,b.BUnit,b.BNumber,b.BCommnent from  pdna p left join BOfSupplies b on p.pdno=b.pdno and p.GSBH=b.GSBH where b.pdno='" + maphieu + "' and b.GSBH='" + macongty + "'");
                    tablePMH.Visible  = false;
                    btnLuuTam.Enabled = true;
                    btnTiepTu.Enabled = true;
            // them vat tu

            Session["bp"]        = bophan;
            Session["bophan"]    = bp;
            Session["loaiP"]     = loaiP;
            Session["loaiphieu"] = loaiphieu;
            Session["maphieu"]   = maphieu;

            Session["noidung"] = noidung;
            Session["ngaytao"] = ngaythang;
            Session["tieude"]  = tieude;